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        時間:2024-08-07 23:40:28 GRE 我要投稿
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          Although the percentage of first graders in Almaria who were excellent readers varied little between 1995 and 2010, the percentage of first graders who had considerable difficulty reading their schoolbooks increased markedly during that period. This evidence strongly indicates that the average reading ability of first graders decreased between 1995 and 2010.

          10. Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest additional support for the argument?

          A. The number of hours devoted to reading activities in first-grade classrooms in Almaria did not vary significantly, on average, between 1995 and 2010.

          B. The percentage of first graders in Almaria who had difficulty solving arithmetic problems did not increase as much between 1995 and 2010 as did the percentage of first graders who had reading difficulties.

          C. The number of children in Almaria who were enrolled as first graders decreased steadily between 1995 and 2010.

          D. The average difficulty of the schoolbooks used in first-grade classrooms in Almaria decreased between 1995 and 2010.

          E. The average number of schoolbooks used in first-grade classrooms in Almaria increased between 1995 and 2010.



          Cotton grass, which grows only in arctic regions, has been the only summertime source of protein available to caribou. Caribou that do not get adequate amounts of protein in the summer are unable to reproduce the following year. Rising average temperatures in arctic regions, however, are causing cotton grass to disappear. Therefore, if the warming trend continues, caribou are likely to become extinct.

          9. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

          A. cotton grass is the only one of the caribou’s food sources that is becoming scarce as temperatures rise in arctic regions.

          B. caribou that do not eat enough protein to reproduce do not live as long as caribou that do

          C. The warming trend in arctic regions will not enable other plants capable of providing protein to caribou to grow there.

          D. The caribou is the only animal that depends on cotton grass as a major source of food.

          E. If the warming trend continues and cotton grass disappears from arctic regions, then cotton grass will be extinct.



          In mountainous regions, the timberline is the highest altitude at which trees grow. In the Rocky Mountains, the current timberline is at the altitude above which growing season temperatures remain cooler than 10 degrees centigrade. Fossilized remains of trees that grew 10,000 years ago have been found 100 meters above the current Rocky Mountain timberline. Clearly, therefore, the climate of the Rocky Mountains is cooler now than it was 10,000 years ago.

          8. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?

          A. In the past 10,000 years, the only trees to have grown above today's timberline are the trees whose fossilized remains been found.

          B. No trees grew 10,000 years ago at altitudes higher than the ones at which fossilized tree remains have been found.

          C. The fossils are not of species of trees that were able to tolerate cooler growing temperatures than are the species that currently grow near the timberline.

          D. The Rocky Mountains have not eroded significantly over the past 10,000 years.

          E. The climate of the Rocky Mountains has never been significantly warmer than during the lifetime of the trees whose fossilized remains have been found.



          Although initially symptomless, glaucoma can eventually cause blindness when not properly treated. Tests under laboratory conditions of the traditional treatment, daily administration of eyedrops, show it to be as effective in relieving the internal ocular pressure that causes glaucoma as is a new laser-surgical procedure. Yet glaucoma-related blindness occurs in a significantly smaller percentage of patients who have had the surgery than of patients for whom only the eyedrop treatment was prescribed.

          7. Which of following, if true, most helps to explain the low rate glaucoma-related blindness among patients who had the surgery?

          A. Glaucoma-related blindness is no more common among patients who have had only the surgery than it is among patients who had the surgery after using the eyedrops

          B. Doctors rarely recommend the surgery for glaucoma patients who have already started the traditional course of treatment

          C. There is no known physiological cause of glaucoma other than increase in pressure inside the eye

          D. A significant percentage of the people for whom the eyedrop treatment has been prescribed fail to follow the prescribed daily regimen, because the eyedrops have unpleasant side effects.

          E. The eyedrops traditionally prescribed to treat glaucoma are normally prescribed to treat other disease of the eye.



          There are many structural and thematic similarities between Piers Plowman by Langland (1330-1400) and House of Fame by Chaucer (1342-1400), two Middle English poems relating dream visions. Some critics have argued that because a number of the shared elements are uncommon in Middle English poetry, and because Langland’s poem probably predates Chaucer’s by a few years, Chaucer was most likely influenced by Piers Plowman when writing House of Fame.

          5. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the critics’ argument?

          A. Piers Plowman is one of Langland’s major works, whereas House of Fame is a minor work of Chaucer’s.

          B. House of Fame survives in only three manuscript copies, substantially fewer than the number of manuscript copies that exist of Piers Plowman.

          C. Because Piers Plowman became a well-known work in its day, it is likely that the similarities between it and House of Fame were detected by many of the people who read House of Fame soon after Chaucer wrote it.

          D. Many of the themes and structures of Piers Plowman are also found in Latin, Italian, French works with which Chaucer could well have been familiar.

          E. There is no evidence that Chaucer and Langland ever met or that they corresponded with each other about literary topics.



          Sportfishers introduced the Zander, a type of perch, to Britain’s rivers and canals in the 1970s. Because zander eat large numbers of smaller fish, they have had a devastating effect on native fish populations. To protect the native fish, a government program removed a significant proportion of the zander from Britain’s waterways last year. Surprisingly, this year the loss of native fish to zander has been greater than before.

          4. Which of the following, if true, would most help to explain the greater effect of zander on the native fish population?

          A. The climate in Britain is very similar to the climate in regions to which zander are native.

          B. Most of the zander removed were fully grown, and fully grown zander eat large numbers of smaller zander.

          C. Every year a large number of zander are caught by sportfisher in Britain’s waterway.

          D. Previous government program designed to remove nonnative species from Britain’s waterways have failed.

          E. Zander are just one of several nonnative fish that prey on the other fish found in Britain’s waterway.



          New methods developed in genetic research have led taxonomists to revise their views on the evolutionary relationships between many species. Traditionally the relatedness of species has been ascertained by a close comparison of their anatomy. The new methods infer the closeness of any two species’ relationship to each other directly from similarities between the species’ genetic codes.

          3. Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the information?

          A. The apparent degree of relatedness of some species, as determined by anatomical criteria, is not borne out by their degree of genetic similarity.

          B. When they know the differences between two species’ genetic codes, taxonomists can infer what the observable anatomical differences between those species must be.

          C. The degree to which individuals of the same species are anatomically similar is determined more by their genetic codes than by such environmental factors as food supply.

          D. The traditional anatomical methods by which taxonomists investigated the relatedness of species are incapable of any further refinement.

          E. Without the use of genetic methods, taxonomists would never be able to obtain any accurate information about species’ degrees of relatedness to one another.



          Stylistic evidence and laboratory evidence strongly support the claim that the magnificent painting Garden of Eden is a work of the Flemish master van Eyck. Nevertheless, the painting must have been the work of someone else, as anyone with a little historical and zoological knowledge can tell merely by looking at the painting. The animals in the painting are all vivid representations of actual animals, including armadillos. Yet armadillos are native only to Americas, and van Eyck died decades before Europeans reached the Americas.

          2. In the argument given, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?

          A. The first is a position that the argument seeks to reject, the second is evidence that the argument uses against that position.

          B. The first and the second are each pieces of evidence that have been used to support the position that the argument opposes.

          C. The first presents the main conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.

          D. The first is a judgment that serves as the basis for the main conclusion of the argument; the second states that main conclusion.

          E. The first is an intermediate conclusion drawn in order to support a further conclusion stated in the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that intermediate conclusion.



          Columnist: Until very recently, Presorbin and Veltrex, two medications used to block excess stomach acid, were both available only with a prescription written by a doctor. In an advertisement for Presorbin, its makers argue that Presorbin is superior on the grounds that doctors have written 200 million prescriptions for Presorbin, as compared to 100 million for Veltrex. It can be argued that the number of prescriptions written is never a worthwhile criterion for comparing the merits of medicines, but that the advertisement’s argument is absurd is quite adequately revealed by observing that Presorbin was available as a prescription medicine years before Veltrex was.

          1. In the columnist’s argument, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?

          A. The first is a claim that the columnist’s argument seeks to clarify; the second states a conclusion drawn about one possible interpretation of that claim.

          B. The first identifies the conclusion of an argument that the columnist’s argument is directed against; the second states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument.

          C. The first states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument; the second states a conclusion that the columnist draws in defending that conclusion against an objection.

          D. The first identifies an assumption made in an argument that the columnist's argument is directed against; the second states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument.

          E. The first is a claim that has been offered as evidence to support a position that the columnist opposes; the second states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument.



          Members of the San, a hunter-gatherer society, have a diet far richer in fruits and vegetables and lower in salt than is typical in industrialized societies. They also differ from industrialized societies in that they have extremely low rates of high blood pressure and obesity. However, contrary to what some have claimed, if people in industrialized societies adopted the San’s diet, the incidence of high blood pressure and obesity in these societies might not be dramatically reduced, because ____________.

          17. Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

          A. psychological stress, which can also cause high blood pressure, occurs in both industrialized and nonindustrialized societies

          B. the San’s low-salt diet is due, not to preference, but to the limited availability of salt in their region

          C. a few members of the San have been found to suffer from circulatory system ailments other than high blood pressure

          D. members of the San are far more physically active than are most members of industrialized societies

          E. not all individuals with high blood pressure are obese












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