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      1. 商務(wù)英語作文

        時(shí)間:2021-04-17 10:00:47 商務(wù)英語 我要投稿




        商務(wù)英語作文 篇1


          Everyone here at [name of firm] was saddened to learn of [name of employee] sudden illness.

          We know that this came on without any warning and while the proceeds from the group policy insurance coverage will defray a substantial amount of the medical costs, you may have need for some additional financial assistance to see you through this difficult time.

          Please do not hesitate to call on us if you need our assistance in this area. We consider [name of employee] to be one of our most valuable employees and a fine individual as well and would be most appreciative if you will let him know that we are all thinking of him

        商務(wù)英語作文 篇2
































        商務(wù)英語作文 篇3

          A number of employees clearly suffer from a lack of motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings are outlined below:

          Staff feel undervalued by the company, both on a financial and a personal level. It is generally felt that the companyˇs competitors offer higher levels of remuneration. The perception that the managers are unappreciative of staff efforts is particularly noticeable in the Sales Department.

          Certain employees feel under-challenged. The company is clearly not exploiting its human resources.

          There appears to be a breakdown of communication in the Production Department. The confusion and resultant ill-feeling towards managers has the potential to disrupt the production cycles.


          We strongly recommend the following measures:

          An evaluation of job profiles throughout the company to assess whether skills could be utilised more efficiently

          A review of the current salary structure involving the comparison with similar organisations

          It is also essential to investigate and take action regarding the communication in the Production and Sales Department.

        商務(wù)英語作文 篇4

          International business is inseparable from the telephone, a convenient means of communication. Can your voice be courteous when your voice travels around the world through the microphone?

          The charm of intonation, answering the phone in a clear and pleasant tone, shows the professional demeanor and amiable character of the speaker. Although your partner can't see your face, your joy or irritation will come through your voice. When you call, your tone should be smooth, soft and serene. Then, if you can talk to each other with a smile, it will make your voice more friendly and enthusiastic. Never chew gum or eat while you're on the phone.

          The appropriate answer calls should be answered immediately after the second bell sound, should take the initiative to identify the company or department name and his name after politely greeting each other, do not pick up the phone and asked: “ Hello, who are you looking for? ” also, to call people need to leave a message should be clear to report the name, unit number, and a message in simple language. The end of the telephone conversation, usually made by the calling party, then politely said goodbye to each other. No matter what the reason for the telephone call, the party shall be responsible for the redial.

          Telephone calls are most common in commercial complaints and cannot be answered in a timely manner. In order not to lose every opportunity to clinch a deal, some companies even make telephone calls to be within an hour of the provisions of the reply. Generally within 24 hours of the phone message to reply, if you call back, just in case the other party is not in, but also to leave a message, indicating that you have called back. If you really can not personally call back, you should entrust others agency.

          Pay attention to the time difference. Make sure you know the time difference and the hours of work before you make a call. Don't make a phone call on the day off so as not to interfere with the rest of the day. Try not to call home even if the customer has told you the phone number at home.

          The proper use of the phone in America you can sell the goods to a person be strangers to each other by telephone, while in Europe, Latin American and Asian countries, telemarketing or on the phone for a long time to talk business on the unacceptable. The best way to develop good business relationships is to negotiate face to face with customers, while the telephone is mainly used to arrange interviews. Of course, once the two sides have met, it is much easier to communicate with each other by telephone.

        商務(wù)英語作文 篇5

          The Solution

          Most behavior that is perceived as disrespectful, discourteous or abrasive is unintentional, and could have been avoided by practicing good manners or etiquette. We've always found that most negative experiences with someone were unintentional and easily repaired by keeping an open mind and maintaining open, honest communication. Basic knowledge and practice of etiquette is a valuable advantage, because in a lot of situations, a second chance may not be possible or practical.

          There are many written and unwritten rules and guidelines for etiquette, and it certainly behooves a business person to learn them. The caveat is that there is no possible way to know all of them!

          These guidelines have some difficult-to-navigate nuances, depending on the company, the local culture, and the requirements of the situation. Possibilities to commit a faux pas are limitless, and chances are, sooner or later, you'll make a mistake. But you can minimize them, recover quickly, and avoid causing a bad impression by being generally considerate and attentive to the concerns of others, and by adhering to the basic rules of etiquette. When in doubt, stick to the basics.

        商務(wù)英語作文 篇6









          From: Olive HR Manager To: All staff

          Date: 12 June, 20xx Subject: Appointment of Francisco

          Here we announce the appointment of Mrs. Francisco as our new Sales Manager of the Headquarter. She will be starting her job next Monday morning. There will be a small welcome party by 9:00 that day so everyone please be on time.


          Who is going to read my memo?

          What has the reader already known about this?

          What does the reader need to know?

          How is the reader going to respond my memo?




        商務(wù)英語作文 篇7







          1。實(shí)用范例 (1)










        商務(wù)英語作文 篇8

          Charm of intonation

          Answering a phone in a clear and pleasant tone can show the speaker's professional demeanor and amiable personality.Although your partner can't see your face, your joy or irritation will come through your voice.When you call, your tone should be smooth, soft and serene. Then, if you can talk to each other with a smile, it will make your voice more friendly and enthusiastic.Never chew gum or eat while you're on the phone.

          Decent questions and answers

          The call should be answered immediately after the second bell rings

          When the other party should take the initiative to identify the company or the name of the Department and its name, should not pick up the phone asked: “ Hello, who are you looking for? ” also, to call people need to leave a message should be clear to report the name, unit number, and a message in simple language.The end of the telephone conversation, usually made by the calling party, then politely said goodbye to each other.No matter what the reason for the telephone call, the party shall be responsible for the redial.

          Telephone Message

          In business complaints, it is most common to fail to return calls in a timely manner.In order not to lose every opportunity to clinch a deal, some companies even make telephone calls to be within an hour of the provisions of the reply.Generally within 24 hours of the phone message to reply, if you call back, just in case the other party is not in, but also to leave a message, indicating that you have called back.If you really can't call back personally, you should trust someone else.

          Pay attention to jet lag

          Before making a call, make sure the difference between the time difference and the working hours of each country. Don't make a phone call on the day off so as not to influence the rest of the day.Try not to call home even if the customer has told you the phone number at home.

          Use the telephone properly

          In America you can sell the goods to a person be strangers to each other by telephone, while in Europe, Latin American and Asian countries, telemarketing or on the phone for a long time to talk business on the unacceptable.The best way to develop good business relationships is to negotiate face to face with customers, while the telephone is mainly used to arrange interviews.Of course, once the two












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