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      1. 工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文

        時(shí)間:2022-11-29 11:24:53 興亮 雅思(IELTS) 我要投稿
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          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇1

          Some people say that the invention of computers is one of the greatest humankind's inventions. However, other people think that computers make their life more stressful. I agree with those people who think that computers brought many benefits and play a very important role in our modern life.

          First of all, every company nowadays uses a computer to store its data and make different kinds of operations. It is very difficult to imagine life without computers. A company would have to store millions of papers and documents. Moreover, a customer would have to wait hours to check his balance or get a piece of information about his transactions at his bank, while an employee was looking trough those papers. Another important aspect of this is that people are able to type all their information, make corrections, print or send documents using computers. It makes life much easier. One can spend the rest of the time watching TV with his family or working on something new.

          We use computers every day sometimes even not knowing it. When we go to a store and use our credit cards many computers process our information and perform transactions. When we need to get some cash we use money access machines that are computerized too.

          Second of all, computers provided a great means of communication - the Internet. I think it is the easiest and cheapest way to get in touch with relatives, friends, business colleagues, etc. Nowadays the world becomes smaller and smaller. When I was a little girl, I could not imagine that it would be possible to communicate with people from all around the world in so easy way. A person can get latest news, become friends with someone from another country, find his old friends, ask for a piece of advice, etc.

          Finally, in addition to these practical benefits people can shop without leaving their house. They just use an Internet access, a computer and their cards to make a payment. It is kind of difficult to imagine that a few years ago people had to spend their time in lines buying tickets. Now, a person can choose a destination, company, date and time and get tickets delivered to his door. I think it is amazing.

          To sum up, I believe that computers made our lives easier. They change our attitude towards life. I think with the invention of computers people became closer and friendlier.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇2

          It is probably true to say that most people believe that a university degree is the only way to get a good job. I think this is true in certain areas, while in other areas, a degree is not as useful.

          To begin with, many people have ambitions to become a qualified professional and there is no doubt that becoming a doctor or a lawyer, for example, is only possible with a degree. Another advantage of graduating from university is that it gives you more choices when it comes to choosing a job. Most employers will be more impressed by a candidate who has a degree than they would be by one who only has high school qualifications because it shows a certain level of intelligence and education, as well as the commitment and self-discipline that is needed In order to study a degree course for three or four years.

          On the other hand, there might be some benefit to starting your career early, especially if your chosen field is one which does not typically require a university education. This would apply to somebody who wants to be a car mechanic, or a fashion designer, for instance, who would not necessarily gain anything from going to university. The hands-on experience you gain in your job while others are studying for a degree can give you a distinct advantage. I once read about a man who left school at sixteen and went on to become a wealthy and successful investment broker. He claimed that he had learned all he needed to know by working in his chosen field and that he could not have done any better by getting a degree.

          So, to conclude, it is possible to get a good job without going to university. Having said that, some professions, such as the law, require you to have a degree and as stated above a University degree could potentially open more doors when looking for a job.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇3

          The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?

          Recently, the discussion about whether the government should control the amount of violence in films and on television has become a heated one. People take diverse attitudes towards this issue. Before presenting my view, I seek to analyze the issue from different angles.

          From some people’s point of view, there are many good reasons for controlling the amount of violence in films and on television. First, violent films and television can do harm to young people. Because they contains numerous of erotic, corrupt and provoking episode, which can bring negative influence to na?ve young people. Moreover, since young people are in the formative years, they are not mature enough. They always like imitating their idols, no matter right or wrong, which lead to the increasing of the juvenile delinquents. Thirdly, violence begets violence. Violent films and television can make people aggressive and cold-blooded, which enhance the violent crime in society. In a word, controlling the amount of violence in films and TV effectively can decrease the violent crimes in society and preserve social security.

          Many others, however, take a quite strong opposite attitude towards this issue. They believe violent media have their positive sides, which should not be controlled by government. To begin with, there are many valuable education functions in this kind of films and TV. Because they can reflect the reality, and we can’t imagine that there aren’t any con information but only pro things in our world. Secondly, if the government control the violent films and television, it must influence the development of the entertainment industry. Last but not least, they can prepare children for the adult world and teach them to cherish life.

          As far as I am concern, I strongly believe that the amount of violence in films and TV should be controlled. At the same time, we cannot deny the advantages brought by them. And the best policy is to develop the merits of the violent films and television, while grading and filtering them, describing that which are not fit for the children to watch.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇4

          The most prominent memory of my trip to Europe in 1983 was not the excitement of traveling abroad for the first time but the discomfort of flying in a smoke-filled airplane for almost six hours. Even in the non-smoking section, I was coughing and choking during the entire flight. And whenever I had to use the restroom, I had to hold my nose as I passed through the smoking area to the lavatory.

          If I ruled the world, I would certainly outlaw cigarette smoking in all public places. Fortunately for smokers everywhere, I don't rule the world. Nevertheless, I fully support the idea behind the New York State legislature's recent bill to ban smoking in all restaurants in New York State.

          According to the New York Times, officials in both houses of the legislature say the legislation is "very close to fruition." California is the only other state I know that has banned smoking in restaurants and bars, and despite the predictions of some restaurant owners, I haven't read any reports that restaurant attendance has fallen off significantly since the bill passed. Why should it? Food is a necessity. People need to eat.

          Assigning designated smoking and non smoking areas in restaurants is not enough. Smoke travels quickly beyond the imaginary boundaries set up between tables and booths. As a patron, I should be able to enjoy my meal without choking on someone else's smoke. The same is true in bars and nightclubs, although I would exercise more legislative restraint in this setting because dancing and drinking are not as essential as eating. Still, why should I have to endanger my lungs just to go dancing?

          I would ban smoking on public sidewalks and streets as well. What you do in the privacy of your own home is your business, but once you pollute the rest of the world with cancer-inducing toxic fumes, it becomes the government's business. I'm tired of asking people to put out their cigarettes or asking waiters to patrol the boundaries of their restaurant's smoking section. So if this new bill becomes law, as I hope it does, non-smokers will finally be able to enjoy their restaurant meals without having to police the artificial lines of separation that divide the two sections in restaurants.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇5

          The government should control the amount of violence in films and on elevision in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?

          Whether the government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society involves a conflict between our right of free speech and the duty of the government to protect its citizenry from potential harm. In my view, our societal nterest in preventing the harm that exposure to violence produces takes recedence over the rights of individuals to broadcast this type of content.

          First of all, I believe that exposure to violence does indeed cause similar behavior on the part of those who are exposed to it. Although we may not have conclusive scientific evidence of a cause-effect relationship, ample anecdotal evidence establishes a significant correlation. Moreover, both common sense and our experiences with children inform us that people tend to mimic the behavior they are exposed to.

          Secondly, I believe that violence is indeed harmful to a society. The harm it produces is, in my view, both palpable and profound. For the individual, it has a debasing impact on vital human relationships; for the society, it promotes a tendency toward antisocial behavior. Both outcomes, in turn, tear apart the social fabric that holds a society together.

          Those who advocate unbridled individual expression might point out that the right of free speech is intrinsic to a democracy and necessary to its urvival. Even so, this right is not absolute, nor is it the most critical element. In my assessment, the interests served by restricting violence in broadcast media are, on balance, more crucial to the survival of a society.

          In sum, it is in our best interest as a society for the government to censor broadcast media for violence. Exposure to such media content tends to harm society and its citizenry in ways that are worth preventing, even in light of the resulting infringement of our right of free expression.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇6

          What are the causes for losing varieties in languages and cultures?

          Every human society has a culture that includes arts, customs, language, etc. Every culture changes and the main causes for losing varieties in language and culture, in my opinion, are: contact with other cultures, and development of science and technology.

          When two cultures have continuous contact with each other, the two cultures may blend or adopt their cultural traits, such as language, clothing, etc. thus losing their individual cultural varieties. When people of one culture who move to a country where another culture dominates may give up their old ways and become part of the dominant culture. For example, groups of people from many countries have settled in the United States. Most of these people gradually abandoned the way of life of their homeland, and adopted an American way of life. They learned the language, adopted the customs, and followed the traditions.

          The development of science and technology, on the other hand, may attribute to changes in a culture. The invention of steam engine, for example, produced great changes in the way people lived. The invention of the computer in the mid 20th century has also had enormous impact. It has brought far-reaching changes in communication, education, entertainment, and numerous other areas of modern life.

          In conclusion, to lose varieties in language and culture is to lose richness in them. Therefore, to my mind, multiculturalism should prevail in the contemporary world, so that ethnic groups can bring variety and richness to a society by introducing their own ideas and customs.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇7

          Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training that is beneficial to society.

          Do you agree or disagree?

          The current hot issues concerning higher education include the one of whether university should provide theoretical knowledge or practical training. In my opinion, this issue is closely related to the different aims of different universities and the needs of the economic development of the respective country.

          As we know, university education gives a student a better appreciation of such fields as art, literature, history, science, and human relations. Therefore, it is necessary for the university to provide theoretical knowledge for those students who intend to receive liberal education.

          Most universities also have professional colleges that prepare students for careers, such as teachers colleges, agricultural or dental colleges. These colleges, apart from offering some liberal arts courses, usually allocate a certain period of time for professional training. For example, a student at teachers college usually takes a field training at a high school as a student teacher for two or three months.

          Another important factor on this issue is the needs of the economic development of a respective county. For instance, in China, a great number of advanced professional personnel are needed to keep the pace with the rapid economic development. Therefore, cooperative education that combines classroom studies with practical work experience is more appropriate an education China needs at the present time.

          In a word, how much emphasis that should be laid on theoretical knowledge or practical training is determined by the needs of the economy of a respective country and the needs of all-round personnel for a democratic society.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇8

          ou should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

          Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time.

          Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making plans. Which do you prefer - planning or not planning for your leisure time? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

          You should write at least 250 words. model answer: Nowadays people have so many things to do that they almost always do not have enough time for it.

          When we go to bed we carefully think and plan our next day and it continues day in and day out. We wake up, recollect our checklist with things to do and in a few minutes we are already in a car on our way to the office.

          Often people do not have time for themselves. So, when people have some spare time they want to use it wisely.

          Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. However, others prefer not to make any plans.

          In this essay I will analyze both cases and present my view in favor of planning free-time activities. From the one side, not making any plans and just letting the time pass by for some time have some benefits.

          First of all, a person can just relax, enjoy the beautiful moments, spend his or her time with loved ones, watch a movie, listen to relaxing music, observe the flowers in bloom from the window, contemplate about his or her life and just slow down the pace of life. I think it is a very good way to eliminate one's stress and tension and just leave all troubles and worries behind.

          From the other side, careful planning can bring many benefits too. First of all, one can travel.

          However, traveling requires some planning to be made. For example, one most likely will need a hotel room.

          So, the reservation should be made beforehand. Also, it is wise to check one's car to avoid breakdowns and have an uninterrupted worry-free trip.

          Second of all, planning one's activities allows to spend one's free time the way he/she likes. For instance, if I want to play tennis on incoming week-end I will certainly make a reservation for a court because in this case I will not be disappointed with the waste of my time.

          Personally, I prefer to make plans for my free time because it allows me to spend my vacation or week-ends the way I want it. To sum up, I think careful planning allows people to derive maximum benefits from their free time.

          However, I must confess sometimes I allow my self just to stay at home with my friends and family and not make any plans

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇9

          Some people believe that technological developments lead to the loss of traditional cultures. I partly agree with this assertion; while it may be true in the case of some societies, others seem to be unaffected by technology and the modern world.

          On the one hand, the advances in technology that have driven industrialisation in developed countries have certainly contributed to the disappearance of traditional ways of life. For example, in pre-industrial Britain, generations of families grew up in the same small village communities. These communities had a strong sense of identity, due to their shared customs and beliefs. However, developments in transport, communications and manufacturing led to the dispersal of families and village communities as people moved to the cities in search of work. Nowadays most British villages are inhabited by commuters, many of whom do not know their closest neighbours.

          On the other hand, in some parts of the world traditional cultures still thrive. There are tribes in the Amazon Rainforest, for example, that have been completely untouched by the technological developments of the developed world. These tribal communities continue to hunt and gather food from the forest, and traditional skills are passed on to children by parents and elders. Other traditional cultures, such as farming communities in parts of Africa, are embracing communications technologies. Mobile phones give farmers access to information, from weather predictions to market prices, which helps them to prosper and therefore supports their culture.

          In conclusion, many traditional ways of life have been lost as a result of advances in technology, but other traditional communities have survived and even flourished.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇10

          Some feel that the children of low income families are better equipped to deal with difficulties posed by the “real world” when they grow up and they also believe the privileged children of wealthy families are less fit to deal with these difficulties.The implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident,but in fact require closer examination.

          The popular wisdom is that children of poorer families learn early on the value of a buck ,and are thus naturally better suited to stretching money when times get tough in adulthood. Inversely, the children of wealthy families,thoseborn with a silver spoon in their mouths,are believed to be completely ignorant of the tentimes erroneously expecting the same situation in adulthood.They are believed to be prone to overspending and financial irresponsibility. This belief,though logical,overlooks one key point which is,of course,education.

          The basis of this argument is,of course,knowing the value of money ,and the idea that children of the poor know this,and those of the wealthy do not.Who though,is in a better position to teach their children the value of money,someone skilled in earning and keeping it,the wealthy parent,or someone who can not seem to acquire it,the poor parent? Both wealthy and poor children are equally likely to acquire an education in money,whether it is formal,or in the school of hard knocks. Conversely, both children are as likely to ignore this education.

          A poor child may believe that one can get along,if not as easily,without wealthy.A wealthy child may be well trained by a parent steeped in the knowledge of money management,the key to developing this skill is education.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇11

          I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I believe that building a large factory near my community has advantages as well as disadvantages. In the following paragraphs I will list basic benefits and losses that will be brought by a new factory.

          For several reasons, I think that a new factory will not be a good addition to my neighborhood. First of all, factories often bring pollution. They are prone to contaminating the local air and water. Second of all, factories make noise. Another important aspect of building a new factory near by is that it will make the local traffic heavy. As a result of this, the amount of traffic congestions will increase, as well as contamination of the air. So, all these obviously will not make one's life happier and healthier in my community.

          From the other side, I believe that a new factory will bring some advantages to my community. First of all, it will bring new job opportunities. Many specialists will be required to work there. Second of all, I think many local community facilities will have to be renovated to obtain reliable supply of water and electricity. So, some old pipes may be changed. Another important benefit of this is that the local roads in order to manage the increasing traffic will be rebuilt and widened.

          However, I do not think that listed above benefits are worth all these troubles including water contamination and the constant pollution of air. From my point of view all factories must be built far from the people communities because they can be really harmful for people's health.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇12

          There are many good reasons to cycle. Cycling is the most efficient means of getting around London. Many journeys we make are shorter than two miles or less and these are usually faster on a cycle than travelling by car, bus, tube, train or taxi.Not only is cycling good for you, it is also fun and available to all. It is a chance to get out of the house or workplace, to be active and to be sociable. Getting a bike neednt be expensive and upkeep is low cost and easy. )

          Save money

          Using a bike to replace your regular form of transport is a great way to save money. Its well documented that cycling is the best value way to travel around London . Compared to cars, bicycles are much cheaper to buy and maintain, and you dont have all the added costs of fuel, Vehicle Excise Duty and parking.

          Save time

          For a typical London journey, cycling is faster than the car, public transport, taxis or walking. Remember that cycling is a door to door service. On a bicycle you can easily cover five miles in half an hour and be confident that youll arrive on time. Car or bus journeys take longer and depend on traffic, or irregular bus services. For longer trips, you can combine bike and public transport: leaving your bike at the station or sometimes taking it on the train/tube at off-peak times. See the LCC information booklet Transporting Your Bicycle for further information.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇13

          Poverty reduction is again a hot topic worldwide when the economic crisis hits the poorest counties hardest. While more attention drawn to this issue, some problems emerge with people’s opinions divided. Many people believe countries have a moral obligation to help each other, whilst others argue that aid money is, more often than not, misspent by the recipients, so foreign aids, as a well-intended mechanism, simply failed and need to be scrapped.

          As a more widely shared knowledge than ever, poverty in the third world is an inevitable cause of all the chaos afflicting the world, from crimes, regional confrontations to terrorism, even pandemics. On this more and more globalized world, a nation could no longer be exempt from the unstableness and misery suffered by its neighbouring countries. Even the cry from the faraway end of the globe will be brought to your ears through all the links and ties. It is, therefore, a consensus among both the rich and the poor that only when poverty is eliminated once and for all, can peace and prosperity be attained and sustained. To this common end, the only possible way is to engage rich countries in helping poor ones generously and unconditionally.

          Sure enough, there are some high-profile scandals of fund misuse. It’s also true foreign aid did foster corruption and irresponsible policymaking in some countries. Yet, this should not serve as the excuse of withdrawing these most needed aids which are supposed to and also proved to save lives and deliver hopes. A loose governance or corruptive government cannot cancel off the desperate needs of its people. On the other hand, there are some effective measures can be taken to avoid, at least to some extent, such undesirable situations, for instance, strengthening the supervision of fund disbursement, delivering aids through the network of non-governmental organizations, or helping to promote recipient counties’ governance and management.

          In other words, the abuses involved with foreign aids can be checked through other available means rather than just abandoning the whole package altogether. As I mentioned above, there is hardly any way more effective than international aids in fighting world hunger and its tragic consequences. On no accounts would we give up on our shared dream of creating a planet free from tears and bleeding. So let’s work together to hold the rich countries accountable in this tough battle.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇14

          You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:

          The earth is being filled with waste material such as plastic bags and other rubbish. Is this really happening? What are some solutions to this problem?

          Gives reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.

          model answer:

          Over the past few decades, the increasing amount of industrial wastes and household garbage has become a major problem in many countries. People have questioned what caused this problem and what can be done to improve the situation. In my opinion, two of the most critical causes of this waste material problem are the increased consumption and a shortage of space for landfill.

          To begin with, modern lifestyle has contributed greatly to the increasing amount of waste and garbage we produce everyday. In other words, we have turned into a materialistic and mass-consumption society where we use more and throw away more than ever before. Moreover, countries are running out of space to store garbage and waste material. In fact, securing land for waste disposal raises controversies in many countries.

          To solve this intractable problem, every citizen needs to participate in producing less garbage. For example, we can bring our own personal shopping bags instead of using plastic bags provided by stores and shops. Besides, the government can enforce stricter laws on companies to use biodegradable packaging or use recycled material. Indeed, this alone can eliminate much of the waste which is sent to at land fills. Companies can also contribute by developing new raw material which is recyclable and will ultimately lead to less garbage. One good example of this is that tire companies develop new tires for cars which are not made of rubber but of new biodegradable material.

          As discussed above, individuals, business and the government can share the responsibility to reduce the amount of waste material and to save the earth. I hope that in the future our offspring will be better off with the well-preserved environment.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇15

          Topic : Some people belive that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime . Others , however , argue that the circumstances of an individual crime , and the motivation for committing it , should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment .

          Discuss both these views and give your own opinion .

          Answer : Band 7.5

          Fixing punishments for each type of crime has been a debatable issue . There are many arguments supporting both views , those for and those against fixed punishments .

          On the one hand , fixed punishments will have a deterring effect on society . Individuals knowing that they will be subject to a certain punishment if they are convicted with a given crime , will reconsider committing this act in the first place .

          This deterring effect also leads to social stability and security , through minimising the number of crimes committed .

          If people knew they would be able to convince the court or the jury of a reason for having committed the crime they are accused of , penal decisions would be largely arbitrary . This would result into criminals getting away with their crimes and into a high level of injustice caused by the subjective approach of different courts .

          On the other hand , taking the circumstances of a crime and its motivation into consideration is a prerequisite for establishing and ensuring justice and equity .

          A person killing in self-defense can not be compared to a serial killer , moving from one victim to the next . In my opinion an intermediary position between both solutions is the perfect way to establish and ensure justice and equity .

          There has to be fixed punishment for all crimes . However , criminal laws have to provide for a minimum and maximum for the punishment and the laws also have to foresee certain cases of exemptions .

          An example for setting minimum and maximum penalties is competition law where a person being held liable of a crime under this law will be convicted to pay a fine , according to the harm caused by the violation and the profit gained by the violator through committing the crime .

          As for the exemptions , in some countries the law exempts thiefs stealing food during a a period of famine taking into consideration the distress and hunger .

          Also , a person killing in self-defense will be exempted from punishment.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇16

          Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training that is beneficial to society.

          Do you agree or disagree?

          The current hot issues concerning higher education include the one of whether university should provide theoretical knowledge or practical training. In my opinion, this issue is closely related to the different aims of different universities and the needs of the economic development of the respective country.

          As we know, university education gives a student a better appreciation of such fields as art, literature, history, science, and human relations.

          Therefore, it is necessary for the university to provide theoretical knowledge for those students who intend to receive liberal education.

          Most universities also have professional colleges that prepare students for careers, such as teachers colleges, agricultural or dental colleges.

          These colleges, apart from offering some liberal arts courses, usually allocate a certain period of time for professional training. For example, a student at teachers college usually takes a field training at a high school as a student teacher for two or three months.

          Another important factor on this issue is the needs of the economic development of a respective county. For instance, in China, a great number of advanced professional personnel are needed to keep the pace with the rapid economic development. Therefore, cooperative education that combines classroom studies with practical work experience is more appropriate an education China needs at the present time.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇17

          Environmental hazards are often too great for particular countries or individuals to tackle. We have arrived at a point in time where the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level.

          Environmental problems have reached such proportions that people feel international organizations must be set up to intervene in world affairs to resolve these problems. Whether this will resolve the problem is very unlikely as international organizations are just an extension of human behavior. That is, if human conflicts cannot be resolved at home, then they are unlikely to be resolved at the international level. Nevertheless, international organizations do attract attention to the growing problem of aims of the international community to resolve the issue of environmental pollution and support their cause, I do not believe it is the best or only way to protect the environment; in fact, it is only a small part of what is needed in a global initiative.

          All world problems, whether it is environmental pollution, war, energy insufficiency, or famine, arise from the abusive behavior of all individuals. Therefore, the solution to all these problems is the need for a collective consciousness. What is meant by this is that each individual must be aware of the impact he or she has on the world and their unique part to play in this world. After all, if one is happy with his life, he will surely not endeavor to harm the environment or anyone else. His behavior will be that of a responsible individual.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇18

          There is nothing unusual about energy like coals and oils being consumed, principally because economic development depends on natural resources all the time. But what is happening today is extraordinary judged by the standards of the past. It is energy depletion on a massive scale and this problem is so knotty that should deserve our closer heed.

          Amongst the diverse factors contributing to the energy crises around the world, government’s short-sighted policies and citizens’ extravagant use of automobiles are probably the two most significant ones. By presuming on their natural resources, quite a few countries, especially developing ones, are eager to develop their economy in order to gain an edge over their rivals. Admittedly, their intensive use of the energy facilitates, to some extent, the developments of other industries in short term. Additionally, the amount of private cars increases at such a breakneck speed that the petroleum used amounts to an intimidating proportion of the natural resources.

          The consequences are undoubtedly disastrous for human beings. Although countries can boast their growth of GDP, their citizens have to endure the ever deteriorated environment with stinking gas belching from factories and vehicles, polluted water due to fuels infiltrating underground, even ultraviolet radiation in the absence of ozone layer and, therefore, their quality of life is by no means improved. Also, sustainable development can never come into true in this situation, meaning that our descendants can benefit nothing except sterile land and polluted air and water from their ancestors.

          Therefore, our government must take serious steps to attack those problems. The first and foremost is that governments have to reverse their mindset and no longer deem the growth of GDP their first goal. Rather, the betterment of citizens’ quality of life should deserve more attention than the economic growth. Furthermore, the use of private cars should be discouraged by authorities, who must shoulder the responsibility of improving public transportation in order to facilitate people as well as release the burden of energy consumption.

          In conclusion, to avoid the phrase “filthy rich” added to themselves, countries must pay more heed to the efficient use of their energy and the issue of environmental protection, while they develop their economy; otherwise, environmental apocalypse and energy crisis are feared to happen in the horizon

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇19

          Which kind of courses should universities provide: theoretical knowledge or practical training? Some people prefer the later one and assert that the practical training can benefit our society. Personally, I strongly disagree with their point of view for three reasons.

          Among countless factors which influence my propensity, there is a most conspicuous one: practical experience should be accumulated in society, not in universities. I can think of no better illustration than the saying: “society is another kind of university”.Literarily, in society people can study practical knowledge as well as studying theoretical knowledge in universities. Besides, campus is full of academic atmosphere, and there is Idontknowlly different from the circumstance in society. Thus, it is difficult for students to accumulate the real practical experience in campus.

          The second aspect relates to the importance of theoretical knowledge. Apparently, it would seem that some academic subjects, such as mathematics or sociology, cannot benefit companies or society directly. In fact, however, they are the basis of practical subjects, such as management or finance. For example, it is almost impossible to talk of economics without mentioning the fundamental roles played by statistics and mathematics.

          Furthermore, universities are where theoretical knowledge is handed down from generation to generation. As we know, form Oxford University to Yale University, from Beijing University to MIT, universities congregate a lot of preeminent scholars and professors whose main jobs are the academic research. They are responsible to impart the academic knowledge to the young generation in case of they are faded from our memory.

          In summary, from what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that the theoretical courses are not as obsolete, profitless and unimportant as some people believed. And our universities should be responsible to provide the theoretical knowledge

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇20

          The discussion about whether English becoming a global language has brought us more benefits than risks is a very controversial one. People can hardly reach a consensus on this issue. Before presenting my view, I would like to explore both sides of the argument.

          It is very clear that English as a global language has brought us enormous benefits in all aspects of society, which has greatly promoted our economic development. To begin with, as a tool of cross-cultural communication, English promotes mutual understanding and friendship, removing prejudice and h123lity. It is no exaggeration to say that English helps maintain the world peace. Moreover, English offers us a good opportunity to learn from developed countries. For instance, China, a developing country, is in great need of advanced knowledge and technology. English as a global language removes the language barriers for us, so that we can introduce foreign experts to our country more conveniently

          However, it can not be denied that English also exerts a negative influence on our human civilization. Since English becomes a dominant language, a large number of indigenous languages are on the verge of extinction, which poses potential risks to the cultural diversity. Just imagine, if everyone in the world looks the same, speaks the same, and thinks the same, our world will become a homogenous one. How terrible it is! It is widely accepted that language is the vehicle of culture, so killing language equals killing culture. In doing so, we erase whole histories and bury entire stories, the richness of which the world loses forever.

          Obviously, English like anything else, has more than one face. Its advantages should never keep us from their drawbacks. From my perspective, English and other languages can go side by side with each other, each shinning more brilliantly in the other’s company.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇21

          The two graphs show the main sources of energy in the USA in the 1980s and the 1990s.

          Write a report for a university lecturer describing the changes which occurred.

          Sample Answer:

          The given pie charts shows data on the main energy sources in the United States of America for two decades. As is presented in the pie charts, oil was the main energy source for the USA both on 80s and 90s.

          According to the given data, oil was the main energy source in the USA which was 42% in 1980. The second largest energy source in this decade was the natural gas which supplied 26% of total energy in the same period. Then coal supplied more than 20 percent energy demand in USA while hydroelectric power and Nuclear power both supplied 5% of the total energy.

          In the next decade, the Nuclear power produced one tenth of total energy demand and that was almost double that it was in the previous decade. The hydroelectric power as an energy source remained unchanged as it provided 5% of total energy demand in this decade also. The two other main sources for energy in the USA remained almost unchanged in this decade and those two sources were Coal and Natural Gas. Finally the use of oil as an energy sources reduced to 33%, which is almost 10% less than the previous decade, but remained the largest source albeit the reduction in this 90s decade.

          In summary, the use of oil and coal had reduced and their places as energy sources were replaced by the use of Nuclear power in the USA.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇22

          The two bar charts not only show the number of marriages and divorces in the USA between 1970 and 2000, but also illustrate the marital status of the Americans.

          According to the first bar chart, within the thirty years, the number of marriages was always larger than that of divorces. From 1970 to 1980, the number of marriages remained unchanged . But 1990 saw a decline. In the following decade, the trend continued, dropping to the nadir of 2 million. Noticeably, the highest divorce rate was in 1980, when about 1.4 million divorces attracted the attention. In comparison, 1970 witnessed only 1 million, equal to that in 2000. By contrast, 1990 saw 1.2million.

          The second bar chart indicates that in 1970 about 70% Americans married, but in 2000 the figure was 59%. The percentage of divorced and never married increased from 3% to 7% and 12% to 20% respectively.

          In sum, the marital status from 1970 to 2000 were complex.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇23

          This line chart shows the changes in the proportion of the elderly people in three countries from 1940 till today. Moreover, it offers predictions for a period to 2040.

          During the three score years, the USA generally outweighed Sweden in terms of the proportion of those aged 65 and over. But the gaps between have never been remarkable. In stark contrast, Sweden strikingly eclipsed Japan in this aspect evidenced by the fact that in 1940 the proportion for the USA was about 9%, clearly higher than 5% for Japan.

          Whereas Japan experienced declines from 5% to 3% , both Sweden and the USA climbed. Put it in detail, by the year 1983, the figures have peaked at 15% and 13% in the USA and Sweden respectively. Noticeably, in 1997 the proportion in the USA was equal to that in Sweden.

          According to the forecast, from now on, all of the three countries will skyrocket although exceptions might happen. However, by 2040 the proportion will have peaked at 27%, 25%, and 23% in Japan, Sweden, and the USA respectively.

          In sum, the three countries are different in the field under study.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇24

          Some people think that advertising may have positive economic effects, while others think that advertising has social effects because individuals are not satisfied with who they are. They discuss two views and give your opinion + 9 brainstorming. When it comes to the effect of advertising, some people think that advertising can promote, but others think that on the one hand, advertising may produce some social effects, such as psychology Imbalance, advertising can stimulate consumers to buy more goods and promote economic growth.

          Therefore, people realize that the purpose of advertising is to introduce the characteristics and characteristics of products to consumers through television, radio, Internet and other channels. When consumers see some new items in advertisements, some of them will decide to buy these new products to meet their needs. Such purchase behavior will help manufacturers to obtain more profits and expand their industry On the other hand, advertising does have some negative social effects.

          At present, many well-known and even luxury brands spend a lot of money on advertising to make them more influential among consumers. However, for the poor, they may not be able to afford any luxury goods they see in advertisements. The fact that some consumers, especially poor consumers, are ignored by these brands can explain why they do not Satisfaction.

          From my personal point of view, these economic and social effects of advertising exist at the same time. If consumers only regard advertising as a source of information for new products, if consumers are envious of the numbers in advertisements and complain about their low quality of life, economic development will be promoted. In order to avoid such negative consequences, the government needs to filter out some "no" in advertisements Appropriate content, for example, some advertisements suggest that life can be boring and boring if one does not pay for recommended items.

          Therefore, the government needs to better regulate advertising to reduce this negative impact.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇25

          Task:Art classes, like painting and drawing, are not as important as other subjects, so some people think that it should not be a compulsory subject at high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

          Sample answer:

          Schools are places where students acquire knowledge and skills needed for further achievements. Given the pressure that students are facing, some cannot help wondering whether art classes should still be compulsory.

          Those holding the view that art classes should not be compulsory might think that art consumes too much of students' time. Fierce competitions students will face When applying for universities necessitate total devotion to academic subjects. College students who intend to take science as their major are even expected to be fluent in foreign languages now so that essays written by foreign scholars are not barriers in their academic pursuit. In other words, high school students are supposed to show higher levels of academic competence,which seemingly makes art unessential.

          However, art classes are by no means only intended for entertainment. Children even dabbling in art tend to be more creative in mind. Those skilled in music or painting can interpret the world in a way that we cannot expect from a layman. This kind of ingenuity is also a rare quality constantly found in great scientists, whose contributions have served to create a totally new field for the latter generations. In his reply to a question about death, Albert Einstein considered his departure from the mortal world to be forever farewell to another great musician. With a sigh he answered "I cannot listen to Mozart anymore". Thus, can we simply regard art classes to be selective?

          In conclusion, although stricter academic requirements are imposed on students, this cannot be an excuse for excluding art subjects from their curricula. Whatever kind of art can stimulate and inspire students, paving way for their future academic attainment.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇26


          You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:

          Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair.

          Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

          Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

          Write at least 250 words.


          As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagantlifestyles with huge houses and cars.

          Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibilityof governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue.

          Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform. in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of thesefactors may justify the huge earnings.

          Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicatesthat our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇27

          One of the most important social developments that helped to make possible a shift in thinking about the role of public education was the effect of the baby boom of the 1950’s and 1960’s on the schools. In the 1920’s, but especially in the Depression conditions of the 1930’s, the United States experienced a declining birth rate --- every thousand women aged fifteen to forty-four gave birth to about 118 live children in 1920, 89.2 in 1930, 75.8 in 1936, and 80 in 1940. With the growing prosperity brought on by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it young people married and established households earlier and began to raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression. Birth rates rose to 102 per thousand in 1946,106.2 in 1950, and 118 in 1955. Although economics was probably the most important determinant, it is not the only explanation for the baby boom. The increased value placed on the idea of the family also helps to explain this rise in birth rates. The baby boomers began streaming into the first grade by the mid 1940’s and became a flood by 1950. The public school system suddenly found itself overtaxed. While the number of schoolchildren rose because of wartime and postwar conditions, these same conditions made the schools even less prepared to cope with the

          food. The wartime economy meant that few new schools were built between 1940 and 1945. Moreover, during the war and in the boom times that followed, large numbers of teachers left their profession for better- paying jobs elsewhere in the economy.

          Therefore in the 1950’s and 1960’s, the baby boom hit an antiquated and inadequate school system. Consequently, the “ custodial rhetoric” of the 1930’s and early 1940’s no longer made sense that is, keeping youths aged sixteen and older out of the labor market by keeping them in school could no longer be a high priority for an institution unable to find space and staff to teach younger children aged five to sixteen. With the baby boom, the focus of educators and of laymen interested in education inevitably turned toward the lower grades and back to basic academic skills and discipline. The system no longer had much interest in offering nontraditional, new, and extra services to older youths.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇28

          Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?

          lt is no doubt true that the majority of people would like tobe happy in their lives.While the personal nature of happiness makes it difficult to describe, there do seem to besome common needs that we all share with regard to experiencing or achieving happiness.

          Happiness is difficult to define because it means something different to each individual person. Nobody can fully understand or experience another person's feelings, and we all have our own particular passions from which we take pleasure. Some people, for example, derive a sense of satisfaction from earning money or achieving success,whereas for others, health and family are much more important. At the same time, a range of other feelings, from excitement to peacefulness, may be associated with the idea of happiness, and the same person may therefore feel happy in a variety of different ways.

          Although it seems almost impossible to give a precise definition of happiness, most people would agree that there are some basic preconditions to achieving it. Firstly, it is hardfor a person to be happy if he or she does not have a safe place to live and enough food to eat. Our basic survival needs must surely be met before we can lead a pleasant life.Secondly, the greatest joy in life is usually found in shared experiences with family and friends, and it is rare to find a person who is content to live in complete isolation. Other key factors could be individual freedom and a sense of purpose in life.

          ln conclusion, happiness is difficult to define because it is particular to each individual, but l believe that our basic needs for shelter, food and company need to be fulfilled before we can experience it.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇29

          Explain some of the ways in which humans are damagingthe environment. What can governments do to addressthese problems? What can individual people do?

          Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss environmental problems and the measures that governments and individuals can take to address these problems.

          Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global warming, which may have a devastating effect on the planet in the future. As the human population increases, we are also producing ever greater quantities of waste, which contaminates the earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.

          Governments could certainly make more effort to reduce air pollution. They could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories or to force companies to use renewable energy from solar, wind or water power. They could also impose 'green taxes' on drivers and airline companies. In this way, people would be encouraged to use public transport and to take fewer flights abroad, therefore reducing emissions.

          Individuals should also take responsibility for the impact they have on the environment. They can take public transport rather than driving, choose products with less packaging, and recycle as much as possible. Most supermarkets now provide reusable bags for shoppers as well as 'banks' for recycling glass, plastic and paper in their car parks. By reusing and recycling, we can help to reduce waste.

          In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must play their part in looking after the environment.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇30

          Some people believe that hobbies need to be difficult tobe enjoyable.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

          Some hobbies are relatively easy, while others present more of a challenge.Personally, I believe that both types of hobby can be fun, and I therefore disagree with the statement that hobbies need to be difficult in order to be enjoyable.

          On the one hand, many people enjoy easy hobbies. One example of an activity that is easy for most people is swimming.This hobby requires very little equipment, it is simple to learn, and it is inexpensive.I remember learning to swim at my local swimming pool when I was a child, and it never felt like a demanding or challenging experience.Another hobby that I find easy and fun is photography. In my opinion, anyone can take interesting pictures without knowing too much about the technicalities of operating a camera. Despite being straightforward , taking photos is a satisfying activity.

          On the other hand, difficult hobbies can sometimes be more exciting. If an activity is more challenging, we might feel a greater sense of satisfaction when we manage to do it successfully. For example, film editing isa hobby that requires a high level of knowledge and expertise. In my case, it took me around two years before l became competent at this activity, but now I enjoy it much more than I did when l started.I believe that many hobbies give us more pleasure when we reach a higher level of performance because the results are better and the feeling of achievement is greater.

          ln conclusion, simple hobbies can be fun and relaxing,but difficult hobbies can be equally pleasurable for different reasons.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇31

          In recent years, there has been growing interest in therelationship between equality and personal achievement.Some people believe that individuals can achieve more inegalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits.What is your view of the relationship between equality and personal success?

          In my opinion, an egalitarian society is one in which everyone has the same rights and the same opportunities. I completely agree that people can achieve more in this kind of society.

          Education is an important factor with regard to personal success in life. I believe that all children should have access to free schooling, and higher education should be either free or affordable for all those who chose to pursue a university degree. In a society without free schooling or affordable higher education, only children and young adults from wealthier families would have access to the best learning opportunities, and they would therefore be better prepared for the job market. This kind of inequality would ensure the success of some but harm the prospects of others.

          I would argue that equal rights and opportunities are not in conflict with people's freedom to succeed or fail. In other words, equality does not mean that people lose their motivation to succeed, or that they are not allowed to fail. On the contrary, I believe that most people would feel more motivated to work hard and reach their potential if they thought that they lived in a fair society. Those who did not make the same effort would know that they had wasted their opportunity. Inequality, on the other hand, would be more likely to demotivate people because they would know that the odds of success were stacked in favour of those from privileged backgrounds.

          In conclusion, it seems to me that there is a positive relationship between equality and personal success.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇32

          Globalization is a declarationof war upon all other cultures. And in culture wars, there is no exemption of civilians, there are no innocent bystanders. Why should it be expected that ancient and rooted civilizations are going to accept this peripheralisationwithout a struggle? The answer to that is that globalization carries an implicit promise that it will relieve poverty and offer securityperhaps the most ancient of human dreams. Because of the power of global capitalism to create wealth, it is assumed that this priority must sweep aside all other human preoccupations, including all existing institutions, interpretations and searches for meaning in the world.

          It is disingenuous to assume that economy, society and culture operate in separate spheres. This suggests that, one, exposed to the globalizing imperative, no aspect of social life, customary practice, traditionalbehaviour will remain the same.

          There have been, broadly, two principal responses in the world, which we may call the fatalistic and the resistant. It is significant that among the most fatalistic have been the leaders of G-7, Ex-President Clinton said globalization is a fact not a policy choice Tony Blair said it is inevitable and irreversible. It may be considered paradoxical that the leaders of the most dynamic and expanding economies in the world offer such a passive, unchallenging view of what are, after all, human-made arrangements. These are among the richest and most proactive regimes, which can wage endless war on the great abstraction, that is terror, topple regimes and lay down one WTO law for the poor and another for themselves. Is their helplessness in the presence of these mighty economic and cultural powers?

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇33

          History is more than the old stories, myths, or an academic subject for the scholars to write papers or books. Like many other sciences, history not only tells people what have happened before but also functions as a compass to lead human beings in the right course.

          One of the most important roles that the study of history plays in solving the current human affairs is that it functions as a “rearview mirror”. It shows what is behind you so that you can move forward easily. History is, in essence, the people and their activities, both physical and psychological, in the past. If we accept that the past and the present are not entirely separated, then we have to admit the value of history. Our ancestors have suffered the same troubles, such as disease, disaster, or devil, as what we are confronted with, and their experiences, knowledge, and understanding of nature provide us with invaluable wisdom.

          It is true that a fewer people claim that history helps people little in unlocking the current problems. They might give a long list of assumed “evidence”. For instance, they say that environmental issues are new, globalization unprecedented, political or economical conflicts fresh, and the like. Nevertheless, they have failed to see that in essence these problems are what our forefathers have experienced. Today people are suffering the same old trouble of poverty, wars, and mental crisis.

          Therefore, reading history, at least we can find some clues to solve these problems.

          工作類雅思英語(yǔ)作文 篇34

          Job,like marriage and child education is considered as an eternal topic discussed by nearly all individuals.And some people believe salary level is the sole determinator in hunting for the job.They claim the aim of undertaking job is income generation.Although the factors such as training opportunities and personal interest are important,they cannot replace the position of payment level in determining whether to accept the job offers.And it is the action of chassing for the higher payment that is in line with the primary purpose of work.

          All other factors as they believe can only be valuable when the requirement of high payment is filfulled.Nevertheless,this view has been challenged.As others believe that job which is considered as the essential component of people's lives cannot be determined solely by the salary level.Some high income earners are currently working under high presures and their healthy condition have become big concerns.And if this situation is continued,some serious problems would be triggered including some serious psychological and physical deseases.Thus,what they believe is all fectors ranging from career development to job satisfaction should be comprehensively taken into consideration for seaking a decent job.In my view,payment is an important but not the only factor in job seeking.

          Other factors such as whether the job is in accordance with the personal goal should also be considered.And only by doing it,can we select the most decent jobs for ourselves.












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