5.1 阿迪達斯網申秘籍
1. What do you expect from the Management Trainee Program?
My expectation from the MT Program:
(1) Career opportunities.
The MT Program can offer me a whole portfolio of development opportunities such as job rotation, training, project work, out-of-office activities and an introduction week, which would give me a complete picture of the lines of business and a wide network within the company.
(2)Strong corporate culture.
Though this program, I hope corporate value can infiltrate me, providing me passion, integrity and diversity. I would like to devote myself to the Adidas, striving to the corporate mission-be the global leader in the sporting goods industry.
(3)Self insight.
The program can utilized my full capacities and help me to analyze what my strengths and weaknesses are and in which area I want to pursue my career.
The program could provide me the best possible working atmosphere and help me to combine work and leisure.
2. What are your career plans for the next years?
Contribute myself to a world-class railway operating company, assuming senior management and executive position in the financial field inCareer plan in 5 years.I believe I will be kept promoted to be an assistant manager even manager of my department in 3-5 years.
I want to start my career as a trainee in the sporting goods industry right after graduation. The firm I am going to work for will be such a firm as Adidas that acts with a united professionalism and integrity.
With my passion for this job and this career, I will commit full efforts to bring value to the company, clients and colleagues, while fully utilizing all kinds of training programs provided by the company.
to speed up my career development, I will strive hard to get all those necessary professional qualification exams asap. After that, I would like to get a master degree. In a word, I want to develop my career in Adidas and I believe I can really make the difference.
經驗一不可否認 adidas 的網申界面很不友好,容易黑屏,項目經驗一直無法保存,添加教育和工作經驗沒有添加按鈕花費了我們很多時間,恰好在這個特殊時期,內心的不爽自然可以理解。你可以抱怨說他不專業,說他比不上勾勾。但是來申 adidas 的童鞋們或多或少還是對進入 adidas 有點期待的抱怨歸抱怨,說歸說,申還是要申的,更不能從網申界面的不友好去否定一個公司(要知道一個公司由于所處的行業,自己的業務或者自身發展的具體情況,公司各個部門不是平衡發展的,這是前天和一個姐姐聊天才領悟的道理) 。
二、所有要文字描述的東西先寫在 word 里,順便檢查一下有沒有錯別字啊,盡量言簡意賅啊,把自己要表達的表達了就好了,他說 3000letters,是說上限啊,又不是小學作文,非要寫到那么多左右為止啊。
五、工作經驗和教育背景是可以添加的,寫完一個,點擊保存,再返回(這個也有一個童鞋很早就分享過了) 以上是我網申過程中碰到的問題,以及自己的處理方法。"
經驗二歷時兩天,終于 Submit 了。明天截止,估計今天還有不少 XDJM 會網申。他家系統實在不敢恭維,給大家幾個 Tips,方便后來人網申:
盡量避開網絡高峰期,否則點擊保存后就再也無法顯示網頁了~項目經驗貌似無法保存--我試了 5 次都不行,只好全部當成 Working Experience 來寫了。工作經驗一個頁面上只能填寫一個,點擊 Save 保存之后會自動跳回,就可以再次填寫下一個工作經驗了。我填了 5 個,估計還可以再添~對字數有嚴格的限制,300Letters 指的是上限--注意說得是字母,不是單詞~所以能省則省不然無法提交
最后,強烈建議大家填一點就點擊“保存”一下。否則當你全部填完再點擊,萬一字數超過限制的話,之前的內容全部無影無蹤……汗,我可是有慘痛的經驗教訓阿~光志愿者的經歷就填了 6 遍
針對填表過程中的黑屏,KEY 就是:回答要精簡,突出重點,當舍則舍,三四行差不多,刪減到一定字數就能沖關了……
針對最后 SUBMIT 后黑屏:第一次黑屏后,后退,預覽一下看有沒有照片,有的話就直接點最左邊豎排菜單欄中的 SUBMIT(不要點“下一步”),簽完名就能通關了。