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      2. 著名外企面試考題

        時間:2020-11-24 17:04:16 Interview 我要投稿





          1. Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5years?2.What are your short & long term career tives? What doyou thinkis the most ideal job for you?3. Why do you want to joinIBM? Whatdo you think you can contribute to IBM?

          Hongkong Bank 代表性考題

          1. Please state why you chose to follow these activities andhowthey have contributed to your personal development. You may wishtogive details of your role whether anyone else was involved andanydifficulties you encountered.2. Please state how you havebenefitedfrom your work experience.3. How much is your presentmonthlysalary including allowances?4. Do you need to compensateyourpresent employer if you resign? If so, please give details.5.Otherthan academic success, what has been your greatest achievementupto date? What do you see as your personal strength, why?6.Pleasestate why the position you have applied for is appropriatefor you;why you have selected Hongkong Bank and what your careertivesare.


          1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on ahighdemanding goal and saw it through completion?2. Summarizeasituation where you took the initiative to get others going onanimportant task or issue, and played a leading role to achievetheresults you wanted.3. Describe a situation where you had toseekout relevant information, define key issues, and decide onwhichsteps to take to get the desired results.4. Describe aninstancewhere you made effective use of facts to secure theagreement ofothers.5. Give an example of how you worked effectivelywith peopleto accomplish an important result.6. Describe acreative/innovativeidea that you produced which led to asignificant contribution tothe success of an activity or project.7.Provide an example of howyou assessed a situation and achieved goodresults by focusing onthe most important priorities.8. Provide anexample of how youacquired technical skills and converted them topracticalapplication.

          A.T. Kearney代表性考題

          1. Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5years?2.What are your short-term and long-term career tives? Whatdo youthink is the most ideal job for you?3. Why do you want tojoin A.TKearney? What do you think you can contribute to A.TKearney?4. Whyare you applying for a position at Arthur Anderson?5.What are yourexpectations of our firm?6. Describe your hobbiesandinterests.

          Shell company代表性考題

          1. How would your colleagues /classmates describe you infivewords? On what evidence would they base this assessment?2. Ifyouare asked to recruit the best graduates for shell, what wouldyoudo to attract them? What would you do to select them?3.Pleasedescribe a new activity that you have initiated andimplemented.Please highlight your role out.4. Please describe youroutstandingnon-academic achievements.5. Please describe any othersignificantactivities you have been involved in includingorganizing people.6.Imagine that Shell has found oil in an inlandprovince of China,near a large river. You are responsible forplanning how totransport the oil to the coast thousands of milesaway. What is themain issue you would consider, and what would youdo?


          1. Please tell us about an achievement that you areespeciallyproud of because it was difficult or demanding.a) Whatthe tivewas?b) Why it is important to you?c) How you achieved itand theobstacles that you had to overcome in order to do so?2. Whatisyour career plan? Three years after graduation, and fiveyearsafter graduation?3. Why are you interested in investment bank?Whatother industries do you also have interests?4. Why do you thinkyoucan be a qualified investment banker? How can you contributeinthis industry?











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