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      1. 英語環(huán)球廣播稿供參考

        時間:2020-12-11 09:55:19 廣播稿 我要投稿






          A: Dear teachers and students, good afternoon.

          B: 敬愛的老師,親愛的同學們,大家下午好。

          A: Welcome to English Bar again.

          B: 歡迎再次來到“英語吧”。

          A: Hello,boys and girls,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自于…年…班的…

          B:Hi,every one,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自于…年…班的… A:Good afternoon,B

          B:Good afternoon,A

          A:How are you?

          B:Fine, thanks. How are you?

          A: I’m fine. Thank you.

          B: 同學們,我們已經(jīng)學過了許多有關動作的單詞,不知道大家是否還印象深刻呢,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起復習一下吧!

          Walk 走 swim 游泳 jump 跳 dance 跳舞 sing 唱歌 catch 抓,接住 run 跑 skip 跳繩 skate 滑冰 skiing 滑雪 (一人讀英文單詞,一人讀出中文譯意)

          A: 復習了那么多動作的單詞,我都想起來跑跑跳跳了呢。

          B: 說到運動sports ,你都知道哪些體育項目的表達呢?今天的English Bar 欄目,你就給同學們紹一些體育項目的表達吧?

          A: A piece of cake. 小意思. Let me tell you. 讓我來告訴大家

          Race, race 賽跑; diving,diving 跳水;volleyball, volleyball 排球;basketball, basketball 籃球;soccer, soccer 足球;table tennis, table tennis 乒乓球;long jump, long jump 跳遠;cycling, cycling 自行車;boxing, boxing 拳擊;shooting, shooting 射擊;weightlifting, weightlifting 舉重。

          B: You are so great! 你真棒!大家都聽到了嗎?請同學們再跟我說一遍。Read after me, please. Race, race 賽跑; diving,diving 跳水;volleyball, volleyball 排球;basketball, basketball 籃球;soccer, soccer 足球;table tennis, table tennis 乒乓球;long jump, long jump 跳遠;cycling, cycling 自行車;boxing, boxing 拳擊;shooting, shooting 射擊;weightlifting, weightlifting 舉重。

          A: B, 這么多體育項目,你最喜歡哪一個呢? What’s your favorite sport?

          B: en… My favorite sport is table tennis. 我最喜歡的體育運動是乒乓球。你呢?How about you ?

          A: My favorite sport is long jump. 我最喜歡的體育運動是跳遠。To be honest, I am good at long jump. 說實話,我很擅長跳遠呢。

          B: Really? I like long jump, too. 真的嗎?我也喜歡跳遠。有時間我們來比一比吧!

          A: Ok. 好!同學們,你們最喜歡的運動是什么呢?What’s your favorite sport? Think about it.


          B: How time flies! 時間過得真快。

          A: It’s time to say good-bye. 今天的English Bar 又要和大家說再見了!

          B: Thank you for listening! 謝謝收聽! A: See you next time! 下期見!

          本期節(jié)目主持人: 特邀播音員:


          A: Dear teachers and students, good afternoon.

          B: 敬愛的老師,親愛的同學們,大家下午好。

          A: Welcome to English Bar again.

          B: 歡迎再次來到“英語吧”。

          A: Hello,boys and girls,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自于…年…班的…

          B:Hi,every one,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自于…年…班的… A:Good afternoon,B

          B:Good afternoon,A

          A:How are you?

          B:Fine, thanks. How are you?

          A: I’m fine. Thank you. 下面,讓我們進入今天的第一個板塊“Say you, say me” 說你說我。B: Hi, ------ , what do you want to do this weekend?

          A: We want to have a barbecue. Will you go with us?

          B: Sure!

          Barbecue 如今是個時髦的詞,約上朋友去戶外燒烤野餐,既嘗到了美味,又是個放松,聊天的好機會。那么這個聽起來,吃起來都不錯的barbecue背后有個怎樣的故事呢?barbecue 來源于海地語,最初是指由樹樁制成的木制平臺,是人們當床用的。而barbecue 最早出現(xiàn)在英語之中有“床”和“燒烤架”兩種意思,到了18世紀才發(fā)展成今天的“烤肉”之意。大家是不是越聽越有食欲了呢?好了,選擇一個風和日麗的周末和你的mom and dad 一起去barbecue 吧!不要忘了叫上我喲!


          現(xiàn)在大家即將聽到的是“Big big world ”, 大世界。這一期我要教大家一個俚語,讓我們一起聽聽下面這個小對話吧!

          A: Tom, you look very angry.

          B: Yes, they think I am a black sheep, but I am a good boy!

          Sheep 綿羊是性情溫順的動物,通常用來比喻善良,純潔的人。一群綿羊中有時會夾雜一只長黑毛的綿羊,因為黑綿羊不如白綿羊值錢,所以black sheep 就比喻為無用之輩,大家明白了嗎?black sheep 指人時是“無用之輩”的意思哦,大家一定要記住,千萬不要鬧出笑話了。


          接下來是今天的最后一個板塊了,和大家一起享受英語真是一件美妙的事情,尤其是聽聽這首charming music, 今天要推薦給大家的魅力音樂是“ Do Re Mi” 這首歌,希望大家喜歡,會唱的同學一起唱吧!

          ( Do Re Mi)

          同學們,又到了我們有獎競猜的時間了,今天我要分別給低年級和高年級的同學提個問題。首先,請一到三年級的同學們聽好了,你們的問題是“You are a black sheep” 是什么意思呢?

          A. 你是只黑色的綿羊 B. 你真沒用。 然后是四到五年級的同學們了,你們的題目是“請寫出 black sheep 這句俚語的英文”, 請將答案交到你們的英語老師那吧。


          B: How time flies! 時間過得真快!

          A: It’s time to say good-bye. 今天的English Bar 又要和大家說再見了!

          B: Thank you for listening! 謝謝收聽!

          A: See you next time! 下期見!

          本期節(jié)目主持人: 特邀播音員:


          A: Dear teachers and students, good afternoon.

          B: 敬愛的老師,親愛的同學們,大家下午好。

          A: Welcome to English Bar again.

          B: 歡迎再次來到“英語吧”。

          A: Hello,boys and girls,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自于…年…班的…

          B:Hi,every one,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自于…年…班的…

          A:Good afternoon,B

          B:Good afternoon,A

          A:How are you?

          B:Just so so . Thanks.

          A: You look so sad, what happened?(你看起來很傷心嗎?怎么了?發(fā)生什么了?)

          B: I’ll never talk with Jack, he is a stupid guy.(我再也不會和杰克玩了,他是一個愚蠢的家伙。) A: Why?(為什么這么說?)

          B: Just now he called me “a lucky dog”, I am not a dog, he is really a dog, a stupid dog.(剛才他說我是一條幸運的狗,我才不是狗,他才是狗,一條愚蠢的狗。)

          A: Oh, my god, you misunderstand him.(噢,你誤會了他。)

          B: Oh, really? (真的嗎?)

          A: 還是讓我來告訴你為什么吧?

          英美人非?粗毓罚J為dog是“忠誠、可靠”的象征。經(jīng)常能聽到他們贊美dog是man’s best friend.他們還常用它來比喻人,如a clever dog(聰明的孩子),a lucky dog(幸運兒)等。甚至,我們大家都非常熟悉的洋快餐—hot dog,也離不開狗。還有不少帶dog的諺語還體現(xiàn)了對狗的愛護。如love me, love my dog, dog does not eat dog.


          B: Oh, I see. Many thanks

          A: Never mind.英語中還有許多俚語呢!比如Face the music乍一聽,F(xiàn)ace是臉,Music是音樂的意思。面對音樂,似乎是一件美妙的事情。如果你這么理解就大錯特錯了,在英語中Face the music和享受音樂的那種美妙感覺相差十萬八千里,它表達是恰恰是和享受音樂相反的一種感覺—不得不接受承,承擔后果。在舞臺上,演員經(jīng)常會由于緊張或怯場而造成忘詞等尷尬的局面。只要音樂一響,演員就沒有任何選擇的余地,只能去Face the music(必須承受出現(xiàn)的局面)。所以對于演員來說,音樂響起時,只能“硬著頭皮”上了!所以也就是“不得不承受,不得不面對!

          B: Your words remind me of another one English idiom. 你的話讓我想起另外一個英語俚語) However, I want to tell you a story firstly. One day, my good friend Peter came over to my home, and we played very happily. Suddenly, I broke my mother’s vase. Then Peter told me: “××, you’ll in hot water! (有一天我的好朋友Peter來我家玩,我們玩得非常開心,突然,我把我**的.花瓶打碎了,然后Peter就對我說:××, you’ll in hot water!”)“In hot water就是你闖禍了,你將會有麻煩了!如果你的好朋友或者同學犯了一個錯誤你可以對他說:“Oh, you’ll in hot water!”

          A: Yes, I got it.(嗯,我明白了)。Today, we have learned two useful phrases. One is face the music, the other is in the hot water. Can you keep them in mind? (同學們,今天我們學了兩個有用的詞組,一個是 Face the music, 另外一個是in hot water,你們能記住嗎?)

          B: How time flies! 時間過得真快啊!

          A: It’s time to say good-bye. 今天的English Bar 又要和大家說再見了! B: Thank you for listening! 謝謝收聽! A: See you next time! 下期見!

          本期節(jié)目主持人: 特邀播音員:



          A:Good afternoon,everyone!I’m your friend ________,I’m from Class 4,Grade 8.

          B:Hi!Dear teachers and students,my name is ________,I’m from Class 4,Grade 8,too.

          A,B:Welcome to the English broadcast,

          A:I’m very happy to be here to spend this noon with you .

          B:It’s time again for our English Broadcasting Program .Today’s topic is “How to keep healthy.”


          As we all know,health is very important,But how to keep healthy?Firstly,we should have a good diet.we should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables,but less junk food.Drink more water instead of cola or other unhealthy drinks.Secondly,it’s good for us to take more exercise.such as running,walking and ball games.At last,we should learn to relax ourselves.We can listen to some light music,chat with families or friends and have a good sleep.To keep healthy is not difficult if you care about it a lot.

          A:OK,Let’s start part2.


          1. 詢問誰,英語Who ,what 問的是事物,

          How old 問年齡,what 還可問name.

          Where 問的是地點,what color 記清楚。

          How 怎樣,how 如何詢問身體用的著。

          2. 對劃線部分提問


          3. 單復數(shù):this,that 是單數(shù),these,those是復數(shù),this,these指近處,that,those指遠處。

          4. Be動詞的用法

          我用am,你用are, is 連著他,她,它。單數(shù)人稱用is,復數(shù)人稱都用are.不可數(shù)用is.

          變疑問,be 前移,句末問號別忘記,變否定,更容易,be 后not 跟上去。

          無be動詞,再找情態(tài)詞can,may ,must 要牢記。

          否則添加助動詞do 或does 來幫你。

          5. A,an 的用法:

          不定冠詞a 和an ,元,輔音前要分辨

          輔音因素前用的a ,元音因素前都用an.

          冠詞a,an 再頂帽,單數(shù)名詞常需要。

          輔音單數(shù)a提前,元音單數(shù)an 優(yōu)先。

          6. 定冠詞the的用法




          A:下面我們進入下一版塊:English songs of the week.

          I hope you’ll enjoy this wonderful song..

          Time flies! So much for today.Thanks for listening !See you next time.






          A:Good morning, boys and girls! Welcome to our English world! B: 親愛的老師,同學們,大家好!我們的英語廣播開始了!

          A:歡迎收聽!I’m …

          B: I’m…










          A:你說的對,要把知識掌握牢固就需要我們每個人緊密的配合老師,課堂認真聽講,專心做題,并對知識進行靈活多變的思考.做到反應敏捷,頭腦清醒,爭取靠出理想的成績,呈現(xiàn)給老師和我們的爸爸媽媽。 B:對,成績好了,也就是送給爸爸媽媽最好的禮物,同時也可以過一個愉快的假期,我們大家一起努力,從現(xiàn)在開始努力復習,不貪玩,相信好成績等著你去考!

          A/B:下面我們一起進入下一個板塊Nice music。(播放歌曲)

          A:OK,今天的英語廣播就到這里了,謝謝大家的收聽!Goodbye! 2015.1.14



          時 間


          A:Good morning, everyone. 親愛同學們,早上好。

          男:We are so glad to see you again.很高興,我們的校園英語廣播又和大家見面了。

          女:I’m .... I'm from Class Grade

          男: I’m ... I'm from Class Grade


          男:就是Living english, 生活英語。


          男: 是三月八號國際婦女節(jié)呀! Women’s day.

          女:Yes, I’d like to do something for my mother.我想為媽媽做點事。 男:Good idea.好主意!What can you do? 你會做什么呢?

          女:I can cook a special meal for her.我可以為她做道特別的菜呢! 男:Wonderful!太棒了。I can clean the room and set the table. 我會清理房間, 整理桌子。

          女:Your mother will be very glad. 你媽媽一定會很高興的。

          男:Boys and girls, what can you do on women’s day?同學們,你們會在婦女節(jié)為 媽媽做什么呢?

          女:Can you sweep the floor? 你會掃地嗎?

          男:Can you wash the clothes? 你會洗衣服嗎?

          女:Can you water the flower? 你會澆花嗎?

          男:Can you do the dishes? 你會洗碗嗎?

          女:Yes, it’s so easy for you.這些對你來說一定非常簡單。

          男:除了幫媽媽做家務我們可以做張漂亮的卡片,送給媽媽。Make a beautiful card for mum.


          合:Thank you, my dear mum. 很高興和大家一起度過這短 暫而快樂的時光。又到了和大家說再見的時候了。

          男:I ‘m ? see you tomorrow.

          女:I ‘m ? byebye 下周同一時間再見


          Broadcast material

          Together: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Here is today’s English broadcasting programme.

          Student 1:Today is Friday, March the tenth. First of all, let’s enjoy a song by the westlife. It sound very beautil. Now let’s enjoy it.

          ( music)

          Sutdent 2: Wow, so nice. Do you like it? Today we want to give some self introduction to you. Now let’s welcome Liang Hongjie from Class One, Grade 4.

          Hello, my name is Zhou Hongyi. I’m 10 years old. I study in Huiyang Experimental Primary School.I live with my mom and dad in Huizhou. Have you ever been to Huizhou? It is a big and beautiful city in the south of Guangdong. The people there are very kind and friendly.

          Huizhou is famous for the West Lake. Huizhou West Lake is very big. It is about 3.2 square kilometers.The sky here is blue. The water is clean.The trees are green all the year and the air is fresh. When summer comes, you can see the lake covered with lotuses. It’s so beautiful.

          Huizhou is a good place for people to live in. Every year many people from other cities come to settle down there.We are happy to welcome them.

          This is my hometown- Huizhou.I love my hometown. That’s all. Thank you.

          My name is Cheng Xinyang. My English name is Tina, I am a student of Grade Four in Huiyang Experimental Primary School.At school, I love English classes, because I like English!

          I like fruits. Especially mangoes. Fresh mangoes can be very delicious. I like to eat KFC. I like fish very much.

          I like sports .My friends always say that I’m good at rope kipping

          I live in Aotou-it is a beautiful town in Huizhou. I can watch the blue sea out of my window angtime and I can also easily see a lot of fish swimming in the sea ,no matter how far it’s from us.

          My father is a policeman.He’s tall, and always filled with smile on his face. My mother is a manager, she cooks very well, and she often makes me happy.

          This is something about me--a happy girl who lives in a beautiful place and a nice family . That’s all. Thank you.

          My name is Huang Jianxun.I’m 10 years old. I study in Huiyang Experimental Primary School.I have a new big bedroom. It’s very nice and comfortable. When you enter my bedroom, you can see a big bed

          first. Its quilt is blue. It’s my favourite. There is a bookshelf on the left side of the bed. You can see many books on it. Beside the shelf, there is a desk. It’s near the window. I often do my homework on the desk. There is a big wardrobe on the right side of the bed. When you open the wardrobe, you can see many beautiful clothes. My mom bought them for me. On the wall, there are some pictures.

          This is my bedroom. Do you like my bedroom? Do you have a comfortable bedroom. That’s all. Thank you.

          My name is Zhuang Jiamai..I’m 10 years old. I study in Huiyang Experimental Primary School.My mother is a doctor. She cares more for her patients than for her family.

          One rainy day, I called her to take me home after school. Mother said she would get to school on time. But mother didn’t come until 7:00P.M. I had been waiting for her almost 3 hours. Father quarreled with her. However, the next morning, she went to work early as usual. From then on, I seldom talked to her.

          One morning, Father told me that Mother was ill. “ It’s none of my business.” I said in a cold voice. Father said angrily,” Your mother works hard for the patients. She is so tired that she has fallen ill. But you don’t understand her…” Hearing this, I stood there for a long time. I realized that I should make an apology to Mother.

          I went into her bedroom amd said regretfully,”I am sorry, Mom. You are a warmhearted woman with a strong sense of duty. You are the best woman in my heart. I love you, Mom.”

          Hi,I am Helen. I’m 10 years old. I study in Huiyang Experimental Primary School. Let me tell you about my seven days,

          The first day is Sunday. On Sunday, I often watch TV and do homework. Then, I will help my mother do the housework. I can sweep the floor, clean the bedroom and cook the meals. So, Six o’clock PM, I help my sister cook the meals.

          The second day is a day between Sunday and Tuesday. In Britain, it is the first day of the week. Today, I also go to school. I have Chinese, English and Moral Education on Monday.

          The third day is the day after Monday. I don’t like Tuesday. Because on Tuesday we only have Chinese, English and math. It’s uninteresting. Because we often read in this day. So, I don’t like Tuesday.

          The forth day is the day before Thursday. It’s in the middle of the working days. I like to learn an write on Wednesdays. It’s a nice day. Then, I also enjoy my day today.

          The fifth day is the day before Friday. It’s my favourite day. Do you know what classes do we have? Ha,ha. There is a P.E. class and a

          writing class. I can run on the P.E. class. Well, in the writing class,I can write. So, you see. Thursday is my most favourite day.

          The last two days are Friday and Satursday.On Friday, I am waiting for Satursday. On Satursday, I am waiting for Sunday. How happy I am.

          How about your seven days? Can you tell me yours, please?

          Hello, everyone. My name is Hung Yuting. I’m a girl. I’m 12 years old. I’m a student.

          I have two small eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. I have long hair. I’m tall and fat. I’m a sunny and friendly girl. My classmates all like me. I have many toys. They are very pretty. I like them very much.

          I like drawing pictures, reading books, playing chess… But I like drawing best, because I can see many things.

          I have a happy family. There are five people in it. They are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and me. I love them very much.

          My favourite food is fish, because it’s tasty. My favourite animal is rabbits. They are very cute. I don’t like grapes, because they’re sour.

          At home, I can cook the meals, do the dishes, put away the clothes and clean my bedroom. At school, I can sweep the floor, clean the blackboard and wash the windows. Are you helpful? Can you tell me, please? This is













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