- 相關推薦
實際增長率 growth rate in real terms
年均增長率 average growth rate per annum
可持續增長 sustainable growth
經濟效益 economic returns
投資回報率 rate of return on investment
衰退 recession
宏觀調控 macro control
提高經濟效益 enhance economic performance
扭虧為盈 turn a loss-making business into a profitable one
優化經濟結構 optimize economic structure
擴大內需 expand domestic demand
國計民生 national interest and people’s livelihood
經濟特區 special economic zones
“十二五規劃“ the 12th Five-Year Plan for National and Economic and Social Development
風險投資 venture investment
經濟繁榮 economic boom
發達國家 developed countries
不發達國家 underdeveloped countries
發展中國家 developing countries
經濟交流 economic exchange
跨國公司 multinational corporation
人均收入 average income per capita
年平均工資 average annual pay
獎金 bonus
生活費用 cost of living
消費價格指數 consumer price index
環境污染指數 environment pollution index
衣食住行 food, clothing, sheltering and means of traveling
購買力 purchasing power
貧困家庭 the needy family
貧困地區 poverty-stricken region
下崗 be laid off
小康 relative affluence
安居樂業 live a good life
共同富裕 shared prosperity
社會保險 social insurance
助學金 grant-in-aid
賑災救濟金 disaster relief funds
人口 population
人口分布 population distribution
宏觀經濟 macro economy
社會主義市場經濟 socialist market economy
知識經濟 knowledge economy
網絡經濟 Internet-based economy
經濟規律 law of economy
大規模生產 mass production
生產力 productive forces
生產關系 relations of production
公有制 public ownership
私有制 private ownership
國有企業 state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
私營企業 private business
民營企業 privately-run business
中小企業 small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
連鎖企業 franchise / chain business
國民生產總值 Gross National Product (GNP)
國內生產總值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)