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      1. GRE考試高頻形近詞

        時間:2023-01-23 13:21:12 GRE 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦




          1. enjoin / adjoin

          enjoin: to direct or order (someone) to do something; to prevent (someone) from doing something

          adjoin (of a building, room, area of land, etc. ): to be next to or joined with something

          2.abjure / adjure

          abjure: to reject (something) formally

          adjure: to urge or command (someone) to do something

          3.bypass / surpass / impasse / impassive

          bypass: to avoid or ignore (someone or something) especially to get something done quicker

          impasse: a situation in which no progress seems possible

          impassive: not showing emotion

          4. discernible / discerning

          discernible: able to be identified as separate and distinct

          discerning: able to see and understand people, things, or situations clearly and intelligently

          5. exhaustive / exhausted

          exhaustive: including all possibilities: very thorough

          exhausted: be tired out or worn out

          6. aver / avert / averse / avow / advent /advert

          aver: to say something in a very strong and definite way

          avert: to prevent (something bad) from happening

          averse: having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste

          avow: to declare or state (something) in an open and public way

          advent: second coming

          advert: announcement; notification

          7. feckless / reckless

          feckless: weak and ineffective; worthless;irresponsible

          reckless: not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions

          8. mean / mien

          mien: a person’s appearance or facial expression

          9. humdrum / conundrum

          humdrum: dull, boring, and ordinary

          conundrum: a confusing or difficult problem

          10.immune / immure / inure

          immure: to enclose within or as if within walls

          inure: to cause (someone) to be less affected by something unpleasant

          11. impudent / imprudent

          impudent: very rude

          imprudent: not wise or sensible: not prudent

          12. insolent / indolent / redolent

          insolent: rude or impolite

          indolent: not liking to work or be active

          redolent: causing thoughts or memories of something

          13. witty / witting

          witty: funny and clever

          witting: cognizance / news

          14.pertinacious / tenacious

          pertinacious: adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design; stubbornly tenacious

          tenacious: very determined to do something

          15.endanger / engender

          engender: to be the source or cause of something

          16.intellectual /intelligible / intelligent

          intelligible: able to be understood

          17.perquisite / prerequisite

          perquisite: gratuity, tip

          prerequisite: something that you officially must have or do before you can have or do something else

          18.passionate / dispassionate

          dispassionate: not influenced or affected by emotions

          19.precocity / preciosity

          precocity: the phenomenon of a child showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early age

          preciosity: fastidious refinement

          20.apprehend / reprehend / comprehend

          apprehend: to notice and understand (something); (of police) to arrest (someone)

          reprehend: the voice disapproval of: censure


          1.perspective 透視畫法;觀點,方法;前景,遠景

          2.prospect 前景,景色;前途;勘探,尋找

          3.appreciate 理解,認識,意識到;欣賞;感激

          4.elaborate v.&adj. 精心制作,詳細描述;精心制作的

          5.address v.從事,忙于;n. 演講

          6.appropriate v. 撥給(資金),盜用/ adj.合適的

          7.strain n. 血統(tǒng),品系,菌株;緊張,張力;v.扭傷,拉緊

          8.article n. 物品,商品

          9.intrigue v.&n 激發(fā)興趣;密謀;陰謀

          10.intriguing adj. 激發(fā)興趣的

          11.assume v. 承擔,擔任;假裝;假設

          12.bark n. 樹皮;犬吠

          13.bill n.議案,法案;鳥嘴;賬單

          14.champion vt. 支持,擁護;n.冠軍

          15.aging n.老化,陳釀

          16.complex n. 綜合體 adj.復雜的

          17.concern n. 公司(壟斷組織“康采恩”就是它的音譯)

          18.attribute v.&n 歸因于;特征,屬性

          19.default n.&v. 不履行;違約;拖欠;默認(值)

          20.drill vt. 鉆(孔);訓練,操練

          21.exploit v. 開發(fā),利用n. 功績

          22.fair n. 集市,交易會;adj.公平的,美麗的 adv.公平地,直接地

          23.fairly adv. 相當?shù),公平?/p>

          24.game n. 獵物,野味;

          25.fashion vt. 形成,塑造 n.時尚,方式

          26.inviting adj. 引人注目的,吸引人的

          27.alternate v.&adj. 交替,輪流; 交替的

          28.alternating adj.交互的,交替的

          29.alternative n.&adj. 可供選擇的方案(option);選擇性的(optional)

          30.figure n. 人物;體形

          31.hit n. 轟動一時的人物或作品vt. 偶然碰見

          32.find n. 發(fā)現(xiàn)(物)

          33.spring v. &n 躍出,觸發(fā);彈簧,彈性;泉水

          34.humor n.體液

          35.import v.&n 重要;進口












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