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      1. 家庭幸福的英文句子

        時間:2023-03-30 11:39:56 幸福句子 我要投稿
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          家庭幸福的英文句子 篇1


          To believe that happiness is so simple, as simple as water.


          The warmth of family everyone wants to have, because everyone has a good family, happy family, happy family!


          Home, forever in my memory, in my mind, in the dream to wake up eyes, clear as yesterday.


          If I live, it is God who gives me the greatest mission, then the living will have you, will be the gift of God to give me the mission.


          Nothing is more warm than home, nothing is more precious than family.


          Can you feel the warmth of your family? I can deeply feel the warmth of the family, in my family, everyone is happy, very cute.


          Not because of my grandfather, not because of my grandmother, nor because of twins, because like, so in a life together.


          A very warm and very warm, it can relieve the people in the cold winter, bring comfort to the soul.


          The family is a quiet harbor, the warm spring breeze, placid. May your new family be happy in your new home, and may the two of you go on in the course of your life.


          I gave my everything to you, you smiled, is happiness.


          To be loved, to love, to be greedy, and that's the woman.


          Deep love, deep affection is the bond of the family, he can make a family has a strong vitality, cohesion and influence.


          A happy family is a breeding ground for children and adults, and the pleasure of family life is the best agent to resist the bad mood.


          Happy family life brings me endless warmth.


          Some lost is doomed, some fate is never a result, love a person must be good to love her.


          The family should be the palace of love and laughter.


          Happiness is free without any burden of the psychological.


          Happiness is knowing that he knows he believes he loves you pet you hurt you, no doubt.


          Home is a cabin in the wind and rain, home is a hot cup of snow in the days of wine, home is a failure after the encouragement.


          Happiness is life, life is happiness.


          Home, is to experience the world after the difficult, let the heart of the harbor.


          Happy families are all alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own.


          Home is the most about the place, the home is a loving home; home is the dream of love.


          No matter how many brothers and sisters, each one is the only child, this is the parents and children.


          Happiness is the barefoot hikers, summer breeze, is autumn whispers, winter is the fire.


          Happiness is a noise that sounds like music, it's a joy to cry.


          Home is a warm and enjoy the care of the nest, home is also a need to be responsible for the field of thanksgiving!


          Injured together, encourage each other, cry together, laugh together, non-stop running, this is the family.


          As long as you are willing, when you are frustrated, the most need a shoulder, tell me, I will immediately appear.


          Gentle language, is a kind of family in the family must be indispensable.


          Even if life is hard, as long as the husband and wife are full of love, the family will remain forever.


          Even if no money is fun, money is more interesting, this is the family.


          Even if the injury, as long as there is food and family to accompany, so enough.


          Home is a warm harbor, it gives people the feeling is warm, home is always the shore, it gives people the feeling is." Dream soul lingering and forever care.


          I prefer to use a small cup of beauty to form a happy family, to organize a furniture ship with a few flat and uninteresting family.


          Do not ask to help each other, do not ask to encourage each other, this is the family.


          Home, is just a word, but after the confused feeling, everything in the world, after the world people entangled noise, one of the most warm place.

          家庭幸福的英文句子 篇2

          1、一個人因為有家,才有了歸宿 。

          Because a person has a home he has a home

          2、一顆歸心,一席團(tuán)圓 。

          One heart one reunion

          3、真正的成功,就是家庭幸福 。

          Real success is family happiness

          4、家,因愛結(jié)緣也因情而天長地久 。

          Home because of love but also because of love and everlasting

          5、家,不在于富足,只在于和睦 。

          Family does not lie in wealth but in harmony

          6、家,不需要豪宅,只需要溫暖 。

          Home not luxury just warmth

          7、家要陪伴,而不是親人離散 。

          Family should be accompanied not separated

          8、家庭和睦,才能興旺 。

          Family harmony is the only way to prosperity

          9、家永遠(yuǎn)不可少,家永遠(yuǎn)最重要 。

          Home is always indispensable home is always the most important

          10、家,不在于富有,而在于溫馨 。

          Home is not rich but warm

          11、家,是講愛的地方,不可講理 。

          Home is a place of love not reason

          12、家是愛之所,家愛勝無彊 。

          Home is the place of love

          13、無論走多遠(yuǎn),家都是起點(diǎn) 。

          No matter how far you go home is the starting point

          14、家是心靈的港灣,是愛的天堂 。

          Home is the harbor of heart and the paradise of love

          15、家,是放松身心的桃花源 。

          Home is a place to relax

          16、家,是感情的寄托,不可欺騙 。

          Home is the sustenance of feelings can not be deceived

          17、有家人才有家,有愛才幸福 。

          Only when there is a home can there be a home and only when there is love can there be happiness


          Home is the lamp that never goes out in my heart

          19、家,是放松的地方,不可吵鬧 。

          Home is a place to relax Don't make noise


          Family harmony the happiest

          21、無論身在何處,都要回家 。

          Wherever you are go home

          22、因為有了家,我們才有處可依 。

          Because we have a home we have a place to live

          23、一家人團(tuán)聚,是最大的幸福 。

          Family reunion is the greatest happiness

          24、家,是奉獻(xiàn)真愛的芳草地 。

          Home is the grass where true love is offered

          25、家,因包容理解而溫暖幸福 。

          Home is warm and happy because of tolerance and understanding

          26、一家人其樂融融,朝夕相伴 。

          The whole family is happy and accompanies each other day and night

          27、家庭要珍惜,家人互體貼 。

          Families should cherish and be considerate to each other

          28、家要溫暖,而不是冷言冷臉 。

          Warm home not cold face

          29、天上明月滿,人間樂團(tuán)圓 。

          Full moon in the sky happy reunion in the world


          Harmony is the foundation of a prosperous family Harmony is the foundation of a prosperous family


          Thrifty moral thrifty home a good life

          32、家中幼敬老,家中無爭吵 。

          There is no quarrel at home

          33、家人閑坐,燈火可親 。

          The family sit idle the lights are amiable

          34、家,不必華麗,和睦就行 。

          Home do not have to be gorgeous harmony on the line

          35、家,是安心的歸宿,不可囂張 。

          Home is the end result of peace of mind Don't be arrogant

          36、一桌飯,一家人,一世情 。

          A table a family a world

          37、有父母在的地方,就是家 。

          Where there are parents it's home

          38、家,不必太大,溫暖就好 。

          Home not too big just warm

          39、家和萬事興,家暖有親情 。

          Home and everything warm family

          40、家不在于大小,在于溫馨 。

          Home is not about size it's about warmth

          41、常與家人一起團(tuán)聚,幸福 。

          Often with family reunion happiness

          42、家,是我們一輩子的饞 。

          Home is our lifelong greed

          43、家的味道,牽掛的溫暖 。

          The taste of home the warmth of care

          44、沒有溫暖,何以為家 。

          Without warmth why is home

          45、一切語言,不如回家吃飯 。

          It's better to go home to eat than to speak

          46、家是講愛的地方,家是放松的地方 。

          Home is a place to love and a place to relax

          47、幸福的家,愛意濃濃,春風(fēng)和煦 。

          Happy home love warm spring

          48、好在美景留不住,親情卻不曾改變 。

          Fortunately the beauty can not stay but the family has not changed

          49、人爭氣,要強(qiáng)大,齊努力,家興旺 。

          We should strive to be strong and prosperous


          Family rich and poor is not important as long as life is happy

          51、家是心靈的港灣,家是人生的驛站 。

          Home is the harbor of soul and the post station of life

          52、一個家庭的'幸福,從好好說話開始 。

          The happiness of a family starts with talking well

          53、一個好家風(fēng)的家庭,遇事不責(zé)備 。

          A family with a good family style is not to blame

          54、一家人,在一起,心相向,行相通 。

          A family together heart to heart line interlinked


          There is a home there is happiness home happiness long in

          56、感恩有家有動力,日日難忘父母恩 。

          Thanksgiving has a home motivation day by day unforgettable parents

          57、家,是溫暖的港灣,是安心的所在 。

          Home is a warm harbor and a place of peace of mind


          Is it important for a family to eat delicacies every day

          59、有的家庭吃喝不愁,卻爭吵不休 。

          Some families do not worry about food and drink but quarrel endlessly

          60、有的家庭雖然沒錢,卻溫馨和睦 。

          Although some families have no money they are warm and harmonious

          61、理解的家,分享快樂,搶著干活 。

          Understand the home share happiness rush to work


          Harmonious coexistence long live understanding and create brilliance

          63、幸福,和錢無關(guān),幸福,和家有關(guān) 。

          Happiness has nothing to do with money Happiness has something to do with home

          64、家,因和顏溫軟心平氣和而溫馨 。

          Home because and face soft calm and warm

          65、家人平安,快樂幸福,叫平安健康 。

          Family safety happiness peace and health


          Filial piety is the first inheriting filial piety people Ding Wang

          67、感恩有家親情連,夜夜夢縈魄相牽 。

          Thanksgiving has family night dream lingering soul phase


          Family is a safe haven husband and wife work together to create

          69、家,大小不重要,只要家人團(tuán)結(jié) 。

          Family size is not important as long as the family unity

          70、感恩有家有溫馨,年年歲歲繪新篇 。

          Thanksgiving has a home warm year by year to draw a new chapter

          71、溫暖的家,愛意濃濃,春風(fēng)和煦 。

          Warm home deep love warm spring breeze

          72、有的家庭雖然富足,卻冷冷清清 。

          Although some families are rich they are lonely

          73、幸福的家,笑聲朗朗,溫暖明亮 。

          Happy home laughter warm and bright

          74、家,是兩個人一起編織的愛的搖籃 。

          Home is the cradle of love woven by two people

          75、感恩有家有歸處,漂泊千里不忘根 。

          Thanksgiving has a home to return to wandering thousands of miles do not forget the root

          76、家,是一輩子的牽掛,一身的歸宿 。

          Home is a lifelong concern a destination


          Is it important for a family to wear gold and silver every year

          78、有的家庭過得清苦,卻常有笑容 。

          Some families have a hard life but often smile

          79、一個家,一輩子,一輩子,一個家 。

          A home a lifetime a lifetime a home


          Family harmony is everything loving couple know how to compromise

          81、看到家人的笑臉,親人常伴身邊 。

          Seeing the smiling faces of family members family members often accompany them

          82、一家人和和睦睦,一輩子溫馨幸福 。

          Family and harmony a warm and happy life

          83、家,因改變自己壞習(xí)慣而潔凈明爽 。

          Home because of changing their bad habits and clean and bright

          84、人人都有一個家,但未必都幸福 。

          Everyone has a home but not all are happy

          85、一家人,在一起,心相連,手相牽 。

          Family together heart to heart hand to hand












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