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      2. 愛爾蘭留學申請書

        時間:2021-10-15 18:22:28 留學申請 我要投稿







          我目前在XX藝術大學學習時尚營銷。由于不同的文化融合,在XX學習非常棒,更不用說XX市中心的所有大型藝術畫廊了。XX的節奏非常快,我喜歡,而且氣氛充滿活力。我想學習時尚營銷,因為我想了解更多關于時尚商業方面的知識。我受到Alexander McQueen等設計師的影響,因為他的前衛風格和Ralph Lauren更是如此,因為我曾經為公司工作,但我喜歡他的風格,因為他的一些設計的復雜性和學院風的外觀、馬球衫和牛津襯衫搭配馬靴。


          我有幸為Polo Ralph Lauren工作了近3年。我學到了很多關于高端時尚零售業務的知識。我從事銷售、兌現、培訓新員工和視覺營銷工作。今年我還曾在Ozwald Boateng擔任夏季臨時工,在那里我學到了更多關于高級時裝系列的知識,因為他們制作量身定制的高級時裝。在那里我學會了改變衣服,我相信這對我來說非常有用。



          我還獲得了BTEC 2級IT文憑和2級數字應用文憑,這非常有幫助,因為在時尚行業,您必須具備計算機知識,并且是一項出色的技能。在我的業余時間,我喜歡閱讀那些盡我所能挑戰我的書,我喜歡烹飪和招待我的朋友,因為社交生活對我來說也很重要。我有一個很好的個性,我是一個隨和的人,我也很平易近人。我每周去健身房兩次以保持健康。








          I have always been interested in Forensic Science & Biological Scienceand learning how different techniques and methods are used for solving crimes.In particular how the principles of bioinformatics are used in detection andidentification of microbes; how it is used in Forensic Science for detectingbiocrime attacks and how to identify and examine skeletal remains of victimsafter long period of time. I have found learning about Genetic fingerprintingand how it is used for identifying a suspect and solving paternity casesparticularly relevant because it is applicable to real situations. I am studyinga BTEC National Diploma in Forensic Science. I have a naturally inquisitive mindand like to acquire new knowledge, especially in Forensic Entomology, ForensicToxicology and Criminal Law. I also enjoy the laboratory work which consists ofusing laboratory techniques such as fractional distillation, gas, liquid andthin-layer chromatography. From the practical part of the course I have gainedmany analytical and problem solving skills and my great interest is analysingqualitative and quantitative data. During my course I have advanced on some verybroad set of skills, including numeracy, teamwork, time management, making oralpresentations, planning and organising my work. In my personal opinion teamworkunderpins laboratory work.

          I gained work experience in August 20xx. I went for a holiday to Sri Lankaand I did volunteering work at the Coconut Research Institute. This is a hugescientific research institute where they experiment with the growth andcultivation of coconut palms. This provided me with the opportunity to observeand work shadow. Visiting the Institute was very informative as it gave me aninsight in to how scientists work in a scientific laboratory. This made itpossible for me to use some advanced laboratory equipments.

          I had a part time job at the National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. I havegained experience in assisting a Marine Biologist to test and clean the watersof the aquarium tanks. One of my duties was to look after children between 1-5years old in the children's play area. This experience allowed me to develop mycommunication and observational skills which are very vital for the role as aForensic Scientist. I will be needed to give evidence in court individually aswell as working in a team.

          My main interest is reading factual books. I particularly enjoyed:Microbial Forensics by Roger G. Breeze, Forensic and Criminal Psychology byDennis Howitt and Fundamentals of Forensic Science by Academic Press. Fromreading books such as Microbial Forensics I have understood and learned valuableinformation on how Forensic Science is used for solving bioterrorism andbiocrime attacks. I also read science magazines and journals like the BiologicalScience Review magazine and New Scientist Magazine.

          I undertook extra curriculum activity which enabled me to achieve an awardfor the best effort in fundraising with an organisation called Hart inBirmingham. I helped them raise money for the Tsunami victims in Sri Lanka. I'malso helping the Marine Conservation Society by adopting a green turtle.Previously in my school I achieved a first aid certificate from the Red Cross inBirmingham along with a certificate from Dr. Patricia Houlston for gettinginvolved in a lecture about experiencing the inner city life of a GP inBirmingham. This lecture was very useful because I learnt how professionals workand communicate in a clinical working environment. I was also involved in a role- play by pretending to be GP and communicating with a patient and doing thisenhanced my communication skills. I'm a forward thinking and determined person.I plan to obtain high level degree in order to continue to an MSc degree.

          Yours sincerely,








        7.愛爾蘭留學熱門城市 怎樣選擇愛爾蘭留學院校


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