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      1. иZ(y)}(k)

        r(sh)g2023-03-08 00:09:07 и(TOEFL) ҪͶ
        • P(gun)]




        Describe a person/people

        1 һ(g)ώ

        A good teacher should have the following characteristics. First of all, he should be knowledgeable and good at teaching. He knows how to attract students’ attention and make them active. Second, a good teacher is supposed to be patient and responsible to students. No matter what kind of students he is dealing with, he should treat them equally and whole-heartedly. Finally, a good teacher should be a good listener. He will always be willing to sit down to share his thoughts with us.


        A good friend should have the following personalities. First, a trustworthy person is someone I can rely on him especially when I am in difficulty, he will be just a phone-call away to get me out of trouble. Secondly, he is someone who can give me some suggestions when I lose my heart. I clearly remember last time I had a bad experience on my job, I was so sad during those period of time and my friend Nana just sat besides me and was such a good listener to support me and inspire me by saying that I was deserved the second chance and never pushing myself too hard would be a better choice. After the nice conversation, I happened to realize that I overcome those dark days with the encouragement she had given to me. Last, a good friend is someone who is positive. Though we always say that prepare for the worst and hope for the best, we seldom

        do it when we face up the worse situation. At this time, a positive friend has this power to make us believe that it is absolutely right to obey the rule. In the end, I would like to quote a famous saying by Aristotle to end up my response.”What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies.”


        The person I admire most is my mother. First, she is well educated and has a passion to learn. Since she is very fond of reading, I got a habit of reading when I was little. Thus, I obtained lots of knowledge from reading. Second, she keeps an open mind. There seems to be no generation gap between us. She is always willing to sit down to share her thoughts

        with me. Finally, my mother is loyal to her friends. I guess that’s why she has so many friends around her. How I wish to be such a wonderful person like her.


        A good leader is supposed to have a vision. Effective leaders and their organizations have an agenda. A vision is a direction, an attractive and attainable picture of the future. As a leader, if you don’t know where you are going, you are irrelevant to your followers.

        With a vision, you can inspire and lift individuals and groups to new heights. It is an important function of any leader.

        Look for experiences that are new and different. Develop relationships with people who are different from the people you ordinarily have relationships with, especially those that come from different backgrounds and age groups.

        5,üL(zhng)Ը 𰸅յ}

        Describe a place


        The place I like most in my city is a café shop. It is very close to my school and has a very beautiful name, ”Sculpturing Time”. I often go there in the afternoon when I don’t have classes. If I’m lucky, I can grab a seat by the window. Then I can spend the whole afternoon there, curing up in the sofa, listening to the light music, drinking coffee, writing my journals or just sitting there doing nothing. I do enjoy the warm atmosphere and the artistic elements the shop offers to us. By the way, both the taste and the price of coffee are really good. Since the weather is warm and sunny, why not take a day off and have a trip there?


        I would like to go to karaoke bar with my friends. We call it the party world. That’s why we always hold parties there. First, it is very convenient for us to entertain ourselves. Once we’ve paid for the

        entrance fees, we would get the free drinks, deserts, and so on. Since it offers a great selection of songs there, we can easily find out the songs we’d like to sing along with. Second, it gives us a sense of relaxation. It can release our stresses from work and study. I bet that it is such a perfect place for us to hang out with our friends.

        3, һ(g)ϲgȥĵط ͬһ}


        The school I’d like to describe is the New Oriental School. First, the teachers there are almost the best teachers in our country. They are so talented, knowledgeable and humorous that you don’t feel boring in the class at all. Second, there are lots of students around me with the same dream—go abroad to further their study. Though we come from different cities all over China, there are a plenty of things we could share with each other such as the diverse experiences, our dream school, our plans about our future and so on. In short, New Oriental School gave me a chunk

        of beautiful memories for me to choose from, and I will never forget it

        Which one do you prefer

        1,TV ߀lj

        In my view, television has a positive effect for modern society. Firstly, it offers us an efficient and convenient way to get the latest news. You can directly see what has happened around the entire world just in your home. Moreover, television also has brought us a visual enjoyment and

        broadened our knowledge by different types of programs. Finally, television can release job seeking pressure at some extent, by providing a job chance for people who are willing to be engaged in related career.

        2 L(zhng)Ƿ(yng)ԓƺӿҕ߲

        Parents shouldn’t forbid their children to watch TV. For one thing, TV offers children an efficient and convenient way to get the latest news. They can directly see what has happened around the entire world. It surely can broaden their horizon. For another, children are suffering more and more pressure nowadays. Television also can bring them a visual enjoyment and lease stress from their study. Finally, TV is a major means to supplement their school study. For example, watching the Legal and Society

        Program will teach them what is right from wrong and how to be responsible to others.

        3 Art,music ǷҪ

        Art and music are also important in our lives.

        To begin with, knowledge in music and art classes will bring benefit to the all-round development of the students, which is quite important in our rapid developing society.

        Then, music and art lessons can serve as a means to help the students relax and relieve the pressure from work and study in other classes. Apart from that, learning music and art may help some students discover their talents for music and art, which is beneficial to them when they are choosing a


        4 ^̈́ԺǷбҪ

        I definitely agree with that government should help in artistic places building such as museums and theatres. For one thing, these types of places are excellent for promoting appreciating for art. It can help us to regain the passion for beauty and depth in life, which is much better than being an internet addict or a couch potato. Furthermore, visiting museums and theatres will help understand much better in history and art, which will

        in turn benefit enhancing people’s culture. So I support government invest money to build more museums and theatres.

        5 һЩط֙C(j)Ƿ(yng)ԓֹ

        I think it’s necessary to forbid using mobile phone in some cases. For example in classes or meetings, the ringing is very disturbing. Although you may turn your mobile phone into the mute mode, it will distract you from classes thus reduce your study efficiency. And sometimes it’s impolite to use a mobile phone in some public occasion such as important conferences. Furthermore, the microwave radiation of a mobile phone will disturb the normal operating of special machines in some places such as hospital and laboratory. So forbidding using a mobile phone in some cases

        is good for you as well as the people surrounding you.

        Describe an object

        1. һ(du)õĕ(sh) ---Describe a book that you believe is the most useful to you. Please explain the reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation.

        The most useful book for me is the English dictionary. Firstly, many English words have more than one

        meaning and always confuse me. The dictionary can help me get over by offering many detailed

        explanations and examples. In addition, I can also learn how to apply the new words into writing and

        speaking by studying the examples earnestly.

        Furthermore, I can learn a lot of knowledge beside new words. For example, it is very likely that a good

        dictionary illustrate a specific animal or plant with a picture. Thus, we get more information out of the


        The most important book for me is my undergraduate major textbook which is called marketing. Because as we all know that marketing is a kind of major which cuts across the boundaries of many different disciplines, so it broadens my knowledge scope, such as the aspects of advertising and trade. On the other hand, well, a plenty of cases are included in this book, in addition, many definitions can explained very acceptable so it definitely helps me to get a deeply understanding of my major.

        2.(du)ҪһČW(xu)ƷDescribe a letter or poem or other piece of art that is important to you. Why was it so important to you? Please include specific examples and details in your statement.

        The most important letter that I can remember was a letter applying for a job. I had seen this job

        advertised in a local newspaper, the evening editon. It suited me very much and I was immediately

        attracted to it. It said to apply in writing, giving details of your experience, your education and when you

        were availableand you had to give the names and contacts of two references. I was qualified for the job

        and eager to get it. When I was finished writing I was pretty satisfied and a little pleased, posted it off to

        the address given and waited! Thankfully, before I sweated too much, I got a letter after a couple of days,

        saying they wanted me to come in for interview. I was very pleased to go for the interview and got the job,

        my first job!

        There is a letter which plays a significant role in my life. It is the letter written by my parents in my 18 birthday. Firstly, I was touched by their love expressed in the letter. I deeply understand their painstaking efforts from that letter. What’s more, they taught me to be a responsible person in that letter. They definitely set a good example for me in my life. I will never forget that letter, which let me feel grow up 1 minute.

        3. һ(du)ҪwDescribe an object which is very important to you and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific details in your explanation.

        One of the most important objects for me is my wife’s photo album and her diaries. She gave it to me just

        the day before I left for America to study. Back then we had been together for only two months and it

        would be quite some time before we would see each other again. She wanted me to read her diaries

        about us and look at her pictures if I am tired, stressed or bored. She wanted to use it to remind myself

        that I am not alone in another country. And it did give me the strength and courage to keep going, no

        matter what difficulties I am facing. My wife is the person I love most in the world, so does her photos

        and diaries.

        4. Ї(gu)Чʵ\(yn)ݔʽ Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. Please state your reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation.

        The most efficient transportation in our country is subway. First of all, it can be free of traffic problems

        and many other factors that may influence the normal operation of transportation. In addition, it runs

        much faster than bus or automobiles even in rush hours and will never stop for a traffic jam. Besides, the

        subway trains come frequently and punctually, thus make it easier for passengers to make schedule. All

        these advantages make subway the most efficient transportation in our country.

        The most efficient transportation in my country, I’d say, is subway. Compared with cars and other transportations, subway is mostly convenient. It almost covers every corner in our city. And second, it has high speed compared with bicycle, you don’t have to worry about your time, traffic jam and parking space. What’s more, subway is more eco-friendly than car, it has nothing to do with air pollution at all. So frankly speaking, subway is the best transportation for you in china.

        5. 100(li)İl(f) Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples

        and details.

        The most important invention in the recent century would definitely be the internet, which has changed

        our life so tremendously. First of all, it makes the worldwide connection possible so that it can help

        human beings to work much more conveniently and efficiently. In addition, it has greatly promoted the

        development of science and technology by a number of websites and databases of information. Besides,

        it can provide people with entertainment, such as watching movies, chatting room and even shopping. So

        the internet is really an amazing invention.

        As far as I am concerned, television is the most important invention of the last 100 years. First, from the news broadcasting in the television, we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it. And second, watching television with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day’s work. What’s more, its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a great influence on the way people think and talk.

        Describe your favorites

        1.er(sh)gʲô?What do you do in your spare time? Please include specific details in your statement.

        03When I have leisure time, I look forward to spending it outdoors. Breathing fresh air and enjoying the

        natural light of sunshine are a nice break from the closed in atmosphere of my office. Once outside in a

        healthy environment, my choice of activities is limitless. Mostly I enjoy walks with friends. We like to

        explore new parts of the city. Sometimes we head out of town and try a new hiking trail in the woods. The

        outdoors is a great place to meet other like-minded people who are interested in fitness. Recently, I met

        someone on a walking trail. During our walk we found out we are both sighed up for golf lessons at the

        local club. In addition, he is interested in joining my friends and I in forming a volleyball team. The

        outdoors offers a great opportunity to spend free time alone or with friends.

        When I have time to kill, I usually like to surf the internet to pay close attention to new fashion trade. Such as the fashion week, respectively, new york fashion week, paris fashion week, London fashion week and milian fashion week. The rest of time, I usually go to the library to find some valuable books and a park to relax myself. There are many books to my taste, such as fashion magazines, inspirational books, and professional books. These books can make me healthier and energetic. And last thing I’d like to do when I am free is to eat out with my family members. You may be surprised to know that I have tried all the restaurants in our community!

        2. ϲgĹIf you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? What’s your reason for choosing this job? Please give your statement and include specific examples and details in your opinion.

        Well In my opinion, the most ideal career for me is to be a journalist. You know what? I have dreamed to

        be a journalist since I was still in middle school. Journalists never tell lies, and always seek for truth. I want

        to be a man just like that. Besides, I often feel shy when I'm talking to others, and as I know journalists are

        all good at communicating because good communication skill is very important while they’re doing

        interviews. I want to possess this kind of skill myself, so that’s why I want to be a journalist as an ideal


        3. xнšI(y)߀܉õҝMšI(y)?If you have a chance to choose your job, would you like to choose a job with high salary or that can get personal satisfaction? Why?

        I agree with that one should choose a major that suits his/her interests. First of all, if you force yourself to

        learn something you don’t like, then you can’t be fully devoted to learning it well and may even feel bored. As a result, it will lower your study efficiency and can’t prepare you very well for future development.

        Furthermore, the demand of job market definitely changes more frequently than your interests do. You

        may find a job popular after you graduate, although it may receive poor recognition by the society when

        you entered college. So it’s wise to choose a major you are interested in.

        Personally speaking, I would like to choose a job which can provide me a high personal satisfaction. Firstly, success for me is a kind of process rather than a result such as a plenty of money. Money and reputation are incidental results to my success. So a high personal satisfaction can let me enjoy this process. Secondly, a high personal satisfaction can give me lots of passion to continue my job. In other words, passion and satisfaction of a job are dynamic to my career not money.

        4. xҹČI(y)߀ԼdȤČI(y)? Subject which will lead to better job or subject which you are interested. Which subject will you choose? Why?

        I will definitely choose a major which will lead to a better job in the future. I bet the most common reason

        for us attending university is to find a good job with bright future and decent pay when we graduate, like

        finance and marketing for example. I love literature, but I chose journalism to be my major in the

        university. Journalism is much more practical than literature. You can see this from the fact that the

        number of authors is much less than the number of journalists. I could not deny the fact that satisfying

        our interests will make our life more enjoyable, but it has to take a good job as a prerequisite because we

        need to make a living first. Compared to surviving, everything has to be placed in the second place.

        I surely prefer to choose a major which is easy to find a good job in the future, like finance or marketing for example. No one could deny that the most common reason for us attending university is to get well prepared for a good job in the future. So whether or not it will lead to a good job, should be put into the first place when we choose our major. If we find a good job with decent payment, we can use the money we have earned from it to satisfy our interests then.

        5. ϲgӰ?Which is your favorite type of movie: action, drama, or others? Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.

        My favorite type of movie is romance comedies. The charming actors such as Hugh Grant or Brad Pitt are

        some of the most attractive actors in the world. Whenever they have new movies coming out i will pay for

        the ticket price and watch them in the movie theatres, i just like the way to fantasize about my life when i

        watch their movies. And the second reason may be more important. Watching this kind of movies is just

        like reading a book which teaches me how to love and to be loved. Moreover, the recent movies are

        always what girls talk about and I do not want to be out of date when we are having a casual


        My favorite kind of movie is loving movie. Such as Titanic, a wonderful movie, captured many young people's hearts with its fascinating music and touching plots. A word comes to my mind, it is love that makes the world go round. Watching this kind of loving movies is just like reading a text book which teaches me how to love and be loved. Moreover, we can learn more from it, such as loyalty and treasure.

        6. ϲgeʽ Choose one of your favorite methods to relax and explain why it is your favorite. Please include specific details in your explanation.

        7. x_(ki)l(xing)?Everyone has to leave home sometimes. What do you miss most when you are away from home? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

        It is my mother whom I miss most when I am away from home, for example, studying in the university

        which is 1400 miles away from my born city of Beijing. The dishes in school's cafeteria was awful, and I

        became 3 kilograms thinner than I was in the high school. So I miss the food my mother cooks for me,

        especially spaghettis which is her signature dishes.

        It is my parents whom I miss most when I am away from home, for example, I usually lodging in the university. I miss the food my parents cook for me, and I miss their laugh. In the university, I have to handle problems by my own efforts, by my own decision at most of the time, it definitely improves my independent ability. What the most important of all, to be frank, I deeply understand their pain about life. Thus, I miss them a lot.

        8. һõĕr(sh)g?What is your best time in a year? Please state your reasons and include specific examples and details in your explanation.

        Spring Festival may be the most important celebration event in China, which symbolizes the beginning of

        a new year. It allows us to depart from bad luck and all displeasure together with the past as well as long

        for a much better future. In addition, the festival provides all Chinese people in the world an opportunity

        to gather with family or friends, enjoying delicious food, watching TV celebrating programs, sharing

        experience in the past year and receive best wishes from each other and so on.

        9. ϲgķg?Describe your favorite room. Your statement should include specific examples and details.

        My favorite room is the living room. I like lots of open space and a sense of expansiveness, of freedom.

        Also, it's a place where I can look around and not feel agitated or confined. All different but natural colors

        have such a lovely warm effect that I would never get tired of it. Everything is in harmony----- large digital

        TV on the wall, glass-made tea table, beautiful plants, couch and sofa, a good book, a good wine. It gives

        me a sense of satisfaction and away from hurly burly. It is at times a place to contemplate and at times a

        place to share with friends. In a word, it is graceful, refined, comfortable and restful.

        My favorite room in my house is my study room. There are various books in my study room, such as fashion magazines, inspirational books and so on. Also there is a computer in my study room. The reasons why it is my favorite room is because in my spare time I usually like to surf the internet to pay close attention to new fashion trade or find some valuable books to recharge myself. These books can make me healthier and energetic.

        10.W(xu)(x)һT(mn)g(sh)ʲô?Describe some kind of skill that you’d like to learn most. Why? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation

        Well, the skill that I want to command is to repair large-scale machines, which is of great help in my

        scientific research. Firstly, if I can repair apparatus in my laboratory all by myself, I won’t depend on

        others. Asking others for solution usually costs considerable time and money. I even have to please them

        in order to solve the problem as soon as possible. In addition, if I master the skill of machine-reparation,

        I’ll be more familiar with the machine and working principle and can offer help to others. That’s why I

        want to learn the skill of machine-reparation.

        The skill I want to learn most is cooking as the following reasons. Firstly, I’m going to study abroad, so cooking is very necessary for me when i live alone. As we all know that it is very costly for me to eat out always. So cooking is a economical way. Secondly, if I could cook well, I would cook for my foreign friends. Let them know the culture of cooking in my country. Besides these, I can do some part time jobs to earn my pocket money.

        Describe events/your experiences

        1. ^(gu)ҪěQ --Describe the most important decision that you have made in your life. Why was it important to you? Use specific examples and details to support your explanation.

        The most important decision that I have ever made is when I was 19 years old. I chose chemistry as my

        major in my college. It’s of great importance because it determines what I will learn and what I will do the

        next four years. What is more, it partly determines my future career for the rest of my life. After four

        years of study, I think I made a right decision, because I do like chemistry and have learned a lot of skills. I

        also have learned how to create an idea and implement it in my study and scientific research, which is an

        important ability during my lifetime.

        Personally speaking, the most important decision that I have made in my life is to choose marketing as my major in university, as we all know that marketing is a kind of major which cuts across the boundaries of many different disciplines, so in order to learn it well, I have to learn various subjects such as international trade and brand management. What’s more, i’m little timidity in front of challenges such as doing the presentation and negotiation, I guess most of the people may have this kind of stage fright, So marketing is a major can definitely anneal myself. During the studies in university, I learned hard and practiced as much as I could. Finally, I got the highest GPA in my grade.

        2. ҵĿ(bio)-Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What’s your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

        To tell you the truth, my aim is to be a journalist as my future career. And I have partly achieved it. You

        know what, I have dreamed to be a journalist since I was still in middle school. And then I chose

        journalism as my major in university though my parents strongly opposed to that. During my time in the

        university, I worked hard and practiced as much as I could. Yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call. It

        was from China Daily which is one of the most famous newspapers in my country. They provided me an

        offer to be a journalist in their newspaper! it's like a dream come true.

        Frankly speaking, I would like to be a teacher as my future career. I have dreamed to be a teacher since I was still in the primary school. Cuz training is my cup of tea. I am very glad and proud of to share my knowledge and views with others. Well, secondly, with the fast speed of development in China, the demand of professional talent is a pressing issue, so I would like to contribute my effort to the development of China. As my father always tell me to do something constructive and beneficial to the ordinary people.

        3. ӡĕr(sh)-Describe a celebration or moment which has made a deep impression on you. Please explain the impression and include specific examples and details in you explanation.

        Speaking of celebrations, there is one day of the year that is second to none in our country, it is the first

        day of the year in lunar calendar, which is called the Spring Festival by most Chinese people. Even if you

        are indifferent with festive events, you cannot resist the charm of a family reunion dinner which marks the

        defining feature of the Spring Festival. And during the dinner, family members make toasts for each other

        in order to wish for joy, peace, health and fortune for the next year.

        4. һ(g)(zhn)ԵĽ(jng)v Describe one of your challenging experiences. Explain why it is challenging and how you conquered this challenge. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

        I once had a tough experience last semester when I was invited to show my dance with my friends in a

        large-scale celebration evening. It was challenging because we had only less than two weeks for

        preparation. Even worse, it was the end of the term and we were all busy with our final exams. In such a

        short time, as a leader, I investigated new dancing actions after my work during the daytime and taught

        other members every night. We taught and learned together and encouraged each other when we were

        frustrated. Finally, we had achieved a fantastic performance.

        Frankly speaking, what the most challenging experience for me is as a leader in my brand management assignment group. This assignment required us to build a virtual brand. As a leader, I pay a significant amount of energy on this assignment. I allocated task to my group members and discussed issue with them. This process of learning definitely develops my abilities such as leadership, coordination and problem handling.

        5. һ(g)(du)ҁ(li)f(shu)ҪęC(j)(hu)Describe a special opportunity given to you. Why does this opportunity so special to you? Your explanation should include specific details and examples.

        Many years have passed, but till today, I still could not forget the special opportunity I have received. It

        was a rainy afternoon. When I was watching TV in my dorm room, I received a phone call. The man in the

        phone asked me whether I was still looking for a job? I replied yes. And he then told me that he had read

        my resume on the Internet and could provide me a job as manager secretary in their company. Later I

        successfully join this company. Looking back, this is actually the start point of my career path and I

        learned a lot during my stay there. That’s why I consider it a very special opportunity to me.

        There is a special opportunity that I have received still means a lot to me. I still could not forget that is a class assignment, the teacher required us to work together. My roommates were consistent to recommend me as a team leader in this assignment. I was really surprised by that. To be a leader is a precious challenge for me to improve my own various abilities. Definitely, under our efforts, we accomplished assignment successful.

        6. һ(g)׌ҸdĺϢ ʲô?Describe some good news that made you happy and explain why. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

        I'll tell you a piece of good news of myself. You know what? I have just received an offer which tells me

        that I was accepted to be an editor in Xinhua news Agency, which is the most important news agency in

        China. Every one of my classmates admires me because I am the only one who receives this offer. I

        dreamed to be a journalist when I was still in middle school and thus I chose journalism as my major in the

        university. When I graduate from the university, I found it very difficult for a female undergraduate to be

        a journalist in China, but I proved myself in the end, and got this offer.

        I'll tell you a good news of myself. I have just received an offer which tells me that I was accepted to be a student of master of luxury and fashion management in France. It is my dream major which I want to learn. I definitely made a great effort to realize this dream. What’s more, the reasons why this major means a lot to me is because luxury profession talents are very essential to the development of Chinese local luxury industries. So I really wanna contribute my efforts to Chinese local luxury industries.

        7. c(dng)-Describe a social or politics celebration event in your culture. Specific examples and details are necessary in your statement.

        A type of social event celebrated in my culture is the flag-raising ceremony on National Day. Oceans of

        people from all across the country come to Beijing the day before. They are very excited to see the

        ceremony with their own eyes instead of on TV. Some even have been planting this dream in their mind

        for years. They arrive around 6:00 early in the morning, waiting for the special moment. I guess they are

        all overwhelmed and thrilled by the wonderful scene at the time. On the other hand, the view of the

        honor guard parade is fantastic, the guards all wearing the green military uniform and marching to

        Tianmen Square with a high spirit. Each birthday celebration of the great country always begin with such a

        solemn flag-raising ceremony, which strengthens the unity and motivation of its people.

        Speaking of social celebration in my culture, there is one day of the year that is second to none, the Chinese New Year, which is also called the Spring Festival by most Chinese People. Even if you are indifferent with festive events, you can not resist the charm of a family reunion dinner which marks the defining feature of the Spring Festival. And family members make toasts for each other in order to wish for joy, peace, health and fortune for the next year.

        8. ͯdһDescribe a most happy event in your childhood. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation

        Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood. Why do you think it was

        enjoyable? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

        The most happy event that took place in my childhood was when I first got my first dog--- Gus. I was ten

        and had been pestering my parents for a dog for years. One day I came home from school, my parents

        said they had a surprise for me and it was waiting for me in my room. I ran up to my room and threw

        open the door. I found a tiny puppy with a red bow around his neck at the foot of my bed. He was fast

        asleep. And for the rest of his life, he slept on the exact same spot at the end of my bed every night. That

        was a great happy event in my childhood.

        An enjoyable event that took place in my childhood was when I first got my first dog--- Gus. I was ten and

        had been pestering my parents for a dog for years. One day I came home from school, my parents said

        they had a surprise for me and it was waiting for me in my room. I ran up to my room and threw open the

        door. I found a tiny puppy with a red bow around his neck at the foot of my bed. He was fast asleep. And

        for the rest of his life, he slept on the exact same spot at the end of my bed every night. That was a great

        happy event in my childhood.

        9. һ΄eˎҵĽ(jng)v Describe an experience when you asked help from others. How did they help you?

        At the end of last semester I had a tough experience when I was invited to show my dance in a large-scale

        celebration evening, I had less than two weeks for preparation and I was so busy with my final exams. I

        told my dilemma to one of my friends who is also good at dancing and has relatively more spare time. He

        asked me not to be gloomy and promised to investigate the dancing actions instead of me. He learned

        new dancing actions during the daytime and taught me every night. It did save me a lot of time and I

        successfully accomplished both the performance and the exams.

        I still remember there was an assignment which required us to do some interview in the street. As you know, it is a hard work for a stranger to assist you. In order to gain stranger’s trust, firstly, I told them my purpose of the interview sincerely, and then gave them a gift to thanks them for a cooperation. Finally, most of them were willing to assist us. Well, this assignment definitely improves my various abilities such as communication and so on.












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