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      1. и ZY(ji)(gu)

        rg2023-01-22 22:19:51 и(TOEFL) ҪͶ
        • P(gun)]

        и ZY(ji)(gu)R

        (do)Zи ZY(ji)(gu)Rɑ(yng)îI(y)Ӗ(xn)W(wng)xxx

        и ZY(ji)(gu)R

        1.like apples and oranges Áʾoȵ

        ——Which game do you think is more difficult to learn chess or bridge? (JƺĂyW(xu)?)

        ——They are like apples and oranges (z]^)

        2.look for a needle in a hay stack 󺣓

        ——We are supposed to meet John here at the train station (҂Ҫڻ܇վJohn)

        ——That’s like looking for a needle in a hay stack  (ǿǴ󺣓)

        3.lose one’s train of ӛ

        ——When you interrupted me you made me lose my train of thought (ҵ˼ӛʲô)

        4. make yourself at home SS

        —— Do you mind if I take off my jacket?(ӊAˆ?)

        —— Of course not make yourself at home(ȻSһc!)

        5. save your breath ʡښ;eM

        —— Hey? John! John!(John! John!)

        —— Save your breath He"s out of earshot(ʡښѽ(jng) )

        6.make sense x

        —— The plot of that movie is hard to follow(DzӰ鹝(ji)y)

        —— It makes more sense the second time(ٿһ)

        7. cost sb an arm and a leg dzF

        ——Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda?(㿴BillͽoLinda@ˆ?)

        ——I sure did It must have cost him an arm and a leg(ȻһܰF)

        8. burn a hole in one’s pocket ܿر

        ——Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet? (㔀XoXIһ_´ӡCˆ?)

        ——You know money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately  Maybe next month (@ׂһXˮҲS‚°)

        9.fill one’s shoes ܺõ;˝M

        ——Have you heard that Professor Jones is retiring? ( fJonesҪˆ?)

        ——Yes The faculty won’t find anyone to fill her shoes (ǵW(xu)Уyҵmˁ)

        10.is ice cold ʾȻ

        ——Does Prof Ford always come to class? (Fordڿǁn?)

        ——Is ice cold? (Ȼˡ)

        11. take a rain check

        —— Can you come over for dinner tonight? (ρÆ?)

        —— I’m up to my ears in work so I’ll have to take a rain check(ҹæհ)

        12. lost count Ū

        —— Ever since your girlfriend moved to Bridgeport you are always driving there How many trips a week do you make anyway?(ԏŮѰᵽBridgeport_܇ȥһȥ״ΰ?)

        ——I have lost count but I can do it with my eyes closed(㲻]Ҳ^ȥ)

        13. be in another world ;겻

        —— Pete’s really out of it these days(Pete @cIJ)

        —— Yeah I know Ever since he met Ann he’s been in another world(ͬ⡣ԏҊAnn ͻ겻)

        14.meet each other half way ໥ׅf(xi)׌

        ——My chemistry project is in trouble because my partner and I had totally different ideas about how to proceed (ҵĻW(xu)n}}ˡMչ}cҵĺҊȫͬ)

        ——You should try to meet each other half way (ゃ(yng)ԓ໥ׅf(xi))

        15.on the dot ʕr;c

        ——Did you and Amanda really meet exactly five minutes to two in front of the theatre? (Amanda_ڲ5փcĕr_ԺTˆ?)

        ——Yes we were both there on the dot (ǵ҂zc_)

        16.once and for all һ;ɴ

        ——I am going to tell that neighbor of mine to turn down that music once and for all(ҪһθVǂӰ•P(gun)С)

        ——I see why you are angry But I’ve always found that the polite route is the most effective (ʲôҿXöYòķʽЧġ)

        17.out of earshot  

        ——Hey? John! John! (! John! John! )

        ——Save your breath He’s out of earshot (ʡښ Ҋ)

        18.out of this world dz

        ——Have you tried Susan’s apple pie? (ԇ^SusanOɆ?)

        ——I got the last piece And it was out of this world (õһKóԘO)

        19.play by ear SC(yng)׃ҕζ

        ——Marty are you doing anything special for your presentation in political science tomorrow? (MartyڞΌW(xu)vʂcͬIJφ?)

        ——Not really because the class so often turns into a discussion I’ve decided to play it by ear (Tn׃ӑՓқQҕζ)

        20.ring a bell ij; 

        ——That name just doesn’t ring a bell with me (ǂһcҲ)

        21.share a common outlook йͬ^c

        ——Jeff and Alan share a common outlook on life (Jeff Alanйͬ^c)

        22.six of one and half-a-dozen of the other ˃;]ʲô^(q)e

        ——I can’t decide whether to take anthropology or geology this term (қQ@W(xu)xW(xu)߀ǵn)

        ——It’s six of one and half-a-dozen of the other (Toe)

        23.stick around ڸȴ

        ——Leaving the party so soon? We’re just getting ready to cut the cake (@ôҪ?҂ʂҪе)

        ——Sorry I can’t stick around (Ҳ^m(x)@ˡ)

        24.stick with ^m(x)Գ

        ——I wonder what this new flavor of ice cream tastes like? (֪@Nµıʲôζ?)

        ——I tried it last week If I were you I would stick with an old favorite (ҳ^ҕ^m(x)ǰ۳ԵǷN)

        25.straighten out ƽ;Y(ji)

        ——I almost forgot I still owe you ten dollars from the other night Do you have change for a twenty? (Ҳcǰһҽ10KXF(xin)߀]߀F(xin)_20ԪĆ?)

        ——Oh not at the moment Let’s just straighten it out some other time (ŶF(xin)ڲԺٽY(ji)ɡ)

        26.toss and turn (w)ȥ(ͨʾy˯)

        ——Last night I tossed and turned in bed too exhausted to sleep (ݚD(zhun)(c)ôҲ˯)

        27.turn one’s back (ڄeyr)Ը

        ——He’ll turn his back on me if I ask for money (X͕)

        28.under the weather wm

        ——It’s good to see you Mary How have you been? (ҊdMaryÆ?)

        ——Actually I have been feeling under the weather recently (䌍@Ӳ)

        29.bite off more than one can chew ؝;;;

        ——I hear you’ve been taking an advanced physics course this semester How’s it going? ( f@W(xu)ϸߵn@Tnô?)

        ——I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew (㰡)

        30.break new ground (chung)

        ——His architectural design broke new ground in the field (ĽO(sh)Ӌ@I(lng)Ą(chung))

        31.leave no stone unturned z;ȫԸ

        ——Lynn left no stone unturned in her research and handed in an excellent paper (LynnȫԸоһƪ(yu)Փ)

        32.on cloud nine Ҹ֮;dzd

        ——Marcia looks like she’s on cloud nine Do you know what made her so happy? (MarciaҸ֪֮ʲô@ôd?)

        ——She just had a paper accepted for publication (һƪҪl(f))

        33.on the tip of one’s tongue һr벻Ԓ߅ӛ

        ——Are you sure you can’t remember the name of that record? (϶ӛǏƬֆ?)

        ——It’s just on the tip of my tongue! (Ҿһr벻

        34.reach the bottom of the barrel MZ^

        ——Don’t you have any other clean shirts? (߀Ƀr?)

        ——I guess I’ve reached the bottom of the barrel (ѽ(jng))

        35.rub sb the wrong way ʹ(ij)c;ŭ;𷴸;_

        ——What do you think of our new economics instructor? (X½(jng)W(xu)ώô?)

        ——I don’t know Something about him rubs me the wrong way (֪ôc׌ҷС)

        36.fit as a fiddle wܽ

        —— Harry! How have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages (HarryÆ?þÛ]Ҋ)

        ——I’m fit as a fiddle This exercise program I’m following is terrific (wØOMе@呟Ӌ̫ˡ)

        37.grin and bear ΄Թ;oԹԵ

        ——CarlaI can’t take this job any longer (CarlaҲ@ݹˡ)

        ——If you need the money you’ll just have to grin and bear it ( ҪX͵͡)

        38.hit the spot (ָʳ֮)ȫ֏(f)^еM;֏(f);ᾫ

        ——This Lemonade sure hits the spot(̫֭)

        ——And how! (Ȼ!)

        39.keep between the two of us ׌֪

        ——What I’m going to say is rather personal so let’s keep between the two of us (Ҫvļ˽£ϣܱ)

        40.know a thing or two about ֪һ

        ——Do you think Andy could help us plan the camping trip to West Virginia? (JAndy҂Ӌȥ၆ҰI?)

        ——Well since he spends every summer there he might know a thing or two about it (ܰÿ춼ȥǃ(yng)ԓ֪һЩƒ)

        41.do the trick ɹ;_ĽY(ji)

        ——I’ve been trying to get the furnace started but I can’t find the right switch (ұM׌tȼɲ֪ԓĂI)

        ——Here I believe this one in the back will do the trick (@ź水@I׌tȼ)

        42.drag one’s feet ЄӾ;ĥĥ䲻Ը

        ——How’s Bob coming along on his dissertation proposal? (BobՓӋMչô?)

        ——He’s really been dragging his feet (ĥ)

        43.draw the line ܽ^ܲ

        ——Paul expects me to clean the room every week (Paul׌ÿܴ߷g)

        ——That’s where I draw the line (ҽ^(yng)

        44.feel down in the dumps 鲻;w

        ——Kate was really feeling down in the dumps about her latest chemistry assignment (KateĻW(xu)I(y)ɿеܾچ)

        45.few and far between ;ٶɢ;l(f)F(xin);ϡٵ

        ——Steve is really a terrific guy (SteveDz)

        ——He sure is Ones like him are few and far between (Ȼǘӵ˿ɲҊ)

        и ZY(ji)(gu)P(gun)£

        ӢZ Zx06-20

        и ԇ06-20

        и 俼06-20

        2017и ~R08-28

        2016ӢZ ~RZ06-20

        и ԇxE05-11

        и ԭľx~R06-20

        2017и c~R06-13

        и ԇ~R06-12


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