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      2. 五年級六一兒童節手抄報文字

        時間:2024-08-29 05:37:03 國際中小學 我要投稿
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          In spring, the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the foot of the mountain. They planted some watermelon.

          When summer came, there were many big round watermelons in the field.

          One day, the sun was burning like a fire, it was terribly hot on the ground. The mother pig said to the little pig:"Lulu, go to the field to pick a watermelon back,ok?" Lulu said happily:"Ok! No problem."

          Then he ran to the watermelon field. When he got to the field, he was happy to find so many big green watermelons. He chose one of the biggest watermelon and picked it from the vine. Then he held it with his hands trying to lift is on his shoulder to carry it home.

          "Wow!It's so heavy!" Lulu tried several times, but he failed. And he was socked with sweat. He wiped his sweat off and decided to have a rest.

          Suddenly he saw the monkey Pipi. He was playing with a hoop. Lulu patted his head and said:"I've got it." He thought,the round hoop can roll, the watermelon round too,then it can roll too.He then put the big melon on the ground and rolled it forward quickly.

          At last he got home with the watermelon.The mother pig knew the story, she exclaimed:"My child, you're really clever!"


          有一天,太陽光火辣辣地照著大地,天啊,可熱了。豬媽媽對小豬說:“嚕嚕,你到咱們的地里摘個大西瓜回來解解渴吧!”小豬嚕嚕高興地說:“好吧!”說完就往西瓜地里跑。到了地里一看。呵,到處躺著大西瓜,水靈靈的,真惹人喜愛!嚕嚕挑了個最大的摘了下來。它雙手摟著西瓜,想抱起來放在肩上扛回家。“喲,好重呀!”嚕嚕試著抱了幾次都沒有抱起來,還累得滿頭大汗。 它直起身來,擦了擦臉上的汗水想休息一下,再去試試抱西瓜。突然,它看到小猴皮皮在山下邊的馬路上滾鐵環玩呢。小豬嚕嚕一拍后腦勺高興地說:“有了,我有辦法了。”什么辦法呢?小豬嚕嚕心想:鐵環是圓的,可以滾動。西瓜也是圓的,不也可以滾動嗎?想到這兒啊,小豬嚕嚕顧不上休息,把大西瓜放在地上。咕嚕嚕,咕嚕嚕地向前滾,一直把西瓜滾到家里。




          The International Children's Day had its origin in Turkey in 1920 (April 23, 1920) and later in the World Conference in Geneva, Switzerland,which 54 representatives from different countries gathered together to convene the first "World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children" in 1925.


          It is not clear as to why June 1 was chosen as the International Children's Day: one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco (USA) gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, and also coincided with the conference in Geneva.



          Children, also known as "June 1 International Children's Day," the annual June 1, the world of children's festivals. November 1949, the Women's International Democratic Federation council meeting held in Moscow. China and other countries and representatives of countries and anger exposed the imperialist reactionaries kill and poison children. In order to protect the world's children to survival, health and education, to improve the lives of children. The meeting decided in the annual June 1 International Children's Day.

          1942年6月,德國法西斯黨衛軍包圍了現在捷克共和國的首都布拉格市附近的利迪策村,槍殺了16歲以上男性公民140多人,全部嬰兒和婦女被押往集中營,另外有90名兒童被押往波蘭的一個集中營(其中只有17人活到戰爭結束)。村里所有的房舍、建筑物均被燒 毀或被鏟土機夷為平地。就這樣,一個好好的村莊被法西斯黨衛軍毀滅了。為了悼念利迪策村和全世界所有在戰爭中死難的兒童,反對帝國主義戰爭販子虐殺、毒害兒童,保障兒童的權利,1949年11月在蘇聯首都莫斯科召開的國際民主婦女聯合會理事會通過一項決議,正式決定每年的6月1日為全世界兒童的節日,即"六一"國際兒童節。

          The International Children's Day (ICD) is celebrated in numerous countries, usually (but not always) on June 1 each year.













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