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      1. 具有什么品質(zhì)才能說明你是一個(gè)漂亮的女人

        時(shí)間:2020-09-13 16:38:02 行業(yè)英語 我要投稿




          14 Signs That You’re A Truly Beautiful Girl

          Beauty is often judged by our looks. Are you skinny? Is your skin spot free and perfectly smooth? Isyour hair luscious like the L’Oreal commercials? All these factors come into play when people definebeauty, but that is not what beauty is about. Don’t believe all the media you read, it will misleadyou and never lead you to happiness.

          What defines beauty is your personality and your attitude. Someone could be perfectly beautiful, yetthey are the most shallow and mean person you could ever meet.

          Here are the true traits of why you’re a beautiful girl.

          1. Your passion speaks louder than your looks

          Your passion defines you more than your looks. You are so passionate, you radiate an attitude ofambition and enthusiasm.

          Having something you are passionate about means you have goals in mind and you are not afraid togo for it. You are striving for success, not sitting back and saying “I can’t do that, why bother?”You don’t let fear hold you back, but instead you focus on something that will make you happy.

          It doesn’t matter if you are a new director who produces films that only a few people view. Or that you are just starting out as an actress, who played an extra for a minute in theschool play. What matters is your drive and that you are passionate about something and youwon’t take no for an answer. Determination and passion is what makes you a beautiful person.

          2. You are yourself around others

          You don’t let others hold you back from being yourself. To many people, showing your real face toothers is terrifying. But you are always yourself.

          You don’t let others opinions scare you into being someone else. Instead you choose to be you,flaws and all. You are truly a beautiful girl if you possess this quality. People can often sense whenyou are being fake, or notice if you are reserved and afraid to speak. To be able to be yourself isinspiring and beautiful, because you are putting yourself out there (without fear).

          3. You don’t chase the limelight

          You don’t need to be the center of attention. You are not the one who makes as much noise asthey can, just to be heard.

          You know that you do not need to be in the limelight to gain happiness. If you constantly aim to bein the spotlight, you are looking to others for validation. In actuality, you should just be yourself.People do not like characters that are always in your line of vision and trying to gain your attention.

          You know that you can just be yourself with others, without the need to be in the limelight. Peoplewill see you as a beautiful girl when you are being you, not trying to persistently have all attention onyou. Who can have a real conversation with someone who is eagerly looking around and makingsure all eyes are on them?

          4. You know how to talk

          You know how to speak to others, with confidence and kindness. You know the importance ofcommunicating properly. You do not shy away from conversation, but speak when necessary,without having an aggressive manner.

          You know the value of showing interest in others, instead of speaking about yourself and yourselfonly. People want to know you are interested in speaking to them as well as listening to them.

          5. You are independent

          You are someone who is independent and does not need someone to do things. This means you arenot shy about doing tasks on your own, whether it’s going to a workout class alone or going to dothe shopping on your own. You are confident in your own abilities and understand that you can dothings alone. You never need direction from others because you trust your own instincts.

          People love confident individuals who are happy to do things independently. It shows that you areself-assured and trust yourself. Those that aren’t sure of their own abilities tend to be clingy andindecisive (needing others to decide for them). This gives off the impression that you have low self-esteem and do not love yourself.

          6. You care about more than just yourself

          You care about others more than just yourself. This means that you show interest in others and youare not solely self-focused (or self-obsessed). You don’t talk about yourself, but ask others aboutthemselves and are concerned by what they say.

          It means that you care about others welfare. When they tell you about their current problems, youshow concern and want to help make them feel better.

          People love this because it shows that you are interested in them and not waiting to talk aboutyourself. People love people who care and invest in a relationship. They want to know that you are inthe relationship wholeheartedly.

          7. You have an open mind

          You do not have a closed mind, but you accept other people’s beliefs, without criticizing or judgingthem for it. You understand that we all have different opinions. You could even go as far as listeningto other opinions with a willingness to accept it.

          This makes you a beautiful person because it means you are not judgmental and open to all kinds ofpeople in your life. You give the impression that you are carefree, not allowing others opinions tocloud your thoughts.

          It can make you seem caring, as you are prepared to listen to others. How would you feel if someonewas interested in your life morals? If they sat there listening intently to every word with a look ofcuriosity?

          8. You have a soul

          It’s as simple as it sounds, you have a soul. You are not someone who is cold-hearted and lives inmisery. You do not act like a soulless zombie, who simply does not care about anything. You aresomeone who cares about life and how you can enjoy it. You care about life and those around youbecause being miserable is a waste of time.

          You care about the impact you can have on the world. This makes you beautiful because it showsyou have the attitude to enjoy life. You are not simply moping and focusing on the negatives, insteadyou want to be involved in the world. No one wants to speak to someone who consistentlycomplains about life.

          9. You don’t strive for perfection

          You understand that you can’t spend your time aiming for perfection. You know that no one isperfect and you can only give your best (without needing to be dead-on perfect).

          Everyone has flaws or makes mistakes, it’s a part of the learning process. Being a perfectionist onlyleads to a restricted life, meaning you will miss out on life’s opportunities. People see you asbeautiful when you loosen up a little and let life guide you. You aren’t focusing on making sureevery little detail is precise, but instead you are opening your mind up to new experiences.

          10. You are happy

          You feel that being yourself makes you happy. After all, why should we let our flaws stop us frombeing happy? Being happy is more important than focusing on the negatives. You embrace yourselffor who you are and don’t focus on any mistakes you may make.

          Choose happiness and you’ll find it is the most beautiful thing you can wear! There is nothing moreuplifting than having positive energy around. If I had a choice between being around the mopingperson and the happy one, I know I’d choose the happy one.

          11. You don’t need validation from others

          You don’t require validation from others around you. You understand that what you do and saydoes not have to be approved. It is your life so it doesn’t matter if someone else frowns upon oneof your choices/morals.

          By constantly seeking validation, you will struggle to find happiness. And you will only appearnervous and uncertain, not beautiful and carefree.

          If you let go of that need for approval, you will allow yourself that freedom to be yourself. That is thetrue beauty of freedom from validation, that you can let yourself go completely.

          12. You smile often

          One of the most beautiful things in life is smiling. It shows you are a happy and positive person,something that will attract others to you.

          You smile because you are happy. You smile because it releases those endorphins that bring youextra happiness. You smile at others because it is polite and friendly (and you are glad to see them).

          Your smile shows that you are fond of life. That you are not sitting back, moping about the littlethings.

          13. You are optimistic

          You look at the world through optimistic eyes. This means you do not look at the negatives in life.Instead you focus on what you can learn from a bad experience.

          You always look at life with love and excitement. You look at what can go right in a future scenario,not at the worst outcome.

          People love this as it means you are a happy-go-lucky person. It makes you beautiful due to thepositive vibe you give.

          14. You are prepared to show your flaws

          This can be a hard thing to do, as it means allowing people to see your faults. This is also why it is abeautiful quality to possess, as it shows that you are being yourself.

          In conversations you are willing to let go your insecurities. You are willing to share stories to helpothers out and not be worried by what they will think. You can open up to others and speak withconfidence, without focusing on your faults.

          True beautiful is never about looks, it’s all about being a good person. What makes you beautiful isbeing kind, carefree and happy.

          I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised to find you how beautiful you really are.












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