- 相關推薦
Because he’s been trying to get into your pants since the minute we started dating that’s why. pants=褲子,短褲;date=約會。 這句話可以形容好多滴男人噢,呵呵
Do you know what we’re up against? up against=面臨
Hey fish.You making any progress? 有進展嗎?
I thought you said the margin for error was zero days. margin for error=出錯的可能性
I’ll come get my stuff tomorrow. stuff這里指東西
If you’re really telling me you want to postpone this thing then I wanna cancel it. wanna=want to 想要,希望,超級常用滴美式口語縮寫
Last time you came here, you called me a liar. call 在這里是“稱呼”的意思
Maybe we could postpone it. Look I can’t do this right now. My head’s not in it, it’s supposed to be a celebration. postpone=推遲,延遲
Officer Bellick is in charge of transfers. be in charge of=管理
She’s missing. I think that the Secret Service got to her. miss=失蹤;get to=接觸到,對...有影響;Secret Service=特務機關,聯邦情報局
unless there’s evidence of violence or sexual predation between cellmates those kind of requests fall on deaf ears around here. violence=暴力;sexual predation=性侵犯;fall on deaf ears=置若罔聞
We’re gonna get married in sixteen months. 注意這個用法。
You gotta problem with that? Cause if you do, feel free to drop it in my suggestion box. feel free=隨便,盡管
you know I can’t get pregnant until I’m married. 你知道直到結婚我都不能懷孕。
You know, just going over some files. go over=仔細檢查
You’re early. Let’s go eat. 你來得真早,我們去吃飯吧。
Yup. 是的(美語里的肯定答復)。