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      1. 商務英語作文

        時間:2021-07-02 14:59:56 商務英語 我要投稿




        商務英語作文 篇1


          Thank you for your comments.

          A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the author for his response. I am sure you will be hearing from him in the near future. I am pleased that you found our article informative and hope that you will continue to read our publication. Should you have any comments or questions in the future,please do not hesitate to write to this office.

          We value our readership and are proud to have you as a member of our family of subscribers.

        商務英語作文 篇2

          The Basics

          The most important thing to remember is to be courteous and thoughtful to the people around you, regardless of the situation. Consider other people's feelings, stick to your convictions as diplomatically as possible. Address conflict as situation-related, rather than person-related. Apologize when you step on toes. You can't go too far wrong if you stick with the basics you learned in Kindergarten. (Not that those basics are easy to remember when you're in a hard-nosed business meeting!)

          This sounds simplistic, but the qualities we admire most when we see them in people in leadership positions, those are the very traits we work so hard to engender in our children. If you always behave so that you would not mind your spouse, kids, or grandparents watching you, you're probably doing fine. Avoid raising your voice (surprisingly, it can be much more effective at getting attention when lower it!) using harsh or derogatory language toward anyone (present or absent), or interrupting. You may not get as much "airtime" in meetings at first, but what you do say will be much more effective because it carries the weight of credibility and respectability.

          The following are guidelines and tips that we've found helpful for dealing with people in general, in work environments, and in social situations.

          It's About People

          Talk and visit with people. Don't differentiate by position or standing within the company. Secretaries and janitorial staff actually have tremendous power to help or hinder your career. Next time you need a document prepared or a conference room arranged for a presentation, watch how many people are involved with that process (you'll probably be surprised!) and make it a point to meet them and show your appreciation.

          Make it a point to arrive ten or fifteen minutes early and visit with people that work near you. When you're visiting another site, linger over a cup of coffee and introduce yourself to people nearby. If you arrive early for a meeting, introduce yourself to the other participants. At social occasions, use the circumstances of the event itself as an icebreaker. After introducing yourself, ask how they know the host or how they like the crab dip. Talk a little about yourself- your hobbies, kids, or pets; just enough to get people to open up about theirs and get to know you as a person.

          Keep notes on people. There are several "contact management" software applications that are designed for salespeople, but in business, nearly everyone is a salesperson in some capacity or another. They help you create a "people database" with names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, spouse and children's' names; whatever depth of information is appropriate for your situation.

          It's a good idea to remember what you can about people; and to be thoughtful. Send cards or letters for birthdays or congratulations of promotions or other events, send flowers for engagements, weddings or in condolence for the death of a loved one or family member. People will remember your kindness, probably much longer than you will!

        商務英語作文 篇3


          Letter of Thanks

          感謝信(Letter of Thanks)是外國政府機構(gòu)或個人的關(guān)心、支持、幫助或熱情款待表示感謝的對外函件。其具體格式和要求與邀請函相同。


          Date and Place


          Minister of _____



          Dear Minister,

          I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.

          During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people together.

          I am lookingforward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful country. With kind personal regards,

          Faithfully yours,


          Mr.___ Minister of Economic Cooperation


        商務英語作文 篇4


          在BEC考試中,試題都為了考査和測試考生的識讀、理解視覺信息的能力。BEC Higher Writing Test第一部分試題旨在測試考生是否具有把視覺信息轉(zhuǎn)化為書面文字表達的能力。考生在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)做好這種試題,除了必要的語言表達能力外,還必須掌握把圖表轉(zhuǎn)換成文字表述的技巧和要領(lǐng)。

          做好這部分考題,首先要理解題目的背景語言資料和視覺資料。 背景語言資料往往非常簡單,通常是配合視覺資料而給出的必要的簡要文字說明。嚴格來說,這種文字說明應該是視覺信息的一部分,因為一個圖表或圖示沒有文字說明,就會毫無意義。因此,把握好題目的視覺信息是做好這部分考題的關(guān)鍵。對一個視覺信息,從不同的角度可進行多種分析,得出多種相關(guān)結(jié)論,限于答題宇數(shù)的'要求,通常寫作題目中會明確指定一到兩個分析方向,但也只是提供了分析的方向,沒有具體的分析細節(jié),更沒有分析結(jié)論。

          對多數(shù)中國考生來說,由于習慣于宏觀分析,由于漢語語匯豐富,由于許多詞匯釋義籠統(tǒng)容易產(chǎn)生歧義,由于大都習慣于先用漢語表述再把漢語轉(zhuǎn)譯成英語,而很少運用直觀的視覺手段去表達思想, 因而讀圖對中國考生來說是比較陌生的難題,更不用說根據(jù)圖表進行分析,直接用英語表述并得出結(jié)論。本單元就視覺信息可能出現(xiàn)的種類以及相應的分析和結(jié)論做出舉例和解說,希望考生能夠熟悉這些圖形,掌握解答考題的方法和步驟,正確分析圖表,用英語進行表述并得出結(jié)論。

        商務英語作文 篇5

          To: Willian Huang, Department of General Affairs

          From: Joseph Liu, Director of Personnel

          Subject: Work Transfer

          Date: July 15, 199-

          I think, Mr. Huang, the Director of your Department has already talked to you about the change in your work. We have arranged to appoint you as section supervisor in the Security Department at a salary of US$** a month (20% increase) as from Tuesday, August 1, 199-. In your new post, you will be responsible to Mr. Francis Yang for the work of night shift employees in the department.

          Your eight years of loyal service in the General Affairs Department have been appreciated by the leadership of the company. Your transfer is completely due to the need of company. You have known that many thefts have recently taken place that have caused heavy losses to our company. We trust that with your appointment to this post, the security work will be greatly strengthened.

          Please write to confirm that you will accept this appointment.

        商務英語作文 篇6



          A Jacket Lost

          In the playground, May12, a Jacket, green in colour and with a zipper in the collar lost, finder please return it to the owner, Krutch. Room 203, Dormitory 9.





          Mr. and Mrs. Holand Walshman have the honour to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lucy, to Mr. Samual Russell on Saturday, August 11, 20xx.














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