微軟(Microsoft)董事長、世界首富比爾o蓋茨(Bill Gates)昨日警告稱,限制進入美國的熟練工人數量的規定,已使美國的競爭力面臨風險。
Bill Gates, the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man, gave warning yesterday that restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country’s competitiveness at risk.
此番言論是科技行業對美國限制性移民政策的最新抨擊。美國科技行業正面臨熟練工人短缺的問題,而目前科技業對這些人技能的需求不斷上升。蓋茨在美國參議院衛生、教育、勞工及退休金委員會(Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labour and Pensions)發表演講時表示,美國移民政策的嚴格程度有所上升--部分原因是出于對恐怖主義的擔憂,這"恰好在我們最有需要時,把全球最優秀、最聰明的人趕走了"。
The comments marked the latest attack on restrictive US immigration policies by the technology industry, which is facing a shortage of skilled workers even as demand for their skills is increasing. Speaking before the Senate committee on health, education, labour and pensions, Mr Gates said that tighter US immigration policies - governed partly by concerns over terrorism - were "driving away the world’s best and brightest precisely when we need them most".
"It makes no sense to tell well-trained, highly skilled individuals, many of whom are educated at our top colleges and universities, that the United States does not welcome or value them," Mr Gates said. "America will find it infinitely more difficult to maintain its technological leadership if it shuts out the very people who are most able to help us compete."
Mr Gates said that other countries were taking advantage of restrictive US policies by catering to highly skilled workers who would otherwise choose to study, live and work in the US.
"Our lost opportunities are their gains," he said. "I personally witness the ill effects of these policies on an almost daily basis at Microsoft."
Mr Gates’s comments on immigration were part of a broader warning by the Microsoft chairman over the state of US competitiveness.
Mr Gates said he felt "deep anxiety" about America’s ability to remain competitive if it did not act quickly to improve education, invest in basic science research, and reform its immigration policies.
Mr Gates called on Congress to loosen rules that prevent many foreign students from settling once their studies at US universities are complete. He also suggested that Congress speed the process of obtaining permanent resident status for highly skilled workers.