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      1. 夏洛的網(wǎng)優(yōu)美句子英文版

        時(shí)間:2024-08-15 18:35:10 智聰 優(yōu)美句子 我要投稿
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          1、Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.


          2、The old sheep spoke to him about his size one day.You would live longer,said the old sheep,if you ate less. who wants to live forever?sneered the rat.I am naturally a heavy eater and I get untold satisfaction from the pleasures of the feast.He patted his stomach, grinned at the sheep, and crept upstairs to lie down.


          3、Do you want a friend, wilbur? it said."Ill be a friend of you.Ive watched you all day and I like you."


          4、It often had a sort of peaceful smell,as though nothing bad could happen ever again in the world.


          5、When Im out here,he said,theres no place to go but in. When Im indoors, theres no place to go but out in the yard.


          6、And when your stomach is empty and your mind is full,its always hard to sleep.


          7、Gain weight and stay well.


          8、They just keep trotting back and forth across the bridge thinking there is something better on the other side. If theyd hang head down at the top of the thing and wait quietly, maybe something good would come along. But no-with men its rush, rush, rush, every minute. Im glad Im a sedentary spider.


          9、No one had ever had such a friend, so affectionate,so loyal and so skillful.


          10、And when his audience grew bored, he would spring into the air and do a back flip with a half twist.


          11、Early summer is a festive time for birds. In the fields, around the houses, in the barns, in the woods, in the moors - there were birds all over the place, singing, nests and eggs.


          12、Everything on the farm was wet on a foggy morning. The grass looks like a magic carpet. The reed fields over there are like a forest of silver.


          13、The barn is very big. Its very old. It has the smell of hay, fertilizer, the sweat of tired horses, and the wonderful smell of hard-working cows.


          14、The next day it rained and it was dark. Rain fell on the top of the barn, dripping from the eaves; Rain fell into the barn yard, and it was winding and flowing down the grass path; The rain crackled on Mrs. Zuckermans kitchen window, and the water pipe gushed out; The rain fell on the back of the sheep who were grazing on the grass. The sheep stood tired in the rain, and slowly walked back to the sheepskin along the path.


          15、On the farm, early summer is the happiest and most beautiful day of the year. Cloves bloom, making the air fragrant. Next, the lilacs withered, the apple tree blossomed again, and the bees flew around the apple tree. Its getting warmer and warmer. School holiday, the children have time to play, can go to the river fishing.


          16、On the farm, early summer is the happiest and best day of the year.


          17、Charlotte worked so hard that she began to talk to herself,as ifto cheer herself up.


          18、Youre going to be thin and skinny, so that we can see through it and see things on the other side.


          19、The net twinkles in the sun, forming a mysterious and lovely pattern, like a thin veil.


          20、As I was saying, tis a great deal more than just a life, its a way of life.


          21、A net does not catch any spider; it only catches what it is attached to.


          22、There are some things that you simply cannot change.


          23、The world as we know it will stop existing tomorrow and we should make the most of what we have.


          24、There are some people who would rather be left alone to do their own thing.


          25、One of the things that makes life so beautiful is the way it teaches us to grow and become better.


          26、Youve been my friend, and that in itself is a great thing. I made a web for you because I like you.


          27、Were born, we live for a while, we die. It is pointless for a spider to spend his life only catching and eating flies. By helping you, maybe I can increase the value of my life a little.


          28、Life comes so hard, but goes so easy.


          29、Maybe a little tired. But I feel peaceful... The days get shorter and the weather gets colder in autumn. The leaves are falling from the trees. Then came Christmas, and the winter snow. You will live to enjoy the beauty of the frozen landscape... Winter will pass, the days will grow longer, and the ice on the pasture pond will melt. The songbirds will return to sing, the frogs will wake up, and the warm wind will blow again. All these sights, sounds and smells are for your enjoyment.


          30、This autumn will be shorter and colder. The leaves will shake off the trees. Christmas will come, and then the snow will fall. You will live to see the beautiful world of ice and snow... Winter will pass, the days will get longer, and the ice in the meadow pond will melt. The larks will come back to sing, the frogs will wake up, and the warm wind will blow again.


          31、Were not catching anything. They just thought it was better up there than somewhere else, so they kept galloping back and forth. If they were hanging quietly on the bridge, head down, they might be waiting for something good. But they didnt -- people were running, running, running across the bridge all the time, every minute.


          32、In fact, beneath her terrible cold exterior, there was a kind heart, and future events would prove that she was faithful and sincere to her friends, every moment of it.


          33、You must strengthen your confidence. I want you to get enough sleep and stop worrying. Never worry or worry! Slowly eat up every bit of your food, except what you left for Templeton. Fatten yourself up and live well - thats what you can do for me. Stay healthy and dont get discouraged.


          34、I will be your friend. Go to bed -- youll see me in the morning.


          35、I dont think anything can be worse than nothing. "Nothing" is not the top, it is absolutely the top of heaven and earth, the end of the world. How could there be anything less than nothing?


          36、"Youre better than I look," replied Charlotte sweetly. "Thats it. Youre my best friend, so I guess youre just awesome. Now stop arguing and sleep well!"


          37、How could I have become so fragile that I would cry over an insignificant spider? But Im glad Im still vulnerable. It proves that Im alive, that Im breathing.


          38、Its hard to sleep when your stomach is empty and your mind is full of thoughts.


          39、I dont think staying in one place makes you friends. To love and be loved, to remember and forget, to be false and true, to friendship and solitude, to pain and pleasure, to meanness and nobility. And the attitude and meaning of life.


          40、If Charlotte wasnt with him now, he would be lonely and homesick. As long as Charlotte was around, he would never feel lonely.


          41、An hour of freedom is worth more than a pail of pig food.


          42、You have someone else bringing you food. Theres no one to feed me. I had to make a living on my own. I live only by my intellect.


          43、Experience had taught her that if she waited long enough, a fly would come into her net; So she knew that if she thought long enough about Wilburs problem, a good solution would eventually come to her.


          44、He says hes a spring pig, and maybe he is. But he was very unlikable. Hes too bold, too loud, and his crude jokes arent funny at all.


          45、These autumn days are getting shorter and colder. Leaves are falling from the trees. Christmas is coming, and then the winter snow.


          46、I made a web for you because I like you. After all, what is life? Were born, we live for a while, and then we die. The life of a spider is nothing more than catching and eating flies. Perhaps by helping you, I can increase the value of my life a little.


          47、The grass was wet and the soil smelled of spring.


          48、She just sat and looked out the window, thinking what a wonderful world it was and how lucky she was to have a pig.


          49、Dusk settled over Zuckermans farm and brought a sense of peace. Fern knew it was dinnertime, but she couldnt bear to leave.


          50、You are blessed with friends, and friends are loyal to you. Nothing in the world can take the place of loyal friendship.


          51、Sometimes, I feel as if the world is a transparent shell, we are all inside, everyone can see each other, but can not break through this shell to reach each other.


          52、What is life? We are born, we live for a while, or just a short while, and then we die.


          53、In the farm, the summer night scenery is always so quiet and beautiful, the stars twinkle in the night sky, as if it is nature for us to light a lamp.


          54、Wilbur doesnt want food. He wants love. It wants a friend -- a friend who will play with it. He talked to the goose sitting quietly in the corner of the cow pen.


          55、Youre gonna be thin and skinny, and your belly is so shriveled that we can see through it and see whats on the other side.


          56、On the farm, the early summer days are the happiest and most beautiful of the year.


          57、Charlotte worked so hard that she began to talk to herself, as if to cheer herself up.


          58、The river is clear to the bottom, like a transparent blue silk, lying quietly in the embrace of the earth.


          59、The light shone through a small window. One by one, the stars disappeared.


          60、He wanted very much to follow the instructions his friends gave him, but he could not go up and down at the same time, he could not bounce around and round, and he cried so hard that he could hardly see what was happening in front of him.


          61、It seemed like a long night. Wilburs stomach was empty, but his heart was full. A person with an empty stomach and a lot on his mind cant sleep well.


          62、Cloves bloom, sweetening the air. Then the lilacs die, the apple trees bloom, and bees fly around the trees.


          63、Dried dandelions are full of milk, red flower bulbs are full of honey, and of course the refrigerator is full of cold drinks.


          64、The rat had no morals, no conscience, no scruples, no thoughtfulness, no decency, no compassion of a rodent.


          65、I want to breathe the beautiful air and lie in the beautiful sun.


          66、You must keep your spirits up. I want you to get plenty of sleep. Dont worry. Never be nervous, never worry.


          67、The net shimmered in the sunlight, forming a mysterious and lovely pattern, like a slender veil.


          68、The two children, hand in hand, scamper off toward the carousel, toward the beautiful music, toward the amazing adventure, toward the wonderful excitement, into the magical playground.


          69、No one has ever had such a friend - so affectionate, so loyal, so capable.


          70、The next day it rained and was overcast. The rain fell on the roof of the barn and dripped continuously from the eaves; The rain fell into the barnyard and trickled down the thistle and pigweed path; Rain pattered against Mrs. Zuckermans kitchen window and gushed out of the pipe; The rain fell on the backs of sheep grazing. The sheep, tired of standing in the rain, walked slowly along the path back to the pen.


          71、In addition to the joy of finding a new friend, there was often some doubt or fear at the same time, but Wilbur felt only doubt and fear. But in time, he would see that he had been wrong about Charlotte. Beneath her fierce and cruel exterior, Charlotte had a kind heart that would show what a loyal friend she was.


          72、"But I think youre wonderful," replied Charlotte sweetly. "Thatll do. Youre my best friend. I think youre amazing. Now stop arguing and go to sleep!"


          73、I think I should tell you that I always loved your mother with all my heart. It got my name back. She was brilliant, beautiful, and faithful to the day she died. I cherish his memory forever, and to you, his daughters, I pledge my friendship to you forever.


          74、Wilbur could never forget Charlotte, and though he loved his children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, none of these new spiders could take her place in his heart. Charlotte was incomparable. Its not often you come across someone who is both a loyal friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.


          75、"I like to make nets in foggy weather," said Charlotte. It makes the world feel so much bigger."


          76、Charlottes web shimmered in the sunlight, forming a mysterious and lovely pattern, like a slender veil.


          77、Even the stone understood better, and then he did. Even stones are better than his understanding that if you want to fight this thing, it will be their God.


          78、Hillside, roadside, village entrance, hazel leaves are all red, red like a round of fire, the peoples hearts are also burning up.


          79、Charlottes web had never looked so beautiful. Each strand of silk seemed to weave a golden rim around it. Each ray of light is pulled out in a thin, beautiful halo.


          80、Wilbur closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. In his dream he heard the little voice calling him again, and the voice said, "I can be your friend. I like you."


          81、Oh, good! "I knew you wouldnt abandon me when I needed you most."


          82、They just thought it was better up there than somewhere else, so they kept galloping back and forth. If they were hanging quietly on the bridge, head down, they might be waiting for something good.


          83、"Even the lightest work makes me tired these days. I dont seem to have the energy I used to. Maybe Im getting old."


          84、But if theres anything I can do, no matter how small, dont forget to let me know.


          85、I dont even understand how spiders learn to make webs. When the words were woven, everyone said it was a miracle, but no one pointed out that the web itself was a miracle.


          86、Make yourself fat and live well - thats what you can do for me. Stay healthy and dont get discouraged.


          87、"You promised not to let them kill me. Did you mean it?" "Ive never been so serious in my life. I wont let you die, Wilbur."


          88、Charlotte had her own worries, but she kept to herself.


          89、You will miss him all the time when winter comes, and you will worry all the time on cold January mornings when Wilbur is dead and no one pours warm food into the trough anymore.


          90、Secrets are hard to keep. The news spread throughout the village long before Sunday came.


          91、Yesterday, I might have been late for work when I got up in the morning, but I was in no hurry. Being late is being late, and it doesnt turn into some other scary animal.


          92、They dont catch anything. They just thought it was better up there than somewhere else, so they kept galloping back and forth.


          93、"Lets make this agreement: If its possible, Ill go to the exhibition with you."


          94、Wilbur blushed. "But Im really not very good, Charlotte. Im no more than an ordinary pig." "Youre better than I look!" "Said Charlotte.


          95、Do you want a friend, Wilbur? I can be your friend. Ive been watching all day. I like you.


          96、Charlotte was both. A loyal friend and a good writer.


          97、Life is serious and merciless, and so is death. Charlottes death was by no means a tragedy, as her life had been fulfilled.


          98、Charlottes children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren had always lived at the door, but Wilbur knew that no spider could ever take Charlottes place in his heart.


          99、Sometimes your whole life boils down to one crazy move. You almost succeed in taking this opportunity, and then you find out its just a dream.


          100、Life is always like this, there are joys and sorrows, there are gathering and parting. But as long as we have love and hope in our hearts, we can face everything bravely.













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