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      2. 英語六級聽力高頻習語表達

        時間:2024-09-04 05:41:54 英語六級 我要投稿
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          1 表方位。

          Let's go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat。



          You must go across the bridge and then turn right。


          2 age



          the aging people = the old people

          現代社會出現越來越嚴重的aging problem(人口老齡化問題)等。

          3 all

          (1)shake all over 渾身顫抖

          (2)all of a sudden 突然地

          All of a sudden, I remembered her name. 我突然想起了她的名字。

          3 by all means 一定

          I'll come by all means. 我一定會來的。

          4 all night long 整晚

          My present neighbor plays piano all night long. 我現在的鄰居整晚都彈鋼琴。

          4 apply


          apply for(申請),這是工作的第一步;既然要申請,必然需要遞交letter of application(求職信),只要你足夠confident about yourself,就有可能獲得job interview(工作面試)的機會。是否能夠give a good impression(留個好印象)給主管,那就得看你個人犄造化了。

          有些工作崗位會require much traveling,(要求經常出差)還有些工作,做不了多久就會希望find a way out(找到出路)。


          5 as


          I am working as his teaching assistant. 我作為他的助教進行工作。

          (2)as…as 就像……一樣

          I've heard that he is as well-known as Johnson herself. 我聽說他跟約翰生本人自己一樣著名。

          I don't think it would be as boring as working in an office。


          It wasn't as easy as I had thought. 這不像我想的那么簡單。

          It's not as bad as it looks. 這并不像看上去的那么糟糕。

          Is that optional course as hard as everybody says?


          3 as far as I know 據我所知

          As far as I know, whether there'll be such a trip is yet to be decided。


          As far as I know, he works until midnight every day。


          4 as well 也

          If the weather is this hot tomorrow, we may as well give up the idea of playing tennis outside。


          1 as soon as 一……就,盡快

          I will do that for you as soon as I have fixed the machine。


          6 awfully


          awfully nervous 相當緊張;awfully cold 相當冷;awfully sorry 十分抱歉

          Tom looks awfully nervous. 湯姆看上去相當緊張。

          I am awfully sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. 十分抱歉。我不想傷害你的。

          7 be bound to


          The movie starts in 5 minutes and there's bound to be a long line。


          8 be tired of

          厭煩。當一個人感到厭煩的時候,也是最容易lose one's temper(生氣)的時候。

          I'm tired of movies about romantic stories. 我已經徹底厭煩了電影中的浪漫故事。

          9 be worn out

          1 筋疲力盡,這個表達不太正式,多用于口語。

          I'm usually worn out at the end of the day.  在一天快結束時我時常覺得很累。

          2 破舊不堪。

          My soles were worn out after a long time trip。經過長時間的旅行,我的鞋底已經破舊不堪。

          10 better

          1 'd better 最好是

          I'd better read one of the articles for the class. 我最好還是為上課讀篇文章準備一下。

          I think you'd better find another partner. 我想你最好還是另找一個搭檔吧。

          2 make it better 讓……更好

          I'd rewrite the last two paragraphs to make it better. 我已經重寫了最后兩段以使它更好。

          3 be better 更好些

          I told you it would be better for you if you took fewer courses during the first semester。


          11 bill

          1 賬單,買單。

          I will pay the bill this time because last time you did it. 這次我來買單,因為上次是你。

          2 提案。

          We all passed the bill on yesterday's board meeting。


          3 紙幣。

          Here's a 10-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight's show please。


          12 book

          1 書。本意,簡單名詞。

          2 預定,訂購。 be booked up 被預定空了;booking office 售票處

          All the morning flights have been booked up. 所有明早的飛機票都預定光了。

          13 briefing

          1 簡介。會議之前,總要有一個項目叫做Give a briefing。

          Mrs. Lung's briefing seems to go on forever.  Lung女士的簡報似乎沒完沒了。

          2 news / press briefing 新聞發布會

          14 change

          1 改變,更改。這是該詞的基本意思,看兩個例子回顧一下。

          I'd love to see a different type of movie for a change. 我想換換口味,看場不同類型的電影。

          I'll have to get my ticket changed. 我必須得更改我的票。

          2 零錢。這是在口語中經常使用的意思。

          Two tickets and here's a dollar forty cents change. 這是兩張票以及一美元四十美分的找零。

          Jane, do you have some change? I have to make a call on the pay phone。


          15 check

          1 檢查。基本意思。check our baggage 檢查行李

          Could you check for me who borrowed it? 你能幫我查查是誰借走了嗎?

          Did you check the power plug and press the play button?


          2 登機臺。check-in counter

          Is this the check-in counter for Flight 914 to Los Angeles?


          3 詢問。check on it 問問看

          Maybe I should call to check on it. 也許我應該打個電話問問看。

          4 支票。

          Sign the check. 簽這張支票。

          16 copy

          1 一本,一份。a copy of 口語中經常使用。

          I'd like to buy a copy of Professor Franklin's book On American Culture。


          Would you like a copy of professor Smith's article?


          2 復印。簡單動詞。

          Could you copy this article for me? 你能為我拷貝一下這篇文章嗎?

          17 count

          1 數數。

          She is counting the days. 她每天都在數著日子。

          2 指望。count on 依賴

          We'll have to count on good weather. 我們不得不指望一個好天氣。

          18 cover

          1 封面。hard cover 精裝書,與hard back book同意。另外,每個娛樂雜志的封面都免不了會有一位漂亮時尚的cover figure(封面人物)。

          The hard cover is on sale for the same price as the paperback this week in the bookshop。


          2 讀完,完成。

          I think we've covered everything.  我認為我們完成所有事情了。

          I just covered a few chapters which interested me most. 我只讀完了自己最感興趣的幾章。

          19 crossword puzzle

          縱橫字謎,一種填字游戲。既可以entertain oneself(自我娛樂),也是一種不錯的智力訓練。

          This is not a game. It's only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary。


          20 drama

          戲劇。這是一種西方的藝術形式。四級聽力中曾經多次出現。其他的藝術形式還有TV play(電視劇),soap opera(肥皂劇),concert(音樂會)……

          Some people just can't seem to appreciate real-life drama。


          21 drop

          a.拜訪。drop by

          I wonder if you can drop by tomorrow evening.  我想知道你能否在明晚過來。


          I'm going home, but I can drop you at the supermarket. 我要回家,但我可以載你到超市。

          c.忘掉,放棄。drop it

          We can drop it this time. But don't do it again. 這次我們可以算了,但下次不要再犯。

          I have to drop it this time. 我這次不得不放棄。

          22 drunk driving

          酒后駕駛。在四級聽力中出現,一般都是作為traffic accident(交通事故)的主要原因之一。

          I think it's high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now。


          23 expect


          Nobody expects you to be a superstar. 沒有人指望你會成為超級明星。


          The lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected。


          Mr. Smith is expecting you at 3 o'clock. 史密斯先生等待著你三點鐘到來。

          24 extremely

          使用頻率非常高,不亞于very,這個東西extremely expensive。

          The speech the blind girl gave this evening was extremely moving。


          25 film


          2 膠卷。

          ran out of film 膠卷用完;a roll of film 一卷膠卷;develop the film沖洗膠卷,說成wash就完蛋了。

          3 拍攝。

          film the river bank 拍攝河岸景致

          26 gains and losses


          Think about the gains and losses before you make the decision。


          27 give

          (1)give sb a ride 請某人搭便車

          Could you give me a ride to school tomorrow? 你明天能載我一程去學校嗎?

          (2)give sb a hand 幫助某人

          Can you give me a hand, Mike? 麥克,你能幫我一下嗎?

          (3)give sb a ring 打電話給某人

          I need to give Mum a ring and tell her I will not be back for dinner。


          28 go

          go broke 破產;身無分文

          go for a ride 乘車外出

          My sister wanted to go for a ride around town. 我的姐姐想乘車去鎮上轉一轉。

          go Dutch 各付各的

          go ahead 向前進;繼續下去

          Go ahead, please. 請繼續向前進。

          go on forever 永遠繼續下去

          Mrs. Lung's briefing seems to go on forever. 郎女士的演說似乎沒完沒了。

          go against 不順心

          Oh, yes, but not a thing to go against me。


          go over 復習,溫習

          I've have to go over my notes for tomorrow's midterm。


          29 item

          (1)物品。I want to move a few heavy items into the car. 我想把一些很重要的東西搬進車里。

          (2)項,東西。如果填表(fill in a form),就必然有many items to write。


          What about a cup of coffee before we move onto the next item?


          30 keep

          keep in touch(with) 保持聯系

          But we'll keep in touch. 但是我們會保持聯系的。

          Do you still keep in touch with your parents regularly after you leave them?


          keep an eye on 看守。

          31 laundry


          比如,There's a lot of laundry to do.  有很多衣服要洗。

          32 look



          You look great. 你看上去氣色很好。

          You look awfully nervous. 你看上去很緊張。

          All of my clothes look so old and I can't afford something new。


          It's not as bad as it looks. 它并沒有看上去的糟。

          (1)查閱。look up 查閱字典

          (2)希望。look forward to

          (3)尋找。 look for

          Do you think we should try to call him or look for him?


          Have you seen a young gentleman looking for his wristwatch?


          33 make

          (1)make an appointment 預約

          Why didn't you make an appointment to see the doctor last week?


          (2)make a call on the payphone 打一個收費電話

          (3)make room for sb 騰出位子給某人

          Could you make room for the old lady? 你能為這位老太太讓個座嗎?

          (4)make it 達到,抵達,做到

          But I'm afraid I can't make it. 但是我恐怕做不到。

          I'm afraid I can't make it before 7 o'clock. 我恐怕在7點前沒法到達。

          34 mistake

          (1)錯誤。make a mistake

          (2) 誤認。這對雙胞胎長得太像了,所以I often mistake one for another,并且無法tell them apart。

          35 notice


          Please wait for further notice. 請注意進一步通知。


          Have you noticed anything wrong here? 你注意到這里有什么問題嗎?

          36 offer

          (1) 提供。公司提供工作職位給學生就是offer a job。國外大學提供獎學金即:offer scholarship。所以大家一般稱國外大學的全額獎學金為offer。

          I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family。


          They're offering me a job after I graduate. 他們給我提供了一份畢業后的工作。

          (2)幫助。offer to help others 樂于助人

          37 order



          I haven't received the furniture I ordered yet.  我還沒有收到訂購

          How about the food I ordered?  我訂的飯菜如何?

          餐廳服務用語:Can I take / serve your order?

          (8)秩序。 out of order 比較亂,其反意為in order。

          38 paint


          Did Henry paint the whole house himself?  整棟房都是亨利自己漆的嗎?

          He had it painted. 他找人刷了油漆。


          Can you tell me the title of this oil painting? 你能告訴我這貼畫油畫的名字嗎?

          39 paper


          How much time did you have for writing the paper? 你寫論文花了多少時間?

          What's the teacher's comment on the student's paper?老師怎么評價這個學生的論文?

          Are you sure you have corrected all the typing errors in this paper?


          (2)試卷。期中考試有mid-term paper,期末有term paper。因此,如果提到The paper was not as easy as we hope. 就是考試卷子沒有想象得那么容易之意了。

          (3)書面。與paper test 書面考試(筆試)相對的就是oral test(口試)。固定搭配on paper也即表示"以書面形式"。

          (4)平裝。a paper back book / paperback edition平裝書,與hard back book / hard cover精裝書相對。聽力中會出現的情形是,在促銷(on sale)期間,平裝書和精裝書一樣的價格,這個時候大家當然會更愿意選擇精裝書了。

          Do you have the paperback edition of this dictionary?  這本字典有平裝版嗎?


          I'm calling about the three-bedroom house you advertised in yesterday's paper。

          The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day。

          I'd like to place an advertisement for a used car in this Sunday edition of your paper。


          I am looking for quality paper to type my essay. 我在找高質量的紙來打印論文。

          40 polish


          I spend so much time polishing my application letter. 我花了很多時間潤色我的申請文書。

          41 print


          Print this article out. 把這份文件打印出來。

          (2)印刷。與publish 相近,the printing industry 就是印刷業,out of print絕版。

          The book has been out of print for some time now。

          (3.) 用印刷體寫。

          I have printed my family name, first name, date of birth, and address。


          42 quality

          本意為名詞"質量",在聽力中也常用作形容詞,表示"高質量的"。如:quality life

          I am looking for quality paper to type my essay. 我在找高質量的紙來打印論文。

          43 quote / quotation



          What's your quotation? Can you quote for the new flat?


          44 realize


          I realize that I make a big mistake now. 我意識到自己犯了大錯。

          (2)實現。最常用的說法就是實現夢想,realize the dream。

          45 run

          (1)著急。Why run?

          當你正急匆匆地催你的慢性朋友去趕火車,他就可以回答"Why run?"跑什么。意思是不著急,時間還多著呢。

          (2)經營,運行。run one's own business 經營某人自己的事業

          The radio was running well, you needn't worry about it. 收音機沒問題,你不必擔心。

          You have to run your advertisement all week. 你整周都得登廣告。

          (3)運轉時間。in the long run 從長遠來看

          46 semester


          I'm thinking of taking five courses next semester. 我在考慮下個學期選修5門功課。

          47 severe

          (1)嚴重的。車禍造成了嚴重的傷害(severe injuries)。


          We haven't had such a severe winter for so long, have we?


          48 shelf


          I don't see any on the shelf. 架子上也沒有

          Here it is, on the upper shelf, next to Volume Two. 在這,架子上層,在第二冊旁邊。

          49 sign

          (1)簽名。sign one's name

          You just need to sign your name at the bottom. 你只要在底下簽名就行了。


          I'm sorry. I didn't notice the sign. 對不起,我沒有注意到標識。

          This is one-way street. Didn't you see the sign? 這是單行道,難道你沒看標識嗎?

          50 stay

          (1)stay up 熬夜

          You're always staying up late and working overtime. 你總是熬夜到很晚并且過度工作。

          I stayed up the whole night studying for my midterm math exam。


          (2)stay for dinner 留下吃晚餐

          (3)stay awake 保持清醒

          I was barely able to stay awake. 我幾乎不能保持清醒。











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