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      2. 日常英語口語對話

        時間:2024-07-06 21:50:04 志華 英語口譯 我要投稿




          日常英語口語對話 1

          Daniel: Hey Olga, how are you?


          Olga: Hi, and how are you Daniel?


          Daniel: Im fine thanks. I need to ask you a favor.


          Olga: Sure, whats up?


          Daniel: Well Im trying to impress a girl and I need to cook something for her.


          Olga: I see.


          Daniel: So I was thinking of Mexican food.


          Olga: Wow, thats a good option.


          Daniel: What can you recommend me?


          Olga: Why dont you cook tacos?


          Daniel: OK.


          Olga: Its fairly simple and I think you can do it. Can you get tortillas?


          Daniel: I might be able to get them but Im not really sure.


          Olga: Well if you get them then I can just cook the meat, you know. Its really easy, like in a pan, a fry pan, you just fry it with onion, salt, pepper, and maybe a little bit of chili peppper. Do you like it hot?


          Daniel: I would rather not to have it that hot. Its the first date.


          Olga: Yeah, but you know its romantic.


          Daniel: OK.


          Olga: Maybe just a bit. So yeah you just cut a little bit of chilli pepper and put it inside and when youve made this you just put it inside a tortilla, wrap it and maybe put some salad like lettuce and tomato on top with a little bit of cream.


          Daniel: OK, what kind of cream?


          Olga: The one thats not sweet, you know the natural cream.


          Daniel: That white one?


          Olga: Yeah, right and are you sure about the tortillas?


          Daniel: Just explain me so in case I cannot get them.


          Olga: Just get corn flour.


          Daniel: Corn flour?


          Olga: Yeah, I think you can get it anywhere or at least on the internet and you just mix it with some water and maybe a little bit of salt and make like a...


          Daniel: Pastry?


          Olga: Yeah and just take a little round ball the size that you can hold it in your hand and you know like extend it to make the shape of the tortilla and just heat it up in the pan without any oil or anything and its done like in one minute.


          Daniel: Wow thats really easy. You think its going to work?


          Olga: Of course.


          Daniel: Thanks.


          Olga: Youre welcome.


          日常英語口語對話 2

          C=Customer S= Salesperson

          C: Excuse me, Im looking for your casual short-sleeved shirts. Can you tell me where those are?


          S: Right over here, sir. What-size do you wear?


          C: Medium.


          S: These here are all mediums.


          C: Thank you. I think Ill take this one, and these pants as well. Theyre presents for a friend.


          S: Shall I gift-wrap them for you, sir?


          C: Yes, please. ( to be continued)


          日常英語口語對話 3

          Dialogue One

          W:Do you like playing games?

          M:I like playing computer games, but Im not reall into ball games.

          W:How about individual games? Like the lubiscub ball solertale.

          M:The lubiscub is so difficult to solve, that I think that it should be binded.

          W:If I told you had do it, Im sure you could solve it.

          M:How do you figure out how to solve the lubiscub?

          W:I didnt really have to figure out, I just follow the instructions.

          M:I have no idea that Ive set the instructions, I thought everyone could solve it without geniuses.

          W:Hints are really important when you are solving pazzles, if you give me some hints about playing that PSTWO game, Ill show you how to solve the lubiscub.

          M:Its a deal.

          W:Do you remember years ago when everyone at the New Years party had yo-yos?

          M:Yeah, that was a strange party, can you still do any of those yo-yo tricks?

          W:I dont know, I havent tryed to yo-yo since that party.

          M:I cant never figure out how to use my yo-yo.

          W:If you dont start when you were young, its hard to get hand of it.

          M:Lets start with this game then.


          Dialogue Two

          M:What are you doing?

          W:Im just trying to complete todays crossword pazzle, when I ever get time I like to do the crossword pazzles in the paper.

          M:You really like brain that makes you think, dont you?

          W:I guess you could say that, what kind of games do you like?

          M:I guess the games I like most is the ones Im good at.

          W:Does everyone? Which game of those?

          M:Well, I like to play darts when I ever go to a bar, I usually play it for few hours.

          W:Did you play a lot of games when you were little?

          M:My parents used to love to play checks and dominals, we used to have a family entertainment at every weekend.

          W:Do you still like playing those games?

          M:Not at all, I never really did it to be honest, what about you, did your family used to play games together?

          W:Everyone in my family really enjoys playing card games.

          M:Some of my friends play cards on the internet, have you ever tryed that?

          W:No, I prefer to play with people I know.

          M:How about majiang?

          W:Its a popular game with some people, but Ive never played it.

          M:I thought everyone in your country are experts at majiang.

          W:I hate to disapoint you, but I unlike most people think, we arent exactly the same.

          日常英語口語對話 4

          A:Hello, I am Amy, so you are Tony


          B:Well, yes. Nice to meet you!


          A:Nice to meet you. How old is your car


          B:Three years old, with 35,000 miles on it. It haspower windows, door locks, cassette player, AC, and new tires.


          A:There is a dent in the front. Is that from an accident


          B:No, someone hit it with something.


          A:Can we take a test drive


          B:Sure. I will come with you.


          A:Okay. The engine is quite. The breaks are OK. The alignment is a bit off. I dont like thesuspensions. Tony, how much are you asking for




          A:I will take it to a garage to have it checked over. If everything is fine, I will give you $5,000.


          B:No way. $ 7,000.


          A:Come on, there is a dent thats not pretty. I am not sure if you had an accident. Lets makea deal. $5,200, thats it!


          B:I can not do that.


          A:I will leave you my number. Give me a ring if you change your mind.




          日常英語口語對話 5

          W:Im hungry,lets go to the snack bar.

          M:OK, what new usual food do you want to try?

          W:Im going to try gartergater.

          M:Whats that?

          W:Its a kind of rice ball that make of Malaysia, what about you?

          M:I dont know, I dont knowwhat most food here is.

          W:Do you want noodles, vegetables, rice, meat,seafood, bean or dessert.

          M:Id like to have some vegetables first.

          W:Have you ever tryed tempera?

          M:No, what is it?

          W:Its deep fryed vegetables which is coming in Japan.

          M:What do you use to eat it?

          W:Most people eat tempera with chopsticks, but you can use fork if you dont know how to use chopsticks.

          M:That sounds good, do you know here serve any vegetables dishes that spicy?

          W:Let me think, you could get vegetable Indian or Thaicurry.

          M:Ill try all of those, how do know so much about international food?

          W:I used to buy lunche everyday for international food stores at school, everyday is an inventure.

          日常英語口語對話 6

          Steven: I want to keep a pet, but I dont know which one to buy?


          Alice: Dogs are nice, but they are really energetic, and you need to make sure they get enough exercise every day. 愛麗絲:小狗很可愛呀,不過它們太好動了,每天都能帶它們去遛遛。

          Steven: Having a dog would probably be too much work for me, then.


          Alice: What about cats? They are more independent. 愛麗絲:那養貓吧,貓沒那么黏人。

          Steven: Actually, I was thinking of something a little more exotic. I dont want a common pet like a dog or a cat. 史蒂文:實際上我想要一只特別點兒的寵物,不想要貓、狗這些常見的。

          Alice: How about a lizard? Are lizards more along the lines of what you were thinking of getting?


          Steven: Yeah, are they easy to look after? 史蒂文:不錯,蜥蜴好養嗎?

          Alice: Yeah, they are pretty low-maintenance; they eat almost anything.

          愛麗絲:嗯,挺好養的,基本上什么都吃。 【篇三】初級日常英語口語對話

          Steven got his salary yesterday. He decided to go to the bank to deposit it. This morning hecomes to the bank.


          Bank Clerk: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you? 銀行職員:早上好,先生。我能為您做些什么呢?

          Steven: Good morning. I want to deposit a sum of money into my account.


          Bank Clerk: OK! How much do you want to deposit? 銀行職員:好的,請問您想存多少呢?

          Steven: Well, I want to deposit 2,000 yuan into my account.


          Bank Clerk: Would you please fill in a deposit form first? Please write down your name, youraccount number and the amount you want to put in.


          Steven: OK. I wonder about the rate of interest of the account.


          Bank Clerk: Interest is paid at the rate of 1% per annum at present. And it is added to youraccount every year.


          Steven: Thank you very much.


          Bank Clerk: My pleasure.


          日常英語口語對話 7

          Stevens hair is long and needs to be cut short. This morning he goes to the barbers.


          Barber: Good morning. What can I do for you, sir?


          Steven: Good morning. Id like to have a haircut.


          Barber: Very well. Please sit down here. Do you want me to cut your hair very close?


          Steven: Please cut the sides shorter, but not so much at the back.


          Barber: Its such a hot season, isnt it? May I suggest thinning out the top?


          Steven: Thats a good idea. But leave the front as it is now.

          史蒂文:好主意。但前面的`頭發不要改變了。 (several minutes later)


          Barber: Now its done. Is itisfactory? 理發師:好了。這樣您滿意嗎? Steven: Very good, thanks.


          Barber: Anything else I can do for you, sir? 理發師:還要其他服務嗎,先生? Steven: No, thanks.


          日常英語口語對話 8

          A:Hello, are you interested in this Honda


          B:Hi, I am just looking.


          A:Its a good car.


          B:What year is it




          B:How about the mileage


          A:6,000 miles, all highway mileage.


          B:What do you mean7


          A:Highway miles are not as bad as local miles. They do not hurt car as much.


          B:Oh, why such a high mileage


          A:The owner was commuting everyday crossing the state line.


          B:Okay. Does this car have a warranty


          A:One month.


          B:How do I make sure I am not buying a junk


          A:Youll check it out anyway you want. You can take it to a garage.


          B:How much is it




          B:Ill have to think about it.


          A:Leave your phone number, and I will give you a call if the price gets reduced.




          日常英語口語對話 9

          M:Is that your rabbit?

          W:Yes, I just doctor her from humans society this weekend.

          M:Thats good of you, why did you decide to get a rabbit?

          W:Well, I want to get a pet woundnt disturb the neighbours, at the same time, I want a pet that would be affectionate.

          M:Rabbits arent usually that affectionate, are they?

          W:If you caluo them a lot when they were very young, they can just be as affectionate as dogs or cats.

          M:I didnt know, are rabbits difficult to take care of?

          W:Not really, I went to the veterinary to get her vaccinated, and she taught me all I need to do, with to make sure trim its nails time to time, give her food and water, and clean its cage.

          M:That sounds pretty easy, do rabbits make your house smell?

          W:No, rabbits arent very stinky, as long as you clean the cage on the regular basis, its not too bad.

          M:Can you train a rabbit to do things?

          W:You cant train them like you can train dogs, but you can train them to do some things, for example, you can train them to go to the bathroom, in a special rabbit toilet.

          M:Thats amazing, has she bited you yet?

          W:Not yet, she is pretty tame, I think she must used to being around lots of different people.

          日常英語口語對話 10

          M:Its time for desserts, are you still hungry?

          W:Ive always got real to something sweet.

          M:What are you going to try first?

          W:Ive never tryed traditional Greek yoghurt, so I want to try that first.

          M:Is this yoghurt with anything?

          W:I believe that locally prejuce honey to it.

          M:That sounds good, Im going to start with the Italian tilmisue.

          W:Do you want to try some my yoghurt, Its a favor everyday dessert in Greece.


          W:What do you think, how does it taste?

          M:Its nice, but its rather plain, do you want to try my tilmisue?

          W:Sure, Ill just buy it.

          M:What do you think, does it taste good?

          W:Its absolutely delicious, thats the best tilmisue Ive had.

          M:Im glad you like it, I dont care for it, when I to finish my tilmisue, that I can try one of those fryed bananas.

          W:OK, Ive had ones before, they are very sweet.

          M:Do you know where are they from?

          W:I believe that the local garlic in the south.

          M:Do you want me to get you want to?

          W:Yeah, why not, we vert the pig does it is.

          M:OK, Ill be back with two try bananas in few minutes, wait for me here.











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