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      1. 社交禮儀常識英語

        時間:2022-10-19 15:06:36 禮儀英語 我要投稿






          1. Good Morning, Mike. / Good Afternoon, Harry. / Good Evening, Mr. Johnson2. A: How’s everything going? / How’s everything? / How’re you doing? / Howdy?

          B: Fine. / I’m doing fine. / OK. /Okay. / I’m doing Okay. / Not so bad. / Not too bad. / Good. / I’m doing good. A: What’s new?

          3. A: Hi, Bill. How are you? B: Fine, thank you. And you? A: I’m fine, too, thanks.

          4. I haven’t seen you for a long time. / It’s been a long time. / Long time no see. / It’s really nice to see you again.


          1.介紹:May I introduce you to Dr. Johnson? / Mr. Ford, this is Mr. Johnson. / Marry, I want you to meet Kenny.

          2.希望被介紹時:Will you introduce me to the young woman talking with Mrs. Allen?

          3. 確認是否初次見面:

          A: Have you met / each other / Mr. Lee / Clark?

          B: No, I’m afraid not. / Yes, we’ve been friends for a lifetime.

          4. 初識者的招呼語:

          A: How do you, Mrs. Allen? I’m pleased to meet you. B: How do you do, Mr. James? I’m very glad to meet you, too. A: Hi, Mary. B: Nice to meet you, Kenny.

          5. 初識者彼此間的社交性招呼: A: I’ve heard a lot about you. B: Good things, I hope.

          I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. / I’ve been wanting to meet you.


          1.表示同情:I’m sorry to hear that.

          2. 對方訴苦時表示同情:That’s too bad.

          3. 聽到對方失敗想鼓勵時:It happens. / Take it easy.

          4. 鼓勵喪失自信的人:You’re on the right track.


          1. 一般性告別用語:

          See you later (tomorrow). / See you. / See you soon. / Take it easy. / Take care. / Goodbye. / Bye (now). / Bye-bye. / Have a nice weekend (trip)! / Have a nice day! / Good luck! / I’ll be seeing you. / Let’s meet again soon.

          2. 分手時的客套話:

          Well, I have to be going. / I got to go now. / I got to run now. / Uh, will you excuse me? / Oh, I’m late. I should be going now. / It’s been nice talking to you, but I really must go now.

          3. 分手時的關(guān)懷語:

          Please give my best wishes to your father. / Please remember me to your father. / I’ll miss you. / Good to see you. / It’s been nice seeing you. / It’s been a pleasure. / I had a good (great) time today. / Thank you very much for everything. / You’ve been a big help. / Every success in your new job.


          1. 道歉的一般用法:

          I’m (very / terribly / extremely) sorry. / Sorry. / Excuse me. / Please forgive me. / That’s my fault.

          2. 未能達成對方的期望時:Sorry we cannot help you. / I wish I could help you.3. 鄭重地道歉:

          I really appreciate all the trouble you’ve gone to (all your trouble). / I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble. / I can’t apologize to you enough.

          4. 道歉事與愿違:

          I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. / I’m sorry it worked out this way (it has come to this). / I apologize if I hurt your feelings.

          5. 求對方寬。篧ill you accept my apology? / I owe you an apology.

          6. 對方等待時:I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.


          1. 一般的道謝:Thank you. / Thanks a lot. / That’s very kind (nice) of you.

          2. 深深的感謝:I really appreciate it. / I can’t thank you enough. / It was a great help. 回答: It’s my pleasure. / The pleasure is (all) mine.

          3. 雖然不符所望,還是感謝:Thank you (Thanks) anyway. / Thank you all (just) the same.

          4. 感謝的事情明確時:Thank you for calling / writing/ inviting me / coming / your e-mail / your trouble. 回答:That’s OK. / No trouble.


          1. 最普通的祝賀詞:Congratulations! on

          2. 祝酒等:Cheers! / Bottoms up! / Here’s to you! / To your future. / To your health!

          3. 祝賀生日節(jié)日:

          Happy Birthday! / Happy New Year! / Happy Valentine’s Day! / Merry Christmas! / Happy Spring Festival! / Happy Chinese New Year!

          4. 結(jié)局完美時:

          That’s good! / Lucky you! / You did it! / You made it! / You did a great job! / Nice! / Great!/ Fantastic! / Terrific! / Excellent! / Wonderful! / Neat! / Super!

          5. 婚禮等的祝賀:

          I wish you happiness and success in the future. / I wish you good luck. / I wish you everything you wish for yourself.



          1.on behalf of代表

          2.extend/express…welcome/gratitude to向…表達謝意

          3.in one's name以…的名義

          4.I'm honored/privileged to我很榮幸

          5.Propose a toast舉杯

          6.On the occasion of值…之際

          7.Gracious invitation and hospitality熱情邀請與好客

          8.Extraordinary arrangement精心安排


          1. - Patrick: Here I'm on behalf of my colleagues; I'd like to extend my sincerest welcome to your arrival.


          2. - Patrick: Please allow me to express our gratitude to the president of Harvard University.


          3. - Patrick: On behalf of this group and also in my own name, I'd like to invite Mr. Mayor to our country for a visit.


          4. - Patrick: I'm honored to have the opportunity to stand here and make a speech to all of you.


          5. - Patrick: I suggest that we propose a toast to the success of this conference.


          6. - Patrick: I'd like to thank Mr. President, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of this company.


          7. - Patrick: I especially want to thank the organizer of this luncheon for his gracious invitation and incomparable hospitality.


          8. - Patrick: I have to say, your extraordinary arrangements make us more than delightful on this journey.




          How are you? I’m good / I’m fine, thank you.

          I’m happy to meet you. I’m glad/happy to meet you too.

          It’s a pleasure to meet you. The pleasure’s all mine.

          How are you doing? I’m doing fine/well/very well,

          thank you.

          2,在絕大多數(shù)的商務(wù)場合 ,下面的詞語不合適,因為太夸張了:

          Highly, extremely, exceedingly, greatly, overjoyed,ecstatic, wonderful, thrilled, charmed, elated, enchanted,lovely

          3, 以下的單詞要避免使用,因為它們很容易造成誤解:

          Anxious (顯得過于熱心)

          Content (顯得自滿和安逸)


          on cloud nine tickled pink

          in seventh heaven cool, groovy, fantastic


          Fair, so so, all right, okay/OK

          Len Matheson is the owner of a small company that’s rapidly expanding. He’s getting advice from Mary Carlyle, a business consultant, on developing a functional organizational structure to better deal with his company’s expansion.

          Mary: Mr. Matheson, I’ve studied all your reports, and your company is making excellent progress.

          Len: Thank you, Miss Carlyle. And please, call me Len. So, what are your recommendations for my new organizational structure?

          Mary: Call me Mary. First, let’s start with your operation here. You should set up separate Administrative,Clerical, Back office, and Support functions.

          There’s too much work for your personnel to wear more than one hat any more.

          Len: Yes, they’re already overworked. But that will entail more Managerial functions, won’t it?

          Mary: That’s right, Len, and you’ll need at least two

          new managers for separate Marketing and Product

          Development departments.

          Len: OK, Mary. What else?

          Mary: I think you’ll need an Executive assistant to help

          you deal with Corporate affairs. That should do it

          for your headquarters here, but since your business

          is no longer just local, I also suggest setting up a

          Regional office in the south.

          Len: What about personnel there?

          Mary: You’ll need the same basic functionality as here, on a reduced d scale. Product Development is only needed at HQ for now. Your regional head can manage all functions there initially, but will probably need an assistant, also. And that’s it!

          Len: Thanks for your advice, Mary. Looks like I’ll need that assistant right away to help me set all this up!


          Len Matheson是一家發(fā)展迅速的小公司的老板,為了更好地發(fā)展自己的企業(yè),他請教商務(wù)顧問Mary Carlyle有關(guān)公司職能組織結(jié)構(gòu)的建設(shè)問題。

          Mary: Matheson先生,我已經(jīng)看了貴公司的報告,看來貴公司業(yè)績很不錯。

          Len: 謝謝,Carlyle小姐,請稱呼我Len吧。請問您對我們新的組織機構(gòu)有什么建議?

          Mary: 請稱呼我Mary就可以了。首先,從貴公司的運作談起吧。您應(yīng)該建立獨立的行政、文書、后勤和支持部門。否則,您的職員就會有過多的工作,只能是身兼多職。

          Len: 是的,他們已經(jīng)超負荷工作了,但是這需要增加管理人員,不是嗎?

          Mary: 是呀,Len,你需要至少任命兩個經(jīng)理來單獨負責(zé)市場營銷部和產(chǎn)品開發(fā)部。

          Len: 好,Mary。其他的呢?

          Mary: 我認為你需要一個經(jīng)理助理來幫你處理公司總部的事務(wù),主要是處理你這里的工作,但既然您的業(yè)務(wù)已經(jīng)不只是局限于本地,我建議您在南方成立一個地區(qū)公司。

          Len: 那邊的人事如何安排呢?

          Mary: 與總部這里的職能基本相同,只是規(guī)模小些罷了,地區(qū)公司經(jīng)理負責(zé)那里的一切,他可能也需要一個助手,就這些。

          Len: 多謝您的建議,Mary?雌饋砦倚枰M快找一個助手來幫我處理這件事。












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