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摘 要 本論文介紹的網站運用ASP和XML技術,采用了Windows 2000作為操作系統、還采用了IIS為運行服務器、Dreamweaver MX8.0作為系統的前臺的開發工具、SQLServer2000作為后臺數據庫的開發工具,實現了給在校學生進行交易的理想平臺。本論文描述的就是1個基于ASP和XML的校園2手商品網站的設計過程,介紹了ASP和XML相關技術及開發平臺,闡述了網站設計的功能,詳細說明了整個網站的設計過程,包括部分關鍵代碼的具體描述。
關鍵詞 ASP;xml;Dreamweaver MX8.0;SQLServer2000;IIS
Design and Implementation of Campus Website of saling second-hand commodities based on ASP and XML technology
Abstract The website introduced by the article makes use of ASP and XML technology,adopts Windows 2,000 as operating systems ,also uses IIS as running server,Dreamweaver MX8.0 as development kit on the system stage and SQLServer2000 as the database development kit on the backstage,which has realized out the ideal transaction platform for students in school.The article describes the design process of campus website of saling second-hand commodities based on ASP and XML technology,
introduces ASP and XML correlation technology and brief introduction of the developing stage, elaborates the website functions designed and specifies the overall website designed process, including concrete description of partial essential codes.
The website has the characteristics of setting up shops and sendingmessages on the web .The registration user may apply for the shop on the net. If registration user is verified qualified by the manager, he may own the shop on the net and issue his commodities, also his news and his announcement, in this way the website facilitates students in school to carry on the secondhand goods transaction.
Keywords ASP; XML; Dreamweaver MX8.0; SQLServer2000; IIS
目 錄
前 言1
1 相關技術及開發平臺簡介2
1.1 ASP技術原理2
1.1.1 ASP簡介2
1.1.2 ASP的技術特點2
1.1.3 ASP的功能3
1.1.4 ASP的運行過程3
1.1.5 ASP訪問數據庫的原理3
1.1.6 ASP的6個內建對象3
1.2 XML簡介4
1.2.1 XML的特點4
1.2.2 XML網站架構5
1.3 數據庫后臺環境的配置7
1.4 運行環境的配置9
2 需求分析11
2.1 任務概述11
2.2 網站對運行環境的要求11
2.3 條件與限制11
2.4 功能需求12
2.5 網站要實現的數據流圖。12
3 概要設計15
3.1 設想供選擇的方案15
3.2 選取合理的方案15
3.3 推薦最佳方案15
3.4 功能分解15
4 數據庫的設計18
4.1 數據庫中的實體18
4.2 數據庫的建立19
5 系統詳細設計25
5.1 用戶訪問設計25
5.1.1 注冊頁面步驟25
5.1.2 用戶注冊29
5.1.3 用戶發送短信30
5.1.4 網絡店鋪經營33
5.2 店鋪新聞展現34
5.3 商品展現35
5.4 店鋪展現35
5.5 商品信息導航36
5.6 功能模塊分析36
5.7 輸出列表框設計37
5.8 后臺管理的實現40
5.8.1 網站參數管理實現41
5.8.2 修改管理密碼42
5.8.3 網站公告管理42
5.8.4 網站管理42
5.8.5 店鋪管理43
5.8.6 網站其它管理功能44
致 謝47
前 言