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      1. 從文類劃分看以流派定位作家的傳統(tǒng)提綱

        時間:2022-11-19 07:56:17 論文提綱 我要投稿
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            論文摘要: 作為諾貝爾文學獎獲得者和暢銷書作家,斯坦貝克自然成為眾多評論家研究的對象,成為20世紀(略)家之一,他的聲譽也隨之經(jīng)歷了美國文壇上少有的大起大落.有些評論家認為斯坦貝克屬于20世紀30年代的社會抗議或無產階級作家,應劃歸現(xiàn)實主義行列,他的藝術生命和影響隨著那個年代的結束而終結;有些將他劃入自然主義流派,作品中把人類動物化的傾向將他推入了最拙劣的自然主義作家一類,其聲譽也(略)還有人將他歸入浪漫主義、象征主義或地方主義等流派.這種簡單化的分類使得斯坦貝克在當代文學語境中處于一種非常尷尬的境地.斯坦貝克實(略)在傳統(tǒng)和現(xiàn)代交匯時期的作家,既恪守傳統(tǒng)的現(xiàn)實主義基本創(chuàng)作原則,又勇于借鑒現(xiàn)代主義的新興藝術形式和技巧,矢志不渝地進行革新和試驗,其核心就是各種藝術流派技巧的越界和融合. (略)現(xiàn)象引起了我的思考:文學流派的理論和運用是否建立在這樣一個前提上,即每個作家必定屬于一個流派?如果回答是肯定的,那么向斯坦貝克這樣多元化的作家應(略)流派?如果回答是否定的,那么文學流派這種分類方法是否已經(jīng)失效? 帶著這個疑問,我從評論家對文類劃分的思考中找到了理論框架.文類問題和流派問題實際上是...
            As a Nobel laureate and best-selling author, Steinbeck naturally become th(omitted) subject of many literary critics and is considered as one of the(omitted)roversial writer of 20~(th) century, his literary reputation undergoing (omitted)wns rarely seen in the American literary history. Some critics regarded Steinbeck as a proletarian writer or writer o(omitted)rotests in 1930s and should be classified to realism, thus his artistic career and influence ended with that h(omitted)period. Others grouped h...
        目錄:Acknowledgements 第4-5頁
        Abstract in Chinese 第5-7頁
        Abstract in English 第7-9頁
        1. Introduction 第12-26頁
          ·Theoretical foundation of the research 第12-19頁
            ·The classical origins of genre study 第12-15頁
            ·Modern genre study: Critical reflections on generic categories 第15-17頁
            ·The functions of genre and its limitations 第17-19頁
          ·Rethinking the issue of classifying writers by literary schools 第19-26頁
            ·The significance and defects of classifying writers by literary schools 第20-22頁
            ·Steinbeck: Which literary school to be fixed in 第22-26頁
        2. Literary Schools and the Writers 第26-35頁
          ·The historical dimension of literary school 第26-30頁
            ·The structure and formation of literary school 第26-28頁
            ·Literary school: A link between history and writer 第28-30頁
          ·Dialectical relationship between literary school and writers 第30-32頁
            ·Writers: Conformists or innovators 第30-31頁
            ·Classic writer: All-exclusiveness of diversified literary schools 第31-32頁
          ·Steinbeck's views on novel experiment and his multifaceted styles 第32-35頁
        3. Complexity of the Classification of Literary Schools 第35-49頁
          ·Literary genres: Dynamic entities 第35-39頁
            ·Factors that cause generic change 第36-38頁
            ·The modes of generic change 第38-39頁
          ·The fluidity of literary school 第39-44頁
            ·The transformation of literary school 第40-43頁
            ·The individual styles within artistic commonness 第43-44頁
          ·Cultural context of the formation of Steinbeck's unsettled place 第44-49頁
        4. Reevaluation of Writer's Identity in Contemporary Literary Context 第49-64頁
          ·Writer's sensitivity to the subtle differences between literary schools 第49-56頁
            ·The coexistence of similar literary schools 第50-53頁
            ·Complementary functions of naturalism and realism in Steinbeck's works 第53-56頁
          ·Writer's integration of artistic devices of multiple literary schools 第56-64頁
            ·The relationship between realism and modernism 第56-59頁
            ·Steinbeck's pluralistic creative methods and the modernity of his literary identity 第59-64頁
        5. Conclusion 第64-65頁
        Bibliography 第65-68頁


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