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      1. 電話禮儀英語介紹

        時(shí)間:2022-04-28 17:14:27 禮儀英語 我要投稿




          When you have a conference call rather it is from business to business, or business to an employee at home or abroad conducting business, it is important that the conference calling experience is productive and smooth sailing. No matter what role you play in the conference call, it is necessary that you maintain the proper etiquette for conference calls.


          1.Quiet is the key


          Make sure, when you are on the conference call that you are in a very quiet room, away from any disturbances. This will make sure that you hear everything that is going on and keep themisunderstandings to a minimum. It is impossible to keep the misunderstandings at bay if you have a dog barking, machines running, or people talking in the background.


          2.The Telephone Equipment


          Make sure that you are using a phone that will minimize the noise in the background. Some telephone and most all cell phones will pick up even the slightest noise or interference, which will not only cause troubles for you hearing the speakers, but others as well.


          3.Using Telephone Technology


          The mute button does wonders, but make sure you know how to use it. The mute button should be used if there is a lot of background noise that you simply cannot control or if someone is particularlytalkative. Of course, make sure you know how to un-mute for when it is your turn to speak or answer a question.




          Make sure you set the conference call up in advance and let everyone know all information such as pass code or phone number. It is also necessary that you take time zones in to consideration if you have people across several time zones to include on the conference call.


          5.Being on Time


          If you are the conference call leader, you want to start right on time. Do not wait for others if they are late. People on the call want to start right away, because there may be other business they need to attend to. If you are simply in the call, be on time, you do not want to miss anything that might be important.




          Make sure that every person on the call introduces himself or herself. This will allow for building relationships and getting people to open up and feel comfortable.




          Not everyone will be able to tell who is who by the voice. Make sure before anyone speaks that his or her name is said first. For example, this is Bob, could you repeat that company name again.




          Never eat while you are on a conference call, who wants to hear chewing in their ear? If you must get a drink of water, put the call on mute so no one will have to hear the emitted sounds. This includes chewing gum.


          9.Keep on Topic


          Do not fill the call with unnecessary talk. Keep to the point, because remember there may be several people on the call that have other pressing things to do.




          (1) 請(qǐng)稍待片刻。 Just a moment, please.

          (3) 請(qǐng)等一下。我找個(gè)人來聽。 Hold on, please. I'll get someone to thephone.

          (2) 請(qǐng)別掛斷。我找一位會(huì)說英語的人來。

          Hold the line, please. I'll get an English speaker.

          (4) 很抱歉,我英語說得不好。我找位會(huì)講英語的人稍后回電話給你。請(qǐng)教您的大名 及電話號(hào)碼?

          I'm sorry, I don't speak English well. I'll have an Englishspeaker call you back later. May I have your name and telephonenumber?


          (1) 早安。這里是正泰貿(mào)易公司。我能效勞嗎?

          Good morning. This is Chengtai Trading Company. May I helpyou?

          (2) 喂。海外營(yíng)業(yè)部。我是王大明。

          Hello. Overseas Sales Department. Taming Wang speaking.

          (3) 先鋒電子。我是吳瑪莉。

          Pioneer Electronics. This is Mary Wu speaking.

          (4) 午安。這里是大安商業(yè)銀行。我能為您效勞嗎?

          Good afternoon. This is Dan An Commercial Bank. What can I dofor you?

          (5) 喂。這里是王公館。

          Hello. This is the Wang residence.

          (6) 午安。我是王大明。

          Good afternoon. Taming Wang speaking.

          (7) 我是楊文凱,請(qǐng)講。

          Wenkai Yang. Speaking


          (1) 能說得明確一點(diǎn)嗎?

          Could you put that in more specific terms?

          (2) 很抱歉。我沒聽懂你的話。

          I'm sorry. I couldn't follow you.

          (3) 我無法確定你的意思。

          I'm not sure what you mean.

          (4) 你講得太快了。我跟不上。

          You're talking too fast. I can't keep up.

          (5) 你能說得簡(jiǎn)單一點(diǎn)嗎?

          Could you put that more simply?

          (6) 請(qǐng)你再多解釋一下好嗎?

          Will you explain a little bit more?


          (1) 謝謝你來電。 Thank you for calling.

          (2) 很高興跟你談話。 Nice talking to you.

          (3) 感謝你打給我。 It was kind of you to call me.

          (4) 請(qǐng)隨時(shí)再打電話給我。 Call me again any time.

          (5) 我該掛電話了。 I'd better get off the phone.

          (6) 讓我們盡快聚聚。 Let's get together soon.

          (7) 有空請(qǐng)?jiān)俅螂娫拋怼?Call again when you've got time.



          The modern workplace is full of potential pitfalls, meaning you have to be on your toes to make, and maintain, the right impression with your co-workers and colleagues.


          It's not just for the sake of politeness —more than three-quarters of HR managers recently polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person's career prospects.


          We've taken a look at tech etiquette in a contemporary company setting for some useful advice offering up-to-date "do's and don'ts" for the digital age.


          Have a read through our guidelines below. In the comments, share your tips for staying on the right side of polite in the workplace —and do share any bad manners horror stories you've experienced.


          1. Never Unplug a Device on Charge

          1. 不要拔掉在充電的設(shè)備

          It may sometimes be a scramble to find a socket to juice up your dying gadgetry, but the "first come, first served" rule stands fast in this area. You must never unplug another device that's on charge without first checking that it's okay to do so.


          Always, always, always ask —and if you can't find device's owner, then walk away and find another outlet. For all you know, the gadget's owner might be about to head into a vitally important meeting or call and need all the juice they can get.


          2. Don't Wear Headphones Away From Your Desk

          2. 離開座位時(shí)不要戴耳機(jī)

          Does your company allows its employees to work with headphones on? Plugging into music can be a great way to concentrate and block out the noise and distractions of a busy work environment, but be sure to take them off every time you leave your seat. Even if you want to try and maintain your level of concentration, don't be tempted to wear headphones in communal areas, it can be perceived as anti-social, and downright rude.


          3. Don't Use Someone Else's Computer

          3. 不要用別人的電腦

          It's easy to think all equipment is company property and fair game for use, but this does not extend to computers and laptops. You should never use someone else's PC, even if it is just for a super-quick fact check. Most people are pretty possessive about their PCs and view unauthorized use as an intrusion of their privacy.


          4. Don't Forget to Refill Supplies

          4. 別忘了補(bǔ)充物資

          Be a good neighbor when it comes to office equipment. If you use the last of the photocopier paper, refill it. Return gadgets fully charged. Put a new pot of coffee on if you have the last cup. Report inevitable printer errors to someone who can fix the issue. Don't walk away from an issue, even if you're mega-busy and think no one noticed that you were the last person to use it.


          5. Put Your Phone on Silent at All Times

          5. 時(shí)刻把手機(jī)調(diào)成靜音

          Even if it's office policy to allow personal calls on your mobile phone, we strongly suggest switching your phone to silent every single time you enter the office. You may only get personal calls on occasion, but you can bet the times you do either someone important will be walking past or you'll have left your phone unattended at your desk while everyone else hears it ring. Also, your novelty alert tones might amuse you, but can seriously grate on the nerves of nearby colleagues. Don't be that person.


          6. Limit Laptop Activity in Meetings

          6. 在會(huì)議中少使用筆記本電腦

          While it's commonplace to take your laptop into meetings, try and be disciplined about what you do with it. Although it's tempting to carry on working, check mail, IM or even browse during meetings, you should limit this kind of activity out of politeness. If no one can see your screen, you may think that tapping away on the keyboard could be interpreted as taking notes, but it will be fairly obvious to anyone else present that your attention is away from the room.


          7. Don't Be an IM Nuisance

          7. 別被即時(shí)通訊所拖累

          Instant messaging is a really useful tool, but it's easy to misuse and this can be a real source of annoyance. We'd hope it goes without saying to respect someone's "busy" status, but there are other issues to consider too. Only inter-office IM someone with a query that can be resolved within a few brief responses. If the conversation is going to be longer than that, get up and speak to them in person or pick up the phone.


          8. Don't Be a Screen Smearer

          8. 別當(dāng)屏幕涂抹者

          Finally, this may seem like a small thing to pick up on, but we promise you it's a huge source of annoyance for many. Don't be a screen smearer. We're obviously not talking about touch screens here, but monitors and laptop displays. Some people really dislike it when you put fingerprints on their screens. While it's easy to do if you're trying to make a point or explain something, try not to touch other people's screens and definitely don't touch any screen if you've got dirty fingers.



          Emily: Hi, Ryan! How was your morning?

          嗨,Ryan! 今天早上過得好嗎?

          Ryan: So so. (Drinking coffee…)


          Emily: You look tired. What time did you get up?


          Ryan: En…I got up at 11:30AM. I eat breunch now.


          Emily: Oh, so late. What time did you go to bed last night?


          Ryan: 2:00AM.


          Emily: Oh,so late. What did you do?


          Ryan: I played computer games. I have been so absorbed in it that I forgot the time. I’m always crazy about playing the game. It’s a pain in the neck to cut down playing the game.


          Emily: Maybe you should find some important things to do to instead it. If you were busy in other things, you would have no time to play it.


          Ryan: En…Good idea! I will try it from tomorrow. Thank you very much!Really nice speaking to you!


          Emily: You too! See you later.


          Ryan: See you.













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