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      1. 英語禮儀致辭

        時(shí)間:2020-11-20 18:09:54 禮儀英語 我要投稿


          開幕式 opening ceremony / inaugural ceremony


          閉幕式 closing ceremony

          宣布開幕 to declare … open / to declare the commencement of …

          開幕辭 opening speech / opening address

          閉幕辭 closing speech

          致開幕辭 to deliver an opening speech / to make an opening address

          勝利閉幕 to come to a successful close

          簽字儀式 singing ceremony

          友好訪問 goodwill visit

          發(fā)出熱情友好的講話 to make a warm and friendly speech婚禮致辭發(fā)表熱情洋溢的歡迎詞 to make a gracious speech of welcome

          尊敬的市長先生 Respected Mr. Mayor / Honorable Mr. Mayor

          東道國 host country

          閣下 Your Excellency / His Excellency / Her Excellency

          值此 on the occasion of

          以我個(gè)人的.名義 in my own name

          主持晚宴 to preside at this dinner

          由衷的謝意 heartfelt thanks

          承蒙盛情邀請 at the gracious invitation of

          答謝貴方熱情洋溢的歡迎辭 to reply to your gracious speech of welcome

          答謝貴方熱情招待 to reciprocate your warm reception

          懷著對貴國人民的深厚感情 with profound sentiments for your people

          來自大洋彼岸 to come from the other side of the Pacific

          隨同貿(mào)易團(tuán)來訪 to accompany the trade delegation

          商界的朋友們 friends from the business community

          有朋自遠(yuǎn)方來,不亦樂乎 It’s a delight to have friends coming from afar

          海內(nèi)存知己天涯若比鄰 Long distance separates no bosom friends.

          轉(zhuǎn)達(dá)最誠摯問候 to convey the most gracious greetings

          寄希望于本屆大會(huì) to place our hopes on the current conference

          熱烈歡呼大會(huì)的召開 to warmly herald the opening of the conference

          增進(jìn)理解和友誼 to expand mutual understanding and friendship

          頻繁互動(dòng) frequent exchange of visit

          相互促進(jìn) mutual promotion

          共同繁榮 common prosperity

          促進(jìn)友好合作關(guān)系 to advance our friendly relations of cooperation

          進(jìn)行真誠有效的合作 to carry out sincere and rewarding cooperation

          符合兩國人民共同利益 to accord with our common interests

          保持良好的貿(mào)易伙伴關(guān)系 to keep a good trading partnership with

          攜手合作 to make joint efforts / to make concerted efforts

          推向一個(gè)新的高度 to push … to a new height

          祝愿來訪富有成果 Hope your visit will be rewarding

          祝愿本屆年會(huì)圓滿成功 Wish this annual meeting a complete success

          共同舉杯 to join us in a toast to…

          為友誼干杯 to propose a toast to our friendship

          為合作干杯 to propose a toast to our cooperation

          代表董事會(huì) on behalf of the board of directors

          借此機(jī)會(huì) to take advantage of this opportunity

          表示熱烈的歡迎 to extend our cordial welcome

          表示親切的問候 to express our gracious greetings

          感到驕傲和榮幸 to feel proud and honored

          感到莫大的愉快 It gives me so great a pleasure ot do something

          愉快和令人難忘的 A very happy and memorable occasion

          千言萬語道不盡感激之情 No words can fully express our gratitude

          體貼入微的關(guān)照 thoughtful consideration

          永遠(yuǎn)留在我們的記憶中 to remain in my memory forever

          珍藏在我們美好的記憶中 to remain forever in our cherished memories

          戀戀不舍之情 feel reluctant to part from each other












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