1. <tt id="5hhch"><source id="5hhch"></source></tt>
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      1. 中草藥英文名

        時間:2024-04-11 11:34:56 王娟 職業(yè)英語 我要投稿






          4、Chinese Angelica-當歸

          5、White Peony-白芍

          6、Donkey-Hide Gelatin-阿膠

          7、Aloes 蘆薈

          8、American Ginseng 西洋參

          9、Amur Ampelopsis Stem 山葡萄

          10、Arabian Jasmine Flower 茉莉花

          11、Areca Seed 檳榔

          12、Argy Wormwood Leaf 艾葉

          13、Barbary Wolfberry Fruit 枸杞子

          14、Bear Gall 熊膽

          15、Bezoar 牛黃

          16、Black Sesame 黑芝麻

          17、Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed 胖大海

          18、Bunge Auriculate Root 白首烏

          19、Camphor 樟腦

          20、Camphorwood 香樟木

          21、Cape Jasmine Fruit 梔子

          22、Cassia Bark 肉桂

          23、Centipede 蜈蚣

          24、Chalcanthite 膽礬

          25、Chinagreen Herb 廣東萬年青

          26、Chinese Angelica 當歸

          27、Chinese Caterpillar Fungus 冬蟲夏草

          28、Chinese Cricket 蟋蟀

          29、Chinese Date 大棗

          30、Chinese Eaglewood 沉香

          31、Chinese Fir Wood or twig 杉木

          32、Chinese Hibisci Rosae-Sinensis Flower 扶;

          33、Chinese Honeylocust Fruit 皂角

          34、Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子

          35、Chinese Pulsatilla Root 白頭翁

          36、Chinese Rose Flower 月季花

          37、Chinese Waxgourd Peel 冬瓜皮

          38、Chinese Waxgourd Semen 冬瓜子

          39、Chinese Waxmyrtle Bark 楊梅

          40、Chinese White Olive 青果

          41、Cholla Stem 仙人掌

          42、Chrysanthemum 菊花

          43、Cicada Slough 蟬蛻

          44、Clam Shell 蛤殼

          45、Coix Seed 薏苡仁

          46、Common Alocasia Rhizome 海芋

          47、Common Andrographis Herb 穿心蓮

          48、Common Bombax Flower 木棉花

          49、Common Coltsfoot Flower 款冬花

          50、Common Floweringquince Fruit 木瓜

          51、Common Jointfir Stem 買麻藤

          52、Common Macrocarpium Fruit 山茱萸

          53、Common Melastoma Herb 野牡丹

          54、Common Monkshood Mother Root 川烏

          55、Common Nandina 天竺子

          56、Common Yam Rhizome / Wingde Yan Rhizome 山藥

          57、Copperleaf Herb 鐵莧菜

          58、Costustoot 木香

          59、Croton Seed 巴豆

          60、Cushaw Seed 南瓜子

          61、Dahurian Angelica Root/Taiwan Angelica Root 白芷

          62、Devils Rush Herb 龍須草

          63、Donkey-hide Glue 阿膠

          64、Downy Groundcherry Fruit or Herb 燈籠草

          65、Dried Longan Pulp 龍眼肉

          66、Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麥冬

          67、Entadae Stem 過江龍

          68、Ephedra Herb 麻黃

          69、Fennel Fruit 小茴香

          70、Flos Caryophyllata 丁香

          71、Fragrant Sarcococca Herb 清香桂

          72、Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome 玉竹

          73、Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit 錦燈籠

          74、Garlic 大蒜

          75、Ginseng 人參

          76、Golden Thread 黃連

          77、Green Bristlegrass Herb 狗尾草

          78、Grosvener Siraitia 羅漢果

          79、Gypsum 石膏

          80、Hairy Antler 鹿茸

          81、Hawthorn Fruit 山楂

          82、Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb 魚腥草

          83、Honey 蜂蜜

          84、Honeycomb 蜂房

          85、Honeysuckle Flower 金銀花

          86、Hot Pepper 辣椒

          87、Indian Buead 茯苓

          88、Indian Trum etflower Seed 木蝴蝶

          89、Indigowoad Root 板藍根

          90、Lancelesf Lily Bulb / Greenish Lily Bulb / Low Lily Bulb 百合

          91、Liquoric Root 甘草

          92、Lotus Leaf 荷葉

          93、Lucid Ganoderma 靈芝

          94、Lychee Seed 荔枝核

          95、Malt 麥芽

          96、Earthworm 地龍

          97、East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗脊

          98、Elecampane Inula Root 土木香

          99、Emblic Leafflower Fruit 余甘子

          100、English Walnut Seed 胡桃仁

          101、Entada Sten 瞌藤子

          102、Entadae Stem 過江龍

          103、Ephedra Herb 麻黃

          104、Epigeal Srephaia Root 地不容

          105、Epimedium Herb 淫羊藿

          106、Erect St. Johnswort Herb 小連翹

          107、Ergot 麥角

          108、Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf 漆大姑

          109、Eucommia Bark 杜仲

          110、European Grape Fruit 索索葡萄

          111、European Hop Flower 啤酒花

          112、European Verbena 馬鞭草

          113、European Waterhemlock Root 毒芹

          114、False Chinese Swertia Herb 當藥

          115、Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome 藜蘆

          116、Falsesour Cherry 櫻桃核

          117、Fangchi Root 廣防已

          118、Feather Cockscomb Seed 青葙子

          119、Fennel Fruit 小茴香

          120、Fermented Soybean 淡豆豉

          121、Fewflower Lysionotus Herb 石吊蘭

          122、Field Sowthistle Herb 苣荬菜

          123、Fig 無花果

          124、Figwort Root 玄參

          125、FigwortflowerPicrorhizaRhizome 胡黃連

          126、Filiform Cassytha Herb 無根藤

          127、Fimbriae Orostachys 瓦松

          128、Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb 荊芥

          129、Finger Citron 佛手

          130、Fistular Onion Stalk 蔥白

          131、Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb 絞股藍

          132、Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb 過壇龍

          133、Flastem Milkvetch Seed 沙苑子

          134、Flos Caryophyllata 丁香

          135、Fluorite 紫石英

          136、Forbes Wildginger Herb 杜衡

          137、Forest Frogs Oviduct 蛤蟆油

          138、Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root 黑骨頭

          139、Fortune Eupatorium Herb 佩蘭

          140、Fortune Firethorn Fruit 救兵糧

          141、Fortune Loosestrife Herb 星宿菜

          142、Fortune Meadowrue Herb 白蓬草

          143、Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit 泡桐果

          144、Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf 三尖杉

          145、Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole 棕櫚

          146、Fortunes Drynaria Rhizome 骨碎補

          147、Fourstamen Stephania Root 粉防己/漢防己

          148、Frankincense 乳香

          149、Freshwater Sponge 紫梢花

          150、Fringed Iris Herb 鐵扁擔

          151、Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig 黑面神

          152、Pagodatree Flower Bud Flos Sophorae Immaturus 槐米

          153、Pagodatree Pod Fructus Sophorae 槐角

          154、Pale Butterflybush Flower Flos Buddlejae 密蒙花

          155、Panicled Fameflower Root Radix Talini Paniculati 土人參

          156、Paniculate Swallowwort Root Radix Cynanchi Paniculati 徐長卿

          157、Papaya Fructus Caricae 番木瓜

          158、Papermulberry Fruit Fructus Broussonetiae 楮實子

          159、Patience Dock Root Radix Rumicis Patientiae 牛西西

          160、Pedunculate Acronychia Wood Lignum Acronychiae 沙塘木

          161、Peking Euphorbia Root Radix Euphorbiae Pekinensis 京大戟

          162、Pepper Fructus Piperis 胡椒

          163、Pepper Wort Herb Herba Marsileae Quadrifoliae 田字草

          164、Perfoliote Knotweed Herb Herba Polygoni Perfoliati 杠板歸

          165、Perilla Leaf Folium Perillae 紫蘇葉

          166、Perilla Stem Caulis Perillae 紫蘇梗

          167、Persimmon Calyx and Receptacle

          168、Pevuvian Apple Herb Herba Nicandrae Physaloidis 冰粉

          169、Philippine Flemingia Root Radix Flemingiae Philippinensis 千金拔

          170、Phoenix Tree Seed Semen Firmianae 梧桐子

          171、Pillbug Armadillidium 鼠婦蟲

          172、Pine Leaf Folium Pini 松毛

          173、Pine Nodular Branch Lignum Pini Nodi 油松節(jié)

          174、Pine Pollen Pollen Pini 松花粉

          175、Pink Herb Herba Dianthi 瞿麥

          176、Pink Plumepoppy Herb Herba Macleayae Cordatae 博落回

          177、Pink Reineckea Herb Herba Reineckeae Carneae 吉祥草

          178、Pipe fish Syngnathus 海龍

          179、Plant Soot Fuligo Plantae 百草霜

          180、Plantain Herb Herba Plantaginis 車前草

          181、Platycladi Seed Semen Platycladi 柏子仁

          182、Poisonous Buttercup Herb Herba Ranunculi Scelerati 石龍芮

          183、Pokeberry Root Radix Phytolaccae 商陸

          184、Pomegranate Rind Pericarpium Granati 石榴皮

          185、Prepared Common Monkshood Daughter Root Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata 附子

          186、Prepared Salt Sal Preparatum 秋石

          187、Pricklyash Peel Fructus Zanthoxyli 花椒

          188、Princes-feather Fruit Fructus Polygoni Orientalis 水葒花子

          189、Princes-feather Herb Herba Polygoni Orientalis 葒草

          190、Puberulous Glochidion Herb Herba Glochidii Puberi 算盤子

          191、Pubescent Holly Root Radix Ilicis Pubescentis 毛冬青

          192、Pubescent Pepper Herb Herba Piperis Puberuli 毛

          193、Japan Clover Herb Herba Kummerowiae Striatae 雞眼草

          194、Japanese Ampelopsis Root Radix Ampelopsis 白蘞

          195、Japanese Ardisia Herb Herba Ardisiae Japonicae 矮地茶

          196、Japanese Buttercup Herb Herba Ranunculi Jponici 毛茛

          197、Japanese Cayratia Herb Herba Cayatiae Japonicae 烏蘞莓

          198、Japanese Climbing Fern Spore Spora Lygodii 海金沙

          199、Japanese Dock Root Radix Rumicis Japonici 羊蹄

          200、JapaneseFloweringFernRhizome Rhizoma Osmundae 紫萁貫眾

          201、Japanese Ginseng Rhizoma Panacis Japonici 竹節(jié)參

          202、Japanese Honeysuckle Stem Caulis Lonicerae 忍冬藤

          203、Japanese Hop Herb Herba Humuli Scandentis 路草

          204、Japanese Metaplexis Pericarp Pericarpium Metaplexis 天漿殼

          205、Japanese Milkwort Herb Herba Polygalae Japonicae 瓜子金

          206、Japanese Pachysandra Herb Herba Pachysandrae Terminalis 雪山林

          207、Japanese Peristrophe Herb Herba Peristrophes 九頭獅子草

          208、Japanese Polypody Rhizome Rhizoma Polypodiodis Nipponicae 水龍骨

          209、Japanese Premna Herb Herba Premnae Microphyllae 腐婢

          210、Japanese Raspberry Root Radix Rubi Parvifolii 天青地白

          211、Japanese Snailseed Root Radix Cocculi Trilobi 木防己

          212、Japanese Snakegourd Root Radix Trichosanthis Cucumeroidis 王瓜根

          213、Japanese St. Johnswort Herb Herba Hyperici Japonici 田基黃

          214、Japanese Stephania Root Radix Stephaniae Japonicae 千金藤

          215、Japanese Thistle Herb or Root Herba seu Radix Cirsii Japonici 大薊

          216、Japanese Wormwood Herb Herba Artemisiae Japonicae 牡蒿

          217、Japonese Pearlwort Herb Herba Saginae Japonicae 漆姑草

          218、Japonica China Fern Rhizome Rhizoma Woodwardiae 狗脊貫眾

          219、Jiuxiang Bug Aspongopus 九香蟲

          220、Kadsura Pepper Stem Caulis Piperis Kadsurae 海風(fēng)藤

          221、Kadsura Root-bark Cortex Kadsurae Radicis 紫荊皮

          222、Katsumade Galangal Seed Semen Alpiniae 草豆蔻

          223、Kelp Thallus Laminariae 昆布

          224、Kirilow Groundsel Herb Herba Senecionis Kirilowi 狗舌草

          225、Knoxia Root Radix Knoxiae 紅大戟

          226、Korean Monkshood Root Radix Aconiti Coreani 關(guān)白附

          227、Kusamaki Seed Semen Podocarpi Macrophylli 羅漢松

          228、Kusnezoff Monkshood Root Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii 草烏

          229、Lac Lacca 紫草茸

          230、Laciniate Kalanchoe Herb Herba Kalanchoes Lacinialae 雞爪三七

          231、Ladybell Root Radix Adenophorae 南沙參

          232、Lalang Grass Rhizome Rhizoma Imperatae 白茅根

          233、Lance Asiabell Root Radix Codonopsis Lanceolatae 羊乳

          234、Lancelesf Lily Bulb / Greenish Lily Bulb / Low Lily Bulb Bulbus Lilii 百合

          235、Langdu Root Radix Euphorbiae Fischerianae/ 狼毒

          236、Largeflower Jasmine Flower Flos Jasmini 素馨花

          237、Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome Rhizoma Cimicifugae 升麻

          238、Lawn Pennywort Herb Herba Hydrocotyles 天胡荽

          239、Leatherleaf Mahonia Stem Chinese Mahonia Stem Culis Mahoniae 功勞木

          240、Leech Hirudo 水蛭

          241、Lemonfragrant Angelica Root Radix Angelicae Citriodorae 香白芷

          242、Lemongrass Herb Herba Cymbopogonis Citrati 香茅

          243、Lepidogrammitis Herb Herba Lepidogrammitidis Drymoglossoidis 魚鱉草

          244、Lesser Galangal Rhizome Rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum 高良姜

          245、Levant Cotton Root Radix Gossypii 棉花根

          246、Lilac Daphne Flower Bud Flos Genkwa 芫花

          247、Lilyofthevalley Herb Herba Convallariae 鈴蘭

          248、Limonite Limonitum 禹余糧

          249、Lindley Butterflybush Herb Herba Buddlejae Lindleyanae 醉魚草

          250、Lindley Eupatorium Herb Herba Eupatorii Lindleyani 野馬追

          251、Linear Leaf Speedwell Herba Veronicae 一支香

          252、Linear Stonecrop Herb Herba Sedi Linearis 佛假草

          253、Linearstripe Rabdosia Herb Herba Rabdosiae Lophanthoidis 溪黃草

          254、Lithargite Lithargyrum 密陀僧

          255、Little Multibanded Krait Bungarus Parvus 金錢白花蛇

          256、Littleleaf Indianmulberry Herb Herba Morindae Parvifoliae 白眼藤

          257、Lobed Actinostemma Herb Herba Actinstemmatis Lobati 盒子草

          258、Lobedfruit SchizocapsaRhizome Rhizoma Schizocapsae Plantagineae 水田七

          259、Long Pepper Fructus Piperis Longi 篳茇

          260、Long Stephania Herb Herba Stephania Longae 糞箕篤

          261、Longhairy Antenoron Herb Herba Lysimachiae 金錢草

          262、Long-nosed Pit Viper Agkistrodon 蘄蛇

          263、Longstamen Onion Bulb Bulbus Allii Macrostemi 薤白

          264、Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Herba Glechomae 連錢草

          265、Lotus Leaf Folium Nelumbinis 荷葉

          266、Lotus Plumule Plumula Nelumbinis 蓮子心

          267、Lotus Rhizome Node Nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis 藕節(jié)

          268、Lotus Seed Pot Receptaculum Nelumbinis 蓮房

          269、Lotus Stamen Stamen Nelumbinis 蓮須

          270、Lovely Hemsleya Root Radix Hemsleyae 雪膽

          271、Lowdaphne Stringbush Flower and Leaf Flos et Folium Wikstroemiae Chamaedaphnis 黃芫花

          272、Luckynut Thevetia Seed Semen Thevetiae 黃花夾竹桃

          273、Lunate Peltate Sundew Herb Herba Droserae Lunatae 茅膏菜

          274、Lushan Mountain Barberry Root Radix Berberidis Virgetori 刺黃蓮

          275、Lychee Seed Semen Litchi 荔枝核

          276、Madagascar Periwinkle Herb Herba Catharanthi Rosei 長春花

          277、Maifanite Maifanitum 麥飯石

          278、Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit Fructus Psoraleae 補骨脂

          279、Male Fern Rhizome Rhizoma Dryopteridis 綿馬貫眾

          280、Manchurian Lilac Bark Cortex Syringae 暴馬子皮

          281、Manchurian Rhododendron Leaf Folium Rhododendri Micranthi 照山白

          282、Manchurian Tubergourd Fruit Fructus Thladianthae Dubiae 赤袍子

          283、Manshurian Dutchmanspipe Stem Caulis Aristolochiae Manshuriensis 關(guān)木通

          284、Manyflower Gueldenstaedtid Herb Herba Gueldenstaedtiae Multiflorae 甜地丁

          285、ManyflowerSolomonsealRhizome / Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome / King Solomonseal Rhizome Rhizoma Polygonati 黃精

          286、Manyprickle Acanto-Panax Root Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi 刺五加

          287、Mary Rhododendron Leaf and Twig Folium et Cacumen Rhododendri Mariae 紫花杜鵑

          288、Matteuccia Fern Rhizome Rhizoma Matteucciae 莢果蕨貫眾

          289、Meadowrue Root and Rhizome Radix et Rhizoma Thalictri 馬尾連

          290、Medicated Leaven Massa Medicata Fermentata 六神曲

          291、Medicinal Changium Root Radix Changii 明黨參

          292、Medicinal Cyathula Root Radix Cyathulae 川牛膝

          293、Medicine Terminalia Fruit Fructus Chebulae 訶子

          294、Mexican Tea Herb Herba Chenopodii 土荊芥

          295、Mile Swertia Herb Herba Swertiae Mileensis 青葉膽

          296、Moellendorfs Spidemoss Herb Herba Selaginellae Moellendorfii 地柏枝

          297、Mole Cricket Gryllotalpa 螻蛄

          298、Mongolian Snakegourd Root Radix Trichosanthis 天花粉

          299、Mongollian Thyme Herb Herba Thymi 地椒

          300、Motherwort Fruit Fructus Leonuri 茺蔚子












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