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      1. 英文辯論賽常用句型

        時間:2021-01-16 09:10:30 辯論賽 我要投稿




          Many people think....,

          Considering..., ?

          Allowing for the fact that...,

          I would be glad to hear your opinion of … 我很樂意聽聽你對...的意見。。?Stating an opinion陳述觀點

          I think..., In my opinion..., I believe…

          I'd like to point out that

          I'd like to say

          I suppose...,

          I'd rather..., I'd prefer...,

          As far as I'm concerned...,

          I suspect that...,

          I'm pretty sure that...,

          I'm convinced that..., ?

          I strongly believe that...,

          Without a doubt...,

          It’s a fact that…,

          Clarifying a point闡述觀點

          a. what I said was…

          b. what I mean to say was…

          c. let me repeat what I said.

          d. let me rephrase what I said..

          How to Half Agree with an Opinion.

          Yes, perhaps, however ...

          Well, yes, but ... ?

          Yes, in a way, however ... ?

          Hmm, possibly, but ... ?

          Yes, I agree up to a point, however ... ?

          Well, you have a point there, but ... ?

          There's something there, I suppose, however. ?

          I guess you could be right, but ... ?

          Yes, I suppose so, however ... ?

          That's worth thinking about, but ...

          well, I get you,but...


          Politely disagreeing

          I don't think that...,?

          on the other hand… on the contrary…

          Hmm, I'm not sure you're right.

          I'm inclined to disagree with that.

          I'm afraid I don't agree...

          I understand your viewpoint, but it fails to consider...Howtoagreestronglywithan;Icouldn'tagreemore!I;Idon'tthinkanyonewou;Ican'targuewiththat.;Itakeyourpoint.I'dgo;That'sjustwhatIwasth;That'sexactlymyopini;YougoHow to agree strongly with an opinion 表示完全同意

          I couldn't agree more! I'm of the same opinion.

          I don't think anyone would disagree.

          I can't argue with that. I'm sure you are right.

          I take your point. I'd go along with you there. I share your view on that. I quite agree with you. I'm with you on that. I'm with you there.

          That's just what I was thinking. That's absolutely true! That's a good point. That's just how I see it.

          That's exactly my opinion. Absolutely!

          You got it! That is true.

          2. How to half agree with an opinion 表示部分同意 Yes, perhaps. Well, yes. Yes, in a way. possibly. Yes, I agree up to a point. Well, you've got a point there. There's something in that, I suppose.

          I guess you could be right.

          Yes, I suppose so. That's worth thinking about.

          3. How to disagree politely with an opinion 進行有禮貌的否決

          I am not sure really. I can’t possibly agree with you.

          Do you really think so? Well, it depends.

          I'm not so certain. Well, I'm not so sure about that.

          No, I don't think so really.

          I’m afraid i disagree. i'm afraid i have a different opinion. i'm afraid i don't share your opinion.

          i see your point, but i can't really agree with you.

          I don’t think so. that’s not(entirely)true.

          i find that hard to swallow.

          all right,but don’t you think…?

          i don't think you've got your facts straight.

          that was not the case. that's not how i see it.

          Don't be too sure. Don't speak too soon.

          I'll believe it when i see it. you know it isn't true.

          . How to disagree strongly with an opinion 堅決的`否認 4

          I disagree. I disagree with you entirely.

          I'm afraid I don't agree. I'm afraid you are wrong there.

          you can't be serious.

          you're really stretching the truth.

          I wouldn't accept that for one minute.

          what are you talking about? you must be joking.

          You can't really mean that. you've got it all wrong.

          no, i won't agree! don't waste your breath.

          You can't be serious. You must be joking.

          you don't have a leg to stand on.

          you don't know up from down.

          5.征求他人觀點或意見的用語 I would be glad to hear your opinion of …

          well…what do you think(about…)? How do you see it? Do(don’t)you agree? What’s your view on the matter? Are you of the same opinion as I? Let’s have your opinion. I was wondering where you stood on the question of … Do you think that…?

          6.引入自己的新觀點或看法的用語 Another point is that …

          Another way of looking at it is …

          I forgot to say / tell you that…

          in my opinion… Personally I think…

          I believe that… I think that…

          My (the) point is that…

          if you ask me... I’d like to say this…

          I’d like to point out that

          Speaking for myself... As far as I’m concerned













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