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      1. 中石油職稱英語閱讀:美國人的家庭觀

        時間:2020-11-08 09:02:14 職稱英語 我要投稿




          The American Way: Family 美國人的家庭觀

          1. “Please pass the turkey and dressing.” What does this simplerequest make you think about? If you are an American, you think aboutThanksgiving. A turkey dinnersymbolizes Thanksgiving forAmericans. What does ThanksgivingremindAmericansof? Their families.Thanksgiving is a family time. On this holiday, families gather to gobble upthe gobbler and stuffthemselves with stuffing. Family membersenjoywatchingparadesand football games on TV and justbeingtogether. What does “family” mean to Americans?

          1、“請將火雞與配料(dressing)遞給我。”這個簡單的請求令你想起什么?如果你是美國人,你會想到感恩節(jié)(Thanksgiving)。對美國人而言,火雞大餐象征(symbolizes)感恩節(jié)。感恩節(jié)提醒了美國人哪些事情呢(remind of 提醒;使回想起)?他們的家人。感恩節(jié)是家人團聚的時間,在這個節(jié)日,家人聚在一起對著火雞以及雞腹中的調味材料大快朵頤(gobble up 狼吞虎咽)(gobbler 雄火雞;and stuff 諸如此類,以及;stuffing 填料);家人一起享受看游行、看足球比賽的電視轉播以及同聚的時光(enjoy 后跟動名詞作賓語)。到底家庭對于美國人的意義是什么?

          2. The traditional American family is a “nuclear family.” Anuclear family refers toa husband and wife and their children. TheaverageAmerican family today has twoor three children (and maybea fewpets).In some cultures, people liveclosetotheir extended family. Several generations may evenlive together. In America,onlyin a few casesdoesmorethan one householdliveunderone roof.

          2、傳統(tǒng)的美國家庭被稱為“核心家庭”。核心家庭包含了先生、太太和他們的孩子(refer to 指的是)。今日美國的一般家庭有二個或三個小孩(或者再加上幾只寵物)。在一些文化里,大家庭(extended family)住在一起,甚至好幾代的人同住。在美國,只有極少的情況下才會有超過一個家庭(more than one household)同住一個屋檐下。(only 引導的倒裝句,助動詞does置于主語more than onehousehold的前面)

          3. American valuesreceivea warm welcomein the home.Many homes are runlike a democracy. Each familymember canhave a say. Asense ofequalityoftenexistsinAmerican homes. Instead offearing Momand Dad, children maythink ofthemas good friends.Husbands and wives often sharehouseholdchores. In many cases, a child can enjoy privacyin his or her own bedroom.Froman early age,children gain responsibilityin handlingmoney. They may receivea weeklyallowanceor even workpart-timejobs. Often parentsgivechildren freedomto make their owndecisions. Preschoolers choosewhatclothes to wearorwhich toys to buy. Young adults generallymake their own choices aboutwhatcareer to pursueandwhom to marry.

          3、在家中,美式價值觀很受歡迎(a warm welcome 熱烈歡迎)。許多家庭用民主政治般的方式(like a democracy)來治理(本句使用了被動語態(tài);run-run-runvi. 經營;運轉),家中每個人都有發(fā)言權利(have a say),公平觀念廣泛存在于美國的家庭當中。孩子們不是畏懼父母,而更可能是視父母為好朋友。夫婦經常彼此共同分擔家務(household chores;chore n. 家務雜事)。許多家庭的孩子在自己的臥室內享有隱私權(privacy)。孩子們在很小的時候便有理財的責任(responsibility in handling money),他們可能每個禮拜收到零用錢(allowance n. 零用錢)或是出去打工。父母常會給孩子們自己做決定(to make their own decisions不定式作定語)的自由,學齡前的'孩子(preschoolers)可以自己選擇穿什么衣服或買什么玩具,青年人則可自由選擇職業(yè)及結婚的對象(career n. 事業(yè);pursue vt. 追求;to pursue; tomarry是不定式作定語)。

          4. Families in America,likethose in every culture,facemanyproblems. Social pressuresare breakingapartmore and more American homes.Over half of U.S. marriagesnowend in divorce.More than onein four Americanchildrenare growing upinsingle-parent homes.As a result,many people believe the American family is in trouble.

          4、像其它文化一樣,美國的家庭也面對許多問題。在社會的壓力下,愈來愈多的美國家庭解體(本句為現在進行時態(tài); break apart 使…分裂開)。現在,超過半數以上的婚姻(marriages)在美國以離婚結束(end indivorce; end in 以…告終;divorce n. 離婚); 每四個小孩中(in four American children)就有超過一位(more than one)是在單親家庭中長大的,結果是(as a result)使許多人相信美國家庭有麻煩了(be in trouble遇到麻煩;處于困境中)。

          5.Even so,there is stillreason for hope.Many organizationsare working hardto strengthen families.Americans almostunanimouslybelievethatthe family is one of the mostimportant parts of life. The vast majority also feelthatthe traditional two-parent family is best for children. Theyrealizethatproblems in family lifein recent yearshave brought aboutseriousconsequences. As a result, more and more people are making their family a priority. Many women arequittingtheir jobsto stay home with theirchildren. Families are going on vacations and outings together.Husbands and wives are makingaconcentrated effortto keep their marriages solid.

          5、即使如此(even so),還是有希望。許多機構正努力幫助鞏固家庭(to strengthen families不定式作目的狀語)。幾乎所有的美國人都(unanimously adv.全體一致地)相信家庭是生命中最重要的一部份。絕大多數人(the vast majority)也認為傳統(tǒng)雙親式的家庭對小孩子是最好的。他們明白近年來(有in recent years出現的句子要用現在完成時態(tài))家庭生活的問題已帶來(bring about 引起;導致;帶來)了許多嚴重的結果(consequences)。所以,愈來愈多的人將家庭視為第一優(yōu)先(priority)。許多婦女辭去工作在家陪孩子((quit vt.放棄;停止;to stay homewith their children不定式作目的狀語))。全家人一起度假(go on vacation去度假)或出去玩,丈夫與妻子一起集中心力使婚穩(wěn)固(to keep their marriages solid 不定式作目的狀語)。

          6. The United Nations has declared 1994 the “International Year ofthe Family.”Not justin America,butall over the world,people recognizethe importance of strong families. How doyou strengthen the family bond? Do special things for each other. Talk to eachother. Play together. Spend time together. Oh, andone more thing:bethankful foreach other.Ifyouhave a family,every dayshould beThanksgiving.

          6、聯(lián)合國已宣布(declare vt.)一九九四年為國際家庭年。不止是在美國,全世界的人都明白一個穩(wěn)固的家庭的重要性。你如何堅固你的家庭呢?為彼此做些特別的事情,一起聊天,一起玩,花時間在一起。喔!還有一件事情(onemore thing):對彼此懷著感恩之心(be thankful for對…感激)。如果你有家庭,每天都應是感恩節(jié)(shouldbe 應該是)。


          1、What doesThanksgivingremindAmericans ?

          A. in B. at C. up D. of

          2、In America,onlyin a few cases live under one roof.

          A. does more than one household B.do more than one household

          C. more than one household

          3、Many homes like a democracy.

          A. run B. runned C. are run

          4、Overhalf of U.S. marriages now end divorce.

          A. to B. in C. at D. of

          5、More than onein four American children in single-parent homes.

          A. are growing up B.is growing up C. were growing up

          6、They realizethat problems in family lifein recentyears


          A. have brought about B.has brought about

          C. had brought about D.brought about

          7、Not justin America, all over the world, people recognize theimportance of strong families.

          A. but B. only C. in

          8、If you have afamily,every day be Thanksgiving.

          A. might B. would C.should D. could











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