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      1. ÑÅ˼¿ÚÕZ¿¼Ô‡Ä£”M¾šÁ•(x¨ª)î}

        •rég£º2023-02-26 18:10:15 ÑÅ˼(IELTS) ÎÒҪͶ¸å
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        ¡¡¡¡1£ºPhysical Appearance: Slim, overweight, athletic, muscular, bald, ugly, good looking

        ¡¡¡¡Personality: cruel, kind, lazy, cold-hearted, energetic, mean, lively, gentle, tolerant, practical, charming, aggressive, relaxed, anxious, enthusiastic, humble, warm


        ¡¡¡¡Personality Appearance Similar/Opposite meanings

        ¡¡¡¡Good Qualities:



        ¡¡¡¡kind relaxed

        ¡¡¡¡warm charming

        ¡¡¡¡energetic humble


        ¡¡¡¡gentle honest

        ¡¡¡¡generous patient Positive:



        ¡¡¡¡muscular Find words with similar meanings to:





        ¡¡¡¡Bad Qualities:








        ¡¡¡¡anxious Negative:


        ¡¡¡¡bald Opposite meanings

        ¡¡¡¡Find words with opposite meanings to:








        ¡¡¡¡What's he like? Talking about personality

        ¡¡¡¡What does he look like? Talking about appearance


        ¡¡¡¡Introducing your choice Section D

        ¡¡¡¡Describing physical appearance Section C

        ¡¡¡¡Describing character or personality Section A

        ¡¡¡¡Explaining the reason for your choice Section B

        ¡¡¡¡[Audio An old person you admire

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker A As I said, he doesn't smile often but actually he's a really talkative and friendly man… one of the most cheerful people I've ever met… always optimistic and enthusiastic about everything—not just history and sport—but everything. He has a great sense of humour and can always make people laugh. He's also the most relaxed person I've ever met … almost too relaxed. He's never on time, even now that he's retired. I remember he was always late for class, late for games, late for everything. For a joke, we bought him a lovely big clock as a retirement present.

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker B He retired from teaching several years ago but he's still very interested in all kinds of sports and I still bump into him from time to time at different events. I admire him because of his patience, his kindness, his willingness to help, and his generosity. He is one of the nicest people I know.

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker C He's tall, quite well-built, and still looks very fit despite his age. He has grey hair but he's a little bit bald now. He always looks very serious, and rarely smiles. When he does smile, his eyes twinkle and his face is covered in wrinkles. His skin is quite suntanned, probably because he spends so much time outdoors. He loves wearing comfortable, casual clothes but they are always spotlessly clean and he never looks untidy.

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker D The person I've chosen to tell you about is someone I've admired for several years now. I first met him when I started high school. He was my history teacher but he was also the school sports' coordinator and I used to see him after school at soccer practice and again on Saturday mornings when we played our games.]


        ¡¡¡¡Individual / Pair work


        ¡¡¡¡Country Years

        ¡¡¡¡Botswana 34

        ¡¡¡¡Russia 65

        ¡¡¡¡Peru 70

        ¡¡¡¡China 72

        ¡¡¡¡New Zealand 80

        ¡¡¡¡Japan 82


        ¡¡¡¡Speaker A Hey, have you seen this chart? Guess which country has the highest life expectancy in the world?

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker A I know the answer to that question: it's Japan. 82 years is how long the average Japanese can expect to live… Why is that, do you think?

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker A I don't know for sure but their diet might have a lot to do with it. They eat lots offish and vegetables.

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker B Oh… Do New Zealanders have a good diet too?

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker A As far as I know, they eat too much meat and cheese so it's not exactly a healthy diet… lots of protein but probably too much fat. Their quality of life would be good though. New Zealand's part of the developed world, but it's not really an industrialised country, so they've got plenty of clean, fresh air.

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker B That could be the reason for their longevity, I suppose… I thought it might be because they play a lot of sport and get lots of exercise. Look, I see life expectancy in China is pretty high.

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker A Yes, 72. I think that's the highest it's ever been…higher now than Peru where people only live to be 70 on average. I have heard that there is a lot of poverty in Peru, in both urban and rural areas. Many of the workers are paid very low wages so they may not be able to afford nutritious food or proper health care… and Russians are even worse off; they can only expect to live to 65!

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker B Too much vodka!

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker A I don't know about that… but alcoholism could be a factor. Seriously, I think they have quite a low standard of living, you know, things like the quality of housing and the amount of food available. Even so, their life expectancy is nearly double that of Botswana.

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker B I don't think I've heard of Botswana before. Where's that?

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker A Africa. People in Botswana only live on average to the age of 34!

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker B That's awful!

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker A Terrible, isn't it? I know that about two thirds of Botswana is desert, but I also know it has a great natural resource— diamonds—so it's a relatively wealthy country and it only has a small population, less than 2 million. I've also heard that it has a good system of government and there is no civil war or fighting. It even has free education and health care for all its citizens.

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker B Why do they die so young then?

        ¡¡¡¡Speaker A Disease. The AIDS epidemic. It's the worst-affected country in the world! ]


        ¡¡¡¡Audio and answers

        ¡¡¡¡Terrible, isn't it. I know that about two thirds of Botswana is desert, but I also know it has a great natural resource—diamonds—so it's a relatively wealthy country and it only has a small population, less than 2 million. I've also heard that it has a good system of government and there is no civil war or fighting. It even has free education and health care for all its citizens.

        ¡¡¡¡Why do they die so young then ?

        ¡¡¡¡Disease. The AIDS epidemic. It's the worst-affected country in the world!


        ¡¡¡¡Individual work


        ¡¡¡¡Individual work


        ¡¡¡¡Pair work—some possible answers:

        ¡¡¡¡a. They may be wealthy. / They could be wealthy.

        ¡¡¡¡b. They might be sick. / They could be sick.

        ¡¡¡¡c. Alcoholism may be a factor. / Alcoholism could be a factor.

        ¡¡¡¡d. It would be a good place to live.

        ¡¡¡¡e. The climate might be a factor. / The climate may be a factor.

        ¡¡¡¡f. The water may not be safe to drink. / The water might not be safe to drink.

        ¡¡¡¡g. There would be a lot of fighting.

        ¡¡¡¡h. They would be better off.

        ¡¡¡¡i. There might be a lot of disease. / There could be a lot of disease.

        ¡¡¡¡j. They might not have warm houses. / They may not have warm houses.


        ¡¡¡¡Some possible answers:

        ¡¡¡¡Why do you think life expectancy is increasing in many countries?

        ¡¡¡¡better diet… less physical labour

        ¡¡¡¡better medical technology medicine…

        ¡¡¡¡better childcare… education…

        ¡¡¡¡There are some countries where life expectancy is not increasing, in fact, it is considerably shorter than in other countries. What do you think the reasons are for that?

        ¡¡¡¡not enough to eat… war… disease…

        ¡¡¡¡political corruption… lack of education…

        ¡¡¡¡If human lifespans continue to lengthen, in what ways will our society change?

        ¡¡¡¡slower pace of life… healthcare increase…

        ¡¡¡¡important to save own money for retirement…

        ¡¡¡¡more elderly people needing occupations and hobbies…

        ¡¡¡¡Not only is the world's population increasing, but much of the population is moving from the countryside to the city.What kinds of problems will very large cities face in the future?


        ¡¡¡¡employment… traffic jams… housing needs.

        ¡¡¡¡overcrowding… crime…












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