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      2. 醫學英語詞匯歸類

        時間:2024-06-28 18:39:32 職業英語 我要投稿





          out-patient department 門診部

          In-patient department 住院部

          Nursing department 護理部

          Admission office 住院處

          Discharge office 出院處

          Registration office 掛號處

          Reception room, waiting room 侯診室

          Consultation room 診察室

          Isolation room 隔離室

          Delivery room 分娩室

          Emergency room 急診室

          Ward 病房室

          Department of internal medicine 內科

          Department of surgery 外科

          Department of pediatrics 兒科

          Department of obstetrics and gynecology 婦科

          Department of neurology 神經科

          Department of ophtalmology 眼科

          E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科

          Department of stomatology 口腔科

          Department of urology 泌尿科

          Department of orthopedic 骨科

          Department of traumatology 創傷科

          Department of endocrinology 內分泌科

          Department of anesthesiology 麻醉科

          Department of dermatology 皮膚科

          Department of infectious diseases 傳染病科

          Department of pathology 病理科

          Department of psychiatry 精神科

          Department of orthopacdic surgery 矯形外科

          Department of cardiac surgery 心臟外科

          Department of cerebral surgery 腦外科

          Department of thoracic surgery 胸外科

          Pharmacy dispensary 藥房

          Nutrition department 營養部

          Diet-preparation department 配膳室

          Therapeutic department 治療室

          Operating room/Theater 手術室

          Blood-bank 血站 Supply-room 供應室

          Disinfection-room 消毒室

          Dressing room 換藥室

          Mortuary 太平間

          Record room 病案室

          Department of plastic surgery 矯形外科

          Department of physiotherapy 理療科

          electrotherapy room 電療科

          heliotherapy room 光療科

          wax-therapy room 蠟療科

          hydrotherapy room 水療科

          central laboratory 中心實驗室

          clinical laboratory 臨床實驗室

          bacteriological laboratory 細菌實驗室

          biochemical laboratory 生化實驗室

          serological laboratory 血清實驗室

          X-ray room X光室

          doctor's office 醫生辦公室

          nurse's office 護士辦公室


          director of the hospital 院長

          physician 內科醫師

          chief physician 主任醫師

          associate chief physician 副主任醫師

          attending doctor 主治醫師

          resident doctor 住院醫師

          intern doctor 實習醫師

          general practitioner 全科醫師

          specialist ?漆t師

          head of the nursing department 護理部主任

          Head nurse 護士長

          Student nurse 實習護士

          E.N.T.doctor 耳鼻喉科醫師

          Ophthalmologist 眼科醫師

          Dentist 牙科醫師

          Orthopedist 骨科醫師

          Dermatologist 皮膚科醫師

          urologist surgeon 泌尿外科醫師

          neurosurgeon 神經外科醫師

          plastic surgeon 矯形外科醫師

          anaesthetist 麻醉科醫師

          Doctor for tuberculosis 結核科醫師

          Physiotherapist 理療科

          Doctor for infectious diseases 傳染病科

          Dietician 營養科醫師

          Pediatrician 兒科醫師

          Obstetrician 產科醫師

          Midwife 助產師

          Gynecologist 婦科醫師

          Radiologist 放射科醫師

          Epidemiologist 流行病醫師

          Pharmacist 藥劑醫師

          Assistant pharmacist 藥劑醫士

          Laboratory technician 化驗員

          Assistant nurse 衛生員

          Cleaner 清潔員

          Controller 總務科長

          Registrar 掛號員

          Sanitation worker 消毒員


          inspection 望診

          inquiry 問診

          auscultation 聽診

          percussion 扣診

          palpation 觸診

          biopsy 活組織檢查

          pathological section 病理切片

          endoscopy 內窺鏡檢查

          ECG(electrocardiogram) examination 心電圖檢查

          EEG(electrocardiogram) examination 腦電圖檢查

          Intravenous pyelography 靜脈腎盂造影術

          Skin-test 皮膚試驗

          examination by centesis 穿刺檢查

          routine analysis of blood 血常規分析

          urine analysis of blood 尿常規分析

          red blood cell count(RBC) 紅細胞計數

          white blood cell count(WBC) 白細胞計數

          general check-up 全身檢查

          routine examination 常規檢查

          follow-up examination 隨訪檢查

          consultation 會診

          emergency 急診

          diagnosis 診斷

          prognosis 預后

          convalescence, recovery 康復

          relapse 復發

          treatment 治療

          prescribe 開藥方

          fill a prescription 配藥

          injecting 打針

          hypodermic injection 皮下注射

          intramuscular injection 肌肉注射

          intravenous injection 靜脈注射

          inoculating 預防注射

          fluid infusion 點滴注射

          blood transfusion 輸血

          dose 劑量

          tablet 藥片

          capsule 膠囊

          liquid medicine 藥水

          powder 藥粉

          ointment 藥膏(軟膏)

          plaster 硬膏,石膏

          lotion 洗劑

          suppository 栓劑

          analgesics 止痛藥

          antipyetics 退燒藥

          antitussive 止咳藥

          expectorant 祛痰藥

          diuretics 利尿藥

          hemostatic 止血藥

          antidiarrheal 止泄藥

          antipruritic 止癢藥

          antidote 解毒藥

          antirheumatic 抗風濕藥

          anticarcinogen 抗癌藥

          antibiotics 抗菌素

          anticoagulant 抗凝劑

          cardiac tonic 強心藥

          vasodilator 血管舒張藥

          vasoconstrictor 血管收縮藥

          antiepileptic 抗癲癇藥

          antispasmodic 解痙藥

          sedative 鎮靜藥

          anesthetics 麻醉藥

          penicillin 盤尼西林

          streptomycin 鏈霉素

          gentamycin 慶大霉素

          aspirin 阿斯匹林

          morphine 嗎啡

          dolantin 杜冷丁

          iodine 碘酒

          distilled water 蒸餾水

          normal saline solution 生理食鹽水

          atropine 阿托品

          hormone 激素

          glucose 葡萄糖

          side effect, adverse effect 副作用

          operative treatment 手術療法

          major operation 大手術

          minor operation 小手術

          anesthesia 麻醉

          general anesthesia 全身麻醉

          local anesthesia 局部麻醉

          excision, removal, resection 切除術

          tonsillectomy 扁桃體切除術

          thyroidectomy 甲狀腺切除術

          pneumonectomy 肺切除術

          mastectomy 乳房切除術

          gastrectomy 胃切除術

          cholecystectomy 膽囊切除術

          hepalobectomy 肝葉切除術

          splenectomy 脾切除術

          nephrectomy 腎切除術

          salpingectomy 輸卵管切除術

          hysterectomy 子宮切除術

          hysteromyomectomy 子宮肌瘤切除術

          proctectomy 直腸切除術

          appendectomy 闌尾切除術

          prostatectomy 前列腺切除術

          tracheotomy 氣管切開術

          incision of abscess 膿腫切開術

          craniotomy 顱骨切開

          thoracotomy 胸廓切開

          laparotomy 剖腹術

          amputation 截肢

          fixation 固定

          hot compress 熱敷

          cold compress 冷敷

          gastric lavage 洗胃

          enema 灌腸

          urethral catheterication 導尿

          hemostasis 止血

          dressing 包扎

          sew up the incision 縫合切口

          remove the stitches 拆線

          cardiac massage 心臟按摩

          artificial respiration 人工呼吸

          diet 飲食

          special diet 特定飲食

          low protein diet 低蛋白飲食

          low fat diet 低脂肪飲食

          low calorie diet 低熱量飲食

          liquid diet 流質飲食

          semi-liquid diet 半流質飲食

          solid diet 固體飲食

          light diet 易消化的飲食

          vegetable diet 素食


          Internal Medicine 內科

          Acidosis 酸中毒

          Adams-Stokes syndrome 亞-斯氏綜合癥

          alcoholism, alcoholic intoxication 酒精中毒

          alkalosis 堿中毒

          anaphylaxis 過敏癥

          anemia 貧血

          iron deficiency anemia 缺鐵性貧血

          megaloblastic anemia 巨幼紅細胞性貧血

          aplastic anemia 再生障礙性貧血

          angiitis 脈管炎

          angina pectoris 心絞痛

          arteriosclerosis 動脈硬化

          apoplexy 中風

          auricular fibrillation 心房纖顫

          auriculo-ventricular block 房室傳導阻滯

          bronchial asthma 支氣管哮喘

          bronchitis 支氣管炎

          bronchiectasis 支氣管擴張

          bronchopneumonia 支氣管肺炎

          carcinoma 癌

          cardiac arrhythmia 心律紊亂

          cardiac failure 心力衰竭

          cardiomyopathy 心肌病

          cirrhosis 肝硬化

          coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease 冠狀動脈硬化性心臟病

          Crohn disease 克羅恩病

          Cushing's syndrome 庫欣綜合癥

          diabetes 糖尿病

          diffuse intravascular coagulation 彌散性血管凝血

          dysentery 痢疾

          enteritis 腸炎

          gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍

          gastritis 胃炎

          gout 痛風

          hepatitis 肝炎

          Hodgkin's disease 霍奇金病

          hyperlipemia 高脂血癥,血脂過多

          hyperparathyroidism 甲狀旁腺功能亢進

          hypersplenism 脾功能亢進

          hypertension 高血壓

          hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺功能亢進

          hypoglycemia 低血糖

          hypothyroidism 甲狀腺功能減退

          infective endocarditis 感染性心內膜炎

          influenza 流感

          leukemia 白血病

          lobar pneumonia 大葉性肺炎

          lymphadenitis 淋巴結炎

          lymphoma 淋巴瘤

          malaria 瘧疾

          malnutrition 營養不良

          measles 麻疹

          myeloma 骨髓瘤

          myocardial infarction 心肌梗死

          myocarditis 心肌炎

          nephritis 腎炎

          nephritic syndrome 腎綜合癥

          obstructive pulmonary emphysema 阻塞性肺氣腫

          pancreatitis 胰腺炎

          peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍

          peritonitis 腹膜炎

          pleuritis 胸膜炎

          pneumonia 肺炎

          pneumothorax 氣胸

          purpura 紫癜

          allergic purpura 過敏性紫癜

          thrombocytolytic purpura 血小板減少性紫癜

          pyelonephritis 腎盂腎炎

          renal failure 腎功能衰竭

          rheumatic fever 風濕病

          rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕性關節炎

          scarlet fever 猩紅熱

          septicemia 敗血癥

          syphilis 梅毒

          tachycardia 心動過速

          tumour 腫瘤

          typhoid 傷寒

          ulcerative colitis 潰瘍性結腸炎

          upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage 上消化道血

          Neurology 神經科

          brain abscess 腦膿腫

          cerebral embolism 腦栓塞

          cerebral infarction 腦梗死

          cerebral thrombosis 腦血栓

          cerebral hemorrhage 腦出血

          concussion of brain 腦震蕩

          craniocerebral injury 顱腦損傷

          epilepsy 癲癇

          intracranial tumour 顱內腫瘤

          intracranial hematoma 顱內血腫

          meningitis 腦膜炎

          migraine 偏頭痛

          neurasthenia 神經衰弱

          neurosis 神經官能癥

          paranoid psychosis 偏執性精神病

          Parkinson's disease 帕金森綜合癥

          psychosis 精神病

          schizophrenia 精神分裂癥

          Surgery 外科

          abdominal external hernia 腹外疝

          acute diffuse peritonitis 急性彌漫性腹膜炎

          acute mastitis 急性乳腺炎

          acute pancreatitis 急性胰腺炎

          acute perforation of gastro-duodenal ulcer急性胃十二指腸潰瘍穿孔

          acute pyelonephritis 急性腎盂腎炎

          anal fissure 肛裂

          anal fistula 肛瘺

          anesthesia 麻醉

          angioma 血管瘤

          appendicitis 闌尾炎

          bleeding of gastro-duodenal ulcer 胃十二指腸潰瘍出血

          bone tumour 骨腫瘤

          breast adenoma 乳房腺瘤

          burn 燒傷

          cancer of breast 乳腺癌

          carbuncle 癰

          carcinoma of colon 結腸炎

          carcinoma of esophagus 食管癌

          carcinoma of gallbladder 膽囊癌

          carcinoma of rectum 直腸癌

          carcinoma of stomach 胃癌

          cholecystitis 膽囊炎

          cervical spondylosis 頸椎病

          choledochitis 膽管炎

          cholelithiasis 膽石癥

          chondroma 軟骨瘤

          dislocation of joint 關節脫位

          erysipelas 丹毒

          fracture 骨折

          furuncle 癤

          hemorrhoid 痔

          hemothorax 血胸

          hypertrophy of prostate 前列腺肥大

          intestinal obstruction 腸梗阻

          intestinal tuberculosis 腸結核

          lipoma 脂肪瘤

          lithangiuria 尿路結石

          liver abscess 肝膿腫

          melanoma 黑色素瘤

          osseous tuberculosis 骨結核

          osteoclastoma 骨巨細胞瘤

          osteoporosis 骨質疏松癥

          osteosarcoma 骨質疏松癥

          osteosarcoma 骨肉瘤

          Paget's disease 佩吉特病

          perianorecrtal abscess 肛管直腸周圍膿腫

          phlegmon 蜂窩織炎

          portal hypertension 門靜脈高壓

          prostatitis 前列腺炎

          protrusion of intervertebral disc 椎間盤突出

          purulent arthritis 化膿性關節炎

          pyogenic ostcomyclitis 化膿性骨髓炎

          pyothorax 膿胸

          rectal polyp 直腸息肉

          rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕性關節炎

          rupture of spleen 脾破裂

          scapulohumeral periarthritis 肩周炎

          tenosynovitis 腱鞘炎

          tetanus 破傷風

          thromboangiitis 血栓性脈管炎

          thyroid adenocarcinoma 甲狀腺腺癌

          thyroid adenoma 甲狀腺腺瘤

          trauma 創傷

          urinary infection 泌尿系感染

          varicose vein of lower limb 下肢靜脈曲張

          Paediatrics 兒科

          acute military tuberculosis of the lung 急性粟粒性肺結核

          acute necrotic enteritis 急性壞死性結腸炎

          anaphylactic purpura 過敏性紫癜

          ancylostomiasis 鉤蟲病

          ascariasis 蛔蟲病

          asphyxia of the newborn 新生兒窒息

          atrial septal defect 房間隔缺損

          birth injury 產傷

          cephalhematoma 頭顱血腫

          cerebral palsy 腦性癱瘓

          congenital torticollis 先天性斜頸

          convulsion 驚厥

          Down's syndrome 唐氏綜合癥

          glomerulonephritis 腎小球腎炎

          hemophilia 血友病

          infantile diarrhea 嬰兒腹瀉

          intracranial hemorrhage of the newborn 新生兒顱內出血

          intussusception 腸套疊

          necrotic enterocolitis of newborn 新生兒壞死性小腸結膜炎

          neonatal jaundice 新生兒黃疸

          nutritional iron deficiency anemia 營養性缺鐵性貧血

          nutritional megaloblastic anemia 營養性巨幼細胞性貧血

          patent ductus arteriosis 動脈導管未閉

          poliomyelitis 骨髓灰質炎

          premature infant 早產兒

          primary tuberculosis 原發性肺結核

          progressive muscular dystrophy 進行性肌肉營養不良

          pulmonary stenosis 肺動脈狹窄

          purulent meningitis 化膿性腦膜炎

          rickets 佝僂病

          sepsis of the newborn 新生兒敗血癥

          tetanus of the newborn 新生兒破傷風

          tetralogy of Fallot 法洛四聯癥

          thrush 鵝口瘡,真菌性口炎

          varicella 水痘

          ventricular septal defect 室間隔缺損

          viral encephalitis 病毒性腦炎

          viral myocarditis 病毒性心肌炎

          Gynecology and Obstetrics 婦,產科

          abortion 流產

          adenomyosis 子宮內膜異位癥

          amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞

          Bartholin's cyst 巴氏腺囊腫

          carcinoma of cervix 子宮頸癌

          carcinoma of endometrium 子宮內膜癌

          carcinoma of ovary 卵巢癌

          cervicitis 宮頸炎

          chorio-epithelioma 絨毛膜上皮癌

          corpora luteum cyst 黃體囊腫

          dystocia 難產

          eclampsia 子癇

          edema-proteinuria-hypertension syndrome


          endometriosis 子宮內膜異位癥

          extrauterine pregnancy 子宮外孕

          hydatidiform mole 葡萄胎

          hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠劇吐

          infertility 不育癥

          irregular menstruation 月經失調

          lochia 惡露

          monilial vaginitis 念珠菌性陰道炎

          multiple pregnancy 多胎妊娠

          myoma of uterus 子宮腫瘤

          oligohydramnios 羊水過少

          ovarian tumour 卵巢腫瘤

          pelvic inflammatory disease 盆腔炎

          placenta previa 前置胎盤

          placental abruption 胎盤早期剝離

          pregnancy-hypertension syndrome 妊娠高血壓綜合癥

          premature birth 早產

          premature rupture of membrane 胎膜早破

          postpartum hemorrhage 產后出血

          puerperal infection 產褥感染

          rupture of uterus 子宮破裂

          trichomonas vaginitis 滴蟲性陰道炎

          uteroplacental apoplexy 子宮胎盤卒中

          vulvitis 外陰炎

          Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology 五官科

          amblyopia 弱視

          amygdalitis, tonsillitis 扁桃體炎

          astigmatism 散光

          carcinoma of nasopharynx鼻咽癌

          carcinoma of larynx 喉癌

          cataract 白內障

          tinnitus 耳鳴

          chalazion 霰粒腫,臉板腺囊腫

          colour blindness 色盲

          deflection of nasal septum 鼻中隔偏曲

          deafness 聾

          furuncle of nasalvestibule 鼻前庭癤

          glaucoma 青光眼

          heterotropia 斜視

          hyperopia 遠視

          injury of cornea 角膜損傷

          ceruminal impaction 耵聹嵌塞

          iritis 虹膜炎

          keratitis 角膜炎

          labyrinthitis 迷路炎, 內耳炎

          laryngitis 喉炎

          mastoiditis 乳突炎

          myopia 近視

          nasal sinusitis 鼻竇炎

          otitis media 中耳炎

          obstruction of larynx 喉梗阻

          peritonsillar abscess 扁桃體中膿腫

          pharyngitis 咽炎

          rhinitis 鼻炎

          Dermatoloty 皮科

          acne 痤瘡

          carcinoma of skin 皮膚癌

          bed sore 褥瘡

          decubitus ulcer 褥瘡性潰瘍

          drug eruption 藥皮疹

          eczema 濕疹

          herpes simplex 單純皰疹

          herpes zoster 帶狀皰疹

          lupus erythematosis 紅斑狼瘡

          psoriasis 牛皮癬

          urticaria 蕁麻疹

          wart 疣


          General Sugery 普外

          appendectomy (appendicectomy) 闌尾切除術

          cholecystectmy 膽囊切除術

          cholecystostomy 膽囊造口術

          drainage of the abscess 膿腫引流

          enterostomy 腸造口術

          exploratory laparotomy 開腹探查術

          gastrectomy 胃切除術

          gastroduodenostomy 胃十二指腸吻合術

          hemorrhoidectomy 痔切除術

          hepaticotomy 肝管切開術

          hepatectomy 肝切除術

          herniorrhaphy 疝修補術

          ligation of lower oesophageal veins 低位食管靜脈結扎

          pancreatectomy 胰切除術

          portal vena cava anastomosis 門腔靜脈吻合術

          pyloroplasty 幽門成形術

          mastectomy 乳房切除術

          splenectomy 脾切除術

          thyroidectomy 甲狀腺切除術

          thyroid lobectomy 甲狀腺葉切除術

          vagotomy 迷走神經切斷術

          Orthopedics 骨科

          amputation 截肢

          arthrodesis 關節固定術

          curettage if bone tumor 骨瘤刮除術

          excision of bone tumor 骨瘤切除術

          external fixation 外固定

          fasciotomy 筋膜切開術

          free skin graft 自由皮瓣移植

          internal fixation 內固定

          plaster cast 石膏管形

          plaster splintage 石膏夾板固定

          prosthetic replacement for joint 人工關節置換術

          reduction of fracture 骨折復位

          reduction of joint dislocation 關節脫位復位

          repair if ligament 韌帶修補

          replantation if digit斷指再植

          skeletal traction 骨牽引

          tenorrhaphy 腱縫合術

          Thoracic Surgery 胸外科

          aortocoronary bypass 主動脈冠狀動脈分流

          closed drainage of pleural cavity 胸腔閉式引流

          complete intracardiac repair of Fallot's Tetralogy 法洛完全修復術

          dilation of aortic valular stenosis 主動脈瓣狹窄擴張術

          exploratory thoracotomy 開胸探查

          heart transplantation 心臟移植

          heart valve replacement 心臟瓣膜置換術

          ligation of patent ductus arteriosis 動脈導管未閉結扎術

          lobectomy of lungs 肺葉切除

          local excision of tumor of lungs 肺腫瘤局部切除術

          parial esophagectomy and reconstruction of esophagus


          repair of auricular septal defect 房間隔缺損修補術

          repair if ventricular septal defect 室間隔缺損修補術

          repair if valvular insufficiency 瓣膜閉鎖不全的修補

          pericardiectomy 心包切除術

          peicardiotomy 心包切開術

          pulmonary embolectomy 肺動脈栓子切除術

          resection of arterial aneurysm動脈瘤切除術

          Urology 泌尿科

          cystoplasty 膀胱成形術

          cystostomy 膀胱造口術

          nephrectomy 腎切除術





          renal biopsy腎活檢

          renal transplantation腎移植


          urethroplasty 尿道成形術

          vasoligation 輸精管結扎術

          Neurosurgery 神經外科

          decompression 減壓術

          excision of brain tumor 腦瘤切除術

          exploratory craniotomy開顱探查術

          lobectomy (腦)葉切除術

          removed of intracranial hematoma 顱內血腫清除術

          repair of dura defect 硬腦膜缺損修補術

          Dentistry 牙科

          dental prosthetics 鑲牙

          filling 牙填充

          orthodontic treatment 牙矯正術

          periodontal treatment 牙周治療

          tooth extraction 拔牙

          Gynecology & Obstetrics 婦產科

          amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺術

          cervicectomy 子宮頸切除術

          cesarean section 剖宮產術剖腹產

          culdocentesis 后穹隆穿刺術

          dilatation of the cervix 宮頸擴張術

          excision of Bartholin cyst 巴氏腺囊腫切除術

          hysterectomy 子宮切除術

          induction of labor 引產術

          ovarian cystectomy 助產術

          oophorectomy 卵巢切除術

          salpingectomy 輸卵管切除術

          sterilization 絕育術

          uterine curetlage 刮宮術

          vulvectomy 外陰切除術

          Ophthalmology & Otorhinolaryngology 五官科

          aspiration of cataract 白內障吸出術

          closed reduction of nasal bone 鼻骨閉合復位

          corneal grafting 角膜移植

          enucleation of eyeball 眼球摘除術

          excision of turbinates 鼻甲切除術

          extraction of intra-ocular foreign body 眼內異物摘除

          laryngectomy and laryngostomy 喉切除術和喉造口術

          lens extraction 晶體摘除

          mastoidectomy 乳突切開術

          myringotomy 鼓膜切開術

          myringoplasty 鼓膜成形術

          nasal polypectomy 鼻息肉切除術

          septoplasty (鼻)中隔成形術

          sinusotomy 鼻竇切開術

          submuscous resection of nasal septum 鼻中隔粘膜下切除術

          tonsillectomy 扁桃體切除術











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