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      1. 下半年公共英語1級常用口語例句

        時間:2020-08-18 18:28:19 公共英語 我要投稿





          1. Tony speaks English and he plays tennis.托尼會說英語,打網(wǎng)球。

          2. What is worth doing is worth doing well.只要你覺得某事值得去做,就一定要把它做好。

          3. Would you like to go to a party with me?你想不想和我一起去參加一個聚會?

          4. All at once, a rabbit came out of a hole.突然,一只兔子從一個洞中跑了出來。

          5. All characters in the book are imaginary.書中所有的人物都是虛構(gòu)的。

          6. The grass is moist early in the morning.清晨的草地濕漉漉的。

          7. The test finished. We began our holiday.考試結(jié)束了,我們開始放假。

          8. This question is too complicated for me.這個問題對我說來太復(fù)雜了。

          9. Do you feel like going to that new disco? 你想去那個新開的'迪廳

          10. Ducks know how to swim when they are born.鴨子天生會游泳


          1. I was taking care of Sally. 我在照顧薩莉。

          2. I wish I lived in NEWYORK. 我希望住在紐約。

          3. I'm very glad to hear that. 很高興聽你這樣說。

          4. I'm your lucky fellow then. 我就是你的幸運舞伴啦!

          5. It's none of your business! 這不關(guān)你的事兒! 

          6. No littering on the campus. 在校園內(nèi)不準亂丟廢物。

          7. She is a good-looking girl. 她是一個漂亮女孩。

          8. She mended the broken doll. 她修補了破了的洋娃娃。

          9. So I just take what I want. 那么我只拿我所需要的東西。

          10. Spring is a pretty season, 春天是一個好季節(jié)。

          11. Don't keep me waiting long. 不要讓我等得太久。

          12. He has a remarkable memory. 他有驚人的記憶力。

          13. He has completed the task. 他完成了這個任務(wù)。

          14. He has quite a few friends. 他有不少的朋友。

          15. He is capable of any crime.他什么樣的壞事都能干得出來。

          16. He walks with a quick pace. 他快步走路。

          17. He was not a little tired. 他很累。

          18. His looks are always funny. 他的樣子總是滑稽可笑。

          19. How about going to a movie? 去看場電影怎么樣?

          20. I think I've caught a cold.我想我得了感冒。


          1. We are divided in our opinions. 我們意見分歧。

          2. What ever I said,he'd disagree.不論我說什么他都不同意。

          3. Who ever comes will be welcomed. 來的人我們都歡迎。

          4. You look as if you didn't care. 你看上去好像滿不在乎。

          5. You should look at it yourself. 你應(yīng)該親自看看它。

          6. The sweater is of good quality. 這件毛衣質(zhì)地很好。

          7. The teacher got a little angry. 老師有點生氣了。

          8. Think carefully before you act. 三思而后行。

          9. Walt invented the steam engine. 瓦特發(fā)明了蒸汽機。

          10. Draw your chair up to the table.把你的椅子拉到桌子旁邊來。

          11. I am busy.How is your business? 我很忙。你的生意做得怎樣?

          12. I don't think much of the movie. 我認為那電影不怎么樣。

          13. I feel like eating an ice-cream. 我想吃一個冰淇淋。

          14. I found him seated on the bench. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)他在椅子上坐著

          15. He covered himself with a quilt. 他給自己蓋上一條被。

          16. He found my lecture interesting. 他覺得我講課有趣。

          17. He had a good many friends here. 他在這兒有很多朋友。

          18. He is only about five feet high. 他大概只有五英尺高。

          19. Her family are all music lovers.她全家人都是音樂愛好者。

          20. I gave much time to the old car.我在這輛破車上花了不少時間。












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