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      1. 十一月朋友圈說說的好句子

        時間:2022-10-27 11:20:29 說說大全 我要投稿




          1. 愿你十月的付出,十一月都能結出了沉甸甸的果實。

          2. May your efforts in October and November bear heavy fruits.

          3. 新的一月開始了,十月再見,十一月你好!

          4. The new January begins. See you in October and hello in November!

          5. 我是此間少年郎,你是天上明月光。十一月你好!

          6. I am a young man here, and you are the bright moon in the sky. HelloNovember!

          7. 決定可以克服不可能的事情。再見十月,你好十一月!

          8. Decide to overcome the impossible. Goodbye October, hello November!

          9. 十一月來了,萬事都要全力以赴,包括開心。

          10. November is coming, everything should go all out, includinghappiness.

          11. 曲終人散夢已醒,何處再尋夢中人。十一月你好!

          12. When the song is over and the dream is over, where can we find the personin the dream. Hello November!

          13. 十一月你好,希望我十一月過得好一點。

          14. Hello in November. I hope I can have a better time in November.

          15. 遇見的都是天意,擁有的都是幸運。十一月你好!

          16. What you meet is God's will, and what you have is luck. HelloNovember!

          17. 愿所有的美好,都能在辛勤后如期而至。

          18. May all good things come as scheduled after hard work.

          19. 快樂千萬種,見你最直接。十一月你好!

          20. Thousands of kinds of happiness, see you most directly. HelloNovember!

          21. 再見十月,你好十一月,不念過去不畏將來!

          22. Goodbye October, hello November, do not read the past, not afraid of thefuture!

          23. 再堅持一下,所有的美好都在慢慢奔向你。

          24. Hold on, all the beauty is slowly running towards you.

          25. 在最深的絕望里,遇見最美麗的風景。十一月你好!

          26. In the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful scenery. HelloNovember!

          27. 十一月你好,一定要善待我這個小朋友呀。

          28. Hello in November. You must be kind to my child.

          29. 十月,再見了!十一月,奮發(fā)圖強!

          30. See you in October! November, work hard!

          31. 你來過,我記得,便是永遠。十月再見,十一月你好!

          32. You came, I remember, is forever. See you in October and hello inNovember!

          33. 你好,十一月,我愿笑對生活,愿生活笑以還我。

          34. Hello, November, I would like to smile at life, and life would like tosmile back to me.

          35. 十一月!依舊誠意滿滿!希望你們繼續(xù)愛我。

          36. November! Still full of sincerity! I hope you continue to love me.

          37. 越努力,越幸福!十月再見,十一月你好!

          38. The harder you work, the happier you are! See you in October and hello inNovember!

          39. 你好十一月,希望歲月的沉淀回饋你的'是越來越好。

          40. Hello, November. I hope the precipitation of the years will give back toyou better and better.

          41. 十一月,愿我像個孩子一樣快樂。

          42. In November, may I be as happy as a child.

          43. 十一月,珍惜愛你的人。

          44. In November, cherish the people who love you.

          45. 十一月,愿所求皆如愿。

          46. In November, all wishes are fulfilled.

          47. 愿一切完美都如約而至,喜歡的人都在身邊。

          48. May everything be perfect as promised, and the people you like arearound.

          49. 當十一月的風吹過,努力都會有結果。

          50. When the wind blows in November, all efforts will bear fruit.

          51. 告別十月,十一月你好!好運相伴幸福綿長。

          52. Say goodbye to October and November! Good luck goes with happiness.

          53. 努力是會上癮的,尤其是嘗到了甜頭。十一月你好。

          54. Hard work is addictive, especially when you taste the sweetness. Hello,November.

          55. 十一月你好,感謝相遇。

          56. Hello November, thank you for meeting.

          57. 未來不迎,過往不戀,活好當下。十一月,你好!

          58. Don't welcome the future, don't love the past, live the present. Hello,November!

          59. 我只能希望我們都有好運氣。十一月你好!

          60. I can only hope we all have good luck. Hello November!

          61. 十一月你好,十月再見,往事不回頭,未來不將就。

          62. Hello in November, see you in October. Don't look back on the past anddon't make do with the future.

          63. 縱有疾風起,人生不言棄。十月再見十一月你好。

          64. Even if there is a strong wind, life does not give up. See you in Octoberand hello in November.

          65. 十月,你走好;十一月,來抱抱。

          66. October, you go well; November, come and hug.

          67. 無論如何,請全力以赴。十月再見,十一月你好!

          68. Anyway, please do your best. See you in October and hello inNovember!

          69. 十一月,你好!希望這月一切順利!

          70. Hello, November! I hope everything goes well this month!

          71. 對十月道聲:再見,對十一月說句:你好。

          72. Say goodbye to October and say hello to November.

          73. 十一月,新的征程開始!

          74. In November, a new journey begins!

          75. 今夜還吹著風,想起你的側臉好溫柔。十一月你好!

          76. The wind is still blowing tonight. I think of your side face. It's sogentle. Hello November!

          77. 落子不悔,才不付韶華年少,十月再見,十一月你好。

          78. If you don't regret it, you won't pay for your youth. See you in Octoberand hello in November.

          79. 再見十月,你好十一月。從此刻起,莫負時光。

          80. Goodbye October, hello November. From this moment on, don't losetime.

          81. 希望十一月運氣爆棚,愿所有期待都如你所愿。

          82. I hope the luck will burst in November. May all expectations be as youwish.

          83. 人生不必完美,卻必須精彩。早安,美好的十一月。

          84. Life does not have to be perfect, but it must be wonderful. Good morning,beautiful November.

          85. 十一月請善待我,十一月對我好點,十一月你好!

          86. Please be kind to me in November. Be nice to me in November. Hello inNovember!

          87. 權力多一分,姿態(tài)要低一分。十月再見,十一月你好!

          88. More power, less posture. See you in October and hello in November!

          89. 十一月,你所期待的正在一步步靠近你。

          90. In November, what you expect is approaching you step by step.

          91. 十一月到了,給自己一個微笑,生活會豁然開朗!

          92. When November comes, give yourself a smile and life will suddenly openup!

          93. 盡管十月不盡如人意,但是希望十一月能對你好。

          94. Although October is not satisfactory, I hope November will be good foryou.

          95. 沒有人,會把你所有缺點包容。十一月你好!

          96. No one will tolerate all your shortcomings. Hello November!





        天氣好的唯美說說 關于天氣好的說說朋友圈10-12

        好的說說句子 突然清醒的說說10-26

        好的說說句子 勵志的09-10






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