1、你在想:“總有一天她會明白我的心跡。”可這永遠都不可能,直到你表白為止。1, you think: "one day she will understand my heart." This can never be, until you say so.
2、咖啡依舊是香醇的,生活依舊是美好的,就算給我再大的城堡,我也不會去當愛情的奴隸。就算沒有王子,我依舊是個驕傲的公主,繼續著我一個人的童話。2, the coffee is still fragrant, life is still beautiful, even if I give a big castle, I won't be a slave of love. Even if there is no prince, I am still a proud princess, continue with my own fairy tale.
3、失戀的人最寂寞,百無聊賴只好專心于琴棋書畫電影雜志,不知不覺自身修養和小資情調就培養升級了。3, lovelorn people most lonely, bored to concentrate on the fancies of men of letters movie magazines, self-cultivation and petty bourgeoisie imperceptibly cultivate upgrade.
4、為了失戀而耽誤前程是一生的損失。——荷麥4, in order to delay the future is lovelorn and loss of life. - elmex
5、除了婚姻欺詐,別說“被騙了”這種話。雖然把自己看成被害者,可能暫時讓你從真正的痛苦中逃脫。5, in addition to marriage fraud, don't say "cheated" this kind of words. Although regarded himself as the victim, may let you escape from real pain.
6、失戀后要善于排除自己的痛苦,會運用旅游、散步、聽音樂、看書、寫作、運動、與人傾談、更勤奮的工作等辦法來分散注意力,自我解脫。6, after the breakup should be good at eliminate your pain, make use of travel, walking, listen to music, read a book, writing, sports, chatting with people, work harder to distract, self liberation.
7、你是不是還沉浸在我失戀了的感受中不能自拔?其實這種事,真的沒什么。7, you Is it right? Still immersed in the I got my heart broken feeling inextricably bogged down in? In fact, nothing really.
8、人只應當忘記自己而愛別人,這樣才能安靜、幸福和高尚。——列夫·托爾斯泰8, people should love others while forgetting himself, so quiet, happy and noble. -- Lev Tolstoy
9、失戀了?哦,那就找下一個吧。9, lovelorn? Oh, that looks for the next one.
10、忘記了愛的女孩,不應該叫女孩。不光是少女,人要是沒有怦然心動的時候,或者壓抑著不讓自己心動,跟死了沒有什么區別。10, forget the love of the girl, the girl should not be called. Not only is the girl, if there is no eyebrows, or depressed and don't let the oneself heart, there is no difference with the dead.
11、失戀不失志。失戀后決不萎靡不振,失去對事業追求的志向和信心。11, romance without losing records. Love never depressed, lost the ambition and confidence to pursue a career.
12、失戀首先是一種幸運,其次才是不幸。失戀,證明我們真正的愛過了。如果沒有的'話。也就無所謂失戀。那些三天兩頭喊失戀的人,肯定是不會用多少真情的,因而他們也不存在失與得得問題,如果不是這樣的話,那么風塵女子,她們客人走了也可以叫做失戀了?12, love is a lucky first, followed by the unfortunate. Brokenhearted, prove that we really loved. If nothing comes of it. There is no romance. Those who cry every few days lovelorn people, is certainly not how muchtruth, so they don't get lost and, if not, then a woman, they can also be called a guest to go to love?
13、感情的挫折也是一種挫折,可以磨練意志,堅強自我。天將降大人于斯人也,自己先準備好嘛。13, the feelings of frustration is a setback, can strengthen the mind, strong self. The day will drop adult man also, their first ready.
14、要是她主動來跟我接近……絕對沒有這種事,這就是現實。你的幻想,總有被現實湮滅的時候。14, if she took the initiative to close to me... There is no such thing, this is the reality. There are times when your fantasy, annihilation by reality.
15、失戀后不要放棄對愛情的追求,失戀后就想獨身一輩子,這是不現實的。沒有愛情的人生是不完美的,應該繼續去叩響愛情的大門。Don't give up the pursuit of love in 15, after the breakup, lovelorn wanted to married, it is not realistic. Life without love is not perfect, should continue to knock on the door of love.