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Enviros was founded in 1995 and brought together a number of consultancies with a track record of performance in the environmental field, including Aspinwall, March and Quantisci. Enviros has over 350 people in ten offices in the UK, one office in the Irish Republic, two offices in mainland Europe and one office in Canada. Through partner organizations we extend globally, with active projects on every continent.
Enviros is managed on cross-office basis in line with our market facing divisions. Each division is headed by a director and, together with Dave Murphy, Jeff Iliffe and the four support service directors--Finance, HR, IT and Marketing, make up Enviros' senior management team. Each division is then divided up into groups and the teams reflecting our ideas of expertise. A team typically consists of 5 to 10 consultants.
Enviros offers a comprehensive package of expertise in business strategy, economics, energy engineering and management, feasibility studies, design and project management, training and specialist software to enable clients to comply with laws and regulations. We help clients to meet climate-change-related requirements of legislation and key performance criteria as well as deliver significant cost savings.
We work with clients and their financial intermediaries to assess the environmental assets and liabilities of a business. We cover all the main regional finance centers in the UK, and through our membership of the CAT Alliance, we can offer advice in more than 50 countries for cross border deals. We are an associate member of the British Venture Capital Association and, with the CAT Alliance, a member of the European Venture Capital Association.
Sustainable waste management requires organizations to design products that use fewer materials; use processes that produce less waste; put waste to good use through re-use, recycling, composting and using waste as fuel; and to choose products made from recycled materials. In waste and resources management, Enviros provides strategic, technical and economic solutions throughout the UK, Ireland and the rest of Europe.
We have an enviable record of the environmental management of land and water assets for major landholders. With an increasing need to regenerate "brown field" sites, a solutions-based approach to land and water resources has created an unrivalled reputation in the field of contaminated land, redevelopment and its associated disciplines. Decisions on environmental protection require knowledge of how potential hazards would be affected by changes in management practices.
With respect to storage and disposal facilities for radio-active and other hazardous wastes, it is crucial to understand how contaminants move through the geosphere and how long-term performance of disposal facilities can be affected by geological and climatic changes over time. Alongside its UK offices, the group has an office in Barcelona which serves the main local and international waste management agencies as well as key industrial multinational companies.
The team in Barcelona provide chemical and geochemical, hydrological and geological, environmental assessment and software application capabilities, and apply these to a range of radioactive and industrial waster management, soil and ground water pollution problems and environmental management related issues. A major project the Barcelona teams have contributed to is the Epicenter Project to improve environmental performance in organizations across the EU.