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      1. 海上鋼琴師經典臺詞句子

        時間:2020-08-27 10:39:21 經典句子 我要投稿




          一、 How do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? 上了岸,何去何從?

          二、 I like that. That I can live by. 我喜歡那樣,我應付得來。

          三、 Christ! Did you see the streets? Just the street-----there were thousands of them. 唉!只是街道,已經好幾千條。

          四、 I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by. 我生于船,長與船,世界千變萬化。

          五、 You played put your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite! I learned to live that way. 在有限的鋼琴上,我自得其樂,我過慣那樣的`日子。

          六、 In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end. There was no end. 連綿不絕的城市,什么都有,除了盡頭,沒有盡頭。

          七、 Hey,Max! Imagine the music I could play with two right arms. Hope I can find a piano up there. 兩條右臂能彈出什么音樂? 希望天堂有鋼琴

          八、You are sitting on the wrong bench. That’s God’s piano. 不是給凡人奏的,是給上帝奏的。

          九、 You are infinite. And on those keys, the music that you can make is infinite. 音樂是無限的。在琴鍵上,奏出無限的音樂。

          十、 It wasn’t what I saw that stopped me, Max, it was what I didn’t see。 Do you understand that? What I didn’t see. 我停下來,不是因為所見,是因為所不見。你明不明白?是因為看不見的東西。

          十一、 You are the exception, Max. You are the only one who knows I’m here. You are a minority, and you’d better get used of it. 除了你,Max,只有你知道我在這里,你屬于少數,你最好習慣一下。

          十二、 Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It’s a woman too beautiful, it’s a voyage too long, a perfume too strong, it’s music I don’t know how to make. 陸地?對我來說,陸地是艘太大的船,是位太美的美女。是條太長的航程,是瓶太香的香水,是篇無從彈奏得樂章。

          十三、 You get me up on that gangway and you rill out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, Millions and billions of keys that never end. 走過跳板,前面的鍵盤有無數的琴鍵。

          十四、 Aren’t youu ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of it. 思前想后,你不怕精神崩潰?那樣的日子怎么過?

          十五、 After all, I don’t exist for anyone. 反正,世間沒人記得我。

          十六、 It was all very final on that gangway and I was grant too in my over coat. I cut quite a figure, and I was getting off, guaranteed. That wasn’t the problem. 當年,我踏上跳板,不覺得困難。我穿上大衣,很神氣,自覺一表人才,有決心,有把握,有信心。

          十七、 But never more than fit between prow and stern. 但范圍離不開船頭與船尾之間。

          十八、 That’s the truth, Max, they never end. That keyboard is infinite. 事實如此,無窮無盡,鍵盤無限大。

          十九、 And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. 無限大的鍵盤,怎奏得出音樂?

          二十、 I can never get off this ship. I’m blessed I can step off my life. 我沒法舍棄這艘船,我寧可舍棄自己的生命。

          二十一、 Forgive me, my friend, but I’m not getting off. 朋友,原諒我。我不下船了。

          二十二、 What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end, the end of the world. 我看不見城市的盡頭,我需要看見世界盡頭。

          二十三、 All that city you just couldn’t see an end to it. 城市那么大,看不到盡頭。

          二十四、 But 2000 people at a time, and there were wishes here. 這艘船每次只載客兩千,既載人,有載夢想。

          二十五、 The end? Please? Can you please just show me where it ends? 盡頭在哪里?可以給我看看盡頭么?

          二十六、 One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die. All that world just weighing down on you. You don’t even know where it comes to an end. 愛一個女人,住一間屋子,買一塊地,望一個景,走一條死路。太多選擇,我無所適從,漫無止境,茫茫無際。













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