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      1. 英語科技小論文

        時間:2022-06-07 19:09:19 英語畢業(yè)論文 我要投稿




          英語科技小論文 篇1

          21st century is the century of technology. Today, technology is everywhere. We often use several technologies ,such as computer and phone. These technologies make easier life for us.

          With the development of technology and science, people are getting richer. Computer will go into every household. Computer can help us to do many things, such as playing games, designing and making us easier to do things.

          With today's technology, the phone can do many things, such as taking photos and sending the e-mail on the phone. We needn’t write a letter. We just need to make a phone call, so you can know more and more from your friends or family.

          With better and faster development of science and technology people can live better. If we do not have science and technology, our life will become even worse, the world cannot become beautiful. Without technology, there would be no technology life.

          英語科技小論文 篇2

          Nowadays, there is general trend that people engaging in technological revolutions. Nevertheless, a question has been raised, “how did the science change our living conditions”.

          To begin with, the science can help us to relieve excessive stress and tension by providing a temporary escape from a day-to-day life. In a world that has increasingly focused on turning everyone into millionaire, to cope with the current social trend, people crave being actively involved in the larger world and widening circles. Work-related stress, for example, has become a major problem which plagues all of modern people. In the most cases, the TV or computer, which were invented by new technology in the 20th century, can not merely help us lessen stress accumulated from an individual's demanding work life but are also fun to indulge in, is a sound and viable plan.

          In addition to eliminating people’s tension, the development of telephone and internet has improved our life styles. In other words, the science can allow us to meet friends of diverse background by an interesting and effective means. Especially, the age of a student or, better yet, the stage of the personal development of a student has to be considered when they have no leisure time and opportunity to widen circles and learn how to interact socially and behave in a group of their peers.

          Finally, it is undeniable that continuously developing technologies

          have brought tremendous benefits, especially in learning area. Learning has in many ways become easier than has ever been before. Take learning English for example, In the past, few students owned tape recorders, and learning materials were scarce as well. But today, tape recorders get more and more inexpensive, and diversified learning materials are readily available. On the other hand, new devices, such as MP3 or MD players, are offered in market, and relevant learning materials (MP3 files) are easily and freely downloadable from the Internet.

          Admittedly, science revolution has some negative effects under certain circumstances. For instance, the new technology can harm our environment. However, after balancing all the pros and cons, the above-mentioned disadvantage seems to be minor.

          英語科技小論文 篇3

          Technologyis one of the most important factors to promote our society to develop from one era to another. Whether you are aware of it or not, every day at every time technology is greatly influencing the way we live and work. Computers, new technology in the 21th century, are the best examples.

          As the greatest inventions of human beings, they are being used more and more extensively in the world today. Especially when their functions are amplified with the help of internet, computers may even make everything convenient and possible.

          You can do shopping on the net. If your family wants to buy a TV, you can see a https://p.9136.com/28puter.

          You need only to send a message to that store and the right amount of money will be taken out of your bank account and put into the store. Like this,you can buy anything you want without going out of the room.

          You can work at home through computer. The internet, the main trading tool, makes SOHO (small office, home office) possible. This will make the workplace more comfortable and reduce transportation time and hence potentially boost actual work hours.You can learn a lot of knowledge from internet.

          Internet presents a vivid world in front of us. Sitting before your computer, only by clicking the mouse, you can acquire the up to the minute news, the latest development in politics and science and the most peculiar customs and cultures in the world. It is the access to the information super highway for traveling through cyber Internet also shortens the distance between peoples.

          Owning a computer, you can communicate with your relatives or friends by sending e mails no matter how far they are from you.

          In summary, we have benefited a lot from the invention of computers.However, all new technologies trigger confusion such as some technical, economic and legal problems. So whenb we are enjoying the advantages new technology brings to us, we should also establish some new rules and laws to prevent the negative influence of technology.

          Science and technology have been bringing human beings tremendous benefits. Thanks to science and technology, we now live comfortably and conveniently in houses furnished with air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and televisions etc. Thanks to science and technology, we can eat fresh vegetables att the year round. Thanks to science and technology, we can travel tong distances in the fraction of a second on planes, trains and cars. Thanks to science and technology, we wear clothes with synthetic materials which can not easily be worn out.

          However, science and technology have atso brought us a tot of disasters. First, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are now living much longer than they used to. As a result, the population of the world is increasing,causing tots of problems. Second, because of the development of industry, tots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of att kinds. Third, some terrorists are using science and technology against mankind. They use biological, chemical and unclear weapons to threaten world peace...

          So its urgent that we find ways to solve these problems. But we should not stop the development of science and technology because of these disasters they bring, just as we should not give up eating for fear of choking. In addition, we should make some rules to regulate our actions. As long as we use science and technology in a proper way, they may bring us even more benefits.

          英語科技小論文 篇4

          All kinds of inventions made possible by technology are designed to be the slaves of human beings, if human beings are not to be slaved by machines. Once upon a time, we were plain people, but that was before we began having relationships with technological systems. By getting involved with computerized machines, we could not help changing the way we live and the way we work, for better or for worse It can be realized that life is more complex because much of modern technology is not born to meet primary human needs, and many "unnecessary" inventions are producing negative effects on a living style that used to be relatively simple. Thus, there is an overwhelming feeling of complexity in the sense that machines act like humans and humans act like machines. Now that "intelligent" machines such as robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings because they are capable of doing many useful jobs, although making many people jobless. Those who cannot work with computers are disadvantaged and therefore helpless while the traditional skills and simple ways of life are fading away, never to return again.

          英語科技小論文 篇5

          Technology has turned this world into a different one full of wonders, some of them being too good to be true. For example, mobile phone is playing an important role in our social and professional lives, whereas the Internet has connected people at every corner on the planet and beyond. As a consequence, telecommuting may soon become a more common way of working as more people are doing part of their jobs from home. And so what? Actually people are no closer to feeling happy in various respects because such technological developments are destroying many basic values of simple and easy lifestyles. Computers in particular have made life less emotional since the more time people use the Internet, the less time they spend with human beings.

          In sum, there are reasons to be worried about what will become of mankind as a whole facing an increasingly complex world in which they may enjoy all the conveniences of life and yet they do not feel any happier or wiser. Who knows that over-dependence on modern technology could not mean the beginning of the end of human sparks of creativity, spirit, compassion, love and understanding and other good things about a simple and easy life. In making people's lives more enjoyable but more complex, technology seems as if sending plenty of blessings from heaven as well as sending plenty of evils from hell.

          英語科技小論文 篇6

          Why doesn’t the fish sleep? Do we close eyeseyes, and now I don't know the answer why. Slowly, I can forget about it, until yesterday, the teacher asked us to write science this, I suddenly remembered, insists inquisitor asked what I 100 think not to get its solution, until yesterday to check online to see light suddenly!

          The original fish eyelid, so they will keep your eyes open while sleeping. Even after death, will not close their eyes. Fish eyes and visual although low cervical spine animal, but the eyes of the structure is similar with human. What is different is that the human eye lens is oblate, can see distant things; and fisheye lens is spherical, can only see more recent things. If we don’t see the fish in the water is still, gill flash activity, which is the fish in bed! If you wake up to it, he will immediately move.

          It turned out to be true. I was surprised when I realized that the question had finally been solved by me. I thought I could find a little paper for tomorrow. I was lying on my bed and went to sleep.

          英語科技小論文 篇7

          The development of science and technology, is a majestic force pushing us back; the development of science and technology, is a spring breeze blowing a bright future; the development of science and technology, is the working people in beautiful sweat watered fertile soil, ah, in the development of science and technology, the future of the motherland is to light!

          Once a year the spring came, we all have great expectations on the car, in the car on the scene can be regarded as successful! The scenery outside the window was unique, with a warm smell all over it. A car full of smiles was flying over the highway

          Radar, military management. Just enter college, a thunderous roar in my ear: ". Two. Three. Four. Two. Three. One, four." It's so neat, so steel. Again, a team as a team, hand in the dance, foot in the foot, Junzi how handsome `, neat, no trace of tiredness

          In their rooms, it's also militarized management. You look at the quilt, one piece, like tofu, cut. I really do not know what they used magic, the "soft" quilt into "hard" terrace." The most solemn flag raising ceremony to begin, only wearing a blue uniform uncles, holding a red flag, walked a steady step forward, to the podium, when the bright five-star red flag rose slowly, all eyes are condensed, with excited expression on everyone's face.

          What makes us wonder is the precise radar. You see that a frame was erected in front of us radar. The metal tube above the radar weaves a magic net." It emits the wave of the battery and travels at the speed of light C. In the 30s of this century, radio technology made a major breakthrough, invented radar. Today, both day and night can detect distant radar is show in front of us, my heart is not caused by a feeling of admiration, what a great invention, perhaps this is the inevitable result of the development in science and technology!

          Although we are a little tired today, we can see that the rapid progress of today's society is inseparable from the development of science and technology, but also adds to our strong interest in the military. With the development of science and technology, the shoulders of our generation are heavier!



          雷達學(xué)院,軍事化管理.剛一進入學(xué)院,一聲聲雷鳴般的吶喊聲傳進我的耳朵:“一.二.三.四.,一.二.三.四!笔嵌嗝吹恼R,多么的鋼勁。再一看,一隊隊如一的 隊伍,手在舞,腳在踏,軍姿是多么的瀟灑`,利落,沒有一絲倦態(tài)。


          更讓我們驚嘆的那就要數(shù)精密的雷達了。你看那一架架直挺挺的`雷達,豎立在我們眼前。雷達上方的金屬管織成了一張張神奇的“網(wǎng)!彼梢苑派涑鲭姵夭,而且傳播的速度都是光速 C 。在本世紀(jì)30年代,無線電技術(shù)出現(xiàn)了重大的突破,發(fā)明了雷達。如今,無論白天黑夜均能探測遠距離的雷達正展現(xiàn)在我們眼前,我的心頭不由產(chǎn)生了一種敬佩之情,多么了不起的發(fā)明,這也許就是科技在發(fā)展的必然成果吧!


          英語科技小論文 篇8

          Shanghai is the world's most economically developed cities. Today I was fortunate to e to Shanghai to visit this world's most economically developed cities. What makes me more glad that my mother agreed to take me to visit the Science and Technology Museum. I am very excited and anxious to immediately went to visit the Science and Technology Museum.

          About Science and Technology Museum, to show in my eyes is a huge sphere, which is four-dimensional theater. The whole theater is a steel structure, surrounded by glass, people feel it's style. We rode the lift to the second floor, entered the world of robots. In peacetime only magazines, television and see the robot, and now finally witnessed his presence. In my immediate repair of robots, they are posed of single-arm, were holding hands, screwdriver, drill, wrenches. They left side of a puter, this puter is used to control the robot. As long as mouse clicks, they will make a variety of actions. Made me feel something is being repaired. Funny ah! Subsequently, we came to robot performance hall, there are a lot of repair robots, they are something to which the hand embroidered umbrella; some holding a rose; Some hand bells. Ready for people to perform wonderful programs. Their performances to life really unforgettable.

          I went with the flow space heaven and earth. The middle of the hall to erect a tall rocket, was silver-white appearance, the top five-star red flag with one hand. The right side of the rocket has a simulated weightlessness of space, people sitting inside, you can float the ball inside, Not to, like immersive. I have also seen a real spacesuit: He is also a silver-white, formed by a number of the trachea. Thick spacesuit, astronauts put on him a stroke in the space unimpeded. I have also witnessed the food astronauts are canned. To imagine the hard life of the astronauts.

          Out of the Science and Technology Museum, my heart a long time can not be calm. I am proud of the rapid development of the motherland, as Yimin high school students, I should his efforts.

          英語科技小論文 篇9

          The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient.However,scientists have created many problems,which are not easy to be resolved,such as air pollution,the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources,to which we must some solutions.

          Modern science and technology render people many advantages.Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier.Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence.Email,the most effective communication device now,is becoming very popular.Besides,telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before.

          Modern transportation,such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast.With the help of modern transportation,people can go everywhere they prefer to.The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more.Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel.

          Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases.Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health.Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made,these diseases become treatable.

          However,the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings.Internet,though widely used in modern communication,is easy to be destroyed by computer virus.Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the space.A tiny metal,a screw,for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite.Industrialization is making natural resources become scarce.

          Confronted with these problems,scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions.The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us.We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent.

          英語科技小論文 篇10

          Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, people’s life takes on a brand new look, especially the communication.

          No one can deny that we enjoy the convenience of hi-tech products such as mobile phones and computers. They have enormously changed the ways of communication in shortening the distance between people as well as making instant contact possible. The speeding-up mobile technology has efficiently promoted the dream of “global village”.

          However, each coin has two sides. Since mobile technology has progressed rapidly, there occurs some lamentable phenomenon. The high technology make our communicationmoreconvenient, but it doesn’t mean.

          英語科技小論文 篇11

          "Technology or tradition", a sc-called contradiction, didn't become a popular topic until recently.

          When the tradition of "men plow and women weave" is broken up by the influx of advanced agricultural tools, skyscrapers stand firm where there used to be the homes of intimate neighbors, and handwork is replaced by machines, people can't help wondering, "What's wrong with us?" Apprehensions abound among scholars.

          Is it true that too much of our attention and energy have been diverted to the technology and the traditional culture will reduce to a desolation?

          "Technology or tradition" is a question causing increasingted to the technology and the traditional culture will reduce to a desolation?

          "Technology or tradition" is a question causing increasing controversy nowadays, but in my opinion, it is not a choice that we can make. It's true that technology will affect our traditionalculture but the former can and should never undermine the lat

          With a history of thousands of years, traditional culture is not so fragile as we thought it might be.

          It is rooted in our minds, influencing our every deed. We are strictly governed by the tradition passing from generation to generation.

          Technology from which we benefit much in our daily life gives us conveniences and may change our lifestyle in some parts as well. Thus some tradition may be affected. Farmers lose their opportunity of plowing and, with the appearance of grain drill, their sowing skills are no longer needed but we should be cautious that technology also plays the role of selector here, singling the long lasting vital values while eliminating the others which account for only a small percentage. Permanent spirits such as "teamwork"and "love for others" still stand firm in all societies and hold its dominance. Moreover, tradition doesn't always stay unchanged.Its development is somewhat a process of evolution.

          So why should our technological world be thought of as a threat rather than a system of selection in harmony with the human evolution?

          In addition, what technology brings to our traditional world are changes, the gradual changes, rather than radical revolution that gives rise to chaos and panics. With new technology emerging, we're allowed to have enough time to look back and guard against its invasion into the core of our traditional culture to strive for a balance.

          Looked at from another angle, new technological development also contributes to the enrichment and perfection of our traditional culture. It adds new contents to our culture and opens a new vista for it.

          英語科技小論文 篇12

          The picture vividly depicts that a teaching is asking a pupil to answer a simple math-related question——what’s two plus two? Unfortunately, the child cannot answer such an easy question without tech help. In fact, the phenomenon conveyed in the picture does not surprise us, because as the science and technology develops, the topic concerning the side effects of technological advancement increasingly arouses people’s attention.

          Undoubtedly, the drawer of the picture aims at reminding us that we should use technology in a proper way and not be too tech-dependent to solve the simple problem independently. It is well known that thanks to the development of human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality. But, while enjoying the convenience produced by tech, we must alert its harm. Being over-addicted to technology will cost our health, independence, wisdom,creativity and even our ability to live.

          Weighing the pros and cons of the technology, perhaps the best policy is to apply it properly. At the same time, we must avoid its harmful part. Furthermore, young people should be advised that depending too much on technology is hardly beneficial for them at all and more importantly they are expected to acquire the capacity to think independently.




          英語科技小論文 篇13

          With the development of science and technology, people's lives have been greatly changed. There is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways. For instance, the invention of computers dramatically increases work efficiency and helps complete many difficult tasks that were impossible in the past. Apart from this, new discoveries and technology in medicine improve people's health, which allows them to enjoy a longer life. The progress of science also enlarges human's ablilities to explore the world around them, from up into space to deep under the sea. Thanks to the development of science and technology, human society has enjoyed continuous prosperity and more convenience.

          However, just like a double-edged sword, science can cause problems too. It is known to all that the nuclear power, an environmentally friendly source of energy, can also be developed into a weapon of mass destruction. In addition, human cloning, which is expected to cure many serious diseases and save lives, may bring disasters of social morality. As a matter of fact, most of the improvements in science are made at the cost of our precious natural resources and have done great harm to the environment where we live in.

          Therefore, how to deal with the progress of science and technology properly is worth our careful consideration.

          Nowadays,more and more hi-tech tools,such as calculator,computer,etc,appear in our daily life.we use them wherever and whenever we are,so that our life becomes easier and more comfortable than before.

          However,does anyone think about what problems science and technology have caused to happen in this world?To some degree,it's more serious than that we consider.We human indeed use them to improve our living standard,but on the other hand,we are becoming lazier,more reliable than we used to be.All day long those hi-tech products accompany us,then we have either no space or time to think,as well,communication between each other decreases,and what takes place of it is the huge indifference and gap among human. To solve these problems,we should in no time take measures to do with them.Firstly,communicate with others and think on your own more.Secondly,decrease the times you use hi-tech tools.For the advantages of technology,we should absorb,at the meantime,be independent and abandon the short-comings.Thus,we could combine technology and human progress much closer and not lose ourselves in this modern society.

          英語科技小論文 篇14

          The rapid development of science and technology has brought about great changes to human life, including great harms and disasters .Then people enter into endless argument about whether science is dangerous or not.

          So many examples can be figured out to prove the danger of science. Advanced technology can be easily manipulated by irresponsible persons as well as terrorist. Such as the Disaster 911, airplanes fly into buildings, fire burning, huge structures collapse, a lot of victims such as intellectual and business elites were sacrificed. Besides, As technology becomes more powerful day by day , we'll be complacent and lazy. Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators has reduced on our creativity. Students can’t solve a very simple mathematical equation without using a calculator. This affects the way these students uses their brains and reduces on the level of creativity.

          Just like the saying goes that every coin has two sides. However, it ‘s obvious that we make the decision to choose which side. After 911, people condemn the terrorist not airplays. Student who got low marks should rethink his carelessness and laziness but not pass the buck to the calculator.

          Any way, There is no dangerous science, but dangerous and irresponsible people. We are working very hard to solve such problems that come along with advances in science and technology, but the efforts are not sufficient and not very successful. Actually, the key lies in the user. Moralities such as responsibility, diligence and goodness should never be lost in our heart. Otherwise , the world would be full of danger even we turn back to the stone age.

          英語科技小論文 篇15

          With the development of science and technology, people's lives have been greatly changed. There is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways. For instance, the invention of computers dramatically increases work efficiency and helps complete many difficult tasks that were impossible in the past. Apart from this, new discoveries and technology in medicine improve people's health, which allows them to enjoy a longer life. The progress of science also enlarges human's ablilities to explore the world around them, from up into space to deep under the sea. Thanks to the development of science and technology, human society has enjoyed continuous prosperity and more convenience.

          However, just like a double-edged sword, science can cause problems too. It is known to all that the nuclear power, an environmentally friendly source of energy, can also be developed into a weapon of mass destruction. In addition, human cloning, which is expected to cure many serious diseases and save lives, may bring disasters of social morality. As a matter of fact, most of the improvements in science are made at the cost of our precious natural resources and have done great harm to the environment where we live in.

          Therefore, how to deal with the progress of science and technology properly is worth our careful consideration.

          Nowadays,more and more hi-tech tools,such as calculator,computer,etc,appear in our daily life.we use them wherever and whenever we are,so that our life becomes easier and more comfortable than before. However,does anyone think about what problems science and technology have caused to happen in this world?To some degree,it's more serious than that we consider.We human indeed use them to improve our living standard,but on the other hand,we are becoming lazier,more reliable than we used to be.All day long those hi-tech products accompany us,then we have either no space or time to think,as well,communication between each other decreases,and what takes place of it is the huge indifference and gap among human. To solve these problems,we should in no time take measures to do with them.Firstly,communicate with others and think on your own more.Secondly,decrease the times you use hi-tech tools.For the advantages of technology,we should absorb,at the meantime,be independent and abandon the short-comings.Thus,we could combine technology and human progress much closer and not lose ourselves in this modern society.





          英語科技小論文 篇16

          The development of science and technology has brought about many changes in people's lives.

          Modern technology makes life more convenient. Using the Internet is popular nowadays. Years ago, people had to look through a lot of information just to buy what they wanted. It was easy for people to spend too much time doing research and become tired as a result. Now, all you have to do is use the Internet. It's a piece of cake!

          With the development of science and technology, including high-speed transportation, video phones, and webcam meetings, the world has become smaller and smaller.

          We all hope that modern technology will continue to reach the highest level, because science and technology make life more enjoyable indeed.

          英語科技小論文 篇17

          It was fine today, Lily and I went to visit the Science Museum. It is about two kilometers away from our homes, so we decided to go there by bike.

          We set off at 8 o‘clock. At the museum we saw a lot of interesting things. We could operate some equipment. There we met many classmates and friends. We thought we had learned a lot and were more interested in science.

          At half past eleven we left the museum for home. We enjoyed ourselves in the museum today.

          英語科技小論文 篇18

          Today, my mother and I went to the China Science and Technology Museum near the bird's nest in Beijing. From afar, the newly built Chinese science and Technology Museum is grand and spectacular.

          We walked in and found that it was a four story building with a main exhibition hall and an attached hall. Among them, the main exhibition hall is divided into four exhibition halls according to the Chinese light, exploration and discovery, science and life, challenge and future theme, which has many exhibits and large area, which is really breathtaking. I often go to the Tianjin Museum of science and technology, in contrast, is simply pale into insignificance by comparison.

          英語科技小論文 篇19

          There's something I like very much in every showroom. The exhibition hall in the light of China, the main exhibition is China invented in ancient times, a rice mill, water tankers, Zhaozhou Bridge Model and Ricou car etc.. Ricourt meter car design with two hand drum hammer little shepherd, we drive the car, running through the small gear, every kilometer below the beat of a drum, the drum is gauged by hitting the car a total of the number of kilometers away, reflects the ancient people's ability and cleverness. In the discovery and discovery exhibition hall, the main exhibits are natural science exhibits, dinosaur bones, genetic inheritance, specimens of many plants and the growth of the 2550 old tree rings, etc..

          Growth in 2550 is a giant sequoia trees, the original tree 65 meters high, 5 meters in diameter. In natural environment, the survival time is so long, it is rare. In the science and the life of the main exhibition hall, is the science of life, there is a train, travel, and Simulation of gravitational pull abacus electronic cabin etc.. Visitors can enter the simulation cabin and experience the pleasure of driving airplanes in person. I've been on a plane, but I've never been in a cockpit, so I'm curious and full of expectations about being able to fly. When I fly the plane, the front of the screen shows the runway, the sky, I seem to really hover in the blue sky. In the challenge and future exhibition hall, the main exhibition is the highest level of science and technology and human imagination of the future, there are space suit, Shenzhou 1 return warehouse, space station model and transgenic use. Enter the space station model, I understand the life of astronauts, weightlessness in the circumstances, astronauts life has a lot of inconvenience. Of course, the space station also has a lot of very user-friendly design, such as the installation of treadmills and so on.

          To the closing time, I still do not want to leave, Chinese science and Technology Museum makes me linger. I want to study hard, practice painting, grow up, we should combine the painting skills and the use of modern science and technology, so that our life will become better!

          英語科技小論文 篇20

          It was the last day of Beijing tourism, and we came to the new China Science and technology museum.

          In the hall, the most striking thing is the magic pendulum over the top of the head. It has many white spheres, up and down, left and right swing, from time to time to change a variety of beautiful shapes. Dad said the magic square was designed by a Chinese scientist. Looking at the magic pendulum, I can not help but marvel at the magic of science and technology.

          We took the sightseeing elevator to the two floor. The first thing that comes up to you is three dinosaur fossils. This is Yunnan province donated to the national science and technology museum. Which is the largest museum Street dragon, thirteen meters high, twenty-seven meters long, is the most in asia. Another two smaller dragons, one is a double ridge dragon, one is Lu Feng long. Look at these three huge monster, I seem to see the Jurassic period, the three dinosaur swagger walk.

          Come to the third floor, explore and live exhibition hall, see from ancient times to now, washing machine from scratch, step by step progress process.

          On the four floor, the capsule of Shenzhou 1 is standing in front of us. Return to the cabin as an ancient bell, its body, keep landing when burning, as if to tell us its extraordinary experience.

          I think the science museum is fun, and let me push back the door to scientific knowledge again". My father and mother agreed that next year we will come!

          英語科技小論文 篇21

          Two years ago, I went to the Museum of science and technology of the old hall, we will go to the Museum of science and technology today, it was built in the nest beside, I heard that there are many new things, I'm looking forward to.

          Far away, we saw a big silver ball, and then we knew it was the 4D theater of the science museum.

          We bought a ticket into the main hall, the main hall is divided into three layers, the first layer is the exploration and discovery, so many inside experience ah, I each try; the second layer is the technology and life experience, I fly, I sat in the cabin, saw numerous lights and button the pilot felt really great. The third floor is the challenge and the future. I've experienced the moonwalk and the robot dance. There are too many things in the main exhibition hall, some of them are very deep. When I grow up, I will play more when I know more knowledge.

          We come from the main hall, bought a ticket to the Science Park, science park is very suitable for our students to play, just went to see a group of kids in the house, I also join, moving bricks can be so tired! Then I went to experience grinding grits, and milk, the most interesting is the bubble blowing, I use a large circular ring, blow a lot of big bubbles, bubbles in the air is really beautiful.

          There are many projects I can not describe, because the science and Technology Museum is too big, I have been wandering for two days have not finished. If you're free, you'd better go and see for yourself.

          英語科技小論文 篇22

          In August 3rd, my long-awaited day arrived, because my father wanted to take us to Beijing. With Chao Chuxiang and my childhood companion, I got on the train to Beijing, and the wind brought us to the capital of our motherland -- Beijing.

          The train, I saw a tall building in Beijing, they are like a soldier guarding the city. After lunch, we arrived at the China Science and technology museum. As soon as I entered the gate, I was attracted by the motion template at the door, and the piston moved and drove the attached device to run regularly. In the hall, all the students from all over the country are watching the magic things carefully. We came to the two floor, where there were a lot of people watching the little ball adventure. With the "bang" sound, the ball is pushed to a place by the high pressure air, and it moves for a period of time, but every time it can accurately fall in the designated position, it is amazing.

          We went out of the showroom and Dad took me to the movies. Entering the cinema, a huge ball of shadow appeared in front of me, and you couldn't imagine its huge scene. The movie started, the shock of the film, so that the audience is like immersive, if you are not hands-on experience, you can not feel his charm.

          How time flies! Suddenly, the science and Technology Museum. At the time, I left unable to part. Coming out of the science museum, I thought, "next time, I'm going to come here and see the magic of this technology.

          英語科技小論文 篇23

          Every time I go to Beijing, I spend a whole day at the Beijing Museum of science and technology.

          Science and Technology Museum and the magnificent bird's nest echo from afar, it is like a silver ball, like a mysterious ufo. The Museum of science and Technology Museum is about forty thousand square meters, with five floors, namely, "Science Park", "China Light", "exploration and discovery", "science and technology and life", "challenge and future" five themes exhibition hall.

          Into the lobby of the first floor, the ceiling, covered with white ball, under the control of computer, small ball variety, a while like Pyramid, a string of genetic chains as soon as possible...... In the northwest corner of the first floor, one of my most interesting exhibitions is "Science Park", which is specially designed for children aged 3 to 10 years. Walking into the exhibition hall is like coming to a fairy tale world. "Happy farm", a car is a small tractor ploughing, little friends can try sitting on a tractor ploughing, work process simulation of tractor front on the big screen, very interesting. In the "space station", children drive the spaceship to see the earth, and also travel through the space-time tunnel to simulate space exploration activities. In the swimming Bay, the exhibition design some games, such as pipe games, children manipulate the valve to let the water flow to different destinations, through transparent glass to see if the control of water flow in the pipeline, understand the principle of tap water. We know a lot of Science in the game of happiness.

          Beijing science and Technology Museum is the largest, the most abundant exhibits, the most advanced facilities of professional science and technology. We also know a lot of profound knowledge in happy and relaxed games.













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