- 相關推薦
1.安全第一,旅客至上 saftety first, passengers supreme
2.保護珍稀動物和植物 protect rare animals and plants
3.避暑勝地 summer resort
4.冰雪節 Snow Festival
5.兵馬俑博物館 the Terra-Cotta Warrior Museum
6.草原旅游 grassland tour
7.出境游客 out-bound visitors
8.瓷都 ceramics metropolis
9.道觀 Taoist temple
10.登山旅游 mountaineering tour
11.東方神韻 charm of oriental culture
12.東方夏威夷 the Oriental Hawaii
13.度假村 holiday resort
14.非物質文化遺產 intangible cultural heritage
15.豐富的文化遺產 rich cultural heritage
16.風景區 scenic spot
17.風土人情 local customs and practices
18.風味小吃 local snack
19.服務監督電話 service supervision phone
20.高速公路 express way/freeway
21.高原自然風光 plateau scenery
22.購買實名制 real-name system for ticket purchase
23.購物旅游 shopping tour
24.購物天堂 a paradise for shoppers
25.故居 former residence
26.觀光游覽道路 scenic drive
27.國家法定假日 statutory holiday
28.國家級園林城市 nationally designated garden city
29.海濱度假地 beach resort
30.海水浴場 bathing beach
31.航海博物館 maritime museum
32.黑車 unlicensed car
33.紅色旅游區 red tourist destinations
34.黃金周 golden week
35.機場建設費 departure tax
36.機場免稅店 aiport duty-free shop
37.寄宿家庭 host family
38.假冒商品 fake commodity
39.假日經濟 holiday economy
40.接待游客人數 tourism arrivals
41.久負盛譽 long-cherished fame
42.離開旅館 check out from a hotel
43.歷史文化名城 historical and cultural city
44.歷史遺產 historical heritage
45.兩日游 2-day tour
46.龍門石窟 Longmen Grottoes
47.露天博物館 open-air museum
48.露營車與旅宿汽車 campervans and motor homes for hire
49.驢友 frequent travelers
50.旅館行李員 hall porter
51.旅客登記簿 hotel register
52.旅行結婚 honeymoon trip
53.旅行社 travel agency/service
54.旅行團 tourist group
55.旅行支票 traveller’s check
56.旅游巴士包租、游覽服務 charter bus and coach services and tour
57.旅游城市 tourist city
58.旅游淡季 slack season for tourism
59.旅游定點商店/餐廳 officially designated shop/restaurant
60.旅游景點 attraction for tourists
61.旅游簽證 visitor’s visa
62.旅游熱潮 tourism bloom
63.旅游收入 tourist revenue
64.亂收費 impose unjustifiable charges
65.每位游客消費額 consumption per arrival
66.美食節 gourmet festival
67.美術館 art gallery
68.免稅商品 duty-free goods
69.廟會 temple fair
70.民俗景觀 ethnic cultural park
71.民俗旅游 folklore tour
72.民俗文化村 folk culture village
73.名特產品 famous special local products
74.盤山公路 skyline drive
75.配套服務設施 supporting service facilities
76.汽車旅館 motel
77.全國重點文物保護單位 a major historical monument under state protection
78.全聚德烤鴨 Quanjude Peking Roast Duck
79.人文景觀 human landscape
80.如畫的風景 picturesque landscape