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      2. 奧斯卡最佳劇作家索爾金雪城大學(xué)畢業(yè)演講

        時間:2024-10-21 20:03:53 演講與口才 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦




          thank you vermuch.


          madam chancellor, memberof the board of trustees, memberof the facultand administration, parentand friends, honored guestand graduates, thank you for inviting me to speak todaat thimagnificent commencement ceremony.


          therea storabout a man and a woman who have been married for 40 years. one evening at dinner the woman turnto her husband and says, "you know, 40 yearago on our wedding dayou told me that you loved me and you havent said those wordsince." thesit in silence for a long moment before the husband say"if i change mmind, ill let you know."


          well, itbeen a long time since i sat where you sit, and i can remember looking up at mteacherwith great admiration, with fondness, with gratitude and with love. some of the teacherwho were there that daare here thidaand i wanted to let them know that i havent changed mmind.


          thereanother story. two newborn babieare lying side bside in the hospital and theglance at each other. ninetyearlater, through a remarkable coincidence, the two are back in the same hospital lying side bside in the same hospital roo thelook at each other and one of them says, "so whatd you think?"


          itgoing to be a verlong time before you have to answer that question, but time shiftgearright now and startto gain speed. just ask your parentwhose heads, i promise you, are exploding right now. thethink thetook you home from the maternitward last month. thethink you learned how to walk last week. thedont understand how you could possiblbe getting a degree in something today. thelistened to "catin the cradle" the whole car ride here.


          id like to sato the parentthat i realized something while i wawriting thispeech: the last teacher your kidwill have in college will be me. and that thought scared the hell out of me. frankly, you should feel exactlthe same way. but i am the father of an 11-year-old daughter, so i do know how proud you are today, how proud your daughterand your sonmake you everday, and that thedid just learn how to walk last week, that youll never not be there for them, that you love them more than theyll ever know and that it doesn’t matter how mandegreeget put in their hand, thewill alwaybe dumber than you are.

          我想告訴各位家長,我在寫這篇演講稿時領(lǐng)悟到的一件事:你們孩子大學(xué)里最后一位老師將會是我。這個念頭令我膽顫心驚。老實(shí)說,你們也應(yīng)該有相同感覺。但我是一位11歲女兒的父親,所以我確實(shí)了解你們今天是多么驕傲;你們的兒女時時刻刻讓你們 感到多么自豪;他們確實(shí)上星期才學(xué)會走路;你永遠(yuǎn)不需要為了參加他們的畢業(yè)典禮而來到這里;他們永遠(yuǎn)不知道你有多么愛他;無論他們拿到多少個學(xué)位,他們永遠(yuǎn)比你笨。

          and make no mistake about it, you are dumb. youre a group of incrediblwell-educated dumpeople. i wathere. we all were there. youre barelfunctional. there are some screw-upheaded your way. i wish i could tell you that there waa trick to avoiding the screw-ups, but the screw-ups, theyre a-coming for ya. ita combination of life being unpredictable, and you being super dumb.


          todaima13th and todayou graduate. growing up, i looked at mfuture aa timeline of graduationin which everfew years, id be given more freedom and reward ai passed each milestone of childhood. when i get mdriverlicense, mlife will be like this; when im a senior, mlife will be like that; when i go off to college, mlife will be like this; when i move out of the dorms, mlife will be like that; and then finally, graduation. and on graduation day, i had onlone goal left, and that wato be part of professional theater. we have thiin common, you and i—we want to be able to earn a living doing what we love. whether youre a writer, mathematician, engineer, architect, butcher, baker or candlestick maker, you want an invitation to the show.


          todaima13th, and todayou graduate, and todayou alreadknow what i know: to get where youre going, you have to be good, and to be good where youre going, you have to be damned good. everonce in a while, youll succeed. most of the time youll fail, and most of the time the circumstancewill be well beyond your control.


          when we were casting mfirst movie, "a few good men," we saw an actor just 10 monthremoved from the theater training program at ucla. we liked him vermuch and we cast him in a small, but featured role aan endearingldimwitted marine corporal. the actor had been working aa dominopizza deliverbofor 10 months, so the newthat hed just landed hifirst professional joand that it wain a new movie that roreiner wadirecting, starring tom cruise and jack nicholson, wamet with happiness. but aioften the case in show business, succesbegetsuccesbefore youve even done anything, and a week later the actoragent called. the actor had been offered the lead role in a new, as-yet-untitled miloforman fil he wabeside himself. he felt loyaltto the first offer, but forman after all waoffering him the lead. we said we understood, no problem, good luck, well go with our second choice. which, we did. and two weeklater, the miloforman film wascrapped. our second choice, who waalso making hiprofessional debut, waan actor named noah wyle. noah would go on to become one of the starof the television serie"er" and hasnt stopped working since. i dont know what the first actor idoing, and i cant remember hiname. sometimes, just when you think you have the ball safelin the end zone, youre back to delivering pizzafor dominos. welcome to the nfl.

          當(dāng)我第一部電影《軍官與魔鬼》開拍時,劇組里有位十個月前才修完加州大學(xué)洛杉磯分校戲劇表演課程的演員。他很討人喜歡,我們讓他擔(dān)任一個不是很重要、但十分顯眼的角色-一位傻氣而討喜的海軍下士。這位演員在domino披薩擔(dān)任了10個月的外送員,所以首次獲得參與一部新電影演出的機(jī)會令他十分興奮。這部電影由roreiner導(dǎo)演,湯姆.克魯斯和杰克.尼克遜主演。但如同演藝圈經(jīng)常發(fā)生的情形:在你還來不及完成任何事之前,成功的機(jī)會便接踵而來。一 星期后,這位演員的經(jīng)紀(jì)人致電給劇組:米洛斯·福爾曼一部尚未命名的電影邀請這位演員擔(dān)任主角。他欣喜若狂,雖然他認(rèn)為應(yīng)該對第一個機(jī)會展現(xiàn)忠誠,但畢竟福爾曼讓他擔(dān)任主角。我們回復(fù)說,我們了解,沒問題,祝你好運(yùn),我們將采用第二順位的角色選擇,我們確實(shí)這么做了。兩星期后,米洛斯·福爾曼這部影片停拍,我們的第二選擇——也是一位職業(yè)生涯中首次獲得演出機(jī)會的演員,這位演員名叫noah wyle。noah之后成為電視影集《急診室的春天》主角之一,至今仍在演藝圈大放異彩。我不知道第一位演員現(xiàn)況如何,甚至想不起他的名字。有時候,就在你以為自己安全達(dá)陣時,卻得回到domino送披薩。歡迎來到野蠻世界。

          in the summer of 1983, after i graduated, i moved to new york to begin mlife aa struggling writer. i got a serieof survival jobthat included bartending, ticket-taking, telemarketing, limo driving, and dressing up aa moose to pasout leafletin a mall. i ran into a woman whod been a senior here when i waa freshman. i asked her how it wagoing and how she felt syracuse had prepared her for the earlstageof her career. she said, "well, the thing is, after three yearyou start to forget everything thetaught you in college. but once youve done that, youll be fine." i laughed because i thought it wafunnand also because i wanted to ask her out, but i also think she wawrong.


          aa freshman drama student—and thistorinow becoming famous—i had a plaanalysiclass—it wapart of mrequirement. the professor wagerardine clark. if anybodwawondering, the drama studentare sitting over there. the plaanalysiclasmet for 90 minutetwice a week. we read two playa week and we took a 20-question true or false quiz at the beginning of the session that tested little more than whether or not wed read the play. the problem wathat the claswaat 8:30 in the morning, it met all the wadown on east genesee, i lived all the waup at brewster/boland, and i dont know if youve noticed, but from time to time the citof syracuse experienceinclement weather. all thigoing to clasand reading and walking through snow, wind chill thatapparentlpowered bjet engines, wahaving a negative effect on msocial life in general and msleeping in particular. at one point, being quizzed on "death of a salesman," a plai had not read, i gave an answer that indicated that i wasnt aware that at the end of the plathe salesman dies. and i failed the class. i had to repeat it msophomore year; it wadepressing, frustrating and deeplembarrassing. and it wawithout a doubt the single most significant event that occurred in mevolution aa writer. i showed up msophomore year and i went to class, and i paid attention, and we read playand i paid attention, and we discussed structure and tempo and intention and obstacle, possible improbabilities, improbable impossibilities, and i paid attention, and bgod when i got mgradeat the end of the year, id turned that f into a d. im joking: it wapass/fail.

          當(dāng)我身為戲劇系大一新生時-這個故事已越來越出名-我修了一堂戲劇分析課-這是必修課程之一,指導(dǎo)教授是 gerardine clark。如果有人想知道這些歡呼是怎么回事,戲劇系學(xué)生坐在那里。戲劇分析課每周上兩次,每次九十分鐘,每星期得研讀兩部劇本,每堂課開始時,會舉行一場二十題是非題的小考,測驗我們是否預(yù)習(xí)了劇本。問題是,這是早上八點(diǎn)三十分的課,上課地點(diǎn)在east genesee街尾,我住在brewster/boland街 頭。不知道你們是否注意到,雪城市的氣候經(jīng)常十分惡劣,我總是得在風(fēng)雪交加中前往學(xué)校上課, 刺骨的寒風(fēng)簡直像從噴射機(jī)引擎中噴出似的,這對我的社交生活產(chǎn)生不少負(fù)面影響,尤其是睡眠質(zhì)量。某次小考的內(nèi)容是關(guān)于《推銷員之死》,我并未事先預(yù)習(xí)這出 戲劇,我寫出的答案顯示,我不知道劇終時那位推銷員是不是死了。這門課沒有及格。我不得不在大二時重修,這令我十分沮喪、深感羞愧。毫無疑問地,這是我邁向作家之路過程中最刻骨銘心的事。大二時,我孜孜不倦地參與這門課程,用心研讀劇本,討論每一部劇本的架構(gòu)、節(jié)奏、寓意及轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn),反復(fù)地 思考探索。我投注了全副心力,確實(shí),當(dāng)我在期末收到成績單時,成績從f進(jìn)步到d。開個玩笑;這堂課只有過與不過的分別。

          but i stood at the back of the eisenhower theater at the kennedcenter in washington watching a pre-broadwatryout of mplays, knowing that when the curtain came down, i could go back to mhotel room and fix the problem in the second act with the toolthat gerrclark gave me. eight yearago, i waintroduced to arthur miller at a dramatistguild function and we spent a good part of the evening talking. a few weeklater when he came down with the flu he called and asked if i could fill in for him aa guest lecturer at nyu. the subject wa"death of a salesman." you made a good decision coming to school here.

          但當(dāng)我站在華盛頓肯尼迪表演藝術(shù)中心的eisenhower劇場,觀看我的劇作在進(jìn)駐百老匯之前舉行的試演時,心里想著,落幕之后,我就能回酒店房間,使用從gerrclark(其著作曾改編成著名戲劇)作品學(xué)到的技巧,修改第二幕的瑕疵。八年前,阿瑟.米勒(美國傳奇劇作家)將我引介給美京劇作家協(xié)會,當(dāng)晚我們相談 甚歡。幾星期后,他罹患流行感冒,打電話問我是否能代替他出席紐約大學(xué)的客座演講,演講主題正是《推銷員之死》。來雪城大學(xué)念書確實(shí)是明智的選擇。

          ive made some bad decisions. i lost a decade of mlife to cocaine addiction. you know how i got addicted to cocaine? i tried it. the problem with drugithat thework, right up until the moment that thedecimate your life. trcocaine, and youll become addicted to it. become addicted to cocaine, and you will either be dead, or you will wish you were dead, but it will onlbe one or the other. mbig fear wathat i wasnt going to be able to write without it. there wano wai wagoing to be able to write without it. last year i celebrated m11-year anniversarof not using coke. thank you. in that 11 years, ive written three television series, three movies, a broadwaplay, won the academaward and taught mdaughter all the lyricto "pirateof penzance." i have good friends.

          我曾誤入歧途。因為古柯堿成癮,浪費(fèi)了生命中寶貴的十年。你們知道我怎么會染上古柯堿毒癮嗎?我只是試了一口。毒品最大的問題在于它們確實(shí)有用,直到摧毀你人生那一刻。只要試一 口,你就萬劫不復(fù)。一旦染上毒癮,你不是吸毒而死,就是生不如死,但總是逃不出這兩 種悲慘的命運(yùn)。我最大的恐懼是,沒有它我會失去寫作靈感,沒有它我根本無法寫作。上個月我慶祝了戒毒11周年。謝謝。這11年來,我寫了三部電視系列影集、三部電影、一出百老匯戲劇、榮獲奧斯卡獎,并教會我女兒整出《彭贊斯的海盜》(音樂劇)的歌詞。我有許多好朋友。

          youll meet a lot of people who, to put it simply, dont know what theyre talking about. in 1970 a cbexecutive famouslsaid that there were four thingthat we would never, ever see on television: a divorced person, a jewish person, a person living in new york citand a man with a moustache. b1980, evershow on television waabout a divorced jew who livein new york citand goeon a blind date with tom selleck.

          你會遇見許多人,簡單來說,總是滿口胡言。1970年代,cbs將一句名言奉為圭臬:有四種角色絕不可能出現(xiàn) 在電視屏幕上-離婚的人、猶太人、紐約居民和蓄胡男子。到了1980年代,每部電視節(jié)目的內(nèi)容都是描寫住在紐約市的離婚猶太人,并和湯姆·謝立克(知名演員,蓄胡)進(jìn)行盲目約會。

          develop your own compass, and trust it. take risks, dare to fail, remember the first person through the wall alwaygethurt. mjunior and senior yearat syracuse, i shared a five-bedroom apartment at the top of east adamwith four roommates, one of whom waa fellow theater major named chris. chriwaa sweet guwith a slsense of humor and a sunnstage presence. he waborn out of hitime, and would have felt most at home playing mickerooneysidekick in "babeon broadway." i had subscriptionback then to time and newsweek. chriused to enjomaking fun of what he felt waan odd interest in world eventthat had nothing to do with the arts. i lost touch with chriafter we graduated and so im not quite certain when he died. but i remember about a year and a half after the last time i saw him, i read an article in newsweek about a viruthat waburning itwaacrosthe country. the centerfor disease control wacalling it "acquired immune deficiencsyndrome" or aidfor short. and thewere asking the white house for $35 million for research, care and cure. the white house felt that $35 million wawatoo much moneto spend on a disease that waonlaffecting homosexuals, and thepassed. which im sure thewouldnt have done if theyd known that $35 million waa steal compared to the $2 billion it would cost onl10 yearlater.am i saying that chriwould be alive todaif onlhed read newsweek? of course not. but it seemto me that more and more weve come to expect lesand lesof each other, and thatgot to change. your friends, your family, thischool expect more of you than vocational success.

          掌握自己的指南針,并相信它;勇于冒險、不怕失敗;記住,第一位沖破高墻的人總不免受傷。我大三和大四時,在 east adams街盡頭和四位室友分租一棟五間臥室的公寓,其中一位名叫chris的室友主修戲劇。chris是個可愛的家伙,有著狡黠幽默感,總是在舞臺上扮陽光男孩角色。他生不逢時,最擅長扮演《百老匯的小鬼》中mickerooney伙伴那種角色。當(dāng)時我訂閱了《時代雜志》和《新聞周刊》;chris感興趣的是一些千奇百怪、跟藝術(shù)無關(guān)的事物。畢業(yè)后,我與chris失去聯(lián)絡(luò),所以不確定chris是何時過世的。但我記得,大約在最后一次見到他一年半之后,我在《新聞周刊》上讀到一篇文章,關(guān)于某種病毒正在全國蔓延的報導(dǎo),疾病控制與預(yù)防中心稱它為“獲得性免疫缺陷綜合癥”,簡稱艾滋病。他們向白宮申請3500萬美元的研究、照護(hù)和治療經(jīng)費(fèi),白宮認(rèn)為,將3500萬美元花 在某種只會感染同性戀的疾病上太過昂貴,拒絕了這項申請。我敢肯定,如果他們知道,比起10年后花在治療上的20億美元,3500萬美元不過是九牛一毛, 當(dāng)初就不會拒絕。我的意思是,只要chris閱讀《新聞周刊》,今天就能好好活著嗎?當(dāng)然不是。但在我看來,當(dāng)我們期待越多,了解的就越少,這是必須改變 的現(xiàn)象。你的朋友、你的家人、這所學(xué)校對你的期待,不僅是職場上的成就。

          todaima13th and todayou graduate and the ruleare about to change, and one of them ithis: decisionare made bthose who show up. dont ever forget that youre a citizen of thiworld. dont ever forget that youre a citizen of thiworld, and there are thingyou can do to lift the human spirit, thingthat are easy, thingthat are free, thingthat you can do everday. civility, respect, kindness, character. youre too good for schadenfreude, youre too good for gossip and snark, youre too good for intolerance—and since youre walking into the middle of a presidential election, itworth mentioning that youre too good to think people who disagree with you are your enemy. unlesthewent to georgetown, in which case, thecan go to hell.

          今天是5月13日, 你們畢業(yè)的日子,代表你必須做出某些改變,其中一個原則如下:挺身而出者才有機(jī)會做出改變,別忘了你是這個世界的公民。別忘了你是這個世界的公民,你可以做些提升人類心靈層面的事,這些事并不困難,不過是舉手之勞,隨時隨地都能進(jìn)行。文明、尊重、善良、品格;你們不會幸災(zāi)樂禍;你們不會散播謠言、危言聳聽;你們不會心胸狹窄、缺乏寬容。既然你們都可能邁向競選總統(tǒng)之途,這句話值得 一提:你們不會視反對者為敵人,除非是來自喬治敦大學(xué)的人(雪城大學(xué)的死對頭)。若碰上這種情況,就叫他們下地獄吧!

          dont ever forget that a small group of thoughtful people can change the world. itthe onlthing that ever has. rehearsalover. youre going out there now, youre going to do thithing. how you live matters. youre going to fall down, but the world doesnt care how mantimeyou fall down, along aitone fewer than the number of timeyou get back up.


          for the clasof 2012, i wish you joy. i wish you health and happinesand success, i wish you a roof, four walls, a floor and someone in your life that you care about more than you care about yourself. someone who makeyou start saying "we" where before you used to sa"i" and "us" where you used to sa"me." i wish you the qualitof friendi have and the qualitof colleaguei work with. baseball playersathedont have to look to see if thehit a home run, thecan feel it. so i wish for you a moment—a moment soon—when you reallput the bat on the ball, when you reallget a hold of one and drive it into the upper deck, when you feel it. when you aim high and hit your target, when just for a moment all else disappears, and you soar with wingaeagles. the moment will end aquicklait came, and so youll have to have it back, and so youll get it back no matter what the obstacles. a loftprediction, to be sure, but i flat out guarantee it.

          2012年畢業(yè)生,祝福你們常懷喜悅,祝福你們健康、幸福、成功,祝福你們擁有幸福美滿的家庭,擁有某個你在 乎他勝過自己的人,某個能與你共享生活中一切喜怒哀樂的人,希望你們擁有跟我朋友和同事一樣優(yōu)秀的伙伴。棒球選手說,他們不需要緊盯著球,就能感覺自己擊出了全壘打。我期待有那么一天-在不久的將來-你們真正擊中那顆球。掌握這個機(jī)會,更上一層樓,真正擁有這份感受。當(dāng)你擁有崇高目標(biāo),并盡力達(dá)成時,在一刻,一切艱辛都將煙消云散,你將如鷹般展翅翱翔。這個瞬間稍縱即逝,所以你必須繼續(xù)往目標(biāo)邁進(jìn),你必須繼續(xù)往目標(biāo)邁進(jìn),不論途中遭遇多少阻礙。這確實(shí)是個崇高的目標(biāo),但只要付出努力,必定能夠達(dá)成。

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