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      2. 讓少兒英語學習不再枯燥的五種方法

        時間:2024-10-15 08:30:45 少兒英語 我要投稿
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          1. Learn as if You’re (Really) Young


          When I start to learn languages, I often approach it through the eyes of a child. Children’s books and learning materials start with the basics and break them down into small fragments—and when you’re pressed for time, that can be much easier than getting into a dense workbook.


          When I first started learning Korean, I learned my numbers in 10 minutes with the Korean Numbers Song. Later, I used children’s books and music videos to help gauge when I was ready to move past an introductory level. When I got to Korea, I gained confidence by speaking to nieces and younger students—they understood my basic words, and I wasn’t so worried about messing up. These conversations gave me the foundation to learn “formal” Korean later.

          我最先開始學韓語時,十分鐘就學會了數字,這多虧了韓語數字歌的幫忙。接著,我用孩童的書籍和音樂視頻為標準,來檢測自己是否已度 過了初級階段。當我到了韓國,和侄女們以及學生聊天讓我充滿信心——他們能聽懂我的基礎詞匯,我也不需要擔心說的亂七八糟。這些對話是我后來學習正式韓語 的基礎。

          2. Watch Movies


          Before I left for India, I got to know the three Khans—Shurukh, Salman, and Aamir—three of the most popular Bollywood Stars of our time. I immersed myself in their movies and songs, which not only made my ear familiar with the inflection and sounds of Hindi language, but also helped me learn a few basic phrases.

          出發去印度時,我只知道三個叫“汗”的人:舒如克·汗, 薩爾曼·汗和阿米爾·汗,他們是我們這個時代寶萊塢最出名的明星。我瘋狂地看他們的電影,聽他們的歌,這不僅讓我的耳朵對印地語的發音無比熟悉,還幫我學習了一些簡單的詞組。

          Of course, my first words in Hindi, “Tere naam le ke” (my heart takes your name) didn’t really help me order food or get around Mumbai efficiently. But, because I understood how real Hindi is spoken, as I learned the language, I ended up speaking it fluidly instead of like a robot (as I might from one of those audio-lessons). I also got to bond with my host family about the movies I had seen and the music I liked.

          當然,我學會的第一句印度語“Tere naam le ke”(我的心里刻了你的名字),雖然在點菜以及孟買游玩時并沒幫上什么大忙,但因為我了解真實生活中的印地語是如何說的,所以我的發音非常流暢,完全不 是音頻教程中那種機器般的發音。那些以前看過的這些電影和喜歡的音樂,還讓我和主人家庭關系更加密切。

          In Thailand and Japan, I learned a lot of basic phrases by studying karaoke songs—and even performing them! While it was embarrassing at first, it did help me practice my language, and also prepare for business situations (where karaoke is a common networking event).


          3. Go Shopping


          Instead of reading about the local market in your language text, why not just go there? Visit the Chinatown, Koreatown, or other ethnic neighborhood in your city at home, and talk with people to practice numbers, basic words and phrases, and polite formalities. I’ve found that vendors (especially in the U.S.) are always happy to chat with me, and even happier to help correct my language mistakes. It’s a great place to practice a lot of conversation in a short amount of time.

          與其在你母語的語境下去當地超市購物,為什么不去城市里面的中國城,韓國城或其他異國區域呢?通過和這些人交談來練習數字、基本的 對話以及詞組和禮貌用語。我發現那些賣家(尤其在美國)通常都很樂于和我交談,甚至愿意幫我改正我的語言錯誤。如果你想短時間內大量練習對話,這可是個好 去處。

          4. Use Technology to Learn Like a Local


          There’s no need to invest in expensive software when there are so many free resources and apps out there. With a few downloads and apps, you can get daily updates and lessons, speak with a native over Skype, or have Google hangouts with people who are also learning. You can also get one-on-one attention with teachers and tutors on some of these sites. In addition, the BBC has great language learning guides, which offer insight into culture and everyday life in other countries.

          沒必要花錢去買昂貴的軟件,有很多免費的資源和app可以使用啊。下載一些app,你每天都可以更新課程,和當地人用skype聊 天,或者是和其他學習者用谷歌視頻群聊進行交談。在某些網站,你還能得到老師一對一的指導。另外,BBC有大量的學習指南,供你學習其他國家的文化以及日 常生活。

          5. Speak as Much as You Can


          The only way language will stick is by speaking and listening often, so take any opportunity you can find to use another language. Talk to friends from other countries, try out an ethnic restaurant and speak to the owners in their language, or join meet-ups of like-minded language learners. Even when I’m at home, I try to speak new words and ask about how things are pronounced correctly in a different language. Remember to work on your accent and tones—one of the best compliments to receive is “your accent is really good!”

          學好語言的唯一方法就是多說多聽,所以把握住任何機會去操練外語吧。和異國的朋友們聊天,試試去異國的飯店吃飯,用他們的語言和老 板交談,或是參加語言學習者聚會。即使我在家時我也試著說新詞,看看不同語言的發音到底有何不同。記得要改進你的口音和音調——最好的贊美莫過于“你的口 音太棒啦!”

          Learning a language doesn’t have to be a resolution that gets tabled again—it can be something to embrace in a fun new way. So as you prepare to travel to a new country this year, don’t be afraid to dive into the language. You may not become fluent, but knowing a little bit will go a long way.












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