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      1. 黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文

        時間:2024-10-22 13:25:35 宜歡 導(dǎo)游詞 我要投稿
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          黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文 1

          Yellow Crane Tower, located on Snake Hill in Wuchang, is one of the "ThreeFamous Towers South of Yangtze River (the other two: Yueyang Tower in Hunan andTengwang Tower in Jiangxi).

          Legend has it that in Wuchang, there used to be a wine shop opened by ayoung man named Xin. One day, a Taoist priest, in gratitude for free wine, drewa magic crane on the wall of the shop and instructed it to dance whenever itheard clapping. Thousands of people came to see the spectacle and the wine shopwas always full of guests. After 10 years, the Taoist priest revisited the wineshop. He played the flute and then rode on the crane to the sky. In memory ofthe supernatural encounter and the priest, the Xins built a tower and named itYellow Crane Tower.

          According to records, the tower was first built in 223 A.D during the ThreeKingdoms period (220-280). After completion, the tower served as a gatheringplace for celebrities and poets to party and compose poetry. It was estimatedthat up to the Tongzhi Reign of the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems about thetower had been found in historical literature. Cui Hao, a famous poet during theTang dynasty (618-907), made the tower well known throughout China with his poem"Yellow Crane Tower".

          Destroyed many times in successive dynasties, the tower was rebuilt timeand again until 100 years ago when it was, for the last time, reduced to present tower is a complete reconstruction and is the result of four yearsof work beginning in 1981. Where the old tower was only 15 meters wide, theground floor of the new structure was increased to 20 meters wide. The tower,51.4 meters high, is five-storied with yellow tiles and red pillars, overlappingridges and interlocking eaves, more magnificent than the old one.

          The new Yellow Crane Tower is regarded as the symbol of Wuhan city.

          黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文 2

          Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Yellow Crane Tower, the most characteristictower in Wuhan. Im the tour guide this time. Have a good time.

          The Yellow Crane Tower was built in 223 A.D. in the second year of WuHuangwu. It has a history of more than 1700 years. It has been built anddestroyed many times. The present yellow crane tower is based on the YellowCrane Tower of Qing Dynasty. It was rebuilt in 1981 and completed in 1985. It isexactly 100 years since the last Yellow Crane Tower was destroyed in the QingDynasty.

          Now you can see that the tall and majestic building in front of you is theYellow Crane Tower. It can be called the worlds peerless scenery, and it isfamous both in ancient and modern times and at home and abroad. It is as famousas Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi Province and Yueyang Pavilion in Hunan Province,and is also known as "three pavilions in the south of the Yangtze River". Therewas an interesting story about the magnificence of the Yellow Crane Tower. Itwas said that the guests from Hubei and Sichuan met on the river and praisedtheir hometown. The guests from Sichuan said, "there is an Emei Mountain inSichuan, only three feet away from the sky." Hubei guests smile: "Hubei yellowcrane tower, half ed in the cloud." The guests in Sichuan were course, this story is a bit exaggerated, but the Yellow Crane Tower is reallya magnificent landscape, a moving legend and a look inside the crane tower.

          After all that, lets go inside and have a look. Entering the hall, themost attractive one is the picture of white clouds and yellow cranes. It isbased on the ancient myth of riding a crane to become an immortal. It also takesthe meaning of the Tang poem "once upon a time, people had gone by the YellowCrane". Please look at the immortal in the picture. He plays a jade flute andlooks down on the world. It seems that he is reluctant to give up. The crowdbelow the Yellow Crane Tower chants wine and poems, or sings and dances, whichmeans that they wish the immortal an early return. In the picture, there aremany plum blossoms under the Yellow Crane Tower. The plum blossom is the flowerof Wuhan city. The author takes this opportunity to study the geographicallocation of the Yellow Crane Tower.

          Thats all for todays browsing. You are welcome to come again nexttime.

          黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文 3

          Bordering on the Yangtze River and crouching on the top of the Snake Hill,the Yellow Crane Tower is one of the three most famous towers on the south bankof the Yangtze River. (the other two are Yueyang Tower in Hunan and TengwangTower in Jiangxi)

          First built in 223 AD, the tower has a history of over 1700 years. It isnot only an important scenic spot, but also a symbol of “piping times of peace“in peoples minds. Scholars in the past dynasties wrote hundreds of poems andscores of writings in praise of the magnificent Yellow Crane Tower. The legendabout the tower has become a bright pearl of the Chinese literature.

          Rebuilt in 1985, the Yellow Crane Tower Park occupies a hilly area andconsists of towers, pavilions and corridors, forming an architecture complex anda garden complex of man--made and natural scenery. It has become the symbol ofWuhan for its long history, its magnificent outlook and its imposingarchitectural style.

          黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文 4

          According to the history, the yellow crane tower was first built in 223AD during the three-kingdom period. At the beginning, the tower was originally used for military to observe the enemy’s activity. When the war finished, the tower gradually became a scenic attraction where people can appreciate the view of the city as well as the lake. In ancient time, many literati visited this place, and sometimes even write down poems for it such as Cui hao in Tang Dynasty, he wrote a famous poem which was name YELLO CRANE TOWER, and another famous poet Li bai, whose poems affected the whole dynasty in his time, also visited this beautiful place many times.

          Over the centuries the tower had been destroyed by wars for many times, but its popularity with Chinese people ensured that it was always rebuilt. The current tower was completed in 1985 and its design derived from a picture of Qing dynasty. It stands 51.4meters high and has 5 floors .The tower has 60 upturned eaves layer upon layer, covered with yellow glazed tiles and supported with 72 huge pillars. The exports comment that it is an authentic reproduction of both the exterior and interior design, with the exception of the addition of air-conditioner and an elevator. Since ancient time, the yellow crane tower has been regarded as the symbol of Wuhan.

          Now we are standing in front of the tower. With yellow upturned eaves, each floor seems to have been designed to resemble a yellow crane spreading its wings to fly. Let’s enter the hall on the first floor. On the wall, there is a nine-meter (about 30 feet) long and six-meter (about 20 feet) wide painted porcelain picture which depicts clouds, rivers and cranes to represent a romantic mood in the heaven. What do you think of the picture? It is very beautiful, isn’t it? Do you know why we call the tower YELLOW CRANE TOWER? The answer lies in the picture. Have you noticed that in the picture there is a Taoist who played a flute and rode an crane gliding through the sky? It is a story about kindness and rewarding.

          Long time ago, there was a warm-hearted old man. He was very poor and ran a small wine tavern to earn a living. One day in the summer, the weather was very hot and the sun was very strong, a Taoist dressed in tattered clothes entered the alehouse. He begged the shopkeeper for wine:” Excuse me, I am very thirsty but I haven’t any money. For god’s sake, could you give me a bowl of wine?” “Sure” the shopkeeper smiled: “just help yourself” and gave him a bowl of wine. After that, the Taoist often patronized the tavern and enjoyed the wine without paying money. One year later, the Taoist wanted to reward the poor man. He picked up an orange peel from the ground and drew a magic crane on the wall. When he clapped his hands, the crane can dance with the rhythm. Many people came to watch this miracle. From then on, the tavern was always full of guests. During the ten years, the old man got out of the involvement of poverty and ran a large restaurant. Ten years later, the Taoist revisited the old place. When he met Xin, Xin thanked him. He said: it is your kindness that makes you wealthy. After saying goodbye, the Taoist played the flute and then rode the crane to the sky. In honor of the yellow crane and Taoist, the old man, Xin, built a tower and named it yellow crane tower.

          Now we are on the second floor, and we can appreciate various miniature copied the styles from Tang dynasty to Qing dynasty. Now, let us enjoy the yellow crane in Tang dynasty, it has two stories, the first floor was the gate of the wall, the second floor was used for visitors to enjoy the view of the city. I have a question, which resembles with the current tower most, pay attention, please. Right, the design of yellow crane tower was followed a Qing dynasty picture. Let us have a look at the model in Qing dynasty. It has 3stories, the first floor has 12eaves which represent 12 hours in one day, the second floor also has 12eaves and it stands for 12months in a year. The third floor has 24eaves and represents 24 solar terms. It is very interesting to enjoy kinds of models in different dynasties.

          On the three floor you can learn something about Chinese ancient culture----poem. Maybe you can try to learn Chinese from poem and show the poem to your family members back home.

          If you want to enjoy the Yangtze River and the view of Wuhan, the good choice is to go to the fifth floor. Now it is free time!

          黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文 5

        Ladies and gentlemen:

          Welcome to Wuhan. My name is DuJunhui. I am from Wuhan travel service. I will be your local guide during your stay in Wuhan. This is our driver, Mr Wang. His bus number is

          WH12345.On behalf of my travel agency, we hope you have a nice journey here. If you have any special interest,please tell your tour leader, and he will let us know. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your question, and be your guide and interpreter. I will try to do my level best to “warm the cockles of your heart”. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

          Now we are on the way to Yellow Crane Tower. At first, I would like to outline the general picture of Wuhan for you.Wuhan is in the southeast of China and covers a total area of 8046 square kilometers. In geographic, it locates at 113 degrees 41minutes east longitude and 25degrees 58minutes north latitude on the earth.

          three-kingdom period.At the beginning , the tower was originally used for military to observe the enemy’s activity. When the war finished, the tower gradually became a scenic attraction where people can appreciate the view of the city as well as the lake. In ancient time, many literati visited this place, and sometimes even put down poems for it . Such as Cuihao in Tang Dynasty, he wrote a famous poem which was name YELLO CRANE TOWER, and another famous poet LiBai, whose poems affected the whole dynasty in his time, also visited this beautiful place many times. In this place he once saw off his friend, another poet MengHaoran, and wrote a famous poem for it to show his emotion. From then on, the yellow crane tower was well know throughout China.

          Over the centuries the tower had been destroyed by wars for many times, but its popularity with Chinese ensured that it was always rebuilt. The current tower was completed in 1985 and its design derived from a picture of Qing dynasty. It stands 51.4meters high and has 5 floors .The appearance of the tower is the same regardless of the direction it is viewed from. The tower has 60 upturned eaves layer upon layer,covered with yellow glazed tiles and supported with 72 huge pillars.The exports comment that it is an authentic reproduction of both the exterior and interior design, with the exception of the addition of air-conditioner and an elevator. Since ancient time, the yellow crane tower has been regarded as the symbol of Wuhan.

          黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文 6

        Dear tourists:

          Hello everyon e!

          I am your new tour guide, you can call me Xiao Wang. The famous Yellow Crane Tower, located on Snake Mountain in Wuhan, Hubei Province, is one of the four famous towers in Jiangnan. The four famous towers are Wuhan Yellow Crane Tower, Hunan Yueyang Tower, and Nanchang Tengwang Tower. Nanjing Yuejiang Tower.

          Since its construction during the Three Kingdoms period, the Yellow Crane Tower has been repeatedly rebuilt and destroyed. In 1981, it became one of the top ten tourist attractions in China and is known as the "Number One Tower in the World".

          The houses of various sizes on each floor of the Yellow Crane Tower are staggered and overlapping, as if they were crane wings spreading their wings and ready to fly. Outside the building, there are a number of auxiliary buildings, such as yellow crane shaped bronze, pagoda, memorial archway, pavilion, etc., which make the main building more magnificent. Climbing up the tower and looking into the distance, one can see the Chu Tian Shu in the extreme view, and the rolling Yangtze River offers a panoramic view of the scenery.

          It has a total of five floors and is 50.4 meters high, equivalent to a 16 story building. It has layered eaves, tall and majestic, full of personality, and the entire building has a unique ethnic style. The ground floor is a tall and spacious hall, with a huge ceramic mural of "white clouds and yellow cranes" on its front wall.

          On the wall of the lobby on the second floor, there is a marble engraved edict written by Yan Boli, which records the rise and fall of the Yellow Crane Tower and anecdotes of famous people. There are two murals on both sides of the story, one is "Sun Quan built the city", which vividly illustrates the history of the birth of Yellow Crane Tower and Wuchang City Phase Congee, and the other is "Zhou Yu held a banquet", which reflects the activities of celebrities from the Three Kingdoms to Yellow Crane Tower.

          The murals in the third floor hall are "embroidered portraits" of famous figures from the Tang and Song dynasties, such as Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Lu You, etc. They also excerpted their famous lines of singing about the Yellow Crane Tower.

          The fourth floor lobby is divided into several small halls with screens, inside which are decorated with calligraphy and paintings of famous figures for visitors to appreciate and choose from.

          There are long scrolls and murals such as "Ten Thousand Rivers and Ten Thousand Miles" in the top hall.

          Alright, now please go to your favorite floor to take photos and leave a lasting impression. In one hour, everyone will gather on the first floor!

          黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文 7

        Dear touristsL:

          Hello everyone!

          Today I am your little tour guide - Xiaoli. I will lead everyone to visit the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan.

          The Yellow Crane Tower, Yueyang Tower, and Tengwang Pavilion are collectively known as the three famous towers in Jiangnan, China. Among them, the Yellow Crane Tower is the most spectacular. It has five floors, about fifty meters high, and each floor has many upturned horns, which seem to be cranes spreading their wings. There is a very grand plaque hanging on the top floor in front of the building, with the three golden characters "Yellow Crane Tower" written on it. Entering the building, there are many celebrity calligraphy and paintings on each floor. Carefully observing layer by layer, one of the floors displays the appearance of the Yellow Crane Tower from a historical era, each of which is very magnificent, but it is still the earliest modern building that is even more spectacular and exquisite.

          Unconsciously, we arrived at the top floor. Looking from afar, we could see the rolling Yangtze River flowing in the sky, and the entire Wuhan was in sight. The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge flew across both sides, and cars flowed endlessly on the bridge. Ships also came and went on the river surface. Just like the picturesque scenery of Chu Tian River and mountains in the extreme view. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, gazing at the beautiful scenery in the distance, my mood is very happy, and I should have forgotten the fatigue of climbing the Yellow Crane Tower! I cant help but think of Li Bais poem Yellow Crane Tower: Farewell to Meng Haorans Guangling. Thinking about it, Li Bai must have been very sad at that time!

          Alright, today I led everyone on a tour of the famous scenic spot - Yellow Crane Tower. If you are interested, come and explore carefully!

          黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文 8

        Dear friends:

          Hello everyone!

          I am the tour guide of "Dinosaur Express Travel Agency". Here, I warmly welcome everyone to Wuhan. In the following time, I will provide tour guide and explanation services for you. I will do my best to arrange your itinerary and make you feel happy and joyful during this tourism activity.

          Okay, now please follow me to visit the most distinctive attraction in Wuhan, the Yellow Crane Tower.

          The Yellow Crane Tower was first built in the second year of Huangwu in the Three Kingdoms period, which is 223 AD, and has a history of more than 1700 years. During this time, it has been repeatedly built and destroyed. The current Yellow Crane Tower is based on the Yellow Crane Tower of the Qing Dynasty, rebuilt in 1981 and completed in 1985.

          The tall and magnificent building in front of us now is the Yellow Crane Tower, which is renowned throughout history and is famous both at home and abroad for its claim to be a breathtaking sight in the world. It is on par with the Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi and the Yueyang Tower in Hunan, and is known as one of the "Three Great Pavilions of Jiangnan". There is an interesting story about the magnificence of the Yellow Crane Tower. It is said that guests from Hubei and Sichuan met on the river, chatting and praising their hometowns. The Sichuan guest said, "There is Mount Emei in Sichuan, only three feet and three feet away from the sky." The Hubei guest laughed and said, "There is a Yellow Crane Tower in Hubei, half of which is ed into the clouds." The Sichuan guest was shocked and speechless. Of course, this story may be somewhat exaggerated, but the Yellow Crane Tower does attract visitors from both China and abroad with its magnificent scenery, touching legends, and rich cultural atmosphere.

          Alright, after all that has been said, lets go inside the Yellow Crane Tower together and take a look.

          黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文 9


          Hello everyone, I feel very honored to meet you all in this beautiful Jiangcheng and spend this wonderful time with you all. The place we are going to today is the Yellow Crane Tower, which is known as the tallest building in the world. The Yellow Crane Tower is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River, at the top of Snake Mountain in Wuchang. It dates back to the second year of Huangwu in the Three Kingdoms period, which is 223 AD, and has a history of more than 1700 years since today. Although the Yellow Crane Tower has a long history, it has gone through many vicissitudes and has been repeatedly built and destroyed. The last Yellow Crane Tower in history was destroyed by a fire in 1884. The Yellow Crane Tower we are going to today was built in 1981, based on the same building in the Qing Dynasty, using reinforced concrete frame houses and wooden structures. After all the talk, I think everyone cant wait. It happens to be the Yellow Crane Tower scenic area outside. Please take a look.

          Now that we have all arrived at the Yellow Crane Tower, please get off the car with me and go admire it together. This is the Yellow Crane Tower we are going to admire today, and now we are all going back. I know everyone is reluctant to leave, and I am also reluctant to leave. But if we have to leave now.

          We are all going to say goodbye now. I hope we have the chance to meet again. Goodbye.

          黃鶴樓導(dǎo)游詞英文 10

        Tourist friends:

          Hello everyone, first of all, on behalf of the travel agency, I welcome everyone! I feel very honored to meet you all in this beautiful Jiangcheng and spend this wonderful time with you all.

          I am a tour guide from a travel agency. You can call me Xiao Ming. This is our driver master, who has been driving for more than ten years and has a high level of expertise and rich experience. You can rest assured to enjoy the scenery outside the window.

          In the following time, the two of us will be at your service. I will do my best to arrange your itinerary. If you have any problems during the journey, feel free to raise them and we will try our best to solve them for you.

          I hope the service provided by my master and I will make you happy and enjoyable on this journey.

          The place we are going to today is the Yellow Crane Tower, which is known as the tallest building in the world.

          The Yellow Crane Tower is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River, at the top of Snake Mountain in Wuchang. It was first built in the second year of Huangwu in the Three Kingdoms period, which is 223 AD, and has a history of more than 1700 years since today.

          Although the Yellow Crane Tower has a long history, it has gone through many vicissitudes and has been repeatedly built and destroyed. The last Yellow Crane Tower in history, also known as Tongzhi Tower, was destroyed by fire in 1884, the tenth year of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty.

          The Yellow Crane Tower we are going to today was built in 1981, based on the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi Tower. It was completed and opened in June 1985 using modern technology and materials such as reinforced concrete frame and imitation wood structure. When it comes to this building, its characteristics can be summarized in five words: high, strange, dangerous, beautiful, and wonderful.

          Tall is higher in the mountains, and tall buildings are even higher, with green clouds and clouds soaring above. The wonder lies in the immortal driving a crane, and the divine transmission; The danger lies in standing by the river; Beauty lies in the panoramic view of Wuhan scenery; The beauty lies in the literati and literati, and anecdotes are passed down.

          After all that has been said, I think everyone is a bit impatient. Yellow Crane Tower tour guides speech tour guide.

          Coincidentally, everyone, outside the window is the Yellow Crane Tower Scenic Area. Please come with me to get off the car and explore together.












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