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      1. 幼兒英語口語:課堂集體活動

        時間:2024-08-20 21:45:09 曉麗 少兒口語 我要投稿
        • 相關推薦





          Let’s call the roll.我們點名吧。

          Answer when your name is called.叫到你的名字時請答“到”。

          Is everyone here? 都到齊了嗎?

          Who is not here? 今天誰沒到?

          Who is absent? 誰沒來?

          Wang Lin ,please stand up and say“here”.王林,請喊“到”。

          Let’s count …“One, two, three.”我們數一下,1,2,3……

          Who’s on duty today?今天誰值日?

          You have done your duty very well.你的值日做的很好。

          Are you on duty? 是你值日嗎?

          Its time for class. 上課的時間到了。

          Lets begin our class. 開始上課。

          Lets start. 開始。

          Shall we begin? Yes, lets begin. 我們開始吧?好,我們開始。

          Please look at me. 請看我。

          Lets have a break(rest). 我們休息一下。

          Break time. 休息時間。

          Time is up. 時間到。

          Good./ Well done/ Good job. 干的好。

          You are so smart! 你真聰明。

          Excellent! 太棒了!

          Great! 真棒!

          Do you understand? 明白了嗎?

          Have you got it? 聽懂了嗎?

          Put up(Raise) your hands. 請舉手。

          Put down your hands. 放下手。

          Try it again. 再試一次。

          Who wants to try? 誰想試試?

          Please speak in a low voice. 請輕聲說話。

          Please drink some water. 請喝點水。

          What’s the matter? 怎么了

          What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

          Go back to your seat , please. 請回座位。

          Be careful.小心。

          I am sorry. 對不起。

          Never mind. 沒關系。

          Look at me.請看我。

          Listen carefully.注意聽。

          Are you ready? 準備好了嗎?

          Boy’s and girls, listen to me now.孩子們,現在聽我說。

          Today we will listen to a story. The story’ s name is …


          I’m going to tell you a story, the name is …我要給你們講個故事,名字叫…

          Today, we are going to play a game, the name is…


          Now, let’s play another game. 現在,我們玩另一個游戲.

          What’s the name of the song? 這首歌的名字叫什么?

          What’s the name of the story? 故事的名字叫什么?

          Let’s listen to a song; please clap your hands with the music.


          Let’s sing the song together; you may dance with the music.


          Let’s sing the song together; you may clap your hands with the music.


          Please follow me and sing the song. 請跟我一起唱歌。

          Look at the picture. 請看這幅圖。

          Please tell me what you’ve heard in the story.


          Who can tell me, what you’ve heard in the song/music?


          Good! 好!

          Well done! 很好!

          You did a good job! 你做得好!

          You are so smart! 你真聰明!

          You are clever! 你真聰明!

          You can do it well. 你能行。

          Excellent! /Great! Good boy! / Good girl! 非常棒!好極了!做得不錯!

          Use your head. 動動腦筋。

          This is a good try; please go back to your seat. 不錯,請回座位。

          Do you understand? 你明白了嗎?

          Have you got it? 你明白了嗎?

          Please repeat after me. 請跟我讀。

          Please read after me. 請跟我讀。

          Please follow me. 請跟我做(來)。

          Let’s read/ sing it together. 我們一起來讀(唱)。

          Who wants to try? 誰想來試一試?

          Have a try! 試一試!

          Try again! 請再試一試!

          Who can try? 誰能試一試?

          Now, try to answer. 試著回答。

          Don’t worry, think it over, you may tell me / us later.


          Could you speak a little louder? 請大聲點說。

          Louder, please. 請大聲點。

          Go on. 請繼續(xù)。

          Please think about it. 請想一想。

          Could you please try it again? 請再試一次。

          Don’t be shy! 別害羞!

          Don’t be nervous! 別緊張!

          Don’t be afraid! 別害怕!

          Don’t be timid! 別膽怯!

          Don’t give up. 別放棄!

          Say it again. 再說一遍。

          Don’t interrupt her/him. 不要打斷她(他)。

          Let her /him go on. 讓她(他)接著說。

          No talking, please. 請不要講話了。

          Stop talking, boys and girls. 孩子們,別講話了

          Don’t talk anymore. 別說話了。

          Show me your fingers. 伸出你的手指

          Let’s clap hands for… 讓我們?yōu)椤恼谱YR.

          That’s all the time we have. 今天就到這兒。

          Class is over. 下課。(今天就到這兒。)

          That’s all for today. 今天就到這兒。



          1. Are you ready? 準備好了嗎?

          2. Lets start. 讓我們開始。

          3. Who can tell me? / Who can answer me? 誰能告訴我?誰能回答?

          4. Look at me. 看著我。

          5. Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。

          6. Be quite. / Keep quite. 保持安靜。

          7. Sit well. / Sit nicely. 坐好。

          8. Put up your hand. / Put down your hand. 把手舉起來 / 把手放下。

          9. Stop talking. 別說話。

          10. Is that clear? / Do you understand? 清楚了么?你明白嗎?

          11. Read with me. 和我一起讀。

          12. Return to your seat. 回座位。

          13. Stand up. / Sit down. 起立 / 坐下。

          14. Listen carefully. 仔細聽。

          15. Listen to me. / Listen to the music. 聽我說 / 聽音樂。

          16. Say it in English. 用英語說。

          17. Do you know? 你知道嗎?

          18. Lets play a game. 讓我們來做游戲。

          19. Lets write / draw something. 讓我們來寫點什麼 / 畫點什麼。

          20. Lets dancing / singing. 讓我們來跳舞唱歌。

          21. Lets listen to a story. 讓我們聽個故事。

          22. Lets listen to the tape. 讓我們聽磁帶。

          23. Lets watch TV / a play. 讓我們看電視 / 看表演。

          24. Lets say it together. 讓我們一起說。

          25. What did you hear? 你聽到什麼了?

          26. Who has finished? 誰做完了?

          27. Who want to try? 誰想試試?

          28. How do you know? 你怎么知道的?

          29. Which one do you like? 你喜歡哪一個?

          (二) 戶外活動

          1. Its time for morning exercises. 早操時間到了。

          2. Lets go out / outside. 讓我們到室外去。

          3. Lets go downstairs. 讓我們到樓下去。

          4. Lets play on the ground. 讓我們去操場上玩。

          5. Line up. 排隊。

          6. Two line. 2條隊。

          7. At ease! / Attention. / Eyes front. / Hands down.

          稍息 / 立正 / 向前看 / 手放下

          8. Lets go. 讓我們走。

          9. Stop. 停。

          10. Count off 報數。

          11. Hurry up. 快點。

          12. Be careful. 小心。

          13. One by one. 一個接著一個。

          14. Be slowly, take easy. 慢點, 別著急。

          15. Dont move. 別動。

          16. Lets have a race. 讓我們來個比賽。

          17. Hand in hand. 手拉手。

          18. Make a circle. 圍一個圈。

          19. Jump on one foot. 單腳跳。

          20. Fall in. / Fall out. 集合。/ 解散。

          21. Run. 跑。

          22. Wonderful! / Great! 太棒了!

          23. You are the winner. 你是勝利者。

          24. You are the first. 你是第一名。

          25. Are you tired? / Lets have a rest. 你累了嗎?/ 讓我們休息一下。

          26. Lets go back to the classroom. 讓我們回教室。

          27. Dont push other people / children.

          別推別人。 / 別推別的小朋友。

          28. Stop pushing. 不許推搡。













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