- 相關推薦
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The government must make choices about how to spend its money in amusing the people. Given the choice between spending tax dollars on the arts or sports, it should choose to spend those dollars on the arts.
對于體育的支持能夠造福更多人。 Governmental support to sports benefits more people. |
reason: |
體育所有人都能看懂,但是欣賞藝術需要歷史文化知識和對于藝術家的了解。 Enjoying sports requires little. In sharp contrast, to truly understand an artistic work requires not only historical and cultural knowledge but also the personal experience of the artist. |
example: |
拿Beijing Museum為例,很少有人經常去那。 Take Beijing Museum for example. Not many people frequent there to admire the masterpieces of artists - only those from the upper class or students and researchers with specific academic interests will regard these establishments valuable and useful. |
體育比藝術賺錢。 Athletics are more profitable than arts. |
reason: |
藝術市場比較小,體育市場每年卻能產生數十億的利潤。 The art market is relatively small compared with the sports industry, which generates multibillion-dollar profits every year. |
example: |
拿鳥巢為例,鳥巢在奧運后舉辦了很多比賽,變成北京政府的一個財政來源。 For example, the National Stadium of China, more widely known as the Bird’s Nest, have held hundreds of huge events from world famous football games to the concerts of many established musicians after the 2008 Olympic Games. These events are an important source of government budget. |
Drivers should pay for a permit, which allows them to drive rush hours, in order to solve the problem of traffic congestions.
司機有更好的駕駛體驗。 As for drivers, the fee for permit would allow them to have a nice driving experience. |
reason: |
路上車輛減少,駕駛體驗更好。 Asking drivers for money would limit the number of cars going out during rush hours. |
example: |
用一個調查證明觀點。 According to a recent survey, the number of cars driving on main street in downtown area has dramatically dropped. The reason is that drivers are unwilling to pay for the permit, but would rather use public transportation, such as subway or bus. Based on their calculation, the monthly expense on subway would be even cheaper than the money for a permit. |
政府有更多錢改善路況。 As for the government, it would have funds to improve the road condition. |
reason: |
使用permit的收入去改善路況。 The government could use the money to maintain the road with poorer condition. |
example: |
比如修補路面,拓寬道路。 As to the roads with pits, the government would pay the workers to reconstruct the road. As to the roads that are too narrow to drive through, the government could expand the road with more lanes. |
Some students prefer to have their final grades determined numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by a few large ones. which do you prefer and why?
幫助老師改善教學方法。 Grading students’ performances based on many small assignments or projects can help teachers refine their methodologies. |
reason: |
老師可以根據學生在作業中的表現,來判斷自己的教學方式是否有效。 Based on students’ performances on those small assignments, teachers can better determine whether their teaching methods are effective and which aspects of their teaching could be strengthened. |
example: |
一個學生在寫作中華而不實的語言可以提醒一個文學老師如何教寫作更有效。 A student’s bombastic wording can serve as a reminder for a literature teacher that his instructions on how to write a good sentence is inadequate while the guidance of how to observe carefully and think critically is more central to a compelling article. |
刺激學生努力學習。 Numerous small projects also serve as a stimulant for students to study hard. |
reason: |
壓力是第一生產力。 With several deadlines looming in minds, students will feel more motivated to devote more time and energy to their studies. |
example: |
中國大學只通過期末考試來判斷學生,所以很多中國大學生都在虛度自己的大學時光。 Most Chinese universities base their judgments of their students simply on the students’ performance in one single final examination. So, it is not surprising that many Chinese college students idle their precious college time away and end up gaining nothing. |
Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage environment. Some people believe that the government should impose more penalty, higher tax and larger fine on these companies, while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer?
只有政府有資源和權利保證環保目標的實現。 Only the government possesses the power and resources required to achieve the purpose of environmental protection. |
reason: |
通過制定環保法律并實施,政府可以迫使公司減排。但是普通人沒有這個權利和資源。 By making environmental laws and strictly enforcing such laws, the government can force those companies to control their emissions or effluents, thereby reducing the overall pollution of the environment. |
example: |
For example, by imposing penalty and larger fines, all the automobile companies are forced to install the devices to reduce polluting emissions. |
段間對比:沒有比政府增加罰金或稅收更好的辦法。 There are no better means to reverse environmental pollution than to impose heavier taxes or penalties. |
reason: |
普通人沒有權利,私人公司不會主動做出犧牲。 Individuals have neither the power nor the resources required to address these widespread hazards. Besides, private companies are driven by the desire for maximal profits, so they are not willing to make the short-term sacrifice necessary to accomplish this goal. |
example: |
科技早就可以徹底消除汽車的排放,但是直到政府加罰金,這些汽車公司才開始安裝減排設備。 Return to the above-mentioned automobile companies. In fact, current technology has made possible the complete elimination of car emissions for decades. But not until the government levies heavier taxes do they equip their cars with such devices. |
It was easier to be successful in the past than it is today.
The prevailing notions of equality and democracy in the modern society have made success more likely for people. |
reason: |
我們號召人人生而平等,所以沒有人再去阻撓我們的成功。 Nowadays, all governments advocate everyone is born equal. So, there is no one to stop people with less privileged backgrounds from becoming successful. |
example: |
很多創業者都收到過來自大公司或者慈善家的幫助。 During the struggling courses of most world-renown entrepreneurs, for example Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, they all received great help from many established giants or generous philanthropists. |
The easy availability of information also helps people a lot on their way to success. |
reason: |
信息輕松獲得,讓那些有夢想的人更容易實現自己的目標。 Living in a world where knowledge can be acquired at the least cost, those with great ambitions and outstanding intelligence can achieve their life goals more easily. |
example: |
一個想成為社會學專家的人,只需打開電腦,輕擊鍵盤,便能無成本獲得所有的相關信息。 Let’s say that a person wants to become an expert in sociology. All that s/he needs to do to realize his/her ambition now is merely to unfold his/her laptop and input a few keywords. Then, s/he can get access to all the relevant information. |
A big party inviting many people is better than a party inviting merely close friends and family members.
In a big party, it is hard for one to open up and really enjoy the party. |
reason: |
有陌生人在,我們很難放開自己,享受聚會。 Since the main goal of a party is to share happiness and have a good time together, one is supposed to feel relaxed in such circumstances. However, strangers just ruin such feelings. |
example: |
有陌生人在我們不敢放聲大笑,分享八卦和隱私。 Could you imagine yourself laughing out loud in front of someone you first meet if you have bad teeth? Could you share details of your relationship with your boyfriend when a guy you are not familiar with is standing right beside you? |
Sometimes it will embarrass the guest that he is invited to a party held by someone he rarely knows. |
reason: |
被孤立的感覺非常不好。 It is not going to be a pleasant thing to see many guests sitting in the corner chatting cheerfully while I stand alone on the balcony with an uneasy looking on my face. |
example: |
個人經歷作為證據。 Once, I was invited to the birthday party held by Bob, one of my brother’s classmates, who I had only met for twice and never actually talked with. When faced with a crowd of people I had never met before, I felt so nervous and did not know how to make contacts with them. I spent the rest time of the party hiding in the bathroom pathetically and wondered why on earth I decided to come. |
The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase teachers' salaries.
First of all, the increase of teachers’ income cannot ensure the improvement of their teaching. |
reason: |
有很多老師無法認識到自己的問題,或者不樂意做出改變。所以給錢并不能解決這些問題。 There are many teachers who fail to discover their shortcomings in teaching or who refuse to make the change even if they have been aware of their drawbacks. Simply giving them more money is not a solution to either of these problems. |
example: |
薪水不會把一個不耐心的老師變得有耐心,也不會讓一個不合格的老師有足夠的動力提高教學。 Even if with a higher pay, an impatient teacher will still be impatient when his students ask some questions that he believes he has already answered. Or, an incompetent teacher still finds himself unmotivated to improve his teaching methods or to expand his knowledge just to present a more instructive class. |
Increasing teachers’ salaries will bring the government serious financial problems. |
reason: |
更高的工資吸引更多的人當老師,給政府巨大的經濟負擔。 Higher salaries make the teaching profession more attractive, and thus more and more people will choose to pursue careers in teaching. So, the government will be faced with much more pressure of its budgets. |
example: |
中國政府雙倍了老師的工資,導致沒有錢去建造更多的學校,更新學校設備。 The Chinese government has doubled teachers’ salary during the past decade, which leaves the government less money to be spent on things that are more effective and urgent, such as building more schools for the poor and updating school facilities. |
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If people are on vacation (holiday), they should leave their mobile phones at home.
Cell phones disconnect people from the beautiful scenery on the road. |
reason: |
手機分散人們的注意力,讓人們很難專注欣賞沿途的風景。 Cell phones, which were originally designed to broaden people’s minds, have in fact disconnected people from the surrounding environment. With cell phones at hand, they can hardly move their eyes away from the phone screen and therefore pay even less attention to the beautiful surroundings. |
example: |
上個暑假,我去臺灣旅行。在途中,我一直在更新的朋友圈,根本就沒有看沿途美麗的海景。 Last summer, I journeyed to Taiwan, a beautiful island off the Southeastern coast of China. During the trip, I was busy with refreshing my friends’ Facebook pages or Twitter feeds, totally ignoring the beautiful seascape along the way. |
With cell phones, the boss can easily track people down, making it hard for people to enjoy their tours. |
reason: |
工作郵件直接發送到手機,導致我們無法輕松享受假期。 Work e-mails will be sent to people right through their cell phones and the boss can demand their services whenever an emergency at work happens. With those piles of unfinished work assignments looming on their minds, even vacations can be turned into torture. |
example: |
沒有把手機放在家,John在旅行中不停的給重要客戶打電話,回復老板郵件,根本無法放松。 Without leaving his cell phone at home, John, even on a trip, was forced to reply the messages and e-mails of his clients and his boss immediately, just to win those million-dollar contracts and maintain his good relationships with his clients. |
Younger school children (from age 5 to 10) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science, and history.
小學藝術課堂會是明日之星的起點。 Art and music courses provided by primary schools are the beginning of the careers of great artists and musicians. |
reason: |
發現有藝術天賦的少年。 By requiring children to study arts and music, those who are gifted in arts and music can be discovered. Then, a future star may be to rise. |
example: |
受到小學老師的啟發,Richard變成北京愛樂樂團首席小提琴手。 The pleasing music of violin played by her elementary school teacher impressed Richard and inspired him to pursue a career in violin performance. Now Richard has blossomed into the concertmaster in the Beijing Philharmonic Orchestra. |
5-10歲是培養品味的最好時機。 Five to ten is the best age for a person to cultivate his/her exquisite tastes. |
reason: |
通過從小欣賞經典,孩子們培養出更好的藝術品味。 On art and music classes, teachers tell children how to appreciate those masterpieces and what harmony and symmetry are. Then, children can develop better tastes in art and music. |
example: |
在小學音樂課上,我了解了貝多芬莫扎特,知道了什么才是經典,什么只能被稱為噪音。 On music classes, my teachers introduced the compositions of those remarkable masters like Beethoven and Mozart to me and equipped me with the ability to tell good music from what can only be called noises. |
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.
教育的普及降低了孩子們對于父母的依賴。 First, current universal access to education has greatly reduced young people’s reliance on their parents. |
reason: |
更好的教育意味著學生們更強的獨立思考和邏輯思考能力,更強的問題解決能力和社交技能。所以年輕人可以靠自己,無需靠父母。 A better education means better independent and logical thinking, better problem solving skills, and better social skills. So, today’s youngsters manage to deal with problems and difficulties depending on their personal efforts. |
example: |
有了老師的幫助,孩子們可以靠自己走完所有的申請大學的流程,不需要父母的幫忙。 With the guidance from teachers, modern children are able to go through the whole process of college application without the help from parents, from preparing for those necessary standardized tests to writing competitive personal statements. |
網絡的普及讓父母的幫助可有可無。 The Internet is also a great helper for youngsters to overcome obstacles in their paths to success and thus renders parental help dispensable. |
reason: |
當遇到問題時,年輕人更傾向于上網尋求更專業的幫助而不是依靠父母的智慧。 Young people prefer turning to experts with higher credibility for more professional advice. |
example: |
學生遇到學術問題時,只需要打開Google,動一動手指。無需父母。 When a student runs into a tough problem in his academic study, all that he has to do is just to unfold his laptop and input a few key words to Google. |
For a business to be successful, it must spend a lot of money on advertising.
廣告可以告知顧客產品的存在 When a new product is launched, there are no better ways to let the potential market know about it than to advertise. |
reason: |
新產品通過廣告散播信息。 Most of new products have only advertising to spread information and to inform consumers of their existence, which is the definite precondition for purchase. |
example: |
可口可樂的新飲料。 People will never know about the new types of soft drink launched by Coca Cola until they see the billboards beside the bus stop. |
廣告同樣有利于那些顧客早已熟知的品牌。 What’s more, the benefits of advertising also apply to products that consumers have already known about. |
reason: |
一個成功的廣告總是可以提醒顧客他們產品的經典和卓越。 A popular and successful advertising campaign can always remind consumers that a certain kind of products is classic and superior. |
example: |
可口可樂已經家喻戶曉,但是他們還是需要廣告來維持顧客。 Return to one of above-mentioned examples,--that is, the Coca Cola, a soft drink that remains unchanged for decades and that I believe every child knows about. But they still have to advertise to defend its reputation and to maintain the loyalty of consumers. |
The government has done enough to educate people the importance of a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating.
The government doesn’t do enough to shorten people’s working hours. |
reason: |
In my country, most employed individuals have to work overtime. Even though standard working hours are 9 to 6 Monday to Friday, a person’s workweek commonly exceeds 60 hours and extends into the weekend. Fewer working hours not only make for healthier citizens but also for a more competent workforce, so the government should really do more to reduce people’s working hours here |
Besides,the government doesn’t do enough to teach people how to stay fit either. |
reason: |
People in my country rarely take the time to eat healthy food and exercise regularly. It’s because they are never properly educated about it during schooling, so it seems difficult and foreign to them. |
example: |
Take me for example. I loved fast food high in fat and calories the most during childhood because I had no idea that the over consumption of such food gives rise to health concerns. |
Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The people in the past were friendlier than people today.
壓力過大導致人們不友好。 The first cause for people’s indifference to each other is the increasingly intense pressure of modern life. |
reason: |
壓力讓我們沒有時間精力關心別人。 The mounting pressure on people’s shoulders leaves them no time and energy to pay attention to others, thereby making people more alienated from each other rather than friendlier. |
example: |
我和鄰居都忙于工作,就算偶爾遇到也完全無交流。 The young man living next door leads a hectic life, so do I. We never say Hi even when running across each other in the elevator |
人和人之間的不信任導致我們不友好。 Another contributing factor to this trend has to do with the widespread social distrust. |
reason: |
我們總是在懷疑別人的動機。所以不太樂意幫助比人,甚至不樂意主動交流。 We are always suspicious of others’ motives even when they seem to be kind-hearted. This leads to our reluctance to help others or just to start a conversation with someone we don’t know. |
example: |
大部分時間,我們都會完全忽略周圍的陌生人,帶著耳機,截斷自己與周圍世界的聯系,因為我們不相信他們。 Most of the time, we just have to ignore people passing by, putting on our earphones to cut ourselves away from the world because we don’t trust strangers. We are no longer friendly to them and indifference is the best strategy. |
Technology designed to make people’s lives simpler makes people’s lives more complicated.
First, the revolution of information technology, instead of making communication easier, has rendered the interactions between people cold, alienated and meanwhile complicated. |
reason: |
What those new methods of communication erase is only the physical distance, and the mental distance between people is in reality lengthened. |
example: |
Although we can text our friends to have a date, yet when sitting side by side in the cafeteria, we find out the ability of speaking has been replaced by that of typing - talking in texts seem to be more comfortable than in words and the date is filled with silence and awkwardness. |
Those advanced means of transportation, originally intended to free us from the labor of walking long distance, in fact bring us more trouble. |
reason: |
Today, we have all sorts of transportation tools to enhance our mobility and make possible free travel around the country. But our lives have become more complicated in other aspects. |
example: |
Now, it is not uncommon to see that roads are filled with cars unable to move, annoying horns are shouting and annoyed people are complaining. Traffic jams are not an easy puzzle to solve. |
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for people to relax is to spend time alone.
Admittedly,relaxation without any interference is indeed effective to refresh oneself. |
reason: |
When being alone, we can do whatever we want, with no need to care about someone else’s opinions. |
example: |
For example, I will watch several episodes of some well-made series, like Big Bang and Two Broke sisters. The exaggerating plots and amusing lines never fail to lift up my spirits. |
However, it is still hasty to say being alone is the best way for relaxation. The company of interesting friends is always my first choice when it comes to relaxation. |
reason: |
Witty friends have exciting and innovative ideas that we can never come up with. With them by our sides, we will never feel bored. |
example: |
For example, amusing friends can give genius responses to our complaints, making us burst into laughter and feel warm from within. |
Movies and TV programs made in our own country are more interesting compared with movies and programs made in other countries.
The strict censorship in China is the main cause for the tedium and dullness of its movies and TV programs. |
reason: |
Those in power in China, in order to maintain their own power, only allow movies and TV programs in their own interests to be broadcasted. |
example: |
Just take an interview program shown on BBC yesterday night as an example. It tries to dig up the dark stories underlying the world famous Kennedy family. The program actually indicates that a nephew of president Kennedy was involved in a murder but never got any lawsuit for his powerful family cast great influence on the government. This is a case that will never happen in China, where all the programs and TV series are forced to concentrate on the feats of our “great” Communist Party. No doubt they are boring. |
The backwardness in post-production technology also does a great disservice to the prosperity of movie industry in China. |
reason: |
The unprecedented success of the Hollywood film industry can partly be attributed to its advanced technology in post production. Those top engineering, technical and creative talents make possible the overwhelming visual and acoustic effects of Hollywood movies. Yet, movie technology in my own country is kind of backward and outdated. |
example: |
The imaginary world presented in the movie Avatarhas looks so real that I feel as if I were there. But when it comes to those so-called three-dimensional movies produced in China, they have no difference than the two dimensional sorts expect blurred movie titles. |
One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he lead.
Quick decisions are not always accurate. |
reason: |
Successful leaders know better than to take important decisions on the spot. When they are called to decide on the well-being of a company, leaders cannot risk making fatal mistakes; thus, they will take time. |
example: |
It is Henry Ford’s deliberation that made possible the introduction of the assembly line and the popularization of low-priced cars. If he had rushed his decisions, he could have never been the Father of Modern Automobile. |
The key quality of an effective leader is never the ability to make decisions immediately but the ability to adhere to his/her cause regardless of what roadblocks stands on the way. |
reason: |
Great leaders are with visions ahead of times. So, they will invariably encounter others’ criticisms and rejections. In this case, what they need to do is not to listen to others’ warnings but keep innovating until they bring their ideals to reality. |
example: |
In order to achieve his great ideal of a low-priced car, Ford introduced the assembly-line and doubled the wages of his workers. Despite the resistance from his shareholders and the public, he never gave up and finally achieved a monopoly on car manufacturing. |
The car has had great effects on the society than the airplane has.
The car has greater effects on people’s lives. |
reason: |
People rely on cars for daily utility. |
example: |
We drive cars to cart our children to school, go to shopping malls and commute to our workplaces every day. In fact, cars have created their own legions of human slaves: a whole lot of people rely on their cars as crutches and without cars, they are just like being crippled, confining them to their houses and being reluctant to go anywhere. |
The popularization of cars also reshaped social structure. |
reason: |
Cars have greatly enhanced people’s mobility and thus enabled the expansion of cities. |
example: |
In the early twentieth century when cars were luxuries and coaches were the dominant way of transportation, nearly 80% of the American population was rural. Henry Ford’s personal success in bringing cars ordinary men’ utility became a stimulant to urbanization –cities spread outward, creating suburbs and housing development. In fact, cars have changed the very structure of American society. |