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      1. 漢子的理由的英語句子及翻譯

        時(shí)間:2020-09-19 19:39:48 英語句子 我要投稿


          Here are the 11 reasons a woman can do perfectly well without a man. Whether you’re married or single, they’re sure to strike a chord.以下就是女人沒有男人也可以棒棒噠的11個(gè)理由。不論你是結(jié)婚了還是單身狗,它們都一定會(huì)引起你的共鳴。


          1)The TV remote control is a device that changes channels — it is not a life-support system. I do not need a man who thinks it is and has to have it prised out of his hands.電視遙控器是用來換頻道的設(shè)備——它不是個(gè)生命維持系統(tǒng)!我不需要一個(gè)這樣想的男人,還總是把遙控器攥在手里緊緊不放!

          2)I like my bathroom sink to be sparkly and clean. I do not need a man to leave foamy bristles all over it.我就是喜歡亮閃閃的干凈的浴室。我不需要男人把沾滿泡沫的胡須毛發(fā)掉一地。

          3)I can cook a meal without using every pot and pan in the kitchen. I don’t need a man to turn it into a bombsite.我用不著用上廚房里的所有盆和所有鍋來做一頓飯!我不需要個(gè)男人把廚房變成爆炸屋!

          4)I don’t need a man to come home and spend two hours telling me about his day without once asking me about mine.我不需要一個(gè)男人踏進(jìn)家門就喋喋不休兩個(gè)小時(shí),告訴我他的一天如何如何,卻一次也沒問過我!

          5)Laundry needs to be done on different wash cycles. I don’t need a man to ruin my cashmere by not reading the labels.洗衣服需要用不同的洗滌圈數(shù)(指洗衣機(jī)功能)。我不需要一個(gè)男人看也不看標(biāo)簽就把我的羊毛衫洗壞了!

          6)When I can’t do a DIY job, I admit it. I don’t need a man to insist he can, then mess it up.當(dāng)我不會(huì)自己動(dòng)手的時(shí)候,我就說我不會(huì)做。我不需要一個(gè)男人堅(jiān)持說“我會(huì)我會(huì)!”……然后弄的一團(tuán)糟。

          7)When I can’t open a tight jar, I stab the lid, release the pressure — and hey presto. No man required.當(dāng)我打不開密封罐頭的時(shí)候,我把蓋子刺個(gè)洞,釋放壓力——你看,變!根本不需要男人嘛。

          8)When my clothes feel tight, I know I’ve gained weight. I don’t need a man to point it out, grab rolls or tell me I’m ‘so cuddly’.當(dāng)我的衣服變緊的時(shí)候,我知道我重了!我不需要一個(gè)男人為我指出,奪走我的面包卷,或是告訴我是那么的`“惹人想抱”!

          9)Sometimes it’s nice to watch a cheesy, romantic movie at the cinema. I don’t need a man to sit next to me, sighing, tutting and muttering ‘for God’s sake’ all the way through.有時(shí)候在電影院看看惡俗的愛情片挺好的。我不需要一個(gè)男人坐在我身邊,全程嘆氣,發(fā)出嘖嘖的不滿,還有發(fā)著“天哪!”的牢騷。

          10)Making a list and sticking to it is the fastest, most efficient way to get around a supermarket. I don’t need a man to return home having bought nothing we need and 200 things we don’t.列一個(gè)清單,按單子購買是最快的、最高效的超市購物方案。我不需要一個(gè)男人回家的時(shí)候給我買了一堆不需要的東西,而我們的必需品什么都沒買!

          11)They’re your family. I don’t need a man who needs me to remember the birthdays of his parents, siblings, and nieces and to buy their Christmas presents.他們是你的家人。我不需要一個(gè)男人要我記住他爹娘還有兄弟姐妹還有外甥們的生日,還要買圣誕禮物給他們!












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