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We have been married for ten years. 我們結婚已經10年了。
My husband died three years ago. 我的丈夫在3年前去世了。
I am unmarried. 我沒有結婚。
We got married not long ago. 我們剛結婚不久。
I have a five-year old girl. 我有一個5歲的女兒。
My wife works for the government. 我妻子是公務員。
She’s a retired school teacher in Beijing 她以前在北京做教師,現在退休了。
I believe it's a personal question. 我認為這是個私人問題。
When did you get married? 你是什么時候結婚的?
What's your marital status? 你的婚姻狀況如何?
How long have you been married? 你結婚多長時間了?
Can you tell me if you will get married and have a baby in the near future? 你在近期會結婚生孩子嗎?
What does your husband do? 你的丈夫從事什么工作?
If we hire you and go through all the expense of training you, by that time you'll probably want to get married and leave us. Why would we waste our time and money doing that? 如果我們雇傭了你,又花很多錢對你進行培訓,可也許到那時你要結婚了,要辭職。那我們為什么要浪費時間和金錢呢?
I don't think I will have any baby within three years. 我想3年之內我不會要小孩。
We are going to get married when both of our careers are staying stable. 我們打算等兩個人的事業都穩定下來再結婚。
We planed to have a baby after buying our new apartment. 我們打算買了新房后再生孩子。
There is no hurry to get married. 不急于結婚。
Since my girlfriend is still studying as a postgraduate in Peking University, we will not get married until she is graduated two years later. 因為我女朋友現在還在北京大學讀研究生,所以我打算兩年以后她畢業了再結婚。
Getting a baby is a big affair, we won't make the decision until we consider it thoroughly. 生孩子是個大事,我們只有經過認真思考后才會做出決定。
I have no intention of manying soon, and even if I did, I plan to continue working for a long time. My career is the most important to me. 我并不打算馬上結婚,即使結了婚,我也打算繼續長期工作。對我來說我的事業是最重要的。
面試 找茬問題的笨答與妙答08-09