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      1. 帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文

        時間:2022-12-02 20:33:12 少爍 雅思(IELTS) 我要投稿
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          帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文 篇1

          Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks.

          Which do you prefer?

          Model Answer:

          Form my everyday experience and observation I think that all people who succeeded in life had to work hard and gain more knowledge and experience in order to reach their goals. From the other hand, people who all their life do things they already do well and do not improve their knowledge do not move forward. I base my statement on the following points.

          First of all, people who want to succeed must constantly improve their knowledge and gain more experience. Moreover, they must be the best at their profession. So, they need to try new things, take risks sometimes and work hard.

          Second of all, it is impossible to live without trying new things. Imagine one wants to learn how to drive. He will never be able to do it without learning new things such as driving rules.

          Personally, I think that it is very interesting to learn new, to gain more experience, to make new goals and reach them. Life is too short to stay on one place. People need changes because they make our lives more beautiful and exiting. We find out new things, learn new things and dream to know other things. People need challenges because while overcoming obstacles we make new discoveries, become stronger, perfect ourselves and move forward.

          To sum up, I believe that people's aspiration for learning new things is the main reason the way we live now. People make many discoveries and inventions that make our lives easier, happier and longer.







          帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文 篇2

          A person you know is planning to move to your town or city.

          What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why?

          Model Answer:

          I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. It is a very beautiful city that attracts many people every year. My close friend is going to move here after her graduation. She already found a job and she asked me to help her with an apartment. Knowing her very well I think I can enumerate the majority of things she will like and dislike about my city.

          First of all, I believe she will like a huge amount of museums, theatres, movie theatres, etc. My friend is from a small town, so, she can not enjoy all these benefits at her native town. Second of all, it seems to me that she will like the way people live here. The pace of life is much faster here then in a small town. People are always in a hurry, they try to catch a bus, and then they run to the nearest subway station, go to an office, meet new people, etc. Also, I think my friend will like people here. They are very friendly and ready to offer a help to those in need.

          Unfortunately, my friend will not surely like some things. As a result of a huge amount of cars and factories the air is polluted here. One more thing she will definitely not like is the weather. It is quite humid here.

          However, I think she will also like the public transport here. The bus services are run by the Government and it is quite regular. If one in a hurry he can take a taxi, which also is quite cheap and provide a good transport.

          In conclusion, I believe that in spite of all mentioned above disadvantages she will like this city.







          帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文 篇3

          One busy day, she was very busy today, just like a busy bee in the morning. I had two classes, and then I had IELTS class. I didn't even have lunch.

          Many people in the IELTS class are from India. The reason why they want to take this course is very similar to mine. I feel exhausted and don't want to work, but I still have a lot of homework to do.

          I also had some other problems last semester. I decided to start a new semester in Newcastle and asked John to give me my money back. Now, I changed my mind, so I told Jhon that I didn't want to refund my fees, but she told me, It's been nearly two weeks since the check was sent, and I haven't received it yet.

          I told me that she finally told the truth. She said she would ask the financial officer to give me another letter, and after I signed it, everything would be OK. If I didn't ask Jhon to give me my money back, what a ridiculous world it would be.

          If my son had a quiet sleep, he would see busy bees, when it made its honey better and dance in the bright sunshine. If my child fell asleep, countless Angels would come close, so beautiful and bright, because they only appeared at night.




          帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文 篇4

          I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I believe that building a large factory near my community has advantages as well as disadvantages. In the following paragraphs I will list basic benefits and losses that will be brought by a new factory.

          For several reasons, I think that a new factory will not be a good addition to my neighborhood. First of all, factories often bring pollution. They are prone to contaminating the local air and water. Second of all, factories make noise. Another important aspect of building a new factory near by is that it will make the local traffic heavy. As a result of this, the amount of traffic congestions will increase, as well as contamination of the air. So, all these obviously will not make one's life happier and healthier in my community.

          From the other side, I believe that a new factory will bring some advantages to my community. First of all, it will bring new job opportunities. Many specialists will be required to work there. Second of all, I think many local community facilities will have to be renovated to obtain reliable supply of water and electricity. So, some old pipes may be changed. Another important benefit of this is that the local roads in order to manage the increasing traffic will be rebuilt and widened.

          However, I do not think that listed above benefits are worth all these troubles including water contamination and the constant pollution of air. From my point of view all factories must be built far from the people communities because they can be really harmful for people's health.







          帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文 篇5

          Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted a herd of mammoths on the walls of his cave to these days when he can create beautiful pictures and even make coffee by use of computer technologies without leaving his favorite chair. The 20th century made huge steps in developing computer technologies and reached many goals that made our life much easier. What should we expect in the 21st century?

          First of all, I think that the pace of our life will speed up: we will move faster from one place to another, from one continent to another using high speed jet airplanes. Second of all, I believe that we will be able to do many things that take much time now without leaving our house. Computers will be everywhere including out clothes. Many people will have chips and mini computers ed in their heads to hold huge amount of information and have a quick access to it.

          But what will be the most amazing thing in the 21st century is the flights to the outer space and Mars that will be available to all people. Scientists say that Mars has many things similar to the Earth's. Moreover, they say that with the help of modern technology people can artificially create conditions that will allow people to live there on the constant basis.

          To sum up, I am sure that many amazing changes will be brought by the 21st century. Furthermore, I think that with the help of the contemporary technologies people can do many things that were even difficult to imagine a century ago. So, nowadays it is rather difficult and even impossible to imagine all changes that will happen in the next decades.






          帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文 篇6

          In recent years, people have been interested in making a long journey to some unfamiliar cities which are far from their hometown. One of their tourism purposes is mainly to experience the local culture and learn the traditions. However, someone doubts that people can obtain culture-related information through books, films and internet instead of travel. I disagree on this view to a certain degree, although books, films and internet are useful resources for providing valuable cultural information.

          It is a time-saving way to search comprehensive cultural information concerning tourism destinations by using books and the internet. Many published travel guide books have summarized helpful strategies and explored cultural landscape in detail for tourists like Lonely Planet and National Geographic. People nowadays also tend to record their journey on some online travel websites such as Trip Advisor, which offer a convenient platform for worldwide travelers to share their own cultural experiences. Also, general public may not get an insight into local customs and traditions when they are traveling, due to some objective limiting factors like holiday length, tourism budget and language barrier.

          As primary travelling information sources, books, films and internet all have their obvious drawbacks. Travel records on travel notes may have been out of date when tourists are reading them as everything is changing in a country in the age of globalization, including cultural sector. For example, Spanish women have no longer used a fan as a kind of body language. Besides, information from films and internet seems to show a lack of reliability. Film is a kind of art which is exaggerated and dramatic in the respect of content description. On the internet, every net user can express their opinions to a same cultural phenomenon or traditional event so that the word-of mouth is not authoritative and objective to a high degree.

          To summarise, relying on books, films and the internet to obtain cultural information is not enough because lacks trust and authority, even though these resources are sufficient and accessible. The combination of travel and knowledge (from books, films and internet) would be the best choice.






          帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文 篇7

          Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may havein our life.

          Which do you consider to be the major influence?

          Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced by the genetic sciences. We now understand the importance to inherited characteristics more than ever before. Yet we are still unable to decide whether an individual's personality and development are more influenced by genetic factors (nature) or by the environment (nurture).

          Research, relating to identical twins, has highlighted how significant inherited characteristics can be for an individual's life. But whether these characteristics are able to develop within the personality of an individual surely depends on whether the circumstances allow such a development. It seems that the experiences we have in life are so unpredictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other influences, and there seems to be plenty of research finding s to confirm this.

          My own view is that there is no one major influence in a person's life. Instead, the traits we inherit from our parents and the situations and experiences that we encounter in life are constantly interacting. It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person's personality and dictates ow that personality develops. If this were not true, then we would be able to predict the behavior and character of a person form the moment they were born.

          In conclusion, I do not think that either nature or nurture is the major influence on a person, but that both have powerful effects. How these factors interact is still unknown today and they remain largely unpredictable in a person's life.








          帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文 篇8

          When it comes to the issue about the influence brought by the pervasive use of technologies, some people argue that devices like mobile phones and computers do not damage the ability to communicate face to face, but I cannot agree with this opinion.

          To begin with, the presence of mobile devices and computers trap their users in a virtual world. In the past, the public might be accustomed to having parties together where they could interact with peers. However, social platforms on the Internet allows people, especially the young generation, to talk with anyone they want, because of which individuals may not attend offline activities. Naturally, people will be nervous to converse with others face to face without regular exercise.

          In addition, the rise of cellphone and social websites will also dampen the enthusiasm for face-to-face communication. Currently, what do people do when they have a meal together? A lot of people, although they sit closely, attempt to post their pictures online and they hardly talk to people near them. Current technology renders it possible for users to talk to others with great distances, but it is also a double-edge sword since users may prefer to chat online rather than talk directly.

          But the refuting voice may come from opponents that computers and mobile phones facilitate face-to-face communication with the function of video chat. However, they may ignore some deficiencies of video chat. It is true that people could see each other on the screen, but the fact is that people cannot observe and interpret body language of others. In face-to-face conversation, gestures and emotions could be observed clearly while online communication makes it too difficult to identify the real emotions of a person if s/he intends to hide his/her feeling.

          In sum, the capacity of face-to-face communication does drop, considering that the obsession with mobile phones and computers not only lowers the frequency of face-to-face communication but also makes people lose passion for talking face to face.






          帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文 篇9

          Sport today is turning into a business, with many companies involved and ever growing prize money for the sportsmen. Do you think it's a positive or negative development?

          These days, with growing numbers of companies being involved and with the increase of prize for sportsmen, the traditional sports have been developed into a business. When some people doubt the change of the essence of sports, I, however, would claim this trend to be a positive development for the following reasons.

          Taking sports as a business increases people's attention and concern on sports, and thus can gain more benefits in the duration. To run the business more successfully, publicity of the sports will be conducted more vigorously, which will surely attract more people to take part in. In addition, this indicates that, as other economic activities, investment in sports can also generate profits, so that more money can be put into this field to promote its development.

          This encourages more gifted people to participate in sports to develop it to a higher level. Attracted by being the focus of so many people and encouraged by the high prize through winning in sports, more geniuses in this field can be stimulated to display their talent. Also, to achieve the aim to realize their dreams in life, competitions for the winners will be fiercer, which helps to tap their potential to the most.

          Admittedly, being too commercialized in sports may, in the meanwhile, generate some problems and even deviate it from the essence to fortify people's health. However, it is the degree of control in the business, rather than the matter of taking it as a business itself. The principle of business in seeking profits will surely guide it to develop healthily to free us of the worries.

          To sum up, developing sports as a business not only benefit more people but also develop sports itself. With a clear understanding of this and continual effort in the field, sports can bring us more benefits in the future.







          帶翻譯的雅思英語大作文 篇10

          As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagantlifestyles with huge houses and cars.

          Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibilityof governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of ‘fairness' is not the issue.

          Those who feel that sports stars' salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform. in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of thesefactors may justify the huge earnings.

          Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicatesthat our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.











        英語作文MY family rules帶翻譯(精選15篇)03-25






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