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      1. 外國語學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文開題報(bào)告

        時間:2020-10-09 12:08:18 開題報(bào)告 我要投稿




          論文題目:The Symbolism in The Great Gatsby


          Francis Scott Fitzgerald was a famous American writer of short stories. In the beginning, the Americans he stood for had illusions about the world after World War One, but they disappointed later, and fell into pessimistic and confusion. It showed the vanish of American Dream of the people did not experience the war. His work The Great Gatsby truly and vividly described the view of America at that time. It combined with the writer’s real experiences to reveal the plot of American Dream in his heart and his feeling to the vanish of American Dream. And he found out the real reason of the disillusionment of American Dream. American dream was deeply rooted in the American culture, it is an important part of American culture. This theses discussed the social situation at the “Jazz Age” by analyzing the application of symbolism in colors, objects and characters. It elaborated the essence of American dream by analyzing the features of the characters in the novel. Thus, readers can have a better understanding on the novel The Great Gatsby.


          America was born only about two hundred years. But at that situation, it produced a lot of works ,which affected the world’s art deeply. In those works, “American dream ”was the hottest topic of the social science. But most of these works stayed at studying the social life and social problems of America. No one can analyze the use of symbolism in the novel, no one can entirely analyze the development of “American Dream”, no one can elaborate the essence of American dream , and no one can connect Fitzgerald’s American dream with Gatsby’s American Dream.

          In China, some researchers revealed the dark and vacuous reality of American society by analyzing the vanish of Gatsby’s American Dream and the source of his tragedy (Zhao Hongwei, 2005); some writers analyzed Fitzgerald’s distinctive artistic technique to show the vanish of dreams. There were some researchers thought The Great Gatsby was a fable of American society in 1920s, Gatsby’s dream was the incarnation of American Dream. Gatsby’s death was the result of conflict between materialism and idealism. It represents the vanish of American Dream(Fan Dengwei, 2006). Some researchers analyzed characters’ personalities to highlight this theme: it was reprobate to chase American Dream by material means.(Wang Xiaohui, 2007).

          We can see that the predecessors’ description of American Dream are staying at the social life and social problems of America. They analyzed the American Dream in The Great Gatsby in different sides. But they did not learned the development of American dream and the relationship between Fitzgerald’s American Dream and Gatsby’s American Dream.

          American dream was a hot spot of today’s social studies. There were a lot of works described and learned “American Dream” abroad. Lehan Richard revealed that Gatsby’s dream was a dream of that age with analyzing the reason of the vanish of American Dream in The Great Gatsby. John F.Callahan portrayed the American social scenery of “Jazz Age”, and show the disillusion of the youngs’American Dream. Marius Bewley started from analyzing the feature of “Jazz Age” and the source of American Dream, to expose the inevitability of American Dream’s disillusionment. David F. Trask explained the reason of American Dream’s disillusionment. Donaldson Scott revealed the true features of American society and the vanish of Gatsby’s American Dream. He told us the real source of Gatsby’s tragic ending.

          In conclusion, foreign researchers analyzed “American Dream” in various aspects, and revealed the inevitability of American Dream’s disillusionment.


          The Great Gatsby criticized the essence of American dream around the mainline of love tragedy. This thesis revealed the historical factor of American dream by analyzing the features of colors, objects, and characters. Thus, we can see the historical reason and essence of Gatsby’s running after his dream. The vanish of Gatsby’s American Dream has its social and historical reasons. And it was related with Gatsby’s innocence had American society’s turpitude of moral.

          This thesis are focus on analyzing the writer’s use of symbolism in colors, objects and characters to discuss the source of Gatsby’s tragic death and the essence of American Dream. And it also explained the factors of the vanish of American dream.

          4. 選題研究作計(jì)劃:

          1) 選題:20XX年1月3日

          2) 收集資料:20XX年1月21日

          3) 開題:20XX年3月5日

          4) 初稿:20XX年3月底

          5) 二稿:20XX年3月底—4月初

          6) 定稿:20XX年4月底—5月底

          7) 答辯:20XX年5月20日

          5. 參考文獻(xiàn):

          [1]Lehan Richard: The Great Gatsby The Limits of Wonder [J] Boston Massachusetts: Twayne Publishers, 1990.

          [2]John F. Callahan. F. Scott Fitzgerald‘s evolving American dream: The pursuit of happiness in Gatsby, Tender is the Night, and the Last Tycoon [J]. Twenties Century Literature,1996,(3)

          [3]John Dos Passes ,”A Note on Fitzgerald,” in F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Crack- up, ed. Edmund Wilson(New York, 1945), 338-343.

          [4]Miller, James. E. F. Scott Fitzgerald, His Art and Techniques[M].New York: New York University Press, 1982: 105-106

          [5]Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby[M].Qingdao: Qingdao Publishing House, 2003.

          [6]Fitzgerald,F(xiàn).S. (2009). The Great Gatsby. Beijing: China Translation and Publishing Corporation.

          [7]Zhang, Bingjiang. “Today’s Most Popular Study Guides”. Tianjin: Science and Translate Publish Cooperation,2003.

          [8]Zhang, Tianjing. “The Deeply Moving America Tragedy--Analysis the Great Gatsby.” Journal of Xiangyang Normal University,(2004):18.

          [9]Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1926.


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          [16]趙紅石, Characters’Lives in The Great Gatsby.《科技信息》 2010.

          [17]葛靚, Doom of American Dream in Great Gatsby.《文學(xué)界(理論版)》 2012.












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