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      1. W(xu)ӢZ(y)g~R

        r(sh)g2023-03-11 01:54:35 W(xu)ӢZ(y) ҪͶ
        • P(gun)]




        һ(g)Ї(gu)ԭt the one-China principle

        cr(sh)M(jn) keep pace with the times

        Cχ(gu) overall national strength

        ͬԸcommon desire

        ߳ȥ((zhn))going global

        Y(ji) non-alignment

        ߅x unilateralism

        ߅ multilateralism

        O multipolar world

        ˿g aging of population

        ˿ڳbirth rate

        ^(q)·(w) community service

        ·ͥ court of ethics


        aggregate demand

        o aggregate supply

        I(y)Ļ corporate/entrepreneurial culture

        I(y) corporate image (Cl); enterprise image

        (gu)˾ cross-national corporation

        (chung)I(y) enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit

        YI(y) foreign-funded enterprise


        ս(jng)(j) holiday economy

        Yhuman capital

        պͺ칤I(y)aerospace industry

        wC(j)칤I(y)aircraft industry

        ӹI(y) electronic industry

        ܇칤I(y) car industry

        ʘI(y) entertainment industry

        Ϣa(chn)I(y) information industry

        ֪R(sh)ܼͮa(chn)I(y) knowledge-intensive industry

        (gu)дI(y) large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises

        pI(y) light industry

        I(y) manufacturing industry

        ŔИI(y) monopoly industries

        Ј(chng)Ԫ market diversification

        Ј(chng)(jng)(j) market economy

        Ј(chng)O(jin) market supervision

        ُ(gu)I purchasing power

        bear market

        ţ bull market

        (zhn) urbanization

        خa(chn) real estate

        ׸ down-payment

        I(y) home owner

        ҹУ night school for adults

        šM(jn)ް on-job training courses

        ˼ political and ideological education

        I(y)ϼ graduate placement; assignment of graduate

        ones knowledge

        Ƚ elementary education

        W(xu) college town

        W(xu)^(q) college community

        ߵȽ higher education

        ߵȽ211 ̡ the 211 Project for higher education

        ߵȌW(xu) institution of higher education

        CԴW(xu) comprehensive university

        ĿԺУ colleges of (liberal) arts

        ƴW(xu) college / university of science and engineering

        W(xu)Ժ teachers college; normal college

        ߷ֵ high scores and low abilities

        ߿(university/college) entrance examination

        УU(ku) the college expansion plan

        education circleͶ input in education

        x(w) nine-year compulsory education

        take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools

        n(dng) extracurricular activities

        n required/compulsory course

        xn elective/optional course

        A(ch)n basic courses

        I(y)n specialized courses

        ṉ school schedule

        ̌W(xu)V teaching program; syllabus

        W(xu)(x) period of schooling

        W(xu)v record of formal schooling

        W(xu) credit

        l(f)ʽ̌W(xu) heuristic teaching

        ˲Ž talent exchange

        ˲ő(zhn) competition for talented people

        ̄(w)ӢZ(y)C Business English Certificate (BEC)

        mgW(xu) enrollment rate for children of school age

        W(xu) proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade; enrollment rate

        ɽ| Shandong cuisine

        Sichuan cuisine

        Canton cuisine

        P(yng)ݲ Yangzhou cuisine

        moon cake

        rice cake

        ͗l deep-fried dough sticks

        ?ji){ soybean milk

        z^ steamed buns

        steamed twisted rolls

        steamed stuffed buns

        Beijing roast duck

        hand-stretched noodles

        Q wonton (dumplings in soup)

        tofu bean curd

        黨 fried dough twist

        clay oven rolls

        Ƥ 100-year egg; century egg

        fried rice with egg

        ǺJ tomatoes on sticks

        hot pot

        (g)ُ(gu)J individual housing loan

        (jng)(j)ȫ economic globalization

        (jng)(j)؅^(q) special economic zones (SEZ)

        (jng)(j)L(zhng) economic growth

        ĭ(jng)(j) bubble economy

        P(gun)tariff{tax payer

        ^(jng)(j)macro economy

        ؛Ͷ the size of money supply

        (dng)^ʣexcess liquidity

        (jng)(j)^ overheated economy

        Сˮƽ a well-off standard

        aggregate demand

        o aggregate supply

        I(y)Ļ corporate/entrepreneurial culture

        I(y) corporate image (Cl); enterprise image

        (gu)˾ cross-national corporation

        (chung)I(y) enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit

        YI(y) foreign-funded enterprise


        ս(jng)(j) holiday economy

        Yhuman capital

        պͺ칤I(y)aerospace industry

        wC(j)칤I(y)aircraft industry

        ӹI(y) electronic industry

        ܇칤I(y) car industry

        ʘI(y) entertainment industry

        Ϣa(chn)I(y) information industry

        ֪R(sh)ܼͮa(chn)I(y) knowledge-intensive industry

        (gu)дI(y) large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises

        pI(y) light industry

        I(y) manufacturing industry

        ŔИI(y) monopoly industries

        Ј(chng)Ԫ market diversification

        Ј(chng)(jng)(j) market economy

        Ј(chng)O(jin) market supervision

        ُ(gu)I purchasing power

        bear market

        ţ bull market

        (zhn) urbanization

        خa(chn) real estate

        ׸ down-payment

        I(y) home owner

        (g)ُ(gu)J individual housing loan

        (jng)(j)ȫ economic globalization

        (jng)(j)؅^(q) special economic zones (SEZ)

        (jng)(j)L(zhng) economic growth

        ĭ(jng)(j) bubble economy

        P(gun)tariff{tax payer

        ^(jng)(j)macro economy

        ؛Ͷ the size of money supply

        (dng)^ʣexcess liquidity

        (jng)(j)^ overheated economy

        Сˮƽ a well-off standard







        ӢZ(y) ~R08-28



        ߿ 龰~R05-27


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