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      2. 本科留學申請文書

        時間:2025-01-20 10:34:49 飛宇 留學申請 我要投稿




          本科留學申請文書 1

          Dear x,

          I believe that university offers an excellent opportunity to further mylearning in a more challenging environment and to deepen my understanding of theknowledge and skills I already have.

          I am keen on all aspects of business, but am particularly interested inaccountancy/finance and management.

          Through my current study I have learned to be more computer literate andhow to effectively manage my time. I became interested in accountancy whenstudying the finance unit in business studies and I am now completing an Aslevel in this subject as I felt this would give me a sound footing when startingmy university course

          I gained an As level in sociology which has sharpened my ability to analyseinformation in depth, which is vital for management. Sociology has also helpedme appreciate people’s different needs in society, which I see as an importantfeature in business

          One responsibility that I held for a year was the role of the middle schoolprefect. This helped me to gain an insight into typical basic managementresponsibilities. In Year 13 I then became a senior prefect and our role withinthe school is to help out with such activities as fund raising and the schoolfate

          Taking part in the Young Enterprise scheme taught me many skills; how towork independently and with a team which was one of the keys to our company’ssuccess as “best company”

          I attended a young enterprise presentation day where we were privileged tolisten to guests speaking about becoming an entrepreneur. This brief courseinspired me with a wish to one day own my own business. I feel that anaccountancy/finance and management course will help me to place myself in thesector in which I am most interested and give me the aspiration to eventuallyachieve this In the sixth form work experience is optional but I believed Iwould gain great benefit from such a placement. I was fortunate to get atwo-week placement in Lloyds TSB bank in Nottingham. I was given a great deal ofresponsibility; my time was divided into various departments such as thecustomer service department, finance department, balancing accounts with thecashiers. As a result of my success with Lloyds TSB the manager offered me fulltime employment with training should I decide to take that route

          I held a part time job for 2 1/2 years in which I worked as a counterassistant in a busy restaurant in my local town. From this I learned many skillssuch as working in a fast busy environment, handling money and a great deal ofcustomer service and teamwork

          In my spare time I enjoy socialising with my friends and family. I enjoyreading and one of my favourite authors is Terry Pratchet. I enjoy music and Ilisten to many different styles. I am particularly interested in IT and much ofmy time is spent researching on the web

          From my experiences and personal ambition I am confident that I have thenecessary self-motivation and commitment to succeed in accountancy finance andmanagement and I look forward to taking advantage of all the opportunities thatuniversity life has to offer.

          Yours sincerely,

          本科留學申請文書 2

          Dear x,

          My determination to study engineering comes from my desire to seek achallenge. In life, there seems to be no bigger challenge than to learn and findout how things work. In our modern world, engineering plays a big role in thefoundations of technology and knowledge and this is what I am interested in.

          As my year 12 progressed, my interest in science and Maths, particularlyPhysics developed. Studying Physics at Advanced level allows me to think abouthow things move and react to forces and how these properties can be used insolving both practical and theoretical situations. Maths interests me as itdevelops my problem solving skills, allowing me to apply familiar concepts tounfamiliar situations. My enthusiasm towards these subjects encouraged me totake up AS Further Maths. In doing so, I hope to expand my knowledge to achievea level of understanding satisfactory to a potential degree level student. Inaddition to Physics and Maths, I am also studying Biology which provides me withthe opportunity to develop my practical skills as I am required to work withingroups. My communication skills have been put to the test during these lessonsand I have proved many times that I am a team player.

          After much research, I decided to attend taster courses at City Universityand Queen Mary University of London to experience what engineering involves.These informative taster courses offered me a unique chance to understand and toobserve different areas of engineering which subsequently led me to the decisionto pursue mechanical engineering. Its ability to allow me to see how things workfascinates me and furthermore, as mechanical engineering is a diverse field, itwill allow me to learn and use many skills which can be transferred onto manyemployment opportunities.

          Although I have enjoyed the challenge that my school-based work has givenme, I have always sought to extend my knowledge. Recently, I built a computer. Idiscovered how each component is connected and how one energy source isconverted into another. This has allowed me to apply the theory I learn withinthe curriculum to real situations. Furthermore, I was able to see how thecomponents fit together by taking apart unwanted pieces from my oldcomputer.

          I have always been willing to give my time to take part in activities suchas volunteering. I once raised money for the Marie Curie foundation. During thisperiod, I improved my communication skills and confidence as I met and talked tomany members of the community. I found that this experience was rewarding andfulfilling. I am a trusted member of my year group and when asked to be anambassador for my sixth form, I accepted. This experience allowed me todemonstrate my organisation and communicational skills as I was required toconfidently guide and talk to many potential students to the college. Inaddition, throughout my academic career, I have played an active role in avariety of different extracurricular activities. I am an adept musician andpassed my grade 4 examinations in flute. Although I have decided to discontinuethe examinations, every year during events such as Chinese New Year, I play theflute for my local Chinese community.

          I believe that success as an engineer in a modern society requires acombination of management, communication and business skills. Therefore, with myprevious experiences, focused attitude and will for success, I have the abilityand motivation to meet the demands of studying at degree level. The prospect ofstudying engineering excites me, and I feel confident that I will makecontributions to university life.

          Yours sincerely,

































          本科留學申請文書 3































          本科留學申請文書 4

          Dear x,

          Who am I? This is possibly the most ambiguous question, whereby a hiddendepth of meaning is drowned by a trivialized sense of simplicity. I could merelyreveal my name, but would that really portray who I was? “We become ourselvesthrough others” claims Vygotsky, but are we all just conformists? Are ourpersonalities just embedded in our genes? Do we act the way we do because wewant to? Is it free will which makes us who we are? Debates such as nature v.nurture and free will v. determinism fuel my desire to learn more about bothpsychology and philosophy.

          My passion for philosophy was sparked when reading Mitch Albom’s “The FivePeople You Meet in Heaven”, which overrides logic and offers an alternative toreligious belief. The book itself left me highly motivated to pursuephilosophical inquiry in greater depth. Through studying A level psychology Ihave developed a particular interest in social psychology and the influencesocial pressures can have on behaviour whilst developing vital skills such asthe ability to critically analyse a study or theory.

          Aspects of each of my A level subjects have influenced my choice of degree.Open mindedness is essential when studying A level politics. The subject itselfspurs endless abstract thought, especially when concerning issues such as power.The curriculum has also enabled me to partake in structured debate with theability to articulate personal views being essential. In addition to oralcommunication, essay writing is also a key feature of the syllabus and my powersof expression are constantly evolving. My ability to analyse and develop mywriting skills has been accelerated through studying English at higher level, mycurrent concentration upon metaphysical poetry and the underlying message behindabstract imagery. Studying AS level history has enabled me to investigate thedifferent reactions to political, social, cultural, religious and economicsituations.

          I have been a prefect since 20xx and act as a role model to youngerstudents as well as being an ambassador for the school. I am a learning championwithin the History department whereby I work with students who requireadditional tutoring in order to successfully pass their GCSE’s. I have to bewell prepared and patient but find it rewarding when my tutee grasps theconcept. Last summer I was involved in the organization, development andsupervision of a lower school fun day. Being selected to lead a small group ofmy peers with the brief of organizing this year’s Post 16 Prom has helpeddevelop my confidence as it has involved visiting and selecting a venue,organizing catering, transport, publicity and the funding of the event.

          Currently I work for a well established retail store; working has taught meto be flexible and adaptable as well as emphasizing the importance of timemanagement when working under pressure. An enthusiastic, trustworthy andapproachable manner is vital in the workplace in order to maintain the alreadyhigh standards expected of the store. Previously I was employed in directmarketing where I monitored the system operations and the dispatch of relevantpost and information. This role required me to work both in small teams andindependently as well as applying my ICT skills in a real world situation.

          I enjoy travelling and experiencing different cultures including theindividualist New York in comparison to the collectivist streets of Havana. I ama gregarious person and enjoy spending time with close friends engagingparticularly in shopping trips and social gatherings. I also regularly attendthe gym in order to achieve realistic self set goals.

          As an outgoing person I feel I would be able to contribute to and gain froma psychology and philosophy dual course which I see as both challenging and anexciting journey whilst helping me to understand people’s beliefs, behaviour andidentity. That’s “who I am”, who are you?

          Yours sincerely,


          本科留學申請文書 5

          Dear x,

          I first realised I wanted to study Psychology when studying Drama, becausein order to portray characters I had to understand their mind and develop theirpersonality. I found the differences in characters were so vast that it made mewant to understand these variations. Since beginning the course in College Ihave been truly captivated by all areas of psychological theory and research,and am eager to contribute to the understanding we have about the behaviour ofhuman and non-human animals. In particular, I am fascinated by the fundamentaldebates in Psychology, for example the nature nurture debate. A Forensic andInvestigative Psychology conference I attended, presented by Professor DavidCanter, caught my attention as I found it intriguing that people can behave insuch a way that will offend others and often feel little or no remorse. Afterreading his book, "Mapping Murder", my interest in abnormality andpsychopathology rapidly increased, as his book and conference allowed me tounderstand the psychology behind this type of behaviour, amplifying my interestin the subject. I enjoy reading about different studies that have been conductedin the past, which I can analyse and evaluate to obtain a more advancedunderstanding of behaviours exhibited.

          As a peer mentor, my job was to attend to the needs of younger or morevulnerable students and to offer them full support. This job requires patienceand compassion, along with willingness to help and motivate others. I havereceived certificates and awards for good behaviour, attendance, punctuality andperforming arts, demonstrating my enthusiasm in everything I do. My workexperience in the retail industry has given me the chance to develop criticalskills which are essential such as; good communication with others, a strongdetermination to achieve my best and dedication to all work I undertake. As anA2 Psychology student, I received the Student of the Month award for myoutstanding enthusiasm, effort and achievement. Drama & Theatre Studies hasgiven me an alternative perception of human behaviour, the intensity of emotionsand the variations inherent in that. Music Technology has helped me develop myanalytical and concentration skills. I am also a member of the Student Council,where I represent my fellow students and have a great responsibility to ensurethat their views are heard and acted upon.

          I enjoy reading a range of books from novels to biographies as well asbooks to support my academic studies. Currently I am reading "The Selfish Gene"by Richard Dawkins to support my understanding of Evolutionary Psychology. Ifind it fascinating that natural and sexual selection can provide ultimateexplanations for the behaviour of animals, including humans. I also enjoysports, such as swimming, cricket, tennis and hockey, resulting in mycompetitive nature and desire to succeed. I have had a variety of part time jobsin which I have had to work with the public and satisfy their needs whilstworking under pressure to complete assorted tasks. Although I am looking forwardto going to university, I have decided to take a gap year and hopefully attendCamp America, where I would work with young people as a Counsellor, ensuringtheir health and safety, and keeping them entertained. My role will depend on myability to have strong authority but also an approachable manner at all timesand I am confident I can carry out the role with the utmost professionalism. Iam eager to study Psychology in as much depth as possible, and I intend topractise a career in the fields I am particularly interested in - Clinical andPathological Psychology. I believe that I will make an outstanding undergraduatewho will appreciate having the opportunity to study and expand my knowledge in areputable learning environment.

          Yours sincerely,





































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