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      1. 外企面試英語(yǔ)常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題

        時(shí)間:2020-10-26 19:09:12 Interview 我要投稿





          1. So, tell me a little about yourself.

          You don’t need to explain everything from birth to present day. Relevant facts about education, your career and your current life situation are fine.

          2. Why are you looking (or why did you leave you last job)?

          This should be a straightforward question to answer, but it can trip you up. Presumably you are looking for a new job (or any job) because you want to advance your career and get a position that allows you to grow as a person and an employee. It’s not a good idea to mention money here, it can make you sound mercenary. And if you are in the unfortunate situation of having been downsized, stay positive and be a***rief as pos***le about it. If you were fired, you’ll need a good explanation. But once again, stay positive.

          3. Tell me what you know about this company.

          Do your homework before you go to any interview. Whether it’***eing the VP of marketing or the mailroom clerk, you should know about the company or business you’re going to work for. Has this company been in the news lately? Who are the people in the company you should know about? Do the background work, it will make you stand out as someone who comes prepared, and is genuinely interested in the company and the job.

          4. Why do you want to work at X Company?

          This should be directly related to the last question. Any research you’ve done on the company should have led you to the conclusion that you’d want to work there. After all, you’re at the interview, right? Put some thought into this answer before you have your interview, mention your career goals and highlight forward-thinking goals and career plans.

          5. What relevant experience do you have?

          Hopefully if you’re applying for this position you have bags of related experience, and if that’s the case you should mention it all. But if you’re switching careers or trying something a little different, your experience may initially not look like it’s matching up. That’s when you need a little honest creativity to match the experiences required with the ones you have. People skills are people skills after all, you just need to show how customer service skills can apply to internal management positions, and so on.

          6. If your previous co-workers were here, what would they say about you?

          Ok, this is not the time for full disclosure. If some people from your past are going to say you’re a boring A-hole, you don’t need to bring that up. Stay positive, always, and maybe have a few specific quotes in mind. “They’d say I was a hard worker” or even better “John Doe has always said I was the most reliable, creative problem-solver he’d ever met.”

          7. Have you done anything to further your experience?

          This could include anything from night classes to hobbies and sports. If it’s related, it’s worth mentioning. Obviously anything to do with further education is great, but maybe you’re spending time on a home improvement project to work on skills such as self-sufficiency, time management and motivation.

          8. Where else have you applied?

          This is a good way to hint that you’re in demand, without sounding like you’re whoring yourself all over town. So, be honest and mention a few other companie***ut don’t go into detail. The fact that you’re seriously looking and keeping your options open is what the interviewer is driving at.

          9. How are you when you’re working under pressure?

          Once again, there are a few ways to answer thi***ut they should all be positive. You may work well under pressure, you may thrive under pressure, and you may actually PREFER working under pressure. If you say you crumble like aged blue cheese, this is not going to help you get your foot in the door.

          10. What motivates you to do a good job?

          The answer to this one is not money, even if it is. You should be motivated by life’s noble pursuits. You want recognition for a job well done. You want to become better at your job. You want to help others or be a leader in your field.

          11. What’s your greatest strength?

          This is your chance to shine. You’re being asked to explain why you are a great employee, so don’t hold back and stay do stay positive. You could be someone who thrives under pressure, a great motivator, an amazing problem solver or someone with extraordinary attention to detail. If your greatest strength, however, is to drink anyone under the table or get a top score on Mario Kart, keep it to yourself. The interviewer is looking for work-related strengths.

          12. What’s your biggest weakness?

          If you’re completely honest, you may be kicking yourself in the butt. If you say you don’t have one, you’re obviously lying. This is a horrible question and one that politicians have become masters at answering. They say things like “I’m perhaps too committed to my work and don’t spend enough time with my family.” Oh, there’s a fireable offense. I’ve even heard “I think I’m too good at my job, it can often make people jealous.” Please, let’s keep our feet on the ground. If you’re asked this question, give a small, work-related flaw that you’re working hard to improve. Example: “I’ve been told I occasionally focus on details and miss the bigger picture, so I’ve been spending time laying out the complete project every day to see my overall progress.”

          13. Let’s talk about salary. What are you looking for?

          Run for cover! This is one tricky game to play in an interview. Even if you know the salary range for the job, if you answer first you’re already showing all your cards. You want as much as pos***le, the employer wants you for as little as you’re willing to take. Before you apply, take a look at salary.com for a good idea of what someone with your specific experience should be paid. You may want to say, “well, that’s something I’ve thought long and hard about and I think someone with my experience should get between X & Y.” Or, you could be sly and say, “right now, I’m more interested in talking more about what the position can offer my career.” That could at least buy you a little time to scope out the situation. But if you do have a specific figure in mind and you are confident that you can get it, I’d say go for it. I have on many occasions, and every time I got very close to that figure (both below and sometimes above).

          14. Are you good at working in a team?

          Unless you have the I.Q. of a houseplant, you’ll always answer YES to this one. It’s the only answer. How can anyone function inside an organization if they are a loner? You may want to mention what part you like to play in a team though; it’s a great chance to explain that you’re a natural leader.

          15. Tell me a suggestion you have made that was implemented.

          It’s important here to focus on the word “implemented.” There’s nothing wrong with having a thousand great ideas, but if the only place they live is on your notepad what’s the point? Better still, you need a good ending. If your previous company took your advice and ended up going bankrupt, that’s not such a great example either. Be prepared with a story about an idea of yours that was taken from idea to implementation, and considered successful.

          16. Has anything ever irritated you about people you’ve worked with?

          Of course, you have a list as long as your arm. But you can’t say that, it shows you a***eing negative and difficult to work with. The best way to answer this one is to think for a while and then say something like “I’ve always got on just fine with my co-workers actually.”

          Use this question as a chance to show that you are a team player: “The only people I have trouble with are those who aren’t team players, who just don’t perform, who complain constantly, and who fail to respond to any efforts to motivate them.” The interviewer is expecting a response focused on personality and personal dislikes. Surprise her by delivering an answer that reflects company values

          17. Is there anyone you just could not work with?

          No. Well, unless you’re talking about murderers, racists, rapists, thieves or other dastardly characters, you can work with anyone. Otherwise you could be flagged as someone who’s picky and difficult if you say, “I can’t work with anyone who’s a Bronco’s fan. Sorry.”

          18. Tell me about any issues you’ve had with a previou***oss.

          Arrgh! If you fall for this one you shouldn’t be hired anyway. The interviewer is testing you to see if you’ll speak badly about your previous supervisor. Simply answer this question with exteme tact, diplomacy and if necessary, a big fat loss of memory. In short, you’ve never had any issues.

          The answer to 18 is completely wrong. I am a director at a major media company’s interactive division. Our company is expanding and I am almost in a constant state of hiring. I ask a variation of this question in every single interview and if a candidate has never had one issue or disagreement with anyone, (I stated a variation: I ask if it has happened with anyone in the workplace) I peg them as a liar and reject them immediately.

          I went well with my previou***oss. If there is an conflict, I will be open mind and talk about facts. once decision is made, I execute it well.

          19. Would you rather work for money or job satisfaction?

          It’s not a very fair question is it? We’d all love to get paid a Trump-like salary doing a job we love but that’s rare indeed. It’s fine to say money is important, but remember that NOTHING is more important to you than the job. Otherwise, you’re just someone looking for a bigger paycheck.

          20. Would you rather be liked or feared?

          I have been asked this a lot, in various incarnations. The first time I just drew a blank and said, “I don’t know.” That went over badly, but it was right at the start of my career when I had little to no experience. Since then I’ve realized that my genuine answer is “Neither, I’d rather be respected.” You don’t want to be feared because fear is no way to motivate a team. You may got the job done but at what cost? Similarly, if you’re everyone’***est friend you’ll find it difficult to make tough decisions or hit deadlines. But when you’re respected, you don’t have to be a complete bastard or a lame duck to get the job done.

          21. Are you willing to put the interests of X Company ahead of your own?

          Again, another nasty question. If you say yes, you’re a corporate whore who doesn’t care about family. If you say no, you’re disloyal to the company. I’m afraid that you’ll probably have to say yes to this one though, because you’re trying to be the perfect employee at this point, and perfect employees don’t cut out early for Jimmy’***a***all game.

          it is situational. if you… ; if you …. Ethics and professionalism

          22. So, explain why I should hire you.

          As I’m sure you know, “because I’m great” or “I really need a job” are not good answers here. This is a time to give the employer a laundry list of your greatest talents that just so happen to match the job description. It’s also good to avoid taking potshots at other potential candidates here. Focus on yourself and your talents, not other people’s flaws.

          23. Finally, do you have any questions to ask me?

          I’ll finish the way I started, with one of the most common questions asked in interviews. This directly relates to the research you’ve done on the company and also gives you a chance to show how eager and prepared you are. You’ll probably want to ask about benefits if they haven’t been covered already. A good generic one is “how soon could I start, if I were offered the job of course.” You may also ask what you’d be working on. Specifically, in the role you’re applying for and how that affects the rest of the company. Always have questions ready, greeting this one with a blank stare is a rotten way to finish your interview. Good luck and happy job hunting.

          ponder for a moment, and then ask your interviewer “what aspect of your job do you find most challenging”.

          I would ask the interviewer, “Why do you like to work here?”

          24. Where do you want to be in 5 to years?

          They dont want to hear in the same job you are interviewing for. Ultimately, the HR people are searching for someone who can handle the job now, and has the potential to grow into a high level management job in the future. Do you have those goals too?

          25. Would you rather work for a big company or a small one?

          Favorite answer: I’d treat any company like it was my own regardless. Total ownership of the situation can get you a long way.

          General , the worst answer was “I don’t know.” I’ve since learned that “it depends,” with a couple of examples, is perfectly appropriate

          二、Position and Company 關(guān)于所申請(qǐng)職位和公司的問(wèn)題

          Why did you select this company? 你為什么要選擇這間公司?

          回答示范1: Mars is an ideal employer for almost every fresh graduate, partly because the starting salary is very competitive, hehe. But more importantly, Mars is well known for designing career paths for employees. And, I have a personal reason when selecting Mars: my cats love Whiskas (偉嘉貓糧)! My mom is a big fan of cats, so am I, and we’ve been buying Whiskas for our cats “Pipi” and “Lulu” for over five years!

          點(diǎn)評(píng)1: 這個(gè)回答體現(xiàn)了該申請(qǐng)人的兩個(gè)特點(diǎn): 第一, 他很誠(chéng)實(shí)地告訴面試官, 應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生當(dāng)然對(duì)Mars趨之若鶩; 第二, 他因?yàn)閻?ài)貓而愛(ài)偉嘉貓糧, 再因愛(ài)偉嘉貓糧而愛(ài)Mars。

          回答示范2: To be honest, it would be ideal for me, a fresh graduate who specializes in Accounting, to join any of the “big 4s”(四大會(huì)計(jì)師事務(wù)所) because each of the “big 4s” has its own advantages. However, I’m particularly interested in KPMG for a very sentimental reason. I was completely fascinated by your career talk! Compared with yours, the other three companies are a bit boring, hehe.

          點(diǎn)評(píng)2: 這個(gè)回答體現(xiàn)了該申請(qǐng)人的兩個(gè)特點(diǎn): 第一, 實(shí)話實(shí)說(shuō), 學(xué)會(huì)計(jì)的'同學(xué)能進(jìn)四大中的任何一個(gè), 的確都是求之不得的美事; 第二, 善于巧妙地“拍馬屁”, 告訴對(duì)方自己被他們的career talk感動(dòng)了, 所以對(duì)該事務(wù)所情有獨(dú)鐘, 的確是一個(gè)很狡猾但是卻很不錯(cuò)的回答。

          回答示范3: Shengjia is a professional ERP software provider, and I’ve been interested in ERP for a very long time. I believe ERP has a large market in China, even if this business may have some difficulties in the course of development.

          點(diǎn)評(píng)3: 如果你要進(jìn)入的是一個(gè)不太知名的公司, 那么你可以告訴面試官自己選擇這間公司是因?yàn)樽约簩?duì)它所從事的業(yè)務(wù)有信心、 有興趣。

          回答示范4: I’ve been a loyal customer of Kangshifu for years. That’s why I want to join this company. I am a big fan of instant noodles, especially the spicy noodles! I love them!

          點(diǎn)評(píng)4: 如果要談對(duì)方的產(chǎn)品, 就要談得感性一點(diǎn), 不要流于形式。要顯得熱情火爆一些才能打動(dòng)別人。這就比如一句簡(jiǎn)簡(jiǎn)單單的“你真棒!”必須要火辣性感地說(shuō)出來(lái)才能打動(dòng)面試官麻木的神經(jīng)。

          Why did you decide to apply for this particular position? 你為什么要申請(qǐng)這份職位?

          回答示范1: For the past three years I’ve been doing a similar job. Though my current boss has given me a raise twice I’m still not quite pleased with my salary, I believe you can understand 1,800 Yuan is not a very good pay. Now that I have this opportunity to get a higher pay, to work in a more well-known company, of course I would give it a try.

          點(diǎn)評(píng)1: 這個(gè)回答有幾個(gè)優(yōu)點(diǎn): 第一, 很真實(shí), 為錢(qián)而跳槽, 是大多數(shù)人的換工理由; 第二, 強(qiáng)調(diào)了自己已經(jīng)在過(guò)去單位工作三年的經(jīng)歷, 足夠忠誠(chéng)了; 第三, 強(qiáng)調(diào)了自己兩次漲薪的事實(shí), 說(shuō)明自己一定有過(guò)優(yōu)異的表現(xiàn)。

          回答示范2: I decided to apply for this particular position because I’ve been doing something similar for the last year, however, I’m more interested and confident in the products and services you offer. Online games are a newly developing business, like a new born baby, so I can do many things to help it grow healthily. This would give me a great sense of satisfaction. However, the wine business I am doing now is just like a grandparent, it’s so mature that it doesn’t give too much room for making changes.

          點(diǎn)評(píng)2: 類似這樣個(gè)性化的回答永遠(yuǎn)是最佳答案。如果你并沒(méi)有轉(zhuǎn)換工作性質(zhì), 而只是想轉(zhuǎn)換工作領(lǐng)域, 比如從白酒行業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)換到網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲行業(yè), 不妨利用這個(gè)嬰兒與老頭的比喻去說(shuō)服面試官吧。

          回答示范3: My career choice actually has been influenced a lot by my mother. She’s been an Admin and HR director in a large state-owned company for over twenty years. She impressed on me (反復(fù)強(qiáng)調(diào)) that HR jobs are suitable for women because they’re not influenced much by age, and females enjoy an equal opportunity of being promoted. However, the other top positions like sales often go to men. Besides family influence, I selected this job because I feel I am suited for it. I’m easy going, trusted by others and interested in developing people.

          點(diǎn)評(píng)3: 這是一個(gè)很好的回答: 真實(shí), 又夸獎(jiǎng)了自己。告訴對(duì)方自己的家庭很支持自己從事這份職業(yè), 的確有加分的作用。

          回答示范4: I want to be a Sales Rep because it suits my expectations. First of all, I wish to get a pay based on my performance, you know, better results, better pay. Secondly, I hope I will be going out, meeting people instead of sitting in the office, as I’m a very outgoing person. What’s more, sales, compared to other jobs, can improve my abilities most quickly. I can learn how to observe others, how to persist, how to deal with coldness and rejection, and all these traits will help me to be successful in both career and personal life.

          點(diǎn)評(píng)4: 說(shuō)得好極了!非常好地概括了銷售工作的優(yōu)點(diǎn), 體現(xiàn)了一個(gè)應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生的活力和激情。












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