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      1. 周二工作效率最高的高考英語閱讀素材

        時間:2024-05-27 10:14:48 麗華 英語閱讀 我要投稿
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          If you have a big project, or you just want to make time to get some work done, a new survey says that Tuesday is the day to clear your calendar and try to get things done—its the one day of the week we all buckle down and try to be most productive.如果你手上有個大項目,或者你只是想擠出時間將工作做完,一項新的調查顯示周二就是將這些事完成的好時候——一周中周二我們能夠全力以赴并且想要最大程度地提高效率。

          To a certain extent, it makes sense: No one likes Mondays, and people are likely to drag and force themselves to get back into the swing of things after having been off for a weekend. Fridays are the tail end of the week when most of us are winding down and making plans for our time off, and Wednesday, being hump day, is a long slog no matter what. 這很容易理解:沒人喜歡周一,而且在周末休息之后,人們趨向于強迫自己重新回到工作中。周五是一周的末尾,這時候我們容易懈怠,并開始計劃休假了。周三處在中間,不管怎么樣都是埋頭干活的日子。

          That leaves Tuesdays and Thursdays, and according to a survey or over 300 HR managers by staffing firm Accountemps, Tuesdays are the days people really turn it on:這樣就剩下周二和周四了,據(jù)接受人力資源公司Accountemps調查的超過300人力資源經理稱,周二是員工們真正火力全開的時候:

          In the survey of more than 300 Canadian human resources managers, 33 per cent said productivity accelerated on Tuesdays versus the least productive Thursdays and Fridays, which polled in at 5 and 6 per cent, respectively.調查邀請了300名加拿大人力資源經理,其中33%稱周二員工效率最高而周四和周五效率最低,分別得到了5%和6%的投票。

          Wednesdays were the next most productive according to 23 per cent, while Mondays rated a 14 per cent response and no particular day drew 18 per cent.23%的經理稱周三是效率第二高的日子,周一則得到了14%的投票,18%的經理認為沒有具體哪天員工效率最高。

          “There’s limiting distractions,” said Accountemps senior staffing manager Vitaly Melnik of the midweek peak. Accountemps公司的高級人力資源經理維塔利說:“處在一周正中,員工幾乎沒有其他事情分心!

          “You’ve got your head focused after the weekend is over; you’ve caught up on everything; and you can do your regular work schedule most effectively. Then, after the hump of the Wednesday, come Thursday, Friday, you’re already thinking about the weekend. ”“周末結束后,你已經調整到專注工作的狀態(tài),這時能最高效地完成日常工作。周三過后就是周四、周五,這時候員工就在盤算周末干什么了!

          The firm worked with large and small companies, both local and international, to try and get an idea of how people worked across the board, but the results were fairly consistent. 通過和其他當?shù)鼗驀H公司合作,有大型的也有小型的,這家公司想要全面了解人們是如何工作的,考查得出的結論基本一致。

          Still, its important to note that this is by no means a scientific study—just a survey of people whose job it is to keep an eye on workplace productivity. Still, if their results match up with your own experiences where you work, it might be a good idea to set aside your Tuesdays for the work you most dread doing.但是,我們必須要意識到這并非一個科學實驗——只是對負責監(jiān)督員工效率的人力資源經理的調查。如果調查結果和你的個人經歷吻合,那么你就可以將周二抽出來做最重要的工作。


          more and more people have become aware of the significance of work efficiency.what does work'efficiency mean?first of ali, it means working without any waste of time. a person with efficiency can produce more things in less time. in addition, work efficiency is closely linked with better quality of work results.

          many people are interested in improving their work efficiency because it can bring a lot of benefits both to an individual and to the society.

          the most obvious benefit of work efficiency is that a person can use the time saved to do a lot of other valuable things.for example, a student who studies with high efficiency can win time to read more books, and to be engaged in more activities. another benefit is that a person who works efficiently can have more leisure time to enjoy life. he can do whatever he likes to do in his leisure time, such as listening to music,going to movies, shopping, and touring.

          high efficiency in work will undoubtedly lead to the great increase of output and the improvement of the quality ofproducts, which will, in turn, contribute to the development and the prosperity of the society.


          “Hey, look busy. Our robot boss is trundling over here!” That’s a sound that you may very well hear on the construction sites of the future, thanks to a lidar-equipped robot and matching drone developed by the company Doxel. Emerging from stealth this week with a $4.5 million funding round, Doxel hopes to revolutionize the construction industry using robots to scan construction sites to make sure that work is progressing correctly.


          Far from a simple robotic camera, however, Doxel’s smart robots harness cutting-edge deep-learning technology to make informed judgements about how well work is going. If things fall behind schedule, a construction manager will receive a smartphone notification reading, “Mechanical team productivity has dropped below threshold” or similar. In other words, simply trying to look busy on site won’t be enough to fool these smart management bots.


          “We make use of drones and rovers as data-capture mechanisms; drones for outdoors and rovers for indoors,” Saurabh Ladha, CEO and co-founder of Doxel, told Digital Trends. “The vast majority of construction involves indoors and that is where we deploy lidar in addition to an HD camera. The lidar captures depth data. Once the data is captured, our deep learning kicks in to automatically inspect quality and measure installed quantities. The diversity of objects found in construction and the degree of noise, clutter, and occlusion you find in such environments had made the automation of this process nearly impossible. Doxel’s A.I. capabilities means that job sites are automatically digitized, that project quality undergoes ongoing inspection, and that progress is measured in real time. Our dashboard then offers automatic real-time budget, schedule, and quality reports. We help to keep molehills from becoming mountains.”

          “我們使用無人機和探測車作為數(shù)據(jù)捕捉機制;無人機用于室外,探測車用于室內”Doexl公司首席執(zhí)行官和聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人紹拉巴·拉德哈告訴Digital Trends網站“絕大多數(shù)建筑工程都在室內進行,除高清攝像頭外,我們還會安裝許多激光雷達。一旦捕捉到數(shù)據(jù),深度學習自動監(jiān)測工程質量,估計工程進度。工地現(xiàn)場材料物品繁多,封閉又雜亂的環(huán)境十分嘈雜,實現(xiàn)自動化幾無可能。Doxel公司的人工智能技術意味著工地現(xiàn)場自動實現(xiàn)數(shù)字化,工程質量可進行持續(xù)監(jiān)測,工程進度也可進行實時估計。隨后屏幕會自動提供實時預算,進度表與質量報告。這有助于企業(yè)防微杜漸。”

          Ladha observes that many construction projects — as many as 98 percent of large ones — can go significantly over time and budget. Being able to spot these trends early means that changes can be made in order to ensure things progress as efficiently as possible.


          “We are currently working with large construction companies such as DPR Construction, as well as a large healthcare company building hospitals and medical office buildings,” Ladha said. “We sell Doxel as a service: everything from capturing data to delivering insights, and the service is sold on a monthly fee basis. Having just come out of stealth, our plans are to grow the business. The construction industry has struggled with productivity and we believe we can help to turn that around.”














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